Here’s How Ginger Could Add 5 Years To Your Life

By Carole 1 year ago

1. It's High In Vitamins And Minerals

Image source Everyday Health

Ginger contains a wide range of vitamins including vitamin C, B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin and niacin, as well as the minerals calcium iron and phosphorus.  The broad range of goodness can feed through the body to give you an overall feeling of wellness for mind and body.

2. Good For Your Skin

Image source Organic Facts
If you are looking for a natural way to look after your skin then try ginger with lime juice to moisturise it although it does sound good enough to drink!  We know ginger is full of vitamins and the green citrus fruit contains antioxidants and vitamin C.  Mixed together they could give you a flawless and healthy appearance for a youthful complexion.

3. Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Image source Insider
Gingerol is an anti-inflammatory compound found in fresh ginger that activates spice receptors on the tongue.  This may explain why people with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis might experience reduction in their pain levels and improvements in their mobility when they consume ginger regularly.

4. May Improve Digestion

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There's a good reason why people take ginger to settle their stomachs as it is thought to encourage food to move from the stomach to the small intestine by stimulating the digestive juices.  It may also be beneficial for those who get really bad indigestion, known as dyspepsia.

5. Might Reduces Nausea

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There are so many digestive benefits that have been linked to ginger, specifically acting on parts of your GI tract that is responsible for feelings of a stomach upset or nausea and vomiting.  Ginger is thought to be a potent anti-emetic and might help prevent or control motion sickness or maybe even morning sickness.

5. It's High In Antioxidants

Image source WebMD

Ginger is a broad spectrum antioxidant and it is thought to assist in reducing cell damage.  The ginger root contains the highest amount of antioxidants and its properties have been extensively studied.  The results showed that the root might reduce ageing.

6. It Has Antimicrobial Properties

Image source Insider

Ginger extract may inhibit the growth of many different types of bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella.  Research has indicated that due to its antimicrobial properties, ginger could also be effective against the oral bacteria that causes inflammatory diseases in the gums.

7. Could Be Good For Gut Health

Image source Now Patient

These days we often hear about gut health and how important it is for our whole being. Ginger is high in gut-healthy fibre which is great news and, as such, acts as a prebiotic  Ginger is thought to help reduce the bad gut microbes and increase the beneficial gut microbiomes.

8. Might Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease

Image source Quora

The anti-inflammatory compounds in ginger may reduce the risk of chronic heart disease, a big killer in the UK.  This is because ginger is thought to lower blood pressure and decrease blood lipids (fat levels).  Both of these could help protect against heart disease.

10. May Help Prevent Cancer

Image source Single Care

The cell-protecting properties of ginger might lower the long-term risk of certain cancers.  These properties may help sensitise tumours to cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.  Though more controlled human studies are needed the experts remain positive of ginger's health benefits.

10. Could Relieves Menstrual Pain

Image source Pinterest

Ginger is often used as a natural relief for menstrual cramps because of its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. In a study by the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, 150 women were asked to take a small amount of ginger powder for the first 3 days of their period and it was reported that most of them found the powder as effective as a painkiller.

11. May Be Used To Treat Migraines

Image source Yale Medicine

Consuming ginger is thought to offer relief from migraines from both the headache and accompanying nausea.  A national study reported that 500mg of ginger powder every 4 hours for 3 to 4 days provided some relief from the migraine attack in over three quarters of the sufferers.

12. May Improve Insulin Resistance

Image source Diabetes UK

A small study was conducted by the Tehran University Of Medical Sciences in which 50 participants with type 2 diabetes were instructed to take 2 grams of ginger powder every day for 6 weeks.  After this time their fasting blood sugar appeared to be 12 per cent lower.  Larger studies nee to be carried out but the researchers found the results promising.

13. Could Clear Sinuses

Image source Daily Mail

Of course it is preferable to use a natural alternative to medication where possible and ginger might just be the answer to clear sinuses.  There is an active ingredient in ginger that may work wonders on the sinuses by unclogging them and allowing mucous to feed through so you can blow it out of your nose with a tissue. The best way to take the ginger for this issue could be a nice hot cup of ginger tea.

14. May Boost Metabolism

Image source The Sun
Studies suggest that ginger may boost metabolism by as much as 20% for about 3 hours following a meal. Scientists think ginger may accelerate the rate at which the stomach empties for improved digestion and less fat storage.  It is also a tasty alternative to salt on foods such as curries as the sodium might make a person retain extra water which slows the metabolism down.

15. May Helps Hair Loss

Image source Daily Mail

Most spices contain goodness and some health properties and fresh root ginger is right up there, loaded with magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins that provide your hair follicles with nourishment, moisturising them and making them strong.  It is thought this could slow down the loss of hair.

16. Could Control Dandruff

Image source First Derm
Recent research reported that ginger could be an effective treatment for dandruff.  Rather than using harsh dandruff shampoos which can strip the natural oil from the scalp, the team found that ginger root, made into ginger tea, could be the answer to a healthy scalp as the properties in the root might stop dead skin cells forming, so keeping the scalp in tip top health and dandruff free.

17. May Help To Get Rid Of Gas

Image source Unlock Food
There are lots of products you can purchase over the counter if you suffer with excess gas.  Before you do so, try a natural remedy first and it might just work for you.  Before you go to bed, drink a cup of ginger tea.  It could aid the cleansing of your digestive system and might stop you producing the embarrassing gas.

18. Might Stimulate Testosterone Production

Image source Men's Health
Reduced testosterone can affect your sexual desire. According to the National Institute Of Health, ginger could raise testosterone levels by amplifying luteinizing hormone production and increasing cholesterol level in the testes. It may also keep the blood glucose in check and amplify blood flow.

19. Possible Help With Alzheimer’s and Brain Function

Image source Daily Mail
Both ginger and its best friend, turmeric, are known to contain properties that may assist in the control of Alzheimer's  and brain function.  Research on the inflammatory factors involved in the disease are reported to have shown that gingerol may reverse the amyloid plaques in the brain associated with Alzheimer's.

20. Could Assist Anti-Clotting

Image source Mail Online
Platelets are a part of blood that can clump together and create clots that block arteries and blood vessels.  This could result in heart attacks, strokes and deep vein thrombosis. It has been suggested, through studies, that ginger may help reduce platelet aggregation significantly.

21. Could Improves Your Breath

Image source Georgian Dental

Ginger can help improve your breath so it's definitely worth a shot!  Eating a small piece of ginger after a meal, especially a garlic-laden one, will cleanse your palate.  Whilst it does have a strong taste it will leave your mouth feeling refreshed.  If you aren't brave enough to eat it then mix it with hot water and drink it instead.

22. May Speed Up Workout Recovery

Image source Tropeaka
Try adding some cinnamon and ginger to your usual smoothie, before you leave for the gym or go on that uphill cycle ride.  Both of these are warming ingredients and the International Journal Of Preventive Medicine found these two ingredients could help reduce muscle soreness after exercise.

23. Ginger For Toothache

Image source The Guardian
Toothache is usually the outcome of an infection, tooth loss or gum disease and can persist for days.  It can be either extremely painful or present as a dull ache but, either way, it can be quite draining for the sufferer. Try chewing on a piece of raw ginger and you may find it helps the discomfort.

24. May Fight Fungus

Image source Inverse
We are aware that ginger might help fights bacterial and viral infections but a study has revealed that it could be effective to combat funguses.  The results led the scientists to believe that the ginger root performed better than prescribed anti-fungal medications.

25. May Help Relieve Tooth Cavities

Image source Mail Online
Cavities are usually the outcome of poor oral hygiene that can lead to severe bacterial build-up.  This might progress to having to have the tooth removed, distressing for anyone going through such an ordeal.  Chewing ginger may help to remove the bacteria that is the causing agent of cavities and the anti-bacterial properties of gingerol found in ginger may kill the germs that attack your teeth and protect you from losing them.

26. May Prevent Kidney Damage

Image source Pinterest
A study published by the 'Indian Journal of Experimental Biology demonstrated that the antioxidant effects of ginger could protect kidney damage caused by excess alcohol intake over a long period of time.  Ginger may also be beneficial for patients undertaking chemotherapy for kidney cancer.

27. Ginger For Plaque

Image source NYC Dental
A build up of plaque on the gums is a major cause of tooth decay that gradually builds up over time.  It is important to brush and floss in between each tooth at least once a day, preferably before bedtime.  Chewing a piece of  ginger root is thought to attack the bacteria that forms plaque, as well as cleansing the mouth.

28. Ginger For Rumbling Tummies

Image source FitDay
If your tummy is telling you it's ready for lunch but you still have a mountain of work to catch up on, don't reach for a couple of chocolate biscuits.  They will only give you a temporary sugar rush and won't fill you up..  Chew on a small piece of ginger which could suppress your appetite until you have time to et properly.

29. May Hep You Sleep Better

Image source The Sun
Many of us like a hot drink before bed, maybe a cup of tea or coffee, both of which contain caffeine.  Caffeine is absolutely fine when taken during the day as it can activate the brain but that is the last thing you want before you settle down for the night.  Instead, dunk a piece of ginger in hot water as an alternative nightcap.  It's natural and it's healthy.

30. Healthy Smoothie

Image source Good Housekeeping
Instead of munching through a breakfast bar which is full of additives, make up a smoothie.  You can even do it the night before to save time or drink it on the way to work.  Blend together carrot, beetroot, celery, apple and about an inch square of ginger.  You will fill your body with healthy vitamins and antioxidants, ready to start the day.

You thought ginger was good for your health? Lemons might just been even better...

Lemons are a super food for us! They're jam packed with vitamin C and all other goodness. Here at 50 reasons why they could add 5 years to your life... some research evn suggests that eating lemons could reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. It's not only the vitamin C thats good for you, the fibre and plant compounds can reportedly reduce some heart diseases.

2. Could Reduce Risk Of Cancer

The high amount of vitamin C, plant compounds and fibre which are rich in lemons, may help to prevent some cancers. Some observational studies have suggested people that eat high citrus fruit diets have a lower risk of developing cancer, when compared to those eating less citrus fruits.

3. Might Help To Prevent Kidney Stones

Kidney stones form when waste products crystallize and build up in your Kidneys. Apparently, drinking just a 1/2-cup of lemon juice daily might provide you enough citric acid to help prevent stone formation. Citric acid can apparently increase urine volume and therefore might increase urine pH, potentially making it harder for kidney stones to form.

4. Could Boost Libido

Lemon water is suggested to be great for your libido because apparently it helps to improve your mental health. Drinking lemon water could make you calmer, improve your mood and therefore, improve your libido. The vitamin C that's in abundance in lemons also has been reported to be linked to increased fertility.

5. Could Protect You Against Anaemia

Anaemia is caused through an iron deficiency in the blood. Lemons contain some iron, but apparently their primary way of preventing anaemia is by improving absorption of iron from plant based foods. Reportedly vitamin C and citric acid help your gut absorb iron from plant sources, which otherwise your gut can have trouble absorbing.

6. Might Boost Your Immunity

Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which has long been suggested to act as an essential in fighting off cold symptoms and boosting your immune system. With one lemon containing 31mg of vitamin C, which is just over 50% of the reference daily intake, there is no surprise they could be hugely beneficial for boosting your immunity.

7. Cholesterol Might Improve

Lemons are reportedly packed full of Cholesterol fighting ingredients. Vitamin C, which you have gathered by now is rife in lemons. It could possibly lower levels of LDL, or the so called "bad" cholesterol. Lemons also contain flavonoids, which could further lower levels of LDL.

8. Bowel Movements Could Begin To Improve

Lemons are made up of mostly soluble fibre, so if you can manage to stomach an entire lemon, not only are you crazy, but your gut could be hugely grateful. The soluble fibres that make up the lemon could help healthy gut bacteria thrive, as well as potentially assisting in digestion, which could make your time on the toilet far more pleasant.

9. May Aid In Preventing Alzheimer's Disease

Lemons have been shown in studies to combat severe cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, according to a review published in the 
Journal of Alzheimer's D
The study suggests maintaining a healthy vitamin C level was shown to protect against age induced cognitive decline.

10. Reportedly Provides A Boost In Potassium

Your body need potassium to function. It's vital for nerve-muscle communication, transporting nutrients and waste and blood pressure regulation. Lemons being the super-food they are, contain high amounts potassium, which could possibly aid with your nerve-muscle communication.

11. Can Prevent Oxidation

Phytonutrients are vital in protecting your body against disease. These phytonutrients have powerful antioxidant properties, which help prevent cell damage from oxidation. Oxidation damages your cell membranes and lipoproteins, which can lead to health complications. It's no wonder that lemons also contain phytonutrients, so eating these could possibly help in preventing oxidation.

12. Could Help You Stay Hydrated

One issue many of us face is not drinking enough water. Adding lemon to your bottle of water is an easy way to improve the taste of your water. Not only this, but it could add all the benefits from the minerals and electrolytes in the lemon. The benefits of staying hydrated are endless.

13. Might Improve Dental Health

Apparently, lemons have been used to help remove nicotine stains in teeth, as well as getting rid of toothaches. Reportedly, bleeding gums have also been treated before by rubbing in lemon juice on the affected area. It's also suggested that lemon juice eliminates bad odors that may occur due to gum disease.

14. Could Improve Joint Movement

Bone pain and discomfort in the joints is commonly caused from the accumulation of uric acid. Lemons, like all citrus fruits, contain large amounts of citric acid. Apparently this could reduce the accumulation of uric acid in the joints, therefore possibly reducing inflammation and gout.

15. May Support Skin Health

Lemons may save you a fortune in expensive face creams and skin treatments. According to some studies, having a high vitamin C intake has been proven to lower the likelihood of developing wrinkles and sky dryness. Since lemons are high in vitamin C, stocking up on them could potentially help improve your skin.

16. May Lower Risk Of Diabetes

With lemons containing lots of fibre, they could potentially help to keep your blood glucose in line. Maintaining a healthy blood glucose level is extremely important in preventing diseases such as diabetes, or help suffering diabetic people manage their on going condition.

17. Easy Alternative To Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks are apparently the leading source of added sugars in the American diet, and have reportedly been linked to a huge list of health complications including obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart failure. Why not swap the can for a lemon water to help with your sugar intake?!

18. Mood Could Improve

In aromatherapy, lemon scent is apparently known to be uplifting and promotes a positive mood. In addition, it's thought that the inhalation of lemon aroma can reduce stress and anxiety. Starting your day with a fragrant cup of lemon water has the potential to help you begin the day with an improved outlook.

19. It's Reportedly A Healthier Caffeine Alternative

A hot water and lemon before bed or even in the morning is a delicious and healthy alternative to a caffeinated drink. Many people become reliant on caffeine to function and it has numerous health complications such as insomnia. Maybe before you go to bed next time, try a hot lemon water and you may just feel the benefits.

20. Can Reportedly Lower Your Blood Pressure

As we know lemons contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals, 2 of which are calcium and potassium. Studies published by the 
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 
indicate that the calcium and potassium from the lemon helps to lower blood pressure.

21. May Help Prevent Asthma

According to one review, people who have asthma may experience fewer asthma attacks whilst consuming a diet high in vitamin C.  The same review also stated that Vitamin C reportedly benefitted people with bronchial hypersensitivity when they were suffering with a common cold.

22. May Aid Eczema Treatment

Apparently, by applying lemon juice to the affected regions, it can offer some pain relief. According to some studies, applying lemon juice 2-3 times a day, then leaving it to soak for around 15-20 minutes is a beneficial way of treating the eczema. However, there is minimal evidence to suggest this is the case.

23. Could Potentially Help With Your Hangovers

As much as you may enjoy going out and having a few drinks, nobody enjoys the dreaded hangover the following day. Apparently, drinking water mixed with two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and one teaspoon of sugar could save you from your dreaded hangover and a massive headache.

24. Concentration Might Improve

Jay Cardiello, a fitness and nutrition expert, swears by the scent of lemons in helping to increase alertness and improve concentration.  Apparently, you could try having boiling water and adding lemon juice whenever you're in desperate need of some brainpower, and you could be pleasantly surprised.

25. Could Boost Your Hair Health

To make sure you're keeping your hair on its A-game, you could try rubbing your scalp with lemon juice. If you do this, apparently you should do it before you wash your hair.  You let the lemon juice work its magic for about half an hour. Apparently, doing this has been shown to strengthen hair roots and reduce dandruff.

26. Might Help Weight Control

You may have seen lemons being promoted as weight loss foods before, and there could potentially be some truth behind this. Apparently, the soluble pectin fibre in the lemon expands in your stomach making you feel fuller for longer. However, this doesn't occur when drinking lemon juice and will not promote fullness in the same way.

27. Your Breakfast Could Be A Whole Lot Better

We all loved Pancakes for breakfast as kids, so why cant we make pancakes so much healthier and tastier. Next time you're stuck for toppings on your pancake, add a squeeze of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar, I promise you will not be let down.

28. May Help You To Establish A Routine

By adding lemons into your diet, whether it's drinking hot lemon and water at night or eating half a lemon in the morning, could help you to establish a healthy routine. The benefits of having a routine are massive, especially when it comes to mental health and relieving stress.

29. Once You Start, You Probably Won't Want To Remove Lemons From Your Life!

After you discover the many benefits that lemons can actually have on both your physical and mental health you will be adding them to your shopping list no doubt. Obviously, this is when you implement them into your daily life to fully see the changes.

30.  Lemons Could Change Your Life

Whether its a slice of lemon in your gin and tonic, or a squeeze of lemon on your pancakes on pancake day, having lemons in your diet will apparently improve your quality of life. With all the above benefits, you would be foolish to not start adding lemons into your life.

31. May Help Your Muscle Function

Lemons contain calcium, which is important for muscle function, so it makes sense that many people claim consuming lemons is a good way to improve your muscle function. This will mean that your muscles should in theory work better and also feel less fatigued.

32. Some Claim It Could Help With Hormone Secretion

Again, because of the fact that lemons contain calcium, it is said that it eating or drinking lemons/lemon juice can help with hormone secretion. This is because calcium is very important when it comes to hormone serotonin. And maintaining healthy hormones is essential to our overall health.

33. As Well As Possibly Vascular Contraction

Also, assuming the benefits of consuming calcium through lemon juice, it is claimed that lemon juice can help with vascular contraction. Of course vascular contraction is important for the general health of the heart. So, it is a very big claim and worth a chance.

34. Some Studies Claim It Could Aid Pregnancies

There has been some studies which have found a correlation between lemon juice a a regular part of the diet and how it affects the foetus. It has been claimed that it can even help against spinal defects in a baby, by consuming lemon juice throughout the pregnancy.

35. Could Help Heal Minor Wounds

Since lemon oil has healing properties, there has been a correlation found in some studies that lemon juice can help heal minor wounds. And, some people say it aids speedier healing from breakouts and treatment of your acne scars when you use it in your routine.

36. It May Relieve Your Sore Throat

We've all heard of the classic remedy - honey and lemon to cure a sore throat - it has been around for many, many decades. Whether or not it officially helps is another matter, but lemon is a kind of natural disinfectant. And, it tastes so good too...

37. Could Reduce Dandruff

If you've been looking for a natural way to help with dandruff this is worth a try. Some people have found that it works for them. Try sipping on some lemon water every day as a part of your routine and see if you notice any differences with dandruff.

38. May Help Prevent Bad Breath

Lemon juice is said to improve oral hygiene. So, it is also claimed that i helps prevent bad breath. This is not only because of the string lemony scent but because lemon has natural disinfectant properties which should help kill bad bacterial in your mouth.

39. Some Claim It Promotes Collagen Synthesis

Some people have claimed that lemon juice promotes collagen synthesis. Which, in more simple terms means that it helps with the production of collagen. and, collagen is the thing in our skin which maintains our elasticity and keeps us looking youthful.

40. Can Be Said To Brighten Your Skin

Lemon juice contains important minerals and things such as antioxidants, that may brighten and preserve your skin tone and improve your skins complexion. So try lemon juice to get that glowy skin. As the saying goes, a healthy inside reflects on the outside.

41. It Could Help You Sleep

Because of the way lemons are supposed to affect your body, it could help with your sleep meaning that you may get a better and more peaceful sleep. One of these reasons is because it is said to improve digestion which will help you sleep more soundly at night.

42. Could Prevent Against Scurvy

Scurvy is a disease that is not so common anymore due to our better and improved diets and lifestyles, however it is still possible to get it. But, with having a lot of lemon in your diet you could help prevent from getting scurvy. An easy and simple remedy.

43. Can Possibly Strengthen Bones

Lemon juice contains calcium, and as we know calcium is one of the most essential minerals for maintaining and strengthening our bone health. So, you can try adding lemon water to your routine every morning to try and help potentially strengthen your bones.

44. Some Claim It Can Help With Hair Loss

Some people claim that adding a little bit of lemon juice to your head can actually improve hair loss and help with reducing it and even help encourage new growth. Just mix two tablespoons of lemon juice with aloe vera gel and apply this to your scalp 30 minutes.

45. Could Strengthen Your Capillaries

Apparently, according to some people lemon juice can help strengthen the capillaries in your heart. So, not only could it help reduce blood pressure but it can also strengthen blood capillaries. Which is two benefits in one and all through a simple step of adding lemon juice to your water.

46. People Have Reported It Eases Morning Sickness

In a 2014 study of 100 pregnant women, they used aromatherapy with lemon essential oil and found that it decreased the levels of nausea and vomiting significantly during pregnancy. Of course, everyone is different so results will different according to the individual woman.

47. It Could Help Kill Bad Bacteria On Your Skin

Using lemon essential oil or lemon juice (diluted) is known to be able to kill bacteria that can get trapped in your pores which can inevitably cause breakouts. And, it has been found by some to clarify skin, by gently exfoliating the dead skin cells.

48. May Reduce Skin Inflammation

It has also been claimed that the juice of lemons could help reduce inflammation of the skin. This can be done through both washing the skin with diluted water and consuming it in diluted water. Which will then apparently reduce unwanted skin inflammation.

49. Could Help With Athlete's Foot

It has been shows in some studies that lemon juice can possibly be effective against fungi that cause athlete’s foot, thrush, and yeast infections if it is of course applied in the correct way. You could could try soaking your feet in diluted lemon water.

50. You May Feel More Energised

After reading this article it's pretty clear just how great lemon juice is and it has the capacity to help our bodies in numerous ways. So, it makes sense that by adding lemon juice into our diet we could feel more energised by all the ways it can help our body and overall health.

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