Signs That You Are In Touch With The Dead

By Carole 1 year ago

The Sound Of Objects Moving (Without Them Actually Moving)

Image Source / The MirrorYou're sitting downstairs when you hear the sound of your desk upstairs being dragged across the floor. You go upstairs to see your desk untouched, in the exact same position. You tell yourself you must've been hearings things. You know, things like that. You might hear shuffles and items being rearranged, only to find they haven't actually moved. So where's the sound coming from?

 Timid birds don't mind getting near you

Image source Digest From Experts
During creation, God was thought to have separated the heavens from the waters of the earth but allowed the 'birds to fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens' (Genesis 1:20)  For this reason, birds are often thought of being messengers of God.  If you see an unusual bird, this could be a message from someone in heaven.

You Can See Things In The Sky

Image Source / ITV Hub
Lots of people see bunny rabbits or other shapes in the clouds, but you might be continually seeing formations in the sky. It could be clouds, it could be bird formations... anything that makes you look and think it could mean something significant to you.

Finding Coins

Image source Daily Mail
One way that a deceased loved one might send you a sign is by placing coins on the ground in front of you (pennies from heaven).  If you do find a coin, pick it up and look at the date on it.  It may have significance for you such as a date that meant something to that person or related to their passing.


Image source SYMBOLS
The next time you see a feather lying about, don’t ignore it. Feathers are one of the most common ways to receive messages from angels and deceased loved ones in heaven.  According to the Bible, finding a feather on the ground holds a very special meaning and can make you cope better if you are grieving.

You Get A Creepy Feeling On The Back Of Your Neck - All The Time

Image Source / wikiHow
You might get the occasional tickle on the back of your neck, and it's usually your hair, but the key point is here that it keeps happening all the time, and it's a chill you can't explain. Especially if you're not sat near any drafts or anything that could physically cause it. This could be a sign that something has become 'attached' to you and trying to communicate with you.

Orbs - Maybe?

Image Source / Pinterest
The tricky business with orbs is that they can easily be explained away. Flecks of light, flecks of dust... there are too many things orbs could be that aren't necessarily being in touch with the dead. But orbs are a good indicator of spirit presence - if they can't be explained by any other means.

The Sound Of Knocking

Image Source / Westminster City Council
And no, not your takeout delivery. The knocking needs to be in a sort of weird pattern and occur without any other explanation. When it comes to knocking and spirits, it's usually in 'threes'. Three knocks are often associated with spirits - or even evil spirits, as apparently they do it as a reference or mockery of the Holy Trinity. Knocking could also mean asking for permission to come into your home (both for spirits and people!).

Seeing a Dragonfly

Image source Daily Mail
Dragonflies are thought to carry spiritual messages and are seen as being symbolic of change and transformation. If one lands on you, it may be a sign that a bad time you are experiencing is only temporary and a positive change is coming soon.  It can give you a feeling of hope when you are struggling with the loss of a loved one.

You're Finding Unexplained Marks On Your Body

Image Source / Wikipedia
You at first need to eliminate whether you don't have a bug problem, or even a medical condition causing bruises or marks on your body. But scratches, bruises and bite marks - as terrifying as that sounds - are common signs of house hauntings, especially if you wake from a deep sleep to find them suddenly there.

People Feel Weird About Staying In Your House For Too Long

Image Source / The Daily Meal
In the same way you can go nose-blind and no longer smell the iffy smells of your home that visitors can immediately smell, you might be immune to the weird vibe your house has that visitors pick up on straight away. You might find that people are very eager to leave when they come visit and stay as little as possible. There might just be 'something' about your house they don't feel right about.

Smelling Their Scent

Image source Learn Religions
When you smell a familiar scent, you may be right in thinking a deceased loved one is with you.  Research has shown that our sense of smell is closely linked with our memory recall abilities. If you smell something and it makes you think of a loved one, there is a hope that they are in your presence.

Discovering Smooth Or Unique Stones

Image source VeryWell Mind
When you notice a strange looking stone or one that is particularly smooth, this may be from someone in heaven who is trying to get your attention or remind you that they are watching over you.  Picking up the stone and keeping it might give you the comfort you need to deal with your loss.

Dreaming About A Deceased Loved One

Image source CBC
This is often thought to be a sign that. although they have passed from this earth, the person is still communicating with you and it can give you an inner strength when you are finding their loss tough or if you are struggling with something going on in your life that is really worrying you.

Butterflies Flying Around You

Image source Your Tango
A butterfly is seen to be a special message from heaven. If you have recently lost someone close to you, this could well be a sign they are communicating after death.  'Angels are sent by God to deliver messages' (Luke 1:19). If a butterfly actually lands on you or flies close to you, it's a positive sign.

Finding Personal Items In Strange Places

Image source Daily Mail
If you begin to notice signs from a loved one in heaven when their old personal items begin appearing in strange places. it could be a sign that they are trying to get your attention.  Keys might be moved or reading glasses placed somewhere else.  Yes, it might be a family member or yourself who moved them but maybe it wasn't.  Either way, it gives you time to reflect on happy memories with the deceased.

Hearing A Voice Say Your Name

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Another common sign from heaven is when you hear a familiar voice say your name, even when you are alone and there is no one near who may be calling you.  You will wonder if you are imagining it but it could be that an angel has been sent from heaven to watch over you.

Sensing Their Presence

Image source Scientific American
Have you ever had the feeling that someone was watching you or you could feel someone’s presence even if there was no one around?  It could possibly be a sign that a loved one or your guardian angel is nearby and wanting to protect you when you might be feeling vulnerable.

Lights Flickering Randomly

Image source Quora
When a deceased loved one is thought to be nearby, it is quite common to experience what some might call paranormal activity.  It could be a flickering light or static on the radio or television.  There have also been reports of a bereaved person answering their phone and no one on the other end.  Don't dismiss it as it may be them wanting you to know that they are around.

Hearing Music Or Their Favourite Song

Image source Dear Dollie
Listening to music will often trigger past memories or fill you with emotion. When you hear a song that reminds you of a loved one, it could be a sign that they are with you. Music is a good therapy to keep those that you’ve lost always in your heart and you may gain peace from listening to their favourite bands or artists.

Seeing Angel Numbers

Image source Woman's Day
Many call these 'angel numbers' because they are believed to be signs of angels. You may see a specific time on the clock almost every day such as 12:12 or 22:22 and it will surely cross your mind that this is a sign of a deceased loved one being around.  The clock time could be the digits of their birthday or the date of their passing.

Experiencing Ringing in the Ears

Image source YourTango
It is said to be an old wife's tale but those who feel a closeness to spirits say that if you experience ringing in your ears, it might be someone in heaven talking about you.  It is thought a high-pitched noise in your right ear could be a sign that your guardian angel is trying to pass on a message from heaven.

Dream Visits

Image source Labex Cortex
The dead often speak to us clearly and vividly in our dreams. There is nothing frightening about these visits and we feel a closeness to that person, giving us an inner strength.  While dreaming, their voice is exactly as it was when they were on earth, often as their younger self.

Vision Of The Deceased

Image source The Guardian
It may be a dream or our imagination but in our hearts it feels so real and maybe it is.  You might see a loved one or a pet in the room and you are wide awake.  It may look like a loved one's face in the mirror or even superimposed on another person's face.  Regardless, it feels as if it is really them.

Unexplained Coincidences

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Lucky and amazing coincidences are known as  'God-incidences', meaning that these coincidences or synchronicities are really special blessings from God in answer to your prayers or your loved one’s prayers for you. Your loved one may very well have helped in setting up the God-incidence for you.  However they occurred, they allow us to feel positive.


Image source Love ToKnow
Rainbows often appear when the sun shines after a downpour but it has been said that, if you ask for a sign from your loved one that they are there and looking out for you, the seven colours of the rainbow could appear at that specific time.  It could also appear on a memorable date to remind you that life goes on.


Image source JoinCake
Walking along and seeing someone who looks like your loved one when you have been thinking about them may be a sign they are near to you and it can give you comfort.  It is said that if you are open to signs that a deceased want to make contact, you will experience them.

Feeling Their Touch

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A brush of your hair, holding your hand, a hug or a gentle touch on your back - these are some of the most comforting forms of connection that could happen when a deceased loved one is near.  This feeling tends to happen in the very early hours of the morning and feels very real.

Unexpected Electrical Activity

Image source TechGadgetsCanada

It is thought that those in heaven learn that the energy in electrical devices is quite easy to manipulate and, for this reason, you may see things turn off and on or your television change channel, for instance.  It may be a sign they are trying to deliver a message to you.

Photographs Falling

Image source Reddit
If a particular photograph falls off the wall, for no reason (there's no draught in the property) and it's always the same photo, you may take this as a sign that a loved one who has passed is trying to tell you they are never far from you.  The framed image might well be of them which will help you understand they are wanting to connect with you.

Nature Signs

Image source Lottie Lollipop
In addition to feathers, deceased loved ones may send signs to you through nature. This could be through an animal or plant you would associate with that loved one. For example, if your grandpa loved robins you might start seeing robins everywhere, not just in nature but also in books, on clothing or on tv.

Random Memories

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Sometimes random memories seem to surface from somewhere deep in your subconscious an you wonder why you're thinking about them at that time. Things you haven’t remembered in years will pop up and these recollections could be indicators  your loved one trying to reach you from the afterlife. Pay close attention to them.

Change In Temperature

Image source Pinterest
It is not uncommon to feel a cool breeze or even a wave of cold air, enough to give you goose pimples, when you are talking to someone about the deceased or thinking about them. You might think that the loved one is actually in the room although you can't see anything.  Don't dismiss this thought as they may be trying to let you know they are protecting you.

Clocks Stop

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We all know that clocks stop when their batteries run out but when more than one stops, for no reason, it's probably more than a coincidence and understandable to think there may be something more to this such as a deceased loved one being around to give you some inner strength that you might be needing.


Image source wikiHow
Computers acting on their own, downloading documents, sending emails that you didn't send yourself and the names of deceased relatives appearing on the screen might also be a sign of visiting spirits. A computer engineer would, however, blame this on virus and ask you to upgrade your software.  You might think otherwise.

Sense Of Comfort

Image source Verywell Mind
If you start to feel comforted and safe and can't explain why, then look to the spiritual world for the answer. Our deceased loved ones want us to feel protected and looked after, and we would want them to visit us when we need the support. If you’ve been going through a hard time lately but suddenly feel comforted and supported, then you might have a deceased loved one nearby.

Thinking About Them

Image source MindBodyGreen
If you meditate or even just take some time by yourself, in a quiet room, to think about someone you are missing very much who is no longer with you, you may well feel an extra closeness to them that cannot be explained.  Your mind will be clearer and it will lift your mood and make you feel more settled.

Finding Dimes With Specific Dates

Image Source / eBay
We've already mentioned coins, but dimes specifically are something to look out for - and particularly with coin dates. If you're finding a lot of dimes, you may want to start checking the dates on them. The dates could have specific meaning to you, and the dates and numbers might be a way a spirit is trying to communicate something with you.

Your Dog Is Acting Strange

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Animals are very sensitive to spiritual presences, or something 'not quite right' in the home. Dogs in particular are very attuned to this (and probably why there's always one in a horror movie barking at the front door and refusing to come inside). Your dog might suddenly be watching or staring at something that you can't see, might be whimpering or growling at nothing or just anything you find unusual.

You Can Smell Cigarettes

Image Source / UICC
Either if you don't smoke, or you're smelling cigarettes during a time when you haven't lit one yourself. Smells are very important when it comes to communicating with spirits (or them with you) and the smell of cigarettes or cigarette smoke in particular can be one to watch out for. Maybe it's even something you'd associate with a deceased relative, like a grandpa who always smelled of cigarettes.

Lightbulbs Are Blowing Out

Image Source / Imgur
Lightbulbs can, of course, blow out at any time, but if they're blowing out in a dramatic fashion - and especially if they're newly installed with no reason to need replacing just yet - it could be a sign someone deceased is trying to communicate. Obviously you'll need to double check first there isn't a problem with your electrics or sockets, but once you've eliminated every other explanation...

Young Children Are Saying Weird Stuff

Image Source / Pregnacy, Birth and Baby
Okay, so toddlers can say a lot of weird stuff, but actually kids say unfiltered and insightful things when you listen. Young children are susceptible to messages from the dead because their minds are more open (and their mouths unfiltered). They could be responding to a presence in your home, or being told to say something.

Communication Through Song Lyrics

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It might not be your loved one's favourite song or a song that means anything to you - but maybe you keep hearing a certain song whose lyrics are actually words, a sentiment or a message trying to be communicated to you. Pay attention to the songs you're hearing all the time, especially if your car radio switches by itself.

Billboards To Get Your Attention

Image Source / Willamette Week
Well, the whole point of a billboard is to grab someone's eye, right? But a deceased person might not be trying to promote their new business to drivers who pass by. Billboards - as well as other signs like street signs or flyers - might be a sign of something trying to be communicated to you. It's all about messages, and how you interpret them.

Your Phone Battery Is Just The Worst

Image Source / The Open University
And we mean for a new and perfectly-functioning phone with a charger that actually works. Of course, lots of electronics can have an awful battery that always seems to need charging, but it's worth taking note if you're finding a lot of electronics, especially your phone, are dying far too quickly with no rational explanation.

Random And Mysterious Noises In Your Home

Image Source / Bob Vila
A lot of noises can be explained away - creaky doors and noisy pipes - but if you're hearing inexplicable noises, and all the time, it could be something trying to communicate with you. It might be something very specific, like the sound of running feet on the stairs. Or it could be random creaks and knocks that you know you don't usually hear.

Hearing Footsteps

Image Source / Pinterest
This one's easier to interpret if you live in a detached house and can't attribute any noise to neighbours upstairs (or downstairs). Footsteps are a very specific noise, so it's easy to connect them with spirits compared to random bumps and bangs. Footsteps might be passing above your head upstairs, or in the other room. You might hear them on the stairs. Often, this can be a spirit pacing.

Objects Go Missing Altogether

Image Source / The New York Times
You can have objects being moved around - or the illusion of them moving - but what if they go missing altogether? And not just because you're constantly losing stuff or forgetful. You might know for definite you put something where it should be, and it's simply not there, never to be seen again.

Or, Objects Break All The Time

Image Source / Budget Glass Nanaimo
We've all been clumsy enough to smash a glass or two every now and again, but what if things keep smashing, seemingly by themselves? You might be in the other room only to hear a glass smash from the kitchen when nobody else is there. Or your favourite vase gets knocked off from the hallway even though you haven't been in there.

You're Finding Changes In Your Personality

Image Source / Verywell Mind
This one is obviously a very broad spectrum, because there could be many reasons you feel different or find yourself changing. But, if there's a spirit presence involved, you may find that you're suddenly feeling negative energy, depressed or maybe even distracted, feeling as though you can't settle or concentrate. You may also find that you're having thoughts that you know you don't usually think. All could be a sign of another entity's influence.

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