Reasons Why You’re Always Tired And How To Fix It

By Carole 1 year ago

1. Not Getting Enough Quality Sleep

Image source StylistGetting enough sleep is essential for your overall health. Unfortunately, many people don’t get sufficient and this can lead to fatigue.  During sleep, your body performs a number of  processes including releasing growth hormones and repairing and regenerating cells.  If you’re experiencing insomnia, try natural supplements or visit your doctor to rule out any underlying conditions which may be contributing to your lack of good slumber.

2. Stress

Image source The Guardian
Although some stress is normal,  a part of every day life for many, if you suffer from chronic stress, this could cause fatigue. In fact, chronic stress has been known to lead to stress-related exhaustion disorder (ED).   If possible, try and avoid very stressful situations and learn to relax, going for a walk or reading in the bath.

3. Nutrient Deficiencies

Image source Daily Mail
Nutrient deficiencies may lead you to feel exhausted every day, even if you’re getting more than 7 hours of sleep a night.  Deficiencies in iron, vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D and magnesium.  Because these deficiencies are quite common, it’s important to have your levels tested if you are experiencing fatigue and you don't know why.  Tiredness related to a deficiency in one or more nutrients should improve once your nutrient levels normalize.

4. Dietary Imbalances

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Your diet will almost certainly affect how you feel.  To maintain energy and get the nutrients that your body needs so it can perform critical processes, it is important to eat a balanced diet high in nutrient-dense foods.  Eating half a loaf of bread or big bowls of pasta will fill you up but make you feel sluggish.  This could affect your sleep cycle and be the reason you feel so tired in the morning.  Feed your body as well as your mouth and you could feel more energised.

5. Certain Medical Conditions

Image source Healthline
If you are experiencing unexplained, chronic fatigue, you should visit your doctor to discuss your symptoms. They may recommend testing to rule out certain medical conditions.  Getting proper treatment for an underlying condition can help you feel better and improve other areas of health as well.

6. Too Much Caffeine

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Although caffeinated beverages like coffee and energy drinks will give you an energy boost, it will be short lived and make you feel more tired the next day.  This is because too much caffeine can harm your sleep.  Maybe go caffeine free from the afternoon onwards and your quality of sleep might improve drastically.

7. Under-Eating

Image source Medical News Today
Eating a healthy diet is one thing but under-eating can be very unhealthy.  Your body isn't getting the fuel it needs for your organs and blood supply to work effectively.  Because of this you may have trouble getting off to sleep and then, when you wake, you're exhausted because you need a good intake of calories. Also, your muscles may be weaker so you feel tired walking around.  Speak to a health professional if you recognise yourself as an under-eater and this can be rectified with an eating plan.

8. Inadequate Hydration

Image source Medical News Today
Staying well hydrated is so important for maintaining energy levels. The many biochemical reactions that take place in the body every day result in loss of water which needs to be replaced. Dehydration occurs when you don’t drink enough liquid to replace the water lost in your urine, stools, breath and sweat.  It can also affect your sleep so be mindful about watering your insides.  Your sleep pattern may improve if it's well hydrated.

9. Overweight Or Obese

Image source Medical News Today
Maintaining a healthy body weight is essential to your overall health.  If you aren't sleeping well, it may be because of sleep apnoea and you might feel exhausted during the day. This can be treated, once diagnosed and your doctor or practice nurse can help you on your journey to losing weight without starving yourself.

10. Drug And Alcohol Dependency

Image source Daily Mail
Many large research studies have found that people who are dependent on drugs and/or alcohol are more likely to experience fatigue.  Once you have acknowledged you have a problem, there is lots of help out there, starting with your doctor or contacting a helpline.

11. Shift Work

Image source HuffPost
They say that shift workers get used to sleeping in the day if they are working at night but it's not as simple as that.  Getting 7 hours sleep after a night shift is unlikely to happen and if you are waking up, due to the family making a noise, you could end up going back to sleep many times and then over-sleeping.  This can actually make you feel more tired.  There is lots of information out there on winding down after work, wearing ear plugs so you won't be interrupted and even a blindfold so the sunlight won't wake you.

12. A Sedentary Lifestyle

Image source The Economic Times
Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel more tired from doing nothing than from being active?  This may be because your body doesn't require lots of sleep if you aren't moving around much and so, the next day, after maybe 5 or 6 hours sleep, you are awake but feeling tired.  Try and get in those 10,000 steps if you can, going for a walk or even marching on the spit if you're watching the telly!

13. You have A Heart Or Pulmonary Problem

Image source NYU Health
Cardiac issues such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease and asthma are common in older people.  Heart disease can cause the heart to pump blood less efficiently and fluid can build up in the lungs. This, in turn, results in shortness of breath and less oxygen supply to the heart.  Your sleep may then be disturbed several times a night.  Be sure to follow your doctor’s orders when it comes to treatment.

14. Long COVID

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One of the symptoms of long COVID is fatigue, even if you are sleeping many hours during the night.  Your doctor can advise you on certain medications, such as antidepressants and stimulants, in certain situations to aid the tiredness and they might be able to help you feel more like your old self.

15. Emotional Shock

Image source The Mix
Big shocks such as a bereavement, the break up of a relationship or redundancy can make you feel exhausted.  Don't suffer in silence.  As welling as contacting your doctor's surgery, sharing how you feel with either a professional or a friend/family member, can make all the difference.

16. Cancer Treatment

Image source Medical News Today
If you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, you are likely to feel wiped out, especially the days after you've had your treatment.  You will be experiencing both physical and emotional trauma so it is unsurprising that you may feel exhausted.  Take notice from the medial professionals on how to manage this fatigue and allow yourself to rest.

17. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Image source Viewpoint
Seriously, you may not be aware that your gas boiler or gas fire are giving off toxic fumes and making you feel lethargic and sleepy during the day.  Invest in a carbon monoxide alarm and be sure to get your boiler serviced every year.  It could honestly save your life by doing this.

18. Sleep Apnoea

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Symptoms of sleep apnoea happen mainly while you are sleep and include stopping and starting breathing, making choking noises and waking up a lot, unaware that you are doing so.  The latter symptom would explain why you are so tired during the day with all that interrupted sleep.  One solution is having an oxygen mask  over your nose while you are sleeping and there are others that can be recommended wen you see your GP.

19. A Nap During The Day

Image source Sleep Foundation
There's something to be said for having a nap during the day, if you are able to do so and 15 to 20 minutes will recharge those batteries.  If you sleep for around an hour during the day, chances are you won't be able to get of to sleep that night, until the early hours.  You'll feel shattered the next day so might sleep in the afternoon - there goes the vicious circle.  Set an alarm so you don' go over the allotted time and you should find this beneficial.

20. Sleeping Tablets

Image source Cleveland Clinic
f you really struggle to get to sleep you may turn to sleeping tablets which can be very effective.  Only problem is, you could wake up in the morning and still feel shattered as the medication is still in your system.  Use a herbal relaxant which is less strong or relax before bed, reading or meditating and it could solve your issue.

21. Skipping Exercise When Tired

Image source Thrillist
Skipping your workout to save energy because you are tired actually works against you. In a University of Georgia study, sedentary but otherwise healthy adults who started to exercise lightly 3 days a week for as little as 15-20 minutes each time, reported feeling less tired and more energized after 6 weeks.

22. Suffering From Anaemia

Image source Healthline

An iron deficiency can leave you feeling irritable, sluggish and weak, struggling to focus. 'It makes you tired because less oxygen travels to the muscles and cells,' says Professor Goodson.  You can boost your iron intake to reduce your risk of anaemia by loading up on lean beef, kidney beans, eggs and tofu, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and peanut butter.

23. Being A Perfectionist

Image source YourTango

Striving to be perfect is impossible.  Those who try by working harder and harder in order to be a perfectionist, end up tired out.  Irene Levine, professor at New York University School of Medicine says you should set a time limit for yourself on your projects and you'll realise that the extra time you were taking wasn't improving your work.

24. You Make Mountains Out of Molehills

Image source Medium

If you assume that the worst is going to happen when your boss calls you into his office and he's going to fire you or you are too afraid to ride your bike in case you are involved in an accident, this way of thinking will drain you.  Your brain is constantly thinking the worst and it wears you out emotionally.  When you find yourself having these thoughts, take a deep breath and ask yourself how likely it really is that the worst will happen.

25. You Skip Breakfast

Image source Healthline

We eat to fuel our bodies and when you sleep, your body continues using what you ate that evening to keep your blood pumping and the oxygen flowing.  When you wake up in the morning, eating breaking will energise you.  If you skip it, you may feel sluggish.  If you don't feel hungry for breakfast, have a banana and some Greek yogurt, to kickstart your metabolism.

26. You Have Trouble Saying 'No'

Image source Quora

People-pleasing often comes at the expense of your own happiness and energy. To make matters worse, it can make you resentful and angry over time.  It's not necessary to say 'yes' to everything and you will still be appreciated for the effort you have put in.  If you find it difficult to refuse, then practice when you're on your own.

27. You Have a Messy Office

Image source Inc. Magazine

A cluttered desk can mentally exhausts you because it may restrict your ability to focus and limit your brain's ability to process information. At the end of every day, make sure both your work and personal items are organised and the following morning, you will feel good to see everything neat and in it's place. one step at a time: start by tidying what you can see, then move through your desk and cabinets drawer by drawer.

28. You Work When You're On Holiday

Image source Living 360
One of the reason for a holiday is because it is just that - a holiday from work.  If you find yourself catching up on your emails while you're by the pool, you my put yourself at risk of burn-out.  Unplugging and allowing yourself to unwind allows your mind and body to rejuvenate and return to the office fresher and stronger.

29. Using An Electronic Device Before Bed

Image source Verywell Health
The glaring light of a tablet, your computer's backlit screen or your phone, can throw off your body's natural circadian rhythm by suppressing melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles.  If you do insist on scrolling through Facebook before slumber, hold it at least 14 inches away from you, to reduce the risk of sleep interference.

30. You Stay Up Late on Weekends

Image source Brixton Buzz

Staying out until 4am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and then sleeping in until mid afternoon the next day, can lead to difficulty nodding off that night.  When Monday comes around, you may have that Monday morning feeling and be dog tired!  Why not try getting up on Sunday, even if you're shattered and then grabbing a quick afternoon nap to keep you going until bed time, when you should end up getting a good night's sleep.


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