Signs You Have A Poor Immune System

By Milli 1 year ago

1. Constantly feeling EXHAUSTED!

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Do you wake up every morning feeling like you haven't even slept? Or do you spend all day dreaming of the moment you can go back to sleep? It's easy enough to spend too much time watching Netflix or out with your friends and not prioritise sleep, but if you still feel exhausted after getting a good sleep then this can be a sign of a poor immune system!

2. Catching every cold that goes around

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The odd cold during the winter months is normal for everyone. It's hard to avoid all the germs flying around when people are sneezing and coughing. But if you feel like you are constantly having cold after cold then this could be a sign of a low immune system.

3. Cold Sores *puke*

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No one can argue that cold sores aren't gross. Seeing them around someone's mouth, or your own mouth, is not pretty. It's VERY common to get cold sores when you're run down, or stressed, or tired... or all of the above. It's another sign of a poor immune system!

4. Your skin is trying to tell you something...

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Dry, flaky skin, red rashes and eczema are other signs of a weak immune system. You might even get boils! Not pretty. This happens because your skin is a barrier for your body, stopping unwanted organisms coming in. If your immune system isn't up to scratch then your skin can't do it's job properly and you'll be sure to know about it!

5. Stress head!

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Everyone is stressed these days it seems! The higher your stress levels, the less you seem to look after yourself. Whether that's working late, eating take out food for convenience or maybe just skipping meals all together - it can all affect your health! When you're stressed your body doesn't have the same defence mechanisms so it can't fight off infections the same.

6. Tummy trouble? It could be your immune system

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Are you regularly finding yourself needing an urgent visit to the bathroom? Or maybe you often have a stomach ache from holding in too much 'gas'... If you suffer from a lot of bloating, constipation or diarrhoea, these can also be a sign of a poor immune system! Your gut is trying to tell you something! A low immune system results in not having enough healthy microbes in your stomach.

7. Taking AGES to heal

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We've all had a cut or a scrape on our arms or legs in our time. You will know from experience that they will be gone within a few days. 3 to 5 days to be specific as that's the amount of time it takes for the body to heal itself. If the healing process is taking longer than this then your skin is struggling to regenerate properly and this can be because your immune system is weak.

8. You're a party animal!

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We all like a drink now and then, but excessive or binge drinking can damage the lining of your gut. And we told you before how important your gut is and all it's healthy microbes! Too much alcohol causes inflammation in your body and weakens your immune system because of that.

9. Teenage acne has RETURNED

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A poor immune system doesn't just affect your energy levels, it can show itself in many other ways. Your skin is a big one of them! If you are suffering with acne, and you can't explain why or if you're 'much too old' for acne, your body is trying to tell you something! It's a reaction caused by a low immune system.

10. You're partial to a smoke...

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You would think this would be a no brainer by now! We all know cigarettes are harmful, as is marijuana and vapes. They harm your respiratory tract which is part of your body's defense mechanism, therefore weakening your immune system. They also damage your tissues meaning your body expends more energy trying to repair them. Just give it up!

11. Popping pills every day

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If your morning ritual consists of a handful of tablets, something might have gone wrong.... If you're dependant on medication for illnesses that never seem to go away, then maybe your immune system is low. Or if you're constantly taking an aspirin for your headache that's always there, it might be time to find out why.

12. Always bailing on your plans because you're ill... again!

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It's starting to sound like an excuse... but you are genuinely ill! Again. Not just the common cold, but are you always fighting off infections like a UTI or a chest infection? You're probably always getting antibiotics from your doctor but maybe you need to look at how you're looking after yourself.

13. Suddenly getting a fever

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A high fever is your body's way of trying to fight off an infection. It's the first line of defense against any threats. If you're getting frequent high temperatures, which can make you feel hot to the touch, but also cold and shivering at the same time, then you need to have a look at how well you're looking after your body.

14. An aching body that feels older than it is!

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You might be in your 20s, but if you're creaking and moaning when getting out of bed in the morning, something must be wrong! If your body is constantly fighting off infections because you're so run down, it will end up not having any energy left to look after your muscles and joints and this can leave them feeling very achey and unloved.

15. ALWAYS complaining of a headache

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Headaches can be caused by anything. Stress, dehydration, inflammation... the list goes on. Funnily enough, most of the causes are directly linked to a poor immune system! If you don't look after your body, your body will let you know about it. Inflammation in any blood vessels from an infection or disease can lead to headaches.

16. Blocking your sink hole with all your hair...

If you are severely run down and lacking in vitamins and minerals, it can cause your hair to fall out. So if you're noticing an abnormal amount of hair coming out in the shower or on your hair brush, it might be time to have a look at yourself. A low immune system can often be fixed by eating a healthy, balanced diet.

17. Bloodshot eyes that make you look permanently upset...

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If your eyes are red and watery, or feel gritty and like there's something in there, then you could be suffering from Dry Eye. Dry Eye can be caused by a poor immune system if your body is not getting enough Omega-3 or by some autoimmune conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus.

18. Suffering from an autoimmune condition

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If you suffer from any autoimmune condition, it means you automatically have a low immune system. Your body is quite literally attacking its own cells, and this can manifest into a large amount of medical conditions and an even larger number of symptoms.

19. Not as tall or as smart as your friends?

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If you have a weakened immune system, your body is too preoccupied trying to fight off infections than it is on your growth and development. Any children with a low immune system, possible from not having a healthy diet or a medical condition, is at risk of delayed growth and slow development.

20. Be Careful: Your organs could be inflamed!

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Organ inflammation can cause you to have a poor immune system. Organ inflammation can be caused by an injury, heat, exposure to toxins and many more. Any type of injury like these that result in inflammation can be a sign that your immune system is weakened.

21. You aren't eating your 5 a day

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If your diet isn't great, I can almost guarantee that your immune system isn't as good as it could be. Food is fuel! Our bodies need it to be healthy and give us energy. Fresh fruit and veg are full of antioxidants which are perfect for boosting our immune system! Zinc and Selenium are other nutrients great for the immune system which can be found in nuts, seeds and some types of meat.

22. You spend most of your time inside... in the dark...

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You cannot underestimate how much better vitamin D makes you feel! And if you didn't know, you absorb vitamin D from the sun. Even just 10 or 15 minutes a day can make the world of difference, as vitamin D supports your immune system. So turn your TV off and go for a walk while the sun is shining!

23. You're up till 3am playing video games

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Hiding yourself away in your room playing video games may feel like your down time, but you're doing yourself a huge disservice! It's addictive and a lot of people stay up late into the night for a variety of reasons. You may be able to cope on small amounts of sleep temporarily, but think about what it's doing to your body! You need sleep so your body can rest so it can go back to keeping you safe and healthy each time you wake up.

24. Vampire Cold Hands

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Your immune system being low or an autoimmune condition can lead to "Raynaud's Phenomenon". This is where your blood vessels are inflamed, from an immune response, which makes it hard for your fingers and toes and other extremities to keep warm! Meaning you have VERY cold hands that could give Edward Cullen a run for his money.

25. Big fluctuations on the scales

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Maybe you find the scales creeping up, although you're pretty sure you haven't been eating more than normal. Or maybe people are commenting about how much weight you've lost, but you haven't been trying. Any unexplained changes in weight need to be looked into by a doctor, but it's possible because of your immune system either being poor or by an autoimmune condition.

26. Not looking as bright and bushy tailed as normal

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Yellow isn't a good colour on most people, and definitely not your skin or your eyes... Jaundice can be sign that you are unwell and your liver cells are being destroyed. You may well be unwell because your immune system isn't capable of fighting off infections and diseases.

27. You're practically moulded onto your sofa...

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Is there an imprint of your butt on the sofa where you sit every day? Exercise doesn't have to be a big, weight pumping session at the gym. It could be something as simple as a light walk after work or with your friends. If you aren't getting any exercise, it can have detrimental effects on your health, namely your immune system.

28. Being anaemic!

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If you're anaemic then it means you are deficient in iron, a very important mineral that helps carry blood around your body. Lack of iron can lead to all sorts of symptoms but most common is fatigue. Most people become anaemic from the result of a poor diet and therefore a lower immune system.

29. Not feeling hungry anymore

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Everyone has different appetites, but to lose your appetite for no apparent reason is not a good sign. It may be because of the digestive problems you're experiencing or maybe you just don't have the energy to eat anymore. Both could be signs of a weak immune system and should be looked into.

30. You don't have any mindful hobbies

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Meditation and mindfulness activities are missing from a lot of people's lives. If you don't have any hobbies like this, then your stress levels will be higher and we all know what that means... Although stress is an emotion, it affects you physically by elevating inflammatory cytokine release which therefore weakens your immune system.

Having to literally roll out of the bed in the morning

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Getting out of bed is always hard - unless you're one of those superhuman people who spring up with an instant smile on your face, and no, we can't relate. But then there's the mornings in which it feels unnaturally hard. And this may be because your immune system needs your body to rest more so that it has the time to recover and repair.

Walking up the stairs feels like Everest

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When walking up the stairs feels like you've just completed a marathon you know somethings not right, especially when you know your fitness is up. But when your immune system is lower, it is already working really hard which takes up a lot of your body's energy. So everything feels 10 x harder than usual!

You have to go to the toilet, urgently!

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And when you's not a pretty sight! Toilet habits can be an awkward topic when your having to discuss them. But if you are constipated, or you are experiencing very much the opposite problem of diarrhoea, these are clear signs that your immune system is weakened.

Your heart rate is raised

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When our immune system is fighting off an infection of some sort, our heart rate may raise. This could be because you have too little red blood cells that are carrying oxygen in your blood stream. And because your body has to work harder so your heart rate raises to provide enough blood and oxygen.

Skin looking dull and grey?

When your body doesn't feel so good, it seems to reflect upon your skin. Your skin may be tired or dry. Usually our skin repairs overnight, but if your immune system is busy fighting infection, other parts of our bodies have less energy from the immune system.

Spending way too much time on the screen

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Having too much screen time isn't good for anyone. And when we're constantly absorbed in a screen, we tend to neglect our own health, whether that is physical or mental. It may be a lack of getting out into the fresh air or a lack of showering. All these can lower your immune system over time.

Feeling super unmotivated to do ANYTHING

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It's perfectly natural to go through phases where one day you may feel super motivated, like you can conquer anything. The next, it may feel like it even takes too much effort and motivation to shower. When this feeling continues for some time it may be because physically you are weaker because your immune system my be fighting something.

Not concentrating because you're too busy thinking about your next nap

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Lack of concentration can something occur when our body doesn't feel at its peak physical health, perhaps because your immune system is weakened and so all of your energy is being used up. This can leave you with little to no concentration for anything else, all you want to do is climb back into your bed.

You're much paler than usual with dark circles

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We all have those days where we haven't had much sleep or we're not feeling too good and we look in the mirror and our faces look 7 shades paler and more translucent. As though the purple dark circles are just shining right through. Our skin is one of the things which our immune system affects.

You just never seem to feel good

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Another sign your immune system is down when you just don't feel great, physically or mentally. That feeling when you consistently feel just a little bit 'meh' can get on top of you. Often, you just need a little recuperation time in order for your immune system to build back up and you'll be feeling back to normal.

You rarely see the sun

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Being exposed to some sunlight may help us absorb Vitamin D. Vitamin D is super important in helping our immune system, it can help regulate and help the immune responses. So, when you don't have enough vitamin D, the immune cells may be more easily overcome by infection.

Your skin is sore and sensitive to touch

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When the immune system is weaker, your body may release certain chemicals. Or these chemicals may cause your immune system to temporarily weaken. For example, adrenaline and cortisol both boost inflammation and damage your skin barrier. So it may feel sore to touch.

Your hair is limp

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When we're generally feeling run down, one of the physical aspects you may notice is that your hair feels just completely limp with no life or body in it. This can be a minor sign that your immune system is down, and just one of the physical aspects you may notice when you don't seem to feel 'yourself'.

Are you not getting quality sleep?

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The importance of sleep for our physical and mental health cannot be underestimated! When we sleep, our body slows down and allows everything to repair and recover. This is because our breathing and our muscle activity has massively reduced and slowed down while we are sleeping, so the extra energy can be used for your immune system. But only if it gets the sleep it needs!

Or drinking enough water?

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Drinking water is essential for the health of our body's. Our bodies are made up of cells, and each of these cells is composed mainly of water. So dehydration can mean that your internal organs are not functioning properly. Keep hydrated to help you feel good!

You eat a lot of junk food

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As the saying goes...we are what we eat. And essentially it's true. Because what we put into our body is what fuels it. So if you are filling it with veggies and fruit you'll have minerals and vitamins to strengthen your body's defences. But if your diet consists purely of McDonald's or Dunkin Doughnuts, you're not exactly providing your body with sustenance.

You have an underlying illness

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One of the main causes of a low and weakened immune system is when we have an underlying medical problem, OR we have fought off/ are fighting a serious medical illness. This is because our immune system's defences have things to fight continuously, leaving you feeling tired and weaker.

You lead a super busy life

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When you're constantly on the go, it's very easy to overlook how you are actually feeling because you are non stop from one thing to the next. This can have an impact on your health. The combination of stress, tiredness and inadequately looking after your body can take its toll and lower your immune system.

You can't get rid of a bacterial infection

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Bacterial infections are common in one capacity or another. But, they are usually fairly easily fought off by our bodies natural defences. However, if you cannot seem to fight it and it seems to be lingering longer than is normal, it could be because your immune system is lowered and it cannot adequality fight the bacteria.

Your mood feels low

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If our body doesn't feel its best, then it's very unlikely that your mind will either! When you're body is under extra strain because your immune system is lowered, it can have an impact on your mood, leaving you feeling a little down in the dumps and low.

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