The Gross Process Of How Vaseline Is Made

By Kirsty 1 year ago

1. The Many Great Uses Of Vaseline

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Vaseline is a popular product, with at least one jar in every cupboard, because of the amount of things you can use it for: dry skin, dry lips, dry eyes... you name it, Vaseline has it covered. But did you ever put much through into what actually goes into this do-all product?

2. What Exactly Is Vaseline Made Of?

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Vaseline is 100% petroleum jelly - which we all knew anyway, because it's plastered on the packaging. But what exactly is petroleum jelly, and how is it made? Here's everything you need to know about how Vaseline started and the pretty gross truth about what it is and how it's made.

3. It Was First Discovered On Oil Rigs (Yep, Oil Rigs)

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The natural crude version of petroleum jelly was first discovered on oil rigs back in 1859. And, as you can imagine when we're talking oil rigs, it was thick and dark. Not really something you'd want to rub on your face. The substance would collect on the pump joints and need to be scraped off.

4. It Was First Known As 'Rod Wax'

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Upon its first discovery, it became known as 'rod wax', no doubt because of it being collected on the joint of oil pumps during the oil-extraction process. It was literally a slick waxy coating on the rods used for the oil rigs. So if you needed to scrape it off, what else could you then use it for?

5. Oil Workers Would Then Used It To Protect Their Hands

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Oil workers decided, instead of wasting this stuff they had to scrape off the pumps, they'd instead use it.. for their hands. They would coat their hands in the stuff and use it to protect or heal their hands from the burns they'd get as part of their daily work shifts.

6. It Then Became Known As A 'Medicinal' Ointment

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Over 10 years after first being found on the oil rigs, it began to be marketed as a 'medicinal' product - a moisturising ointment that could help to form a protective barrier on the skin. In 1870, it was being advertised as 'odorless' and 'colorless', hailing from rod wax.

7. 'Wonder Jelly' Was Then Invented By Robert Augustus Chesebrough

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Robert became very intrigued about the product the miners were rubbing on their hands to heal burns. He wanted to research it further, so he did - and after a lot of tests to refine the product and make it a little safer for the everyday consumer, he created the product we know as Vaseline.

8. Over The Years, It's Now An Accepted Healing Agent

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In this modern day and age, we now know that Vaseline shifting to a medicinal go-to was a good thing - because it does work, and it's beneficial to have a moisturizing healing ointment put over wounds, cuts or anything similar instead of them drying out and scabbing. The problem is, while it does it job, the stuff in it is pretty gross...

9. But Vaseline Is Unsustainable With Hazardous Ingredients

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While Vaseline is certainly good at its job, the ingredients are problematic - and harmful to the environment, too. Vaseline is made up of materials like crude oil which are considered less than sustainable. It's made up of materials that have been considered 'hazardous' to the environment around it.

10. You're Basically Rubbing Fossil Fuel Extract All Over Your Skin

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One of the most important things to know about using Vaseline is that it contains crude oil and is a fossil fuel extract - so that's what you're putting on your lips and skin. Of course, the ingredients go through a lot of processes before you keep a tub at home, but it's important to know how they started out.

11. All The Raw Materials Of Vaseline Start With Crude Oil

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If you're not familiar with crude oil, it's made from the compression of organic materials over a long period of time. The organic materials are melted together with mud. One of the main ingredients of crude oil is - you guessed it - petroleum jelly, though crude oil can be refined in many different ways.

12. The Extraction Of Crude Oil Is Dangerous To The Environment

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You might have heard about crude oil protests and the negative impact on the environment - and this is what it's all about. The process of extracting crude oil can increase carbon footprint - in fact, one company in particular, Unilever, apparently has a footprint of 29% just from this extraction!

13. Petroleum Is What's Left From Non-Renewable Fossil Fuels

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Fossil fuels currently provide around 80% of the world's energy - and they're non-renewable. While looking for a more sustainable future, the reality is that petroleum used for Vaseline is basically a by-product of non-renewable fossil fuels being extracted.

14. Companies Peddling Vaseline Will Never Be 100% Sustainable

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Lots of companies, like Unilever, that make and provide Vaseline are making those key steps to becoming more sustainable and helping the environment - but the problem is, you can't make and sell Vaseline and be sustainable. Vaseline is 100% petroleum jelly, so there's nothing you can do about that apart from stop selling it!

15. The Bones Of Cattle Are Part Of The Process, Too

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So how exactly is the petroleum jelly part formed from these fossil fuels? Well, that's where bone char comes in - the bones of cattle. Crude oil has its liquid hydrocarbons extracted, is then vacuum distilled and then has the residue filtered through bone char to result in petroleum jelly.

16. What Are The Other Ingredients In Vaseline?

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Petroleum jelly is the main ingredient of Vaseline, but it's not alone - this product is also made up of paraffin oil, paraffin wax, lanolin, Vitamin E and the polypropylene for the packaging. Along with petroleum jelly, paraffin oil and paraffin wax are also byproducts of crude oil!

17. Paraffin Oil Is Flammable Jet Fuel

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The paraffin oil in Vaseline is there to change the consistency of the product. Apart from the fact it's 'oil' for a start, it's also a flammable hydrocarbon - and it can also be used as jet fuel! So yeah, you're basically popping a product strong enough to be used as jet fuel on your face.

18. Paraffin Wax Comes From Coal And Oil

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Paraffin wax, on the other hand, comes as a result of the distillation process of the product - it's separated from the other ingredients so that it can be mixed back in later on. This kind of wax also comes from coal and oil, so we're just adding to the pile here.

19. Lanolin Is Made From Sheep Wax

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The other product in Vaseline, Lanolin, is made from sheep wax! This is used to make the product have a little more elasticity. The sheep's wool wax is refined by being put in an acid solution to neutralize the acid, and then has the impurities taken out before it can be used.

20. And Then You Have The Plastic Container

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Okay, so you can't judge Vaseline for having the only plastic container in the world - because it definitely doesn't. But in this day and age, with plastic pollution becoming more and more of a problem, the plastic casing that comes with the normal Vaseline tubs adds to the problem.

21. Some Petroleum Is Treated With Sulphuric Acid

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As mentioned, petroleum in its rawest form can be treated in many different ways to get different results. One way that petroleum can be treated during its journey to turn into Vaseline is actually with sulphuric acid, which is then neutralized (thank goodness...)

22. If Petroleum Jelly Has Impurities, It's Bad News (The Cancer Kind)

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Petroleum jelly is supposed to be safe in its purest form, and when it's been treated for products like Vaseline. But if the petroleum jelly has impurities of any kind, it can apparently be a risk for carcinogens (something capable of causing cancer) being in the contaminated parts.

23. Manufacturers Aren't Legally Required To Remove Contaminants..

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There's no definite proof that petroleum jelly can cause cancer, but there's also the reality that manufacturers apparently aren't legally require to take out any contaminants in the jelly, like the poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) which are those carcinogens we just mentioned!

24. Vaseline Is Water-Repellent - Which Might Not Be The Best For Skin

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Petroleum jelly is actually water-repellent, not water-soluble, so it works by making a barrier over your skin, trapping the moisture underneath. This can leave your skin feeling hydrated when in reality it's more an 'illusion' of hydration - because it traps moisture, it doesn't create it.

25. But It Can Trap Other Stuff Under That Barrier, Too

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Vaseline works sort of like wrapping yourself in Saran Wrap, and while moisture is trapped under that wrap, it can also trap other pesky things too - like dirt and bacteria. There's always a risk of it trapping contaminants when you're using it - all while keeping moisture out!

26. Vaseline Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be For Dry Skin

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The issue with using Vaseline products for dry skin is that it's more of a 'quick fix' and an illusion that you've solved the problem. Vaseline is very good at making you feel hydrated in the moment, there's no doubt about that, but it's more a short-term thing than a long-term solution.

27. And It Could Actually Irritate Your Acne

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Because of the issue with Vaseline potentially trapping other things under that 'wrap' barrier - like oil and dirt - it then runs the risk of making any issues with spots and acne much worse. It could irritate your skin, make it oilier and risk getting dirt in pores.

28. It's Probably Best Not To Use Vaseline On Your Face

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You might find that a Vaseline moisturiser or body cream, or the original petroleum jelly, works better for you when it's on your body and not your face. Particularly if you have very sensitive skin, acne issues, skin flair ups or irritation, it might be best to avoid the risk of dirt getting trapped.

29. Allergic Reactions Can Happen

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Okay, so it's very, very rare - but that doesn't mean it never happens. Some people might actually get allergic reactions when petroleum jelly is applied directly to the face. This is more likely to happen if you do have very sensitive skin, and always worth checking if you're allergic to petroleum jelly products.

30. You Need A Super Clean Face Before You Apply It

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If you're thinking that you'll apply a bit of Vaseline in the middle of the day because something is looking dry or irritating you, this is a problem - because Vaseline seals in everything, which means if you don't apply it to a face that's been nicely washed, it'll only be sealing in what you have on your face.

31. And Now, Some Gross Facts About Your Beauty Products: Any Chemical Can Be Used As An Ingredient

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Yep. In the USA, there are no actual federal regulations about makeup. The ingredients in cosmetics aren't tested because they're not food (we hope, unless you're eating your lipstick) or drugs. So things which are banned elsewhere, like ethylene oxide, are okay to be used in the US.

32. What Goes Into A Fragrance Could Be... Anything

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It's nice to think that your favorite perfume is filled with the petals of flowers, sprigs of your favorite spice and some general good vibes, but the reality is, there could be anything in your favorite fragrance. It could have a few simple oils - or it could have a huge variety of oils and chemicals. But hey, it smells good, right?

33. Companies Don't Technically Have To Test Their Products

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In the USA, the FDA can't legally make a company test their products. There's no rule that says a company has to test anything before it goes out for sale. They're advised to, of course, but.. they don't legally have to. There's nothing official to approve cosmetics that way.

34. 80% Of Ingredients Haven't Been Tested For Safety

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So, as you can imagine, this means a lot of ingredients and processes haven't been tested for safety - and it's believed around 80% of ingredients of your favorite makeup products haven't been tested for safety. This is presumably because there's no legal requirement for it.

35. There Are No 'Legal' Definitions For Cruelty-Free

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When you're on the lookout for cruelty-free products and brands that don't test on animals, you might think you've hit the jackpot thinking that no animals have been harmed in the process of testing. But there's actually no legal definition of what 'cruelty-free' means - meaning surely some people might swerve around the definition you think it means..

36. On Average, You Use 515 Ingredients A Day

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The average woman uses about 13 makeup products a day - which sounds like a lot when you think about it, but think about all those little individual touches: the lipstick, the primer, the eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara... even no makeup makeup looks use a lot. So on average, you're putting about 515 ingredients on your face! A day!

37. The Most Common Makeup Injury Is Eye-Scratching With A Mascara Wand

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If you've ever done it, you'll completely understand - if you never have, count yourself lucky, because it hurts. You might never have considered makeup an extreme sport, but when it comes to something that sharp close to your eye, it absolutely is. This is the most common makeup injury!

38. A Woman Needs A Permit For Makeup In Pennsylvania

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Did you know that you actually need a permit as a woman in Pennsylvania in the US to wear makeup? This is in the borough of Morrisville. To be fair, they're not very strict about this law and it's very rare to have it enforced, but still... sounds a bit strange, doesn't it?

39. Neon Nail Varnishes Are Actually Illegal In The US!

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Neon nail varnishes are very popular across the world, especially for night's out, Halloween dress up and - well - anything really. But pity if you're in the US, as you might already know this is illegal! You can still buy nail varnish that
neon, sure - but you aren't getting proper neon pigments. You'll have to order overseas to get that!

40. Women Used To Be Bled With Leeches To Keep Their Skin Pale

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These days you might think it's the more 'in thing' to have a bronze tan rather than looking like you've been hiding from the sun for six months. But back in history, it was really fashionable to have pale skin - so much so, that people actually used to be bled by leeches to look pale!

41. It's Actually Recommended To Clean Your Makeup Brushes After EVERY USE

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Have you got a good routine at the moment where you clean your makeup brushes once a week? Maybe every so often? Well the reality is that actually, you might need to wash your brushes after every single use. This is a testament to how dirty makeup brushes can actually get when you wear makeup everyday.

42. And Your Brushes Have A Ton Of Fungi On Them

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As we said, your makeup brushes can get pretty icky if you use them every single day. But how icky are we talking? Well.. so gross that you might have fungi and other bacteria on them. If you have old makeup stuck on the bristles that doesn't get washed off, it could result in fungal infections.

43. It's Probably Those Dirty Brushes Causing Acne Breakouts

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Using dirty brushes could also actually cause acne buildup on your face, because of the amount of bacteria on them that can clog up your pores. Thing of all that dirt you're rubbing onto your face! So if you've noticed a spot outbreak recently, you might want to go clean your brushes...

44. You Can Give Yourself Pink Eye, Too

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Pink eye is not something you want - but unfortunately it can also be a result of using dirty makeup brushes or sponges. This is because they could be carrying pinkeye bacteria - and the risk gets worse if you share your makeup brushes, which is easily done if you're helping your bestie with their eyeshadow...

45. Your Makeup Utensils Could Even Attract Bugs!

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Urgh. But it's not as bad as it sounds - this doesn't mean you've got lice or cockroaches climbing around in your makeup bag. These kind of bugs are very tiny, microscopic 'mites' - like dust mites - and we have them around us all the time. But it's also likely they're on the bristles of unwashed makeup brushes.

46. Expired Brushes + Expired Makeup = NOPE

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Did you know that makeup brushes could actually expire? Even if you wash them, they're not built to last forever, and it's definitely recommended to replace every now and again. And expired makeup needs to be kept track of, too. So if you're using makeup that's expired, plus an expired makeup brush, the brush is only going to make the effects of out-of-date makeup even worse!

47. You Could Get Herpes From Dirty Applicators

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According to some experts, if you use dirty makeup applicators every day, you could catch herpes. Because you're using brushes and sponges all across your face, if they pick up the herpes virus on one particular day, it's then still active when you spread it around to the rest of your face!

48. Wearing Makeup Every Day Will Make Acne Worse

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This one is not so much about wearing makeup every day, as it can actually depend on the amount of makeup you put on. The more makeup you put on at a time can increase the risk of acne breakouts. This is worse if you're already have to battle with breakouts all the time!

49. You Can Actually Wear The WRONG Kind Of Makeup

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And no, we don't mean the wrong foundation shade! You may already know that you need to wear the right skincare products for your skin type, but did you know that applies to makeup, too? You can actually wear makeup products which don't match your skin type - which means they can have a negative gross effect.

50. You Could Risk More Wrinkles If You Wear Makeup Every Day

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Wearing makeup everyday can actually make the risk of wrinkles that much worse! As if we didn't have to battle them enough! The good news is this only really applies if you don't take your makeup off properly at night, or if you don't have a good skincare routine. As long as you're completely removing it properly, you shouldn't be at greater risk of wrinkles!

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