Signs That You Are Smarter Than You Think

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. You're self-aware

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Being self-aware shows that you have good emotional intelligence. Being self-aware means that you know your flaws, you know your assets and you are also super aware of the effect you have on other people. This level of emotional intelligence is a sure sign that you are way smarter than you think!

2. You're curious and always asking questions

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Do you always question how things work or how things are the way they are? Being curious and always asking questions are huge signs that you are smarter than you think. It demonstrates that you are keen to keep learning and want to continue to expand your mind.

3. You read a lot

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Reading is a huge sign that you're much smarter than you think. Reading is such a great way to keep learning and to keep challenging your brain. You may not even realize that when you are reading you are constantly soaking in new ideas and knowledge.

4. You're open-minded

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Being open-minded really does take intelligence. This is because you have the brain capacity to accept new ideas, to be open to change, and to embrace what is new and unfamiliar. There's a huge link between how smart you are and how open-minded you are.

5. You are creative

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Creativity lives in a section of our brain as does any branch of knowledge. Some people have a huge creative capacity... and some have pretty much none. Creativity is a form of smartness just as much as being good at science or math is. If you are creative, then you are smart - no questions about it.

6. You are good at problem solving

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Solving problems, in whatever capacity it may be, mathematics, daily life, it takes skill, rational and a somewhat analytical mind. So, you may be problem solving on a daily basis and not even realising that you're smart. But if this is you, you're definitely smarter than you realise.

7. You can remember a lot

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Having a good memory is a sign of being smart because it shows that not only do you see/hear information, but you process it and actually retain it in your mind and then recall it at a later date. This is a super smart skill which not so many people have the ability to do.

8. You're messy

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Oh yes, you heard it right! According to some scientific studies, the messier you are, the more clever you are. Why this is the case remains a little bit of a mystery. But all you need to know is that if you're super messy and people complain about you always making a mess, you've got a great excuse!

9. You are interested in lots of different things

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Having an interest in lots of different things isn't only great for you as a person and making you an even more interesting person, it also means that you're smart. People who are smart have so many different interests and hobbies because they enjoy opening their mind up to different things.

10. You're super empathetic

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Being empathetic is another form of emotional intelligence. To understand somebody else, and to feel things from their point of view is a truly admirable thing. Empathy is not just a personality trait, it's highly linked with intelligence. If you're empathetic, you're smarter than you know!

11. You are very analytical

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If you often apply critical thinking and analytical thinking then you are smart! You may not even realise you do it. You may watch a film, for example, and then sit and think about the bigger questions or analyse the content of the film without actually considering that you are doing so.

12. You can adapt well to change

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Change can be hard. To uproot what we know, disrupt our comfort zone and make big changes in our life and step into the unfamiliar is of course challenging for anyone. But, how well do you adapt to this? Do you respond with flexibility and adapt to your situation? If so then you're smarter than you think.

13. You like learning

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Now this is probably one of the biggest signs there is that tell you if you are really smarter than you think. If you enjoy learning and want to learn - then you are. Enjoyment in learning means that you love to know more and push your knowledge which means you are increasing your smartness all the time.

14. You can understand complex ideas

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The world is full with big ideas and complex thoughts (especially in modern times with such readily available information). Some people cannot understand these and may even avoid them because they are too much to think about. But perhaps you enjoy and actually understand them, meaning you are highly intelligent.

15. You have a good imagination

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Imagination is often overlooked, and can sometimes be under valued - when in reality it is totally a sign that you are smart. Being imaginative means that your brain can create fantastical images and ideas. There are not many people who can do this and have this skill!

16. You're a deep thinker

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If you're a deep thinker - you're smart. Because thinking in a deep way shows a ca[a[city for life questions, philosophy and huge concept which the human brain can find befuddling. Maybe you look up at the stars and ponder the meaning of life? Whatever deep thoughts you think, it's a sign you're smarter than you think.

17. You put things into perspective

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Perspective: something that is very difficult to apply at times. A smart person can think about their own perspective, someone else's perspective, and also the bigger picture. This isn't an easy thing to do but it is a great life skill as it will make you a more well rounded person.

18. You have good self control

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Self control can be bard, we admit it. When you're trying to resist going in for the 7th biscuit, or when you're trying not to hit snooze for the fourth time in a row. Life is full of moments where we need self control. It's something that takes a level of smartness to be able to apply consistently.

19. You work hard

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Hard workers are smart. Simple. Because of you work hard you know where you want to get to, you've got an aim and you[re pushing for it. So this is already smart alone. And, chances are whatever you're working towards will also be making you even smarter than you already think.

20. You're health conscious

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Now, we don't mean this in a health-obsessed way. But if you live a healthy lifestyle, look after yourself and want to be healthy then you're learning a smart lifestyle. Which in turn, means you're smart. After all, what's more important than looking after our own health?

21. You can read people

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Being able to read people is a combination of many different things. It takes understanding, a lot of emotional intelligence as well as self awareness. So to be able to read people and know how they are feeling is a smart skill, and a hugely important life skill.

22. You communicate well

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Communication isn't always as easy as it sounds. Sometimes it's easier to stay quiet and process things in our head, but it's always better to communicate openly. Communication requires smartness int he fact that it takes a lot of thinking and analysis of your own thoughts as well as string language skills to express them.

23. You learn from your past experiences

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Our past is our past, not to look back on in regret but to take it as a lesson and to learn from it. Or, as some people do, completely ignore the lessons it taught you and make the same mistakes over and over. But this isn't exactly a smart thing to do. So if you learn from your mistakes and experienced then you probably are.

24. You think outside the box

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Thinking outside the box means that you are an abstract thinker. For example, lots of people think in the same ways because it is a convention line of thinking and more common sense based. Abstract thinking shows an awareness of bigger ideas and creative thinking.

25. You form connections between different topics

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This can happen in all aspects of life, from school, to adulthood and just every day life. When you form connections between different trains of thoughts and topics it is an impressive sign of intelligence which not everybody can do. You are showing that you don't just learn things, you really understand and develop these thoughts yourself.

26. You follow your intuition

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Intuition is an important part ourselves. Smart people trust and follow and hone in on their intuition. You may feel as though you already have a guide to follow from within. If this intuition in you feels strong, then you're definitely much smarter than you think.

27. You motivate yourself

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Self motivation is a real skill. To be able to push yourself and motivate yourself on a daily basis and not need someone else to do it for us can be really tricky. Some people need that push to get out of bed and get working. Others are up and out and ready to seize the day, if this is you it means you're smarter than you think.

28. You are musical

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Our musical ability is operated by a separate part of our brain. So, some people have a real musical flare, whereas others really struggle. Being musical is a real sign of smartness and skill. You could be musical, and not very academic smart for example, and it would sill mean that you are really smart!

29. You can speak more than one language

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Learning and speaking a new language is by no means an easy task at ALL. If you can speak another language then you're clearly way smarter than you think. There's not so many people who can actually do this, and it shows a certain capability in your brain.

30. You are forgetful

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Okay so you're probably thinking
'how does being forgetful mean you're smart?'. 
But according to several studies there is actually a connection between being forgetful, and your level of intelligence. This is because often, super mart people will have so many thoughts going around in their brain that the mundane things are forgotten!

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