Signs You Will Live Longer Than Your Partner

By Molly 1 year ago

1. You have stronger genes

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Family history plays a huge part in your health. If your family has a history of longevity, this will increase your chances of living a long life. If your partner is unfortunately not so lucky with their genes, this could be a sign that you may outlive them.

2. You exercise more regularly than them

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Regular exercise has been proven in countless studies to improve health outcomes and prolong life. So, if you're a gym bunny and your partner is more of a couch potato, you may want to encourage them to be more active. Otherwise, you might find that they won't live as long as you.

3. You have a healthier diet

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Maintaining a balanced diet can help prevent chronic diseases or illnesses, therefore increasing life expectancy. Are you someone who likes to watch what you eat? Is your partner more the type to binge-eat junk food? Sounds like your life expectancy will outweigh theirs.

4. They're more overweight than you

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If your partner's BMI is higher than yours, it's not a good sign for them in terms of longevity of life. Being overweight increases the risk of a number of health problems, therefore can also reduce life expectancy. Plus, health issues can become more complicated when you're carrying too many extra pounds.

5. They drink more alcohol

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I hate to break it to you, but alcohol isn't good for you. If your partner is a binge drinker or can't go a day without hitting the bottle, then their health is likely to be effected. If you drink in moderation, this has been linked to a longer life!

6. They smoke and you don't

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Smoking is a huge risk factor for a lot of different health problems. These include gum disease, stroke, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and the list goes on! If you tend to wait inside whilst your partner goes for a cigarette, you can expect a longer life expectancy.

7. You're more positive than them

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The power of your brain is underrated! It's been proven that the way you think can directly affect your health. If you have a more positive outlook on life in comparison to your partner, then this may just extend your life. If you're happier and less stressed, you have a greater resistance to illness.

8. You have stronger social connections

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Are you blessed with an amazing bunch of friends or family? Having a healthy support network can directly improve your health. In fact, studies have shown that strong social relationships increase your overall survival rate by up to 50%! If your partner doesn't have this privilege, their chances are sadly lower.

9. You're more educated

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A study found that people with higher levels of education were likely to outlive those less educationally fortunate than them. This is likely because of the environment you're in. For example, you're likely to get a more high-paid job, therefore have access to a less stressful lifestyle.

10. They're less financially stable than you

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If you're significantly more financially stable than your partner, then you're likely to have a greater life expectancy. The reason for this is that your pay package may help to reduce stress and you can also afford better health care. These factors could be the difference between surviving or not surviving an illness.

11. They have a weaker immune system

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Are you the type of person to rarely get ill? Or, when you do, you fight it off easily and quickly bounce back? Is your partner not so lucky? Well, having a strong immune system can help fight off infections and diseases, potentially leading to a longer life.

12. You have a more regular sleep pattern

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If catching your Z's is way more important to you than your partner, you're looking at a potentially longer life. Getting enough quality sleep can improve your overall health, potentially increasing life expectancy. So, you may want to discourage their late night Netflix binge and encourage a healthier sleep pattern.

13. You're more likely to see a doctor when needed

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Do you like to make an appointment with your doctor at any sign of illness? Does your partner prefer to get on with it and ignore their bodies cries for help? Regular medical check-ups help detect and prevent health problems, improving your health and increasing survival.

14. You have better dental hygiene

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A lot of people don't realise the risks involved with poor dental hygiene, with direct links to heart and lung problems, even dementia! If your dental hygiene exceeds your partners, then you're less at risk of oral complications which may lead to these problems.

15. They're less proactive about their health

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If you try to take an active role in maintaining your health, you're likely to have better health outcomes overall. Consciously working on your health is beneficial and may increase your life expectancy. If your partner doesn't hold the same weight for their health, they may be putting themselves at risk.

16. They're more easily stressed

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Does your partner have a much shorter fuse than you? Perhaps they stress about things that are simply not a big deal to you? Well, you may want to let them know that managing stress can improve many aspects of overall health, helping increase life expectancy.

17. They engage in less brain stimulating activities

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If your kind of hobby is completing a sudoku puzzle, or getting your nose into a new book, whilst your partner prefers TV or Xbox, your health is likely to exceed theirs! Mentally stimulating activities can improve your cognitive function, which is linked to better overall health.

18. You're more socially active

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If you're the more extroverted out of the two of you, taking pride in being a social butterfly, then you're doing wonders for your health. Staying socially active and engaged helps improve your mental health, lowers stress levels and helps you better manage illness.

19. You eat breakfast and they don't

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You've probably heard, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. The reason for this is increased concentration, lower levels of cholesterol and decreased chance of diabetes, obesity and heart disease! So, if you love breakfast and your partner likes to skip, try and get them involved in your avo on toast.

20. Their social support system is weaker

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Studies have proven that people with healthy, strong social support networks had overall better health in comparison to those without. The impacts of a support system are positive for emotional and physical health. You're less likely to suffer from stress and more likely to maintain physical health.

21. You attend more regular screenings

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Everyone should attend regular screenings for diseases and conditions, even if you have no symptoms. They help to detect and prevent health problems and could hugely increase your chance of survival for certain conditions. If you never miss an appointment and your partner skips them, get on their back about it!

22. They're exposed to more sun exposure

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People who expose themselves to excessive amounts of sun are likely to see the signs of UV damage on their skin. But it's not just about deeper wrinkles and lines, too much UV damage can lead to eye damage or even skin cancer. If your partner spends more time in the sun than you, keep topping up their sun cream supply.

23. Their job has more risk

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Some jobs are linked to high risk or lower life expectancy than others. An example may be highly stressful jobs. Or, some industries (such as manufacturing or agriculture) may lead to exposure to harmful substances, increasing risk of respiratory illnesses, cancer, or other health problems.

24. They skip physical monitoring

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Physical exams are there for a reason! They're designed to help detect health problems earlier than when you may notice symptoms. Taking part may potentially increase your life expectancy. If your partner likes to opt out of these, then they could be at risk.

25. You're up to date with vaccinations and they're not

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We have vaccinations to thank for saving the lives of a countless amount of people. If you make sure you're staying up to date with your vaccinations, whilst your partner avoids them, have a chat to them about why this is. They help prevent illnesses which could be fatal.

26. You're surrounded by more positive people

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The people who surround you are one of biggest factors influencing your quality of life and your mental state. If your life is filled with positive, helpful, friendly people, you're lucky! If your partner has the opposite, they may want to think about whether it's possible to remove toxic people from their lives, for the sake of their health!

27. They're less resilient

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Does it take a lot to knock you back? Physically and mentally? Maybe you've noticed your partner doesn't quite share your resilience. Working on building their resilience could help them deal with stress and may better their physical and mental health.

28. You take more time for yourself

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Time out is important. However this looks for you, taking time for yourself to relax, reflect and unwind can reduce stress and improve your overall health, potentially leading to a longer life. If your partner is constantly on the go with no me-time, try running them a bath or encouraging relaxation.

29. They're uninterested in learning

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Does your partner like to stick to what they know, with little interest in trying or learning new things? Do you wish they'd join you with exploring more of life? Maybe let them know that continuing to learn new things will improve cognitive function, decreasing chances of dementia and increasing life expectancy.

30. They're less physically active

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Staying physically active has countless health benefits, helping to increase life expectancy by several years! If your partner has an all-day desk job and isn't the type to hit the gym, try suggesting a brisk walk or find something fun and active you can do together.

31. They have an unsociable hour job

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Good sleep patterns are so essential for long-term good health, so if you have a regular hour job that lets you go to bed early enough every night but they don't, this could be a big one! If they're working unsociable hours, it's more likely they're staying up late and not getting enough sleep.

32. Or, they work shift work

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Good sleep (and falling asleep easily) is more likely when you go to bed at the same time every day, and wake up at the same time every day. If they're working shift work that's constantly changing it could mean that their body clock is always out of whack - and that's not good!

33. They're exposed to less natural light than you

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Natural light is a great mood booster, and it's always important for getting a healthy dose of that vitamin D! You might be constantly out in the sun, but if they're working in a windowless office every day and then it's dark when they finish work, that's an issue!

34. You have a go-to relaxation activity

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Knowing exactly what you want and need when it's time to relax means you're more likely to feel less stressed and know how to deal with difficult situations. If your partner doesn't even know the meaning of 'relax', it's more likely they won't know how to wind down when they need to!

35. They don't have any hobbies and you do

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Hobbies are important for keeping the brain occupied, bringing you happiness and calm, expanding your interests or getting out of the house if it's an outdoor hobby. It's more likely people with hobbies are going to be healthier and happier, so your partner might want to consider getting one!

36. They're always doing reckless things

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Are they always a bit of a daredevil and putting themselves in stupid situations that could be quite dangerous? We know you should never live in a bubble and step out of your comfort zone every once in a while, but there's a line between that and running across a busy road, for instance.

37. They're a very bad driver and you're not

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If they're a seriously bad driver - borderline dangerous - where they never really watch the road, they're always speeding or they're just taking too many chances, this isn't someone living a safe life when it comes to heavy machinery and busy dangerous roads!

38. They're usually the one to start an argument

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It doesn't mean you're in a bad relationship if you argue every now and again, but if you're completely chill and they're always getting annoyed about one thing or another, it's likely they're stress levels are higher and they find it harder to relax - which can be bad for their health in the long run!

39. And usually the one to hold a grudge

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Not only that, but if they take a very, very long time to forgive and forget and they're just sat there stewing about something, it's only making it more likely that they're more stressed and angry for a longer amount of time - meaning the stress is just going to be stretched out instead of let go!

40. They're always complaining about aches and pains

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If they're always saying that they're aching or in pain with something, it can be a sign of lack of exercise, lack of flexibility and poor joints. If they're still relatively young and they're getting all these pains, it could be a huge indication that a lifestyle change is needed!

41. You get regular massages - they don't!

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Regular massages are a huge bonus for good health - not only do they improve aches and pains and boost circulation, they're also key for great regular relaxation. If you're reaping the benefits of regular massages but they refuse even to have a couple's massage with you, they're not getting the benefits!

42. They hate their job

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Hating your job is one of the worst things that can happen for your physical and mental health. You're going to be stressed, feeling run down and if you have anxiety or depression, it's going to be less likely you'll eat well or exercise. So this is a big problem if that's them!

43. And they disrespect authority

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And when you hate your job, the logical next step can be to take it out on your boss - or hate your boss too, if they're they ones giving you grief. This can lead to being a bit of a 'rebel' and it might be more likely for them to get fired or develop a problem with authority - making it hard to get another job in the future.

44. They never visit the doctor's when something is wrong

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Are they the type of person to break a rib and then just go about their day as usual because there are 'things to do' before they go to A&E? If they're always ignoring getting anything checked out at the doctor's, it's more likely they'll get unwell from something serious if they're ignoring it!

45. They snore

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This is going to affect the sleep quality of you, too, if your partner snores, but maybe you're sleeping in the other room! Even if your partner is asleep and snoring, it doesn't mean they're getting quality of sleep. Studies have shown people with sleep apnoea get less quality sleep!

46. You're a veggie, they're not

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Having a healthy diet doesn't depend on whether you're a vegetarian, as you can still be healthy as a meat-eater - but if red meat is your partner's favorite and they over-indulge in it, it could be linked to health complications down the line, so they might want to cut back!

47. They don't eat fruit and veg every day

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You can have a healthy diet in terms of your main meals and piling some green stuff on your plate, but if your partner isn't really getting their 5 fruit and veg a day - so maybe they're only having a couple of vegetables with one of their meals - it's not going to bode well for the future!

48. You love animals - they don't!

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We don't deserve fluffy animals, and if you love animals, spend a lot of time with them, or have one yourself, you're more likely to feel happier and de-stressed - not to mention the exercise potential. If your partner hates animals, they're not reaping the benefits of such happiness!

49. They're ALWAYS cold

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If your partner is sat next to you in 20 layers while you're relaxing in shorts and a tank top, it could be a sign they have health issues that are affecting them. Feeling cold a lot of the time could be a sign they have low iron, or perhaps thyroid issues - and maybe not getting enough exercise, either!

50. They sit, all day every day

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We know how bad sitting down all day is for you, and in this day and age most desk workers are aware of the potential problems. It's a conscious effort to make yourself stand up and walk around regularly, but if your partner is sitting all day every day for hours on end without moving, their health is going to suffer for it!

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