12 Facts About Zodiac Signs You Might Not Have Known

By Lou 2 years ago
From time to time you must admit that you do like to take a look at your horoscope...whether that be once every so often or every day. When we look at our horoscope we're either left disappointed that none of it matches up or we're left astonished that everything seems to fit exactly like your horoscope says it would!We shouldn't take horoscopes too seriously and base our whole lives off them but they are definitely fun to read and get involved in. There is definitely no harm in researching about your specific horoscope and it can be quite interesting to learn more about them.Even when meeting new people, it is exciting to meet others that have the same star sign as you so you can see if you have similar personality traits. Or meet other people with different star signs and see whether your strs align.The more you read about star signs the more you will notice that they tend to be quite vague so that they fit around almost everybody but sometimes you will come across things that don't add up to the person you are. For example all Cancers are sensitive! This may be true to you, but it won't be for everyone.So we've decided to dissect and reveal the truth about the star signs with 12 facts about zodiac signs you may not have known...

1. Myth About Aquariuses

A lot of horoscopes make out that Aquariuses are cold-hearted when the reality of it is, they just like to have a lot of time to themselves. They may not be the best people to express their emotions, but that doesn't mean they don't have any!
We're not saying that everyone who wad born between 21st January and 19th February isn't cold-hearted, but you can't say that they ALL are.

2. What About Pisces

Apparently all Pisces are unrealistic, when in actually fact a lot of them just want to be happy. That doesn't make them unrealistic though.
They would much prefer doing something that they want to do because it is actually something that they enjoy and WANT to do it. These people shouldn't be blamed for being optimistic, there's nothing wrong with this trait!

 3. The Truth About Aries

If you look into the Aries sign then you will realise that the sign isn't all that dramatic, yet so many horoscopes believe that people who are Aries love to cause drama. They live off the basis that if you show them respect, they will show you respect.
Drama can be caused by anyone and differentiates from person to person. To some people, 'drama' would be when two people fall out, whereas other people consider 'drama' to be full fist fights. It really depends on the person.

 4. What Are Tauruses Like?

A lot of people assume that Tauruses are very hard workers but also very lazy. Whatever they are given or earn in life, they appreciate it completely and know that they deserve to be living their best life.
This point is a bit contradictory, however it covers all bases when it comes to Tauruses.

5. Are Geminis Moody?

The truth of this matter are, Geminis can be a bit indecisive, but that doesn't mean they have loads of mood swings. Because they are constantly evolving and very friendly, they find it hard to take the time to make decisions.
We can't blame all Geminis for this though because we can all be like that sometimes.

6. Revealing The Truth About Cancers

A lot of horoscopes say that Cancers can't stand up for themselves. Yes, they may be known for their sensitivity (some are), but that doesn't mean they can't hold their own.
Some Cancers are shy but when the time is right to stick up for themselves they 100 per cent will. They don't have a problem with sticking up for themselves when they know they have to.

 7. Leos Leos Leos

Most people will think that Leos are only interested in themselves and don't really take into consideration other peoples thoughts, feelings and opinions. But do we really think that's true?
The thing a lot of people don't know about Leos is that they tend to put their friends first and are extremely loyal people.

8. What About Virgos?

Virgos have a stick for being 'mean' but in reality, they are just very honest people and it is other people that can't handle the truth. However, Virgos may take some time to open up to you.
When they have opened up they will become very warm but some people just need time to get used to others. I would much rather have a friend in my life that is honest rather than giving me false pretences.

9. What Do Libras Think?

Libras have a bad representation for being two-faced people but they are actually a lot more guarded than most other signs. They will always be nice but may not come out and tell you things about themselves without properly knowing you first.
Some people may think this comes across as "fake" but that's not their intentions. They are actually feeling you out first to see whether or not they can trust you.

10. The Truth About Scorpios

When people think of a Scorpio they think of someone who is evil and someone who only cares about physical intimacy.
Scorpios are actually deep thinkers that aim to achieve more than they are expected to. This comes from their ambitious nature. Yes, they may like physical intimacy but that isn't all they care about. Who doesn't like a bit of intimacy?

11. Settling Down 

According to the myth, Sagittariuses don't know how to settle down and can't be in one place for a long time. But what people don't know, is that Sagittariuses aim to have fun in life but also want a place to call their home.
Most people like to travel, thats undeniable. But we can't help but feel a little homesick when you're away from your home for a long time.

12. The Final Revelation - Capricorn

A lot of people say that Capricorns are boring. What a horrible descriptive word, especially when it is completely false.
Capricorns are actually extremely creative people that word very hard to get to where they are or where they want to be. Not only do they work hard, but they play even harder. Life is about balancing work and play and Capricorns seemed to have mastered it.

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