20 McDonald’s Secrets Employees Don’t Want You To Know Copy

By Lou 2 years ago

1. There is No Secret Menu

There are a lot of people out there who insist that there is a secret menu. In fact, many will tell you that they themselves have had McDonald's food straight from the secret menu. And, that only those that are in the know will be able to order it. We've all heard it and it gives people hope that the item they most loved that is no longer on the menu is still possible if they ask for the secret menu.Well, it turns out it's completely false. A worker from McDonald's has set the record straight and said that there is no such thing as a secret menu. In fact, they do actually get people asking for the secret menu and they have to let them down and break the news that there's actually no such thing.(Image Source/ Foodandwine.com)

2. Avoid The Grilled Chicken

This has come as advice from a former Mcdonald's manager. They claimed to avoid ordering anything with grilled chicken because it's horrible. Its this frozen chicken that is steamed and it's quite gelatinous. Which, doesn't sound like totally real chicken. So, I think we'd take this advice and go for something else instead.
This is not all the McDonald's chicken, just the grilled stuff. And it includes the burgers, salads and everything. Thankfully there are lots of other things to choose from (even chicken-wise) so you certainly won't be stuck for choice if you do decide to avoid it.
(Image source/Thestatesman)

3. You Have To Ask If You Want It Fresh

Just because it's fast, don't assume that it is fresh. There is such a massive turnover of food that things get reheated and put back in the oven all the time. So, when you are wanting your chips fresh out of the oven you may need to ask for this. You can definitely tell too because sometimes the chips are crunchy and warm.
But, sometimes they're pretty soggy. Across the globe, 68 million people are being served McDonald's food every day. So, keeping things fresh is not always a priority. Feeding thousands of mouths per restaurant at a quick pace is often what is prioritised. if this is not for you, then ask at the counter if you can have it fresh.
(Image source/Thestatesman)

4. The Breakfast Burrito's Probably Aren't Fresh

What you do not want to think when you order food is that your order has been ready sat waiting in the over...for hours. But, there is not a huge demand for the breakfast burrito. The popularity of this item has never really taken off. And so, for those select people who love it there are some ready and waiting to be taken.
But, they've been ready and waiting for a fairly long time because not many people are requesting them. It's something to bear in mind next time you place your order. if you're looking for the freshest things then it will probably be the more popular things that fly off the shelves as soon as they are ready and fresh out of the oven.
(Image source/fastfoodmenuprices)

5. Employers Can't Sit At The Drive Thru

This is not a fact that will be hard for the customer to hear, but it certainly is for the employees. It might look like an easy and relaxing job, but the drive-thru employees do not have it as easy as you'd think. People are often shocked to find out that the employees on the drive-thru are not allowed to sit.
They have to stand in the same spot for hours and hours on end. Workers have said that it can physically take its toll and your legs and back start to ache. So, next time you are on your way around the drive-thru take some extra consideration and give a friendly smile to the people who stood there all day.
(Image source/Adweek)

6. The Shakes Are Pure Sugar

The McDonald's shakes may be a tasty favorite. But, it's no wonder they taste so good when practically the whole shake is just sugar. The drinks are made from corn syrup. but, not just a dash. No, pretty much the entire drink is made from corn syrup, then some ice cream, and if these ingredients weren't bad enough it's topped off with cream for even more indulgence.
So, that means that the three ingredients in the drink are pretty much entirely made of sugar. And so, if you want to avoid drinking one drink that will immediately take you twice the amount over the recommended daily allowance then skip this one. Most people do not realize just how unhealthy these drinks are.
(Image source/Thecoatesgroup)

7. You May Be Eating Dropped Food

Don't get us wrong, McDonald's do have scrupulous cleaning regimes and sanitizing stations. Every procedure is put into place to make it a very clean and safe enviroment. But, a couple of workers have reported that some people may drop things and pick them up straight away again to use.
This, is pretty disgusting considering how many people will have walked over that exact spot in a day. There are lots of staff at Mcdonald's which equals a lot of footfall. Then again, not every worker can be under scrutiny at all times so it's probably not just McDonalds who have done this occasionally.
(Image source/interest)

8. Switching Expiry Dates

McDonald's apple pie: the general consensus is that it's pretty great. It's hot, cripsy, fresh...but apparently not that fresh. In actual fact, the apple pies have often been there longer than we thought. Sometimes, they are sat there waiting for a while and a Mcdonald's worker said that when the expiry date runs out, they switch it with another.
This is really not what we want to hear. Expiry dates are there for a reason and to find out they may just be switched for another is quite appalling. There we were thinking the apple pies were great. But of course, this is not general practice. It's something that someone has reported to have happened a few times.

9. Go For The Kids Option

Opting for the kid's option instead is often a good idea in McDonald's. Not just because it's smaller and cheaper but it's often more healthy. And, in fact, sometimes it is not even less food. For example, if you get a snack-sized McFlurry you are looking at double the calories of a kiddie cone.
You get the same amount of ice cream and treats but it is by far the healthier option. Okay, neither are healthy but in terms of calories and sugar the kiddie cone is less than half. If you want to indulge but be more health-conscious then this is a very easy way to do it.
(Image source/eatbook.com)

10. The Drive Thru Employers Are Timed

Drive Thru's are always a rush, getting your order out and then getting it within a couple of minutes. If you are wondering why the employees are rushing so much, even when their may not be a huge queue it is because the cars are timed. From the moment the car enters until the moment they leave the whole thing is recorded.
The time is supposed to be two minutes which of course puts workers under pressure to respond and serve very fast. This is the reason that sometimes you'd be asked to park, if your order is going to be a couple of minutes more you may have to pull in.
(Image source/Thecoatesgroup)

11. Save Some $$$

This is another thing McDonald's workers don't want you to know. Because its an easy hack to get money off your orders. There's simple little tricks you can do that will save you a pound here or a pound there. For example, instead of a sausage McMuffin which will cost you around $3.50, why not order a sausage muffin with a side of round egg.
You don't have to pay anything more at all, just simply request for your meal with one sauce instead of another. People often do not realize they can and ask for it without sauce altogether instead. But, this is a great trick for you to know for next time.
(Image source/uksportsyahoo)

12. Pick Any Sauce

Here's another trick that employees don't want you to know. And the reason for this is because they do not want to have a load of special requests for each order. It takes a long time. But, if you do not like the sauce with your meal, for example, if your burger comes with mayo - then switch it. And, this sounds obvious but we don't mean ask for it without and buy it extra.
You don't have to pay anything more at all, just simply request for your meal with one sauce instead of another. People often do not realize they can and ask for it without sauce altogether instead. But, this is a great trick for you to know for next time.
(Image source/patabook)

 13. They Don't Like Special Requests

They don't like to show it, but McDonald's workers do not like it when they see a special order. of course, when you're serving hundreds of thousands of orders and customers a day, the last thing they want is anything to slow down the hectic process. Because each one has to be handled separately and cannot just run through the system like the others.
Some people, even try and order chips without salt to try and ensure they get a fresh batch of chips. But workers have advised that instead of doing this, simply just ask for a fresh order. Otherwise, they may have to clean out the barrels first ect and it's a whole process. This, is fine if this is really the request you do want, but if it is a rouse for fresh chips then it's not worth it.
(Image source/CNBC)

q4. They Can Hear Everything In Your Car

The quality of the speakers at the drive-thru is pretty good, so good that they can hear it all. They become activated by the metal of your car so when your car rolls up the speakers tune in. And, they can basically hear everything going on inside your car. And while they are not trying to listen in, it's hard not to.
So if you think you're having a secret chat or an argument in undertones...the McDonald's worker can probably hear you. It's something to bear in mind for next time. And if you are whispering a complaint under your breath think again. You are not being as subtle as you think you are.
(Image source/QSRmagazine)

15. Artisan Sandwhiches Are Annoying

Employees of Mcdonald's won't tell you this, but the artisan products are very annoying. Every time someone orders one, the workers despair a tiny little bit inside. Because they take so much longer than the other menu items. Artisan and fast food do not exactly go hand in hand. In fact, it's a little bit of a contradiction.
If there are no sandwiches pre-made in the back, then the artisan chicken sandwiches take around eight minutes to prepare. Which, in contrast to the other items is a long time. And, considering how many people and orders there are there would be very long queues if everybody ordered one.
(Image source/brandeating)

16. 'The Ice Cream Machine Is Broken'

We've all heard those words. And, it's never well recieved - 'the ice cream machine is broken'. In fact, it seems to happen so often that you actually start to question if they ran out or they cannot be bothered to get the ice cream. It turns out that this is no word of a lie.
The ice cream machine is indeed broken, a lot of the time. The machine so probes to breaking and it can take a couple of days to get up and running again. It's a continous problem at McDonald's so if you are craving a McFlurry you better hope that the machine is up and running smoothly.
(Image source/bestonlinecollegedegrees)

17. Only Vehicles In The Drive Thru

If you've ever wondered if you walk through a drive-thru instead of driving, don't bother because you can't. McDonald's workers are not allowed to serve you unless you are in a motorized vehicle. So if you are on foot, or on an electric scooter, or a pedal bike then you will get turned away.
This rule is purely a safety issue because there may be cars behind who do not see you or expect you and it could be dangerous. It's not the fault of the employees and do not think that it's their fault if you get refused. It's a strict rule that's in place and cannot be broken.
(Image source/thecoatesgroup)

18. Discount Perks

McDonald's workers get 30% off Mcdonald's, not just nationally but worldwide with their staff card. Now, if that is not an incentive to join the Mcdonald's team I do not know what is. Imagine the price of Mcdonald's with 30% off when it's already very reasonable as it is.
Then again, it could be a blessing and a curse, because living off McDonald's may sound like a good idea taste-wise but definitely not health-wise. this bonus is one among many and they also get huge savings with Payless and even discounts on Apple products too.
(Image source/mashed.com)

19. Ask For A Round Egg

You may have heard the rumors that McDonald's eggs aren't real. And, the assumption usually comes from the fact that the eggs are so round and unnaturally neat. But, the round eggs are in fact made from real eggs. They use a round dish to crack the eggs into and then place over a lid and over some boiling water.
This is how they manage to get that perfectly rounded appearance. But, some of the eggs do come from a powdered mix. But, ironically not the perfectly round ones that made people question them in the first place. So, if you do want a really fresh egg then ask for a round egg.
(Image source/Foodbeast)

20. You Don't Have To Pay 5 Dollars For A Big Mac

Here's something we all want to know, but McDonald's employees certainly won't want us to. You do not actually have to pay five dollars for a Bog Mac. Big Macs are one of the most popular McDonald's items of all time. But, there's a way to get it less than half of the price. Ask for a Mac Double.
It is less than two dollars. Then, ask for it without mayo and ketchup on and ask them to put lettuce and Big Mac sauce on instead. Remember the trading sauce tip we looked at earlier. This is a great time to use that hack. Then, you've got yourself a Big Mac. Okay, there's no middle piece of bread but who needs that?
(Image source/burgerlad.com)

21. Ask For A Receipt

There are people who are actually paid to go and test the McDonald's food according to McDonald's employees. These people enter in certain hours and request a meal and they then have to rate it. Employees know about these certain people and so if they get a hunch that a customer is rating the meal they will do their best to impress and make sure their food is the freshest.
One way to tell these customers apart is that they always request a receipt. This is so they can have their meal reimbursed. So, if you want a McDonald's worker to think you are one of these special guests to improve your experience then request a receipt and they may just think you are there on a meal rating mission.
(Image source/Reddit)

22. The Fruit 'N Yoghurt Isn't Healthy

If you're going to McDonald's and trying to be healthy then you may opt for the Fruit 'N Yoghurt Parfait. You'd feel like you've really done well to resist one of the more extravagant options and instead choose fruit and yogurt. But, it's actually not even healthy.
It contains a lot of sugar which means the option you turned to feel less guilty actually is not as healthy as you thought. So, if you've ever resisted the Big Mac and in replacement chosen the fruit n yogurt parfait, you'll be very disappointed to find out that you were still consuming a load of sugar.
(Image source/secretmenus)

23. Mc-Rib(less)

The tasty McRib, a favorite amongst many. When it first came out people went beserk for this sweet sandwich. But, the McRib has no rib. And while you may think, of course, it has no rib the bone has been removed - it was never a rib in the first place.  The beef has been squished into that shape so that it vaguely resembles a beef rib.
But, when it's in between a sandwich or a burger you'd probably never have guessed and would have assumed by the name that it was in fact a rib. This burger may be delicious, but it is definitely not a healthy option it's full of sugar and sodium. And, it's made it pretty addictive.
(Image source/Masslive)

24. They Get Many Prank Calls

There are not really that many reasons to ring McDonald's, because it's not necessary in today's world. You either turn up and order, go to the drive-thru or order online. Of course, you can ring for legitimate reasons, maybe you are checking the opening time or booking a kid's party.
But they don't often get them. The majority of customer calls are actually prank calls. Every time the phone ring the McDonald's workers feel dubious about who is making the call. And, according to McDonald's workers they are often very innapropriate and highly unoriginal.
(Image source/Yelp)

25. You Can Get A Grilled Cheese

Grilled cheese is not on the menu. Nor is it on the so-called (non-existent) secret menu either. But, you can actually still ask for it nonetheless. The workers at McDonald's have received this request multiple times and they do not mind doing it for you. It's surprising how many times it's ordered despite being nowhere on the menu.
But, it can get tricky because the machine was not meant for grilled cheese and sometimes it can mean that the bun or the cheese ends up a little bit burned. So, if you really fancy grilled cheese and you're at McDonald's you could try your luck as they will probably be quite happy to oblige.
(Image source/tasteofhome)

26. They Don't Like Happy Meal Toy Collectors

It's not that they don't like Happy Meal collectors in general. If you ask for a happy meal and get the toy and that is that then you are very welcome indeed. But, it's when a collector starts pestering staff for a certain toy because it's not the one they want that things get very annoying.
Serving thousands of customers what staff do not want is to be trying to locate the right toy for everybody. Plus, the whole thing about a Happy Meal is that you get a suprise toy out of potluck. Not because you have requested it. So, if you are one of those people then the employees aren't very keen on trying to find the right toy.
(Image source/simplemost)

27. Noone Messes With Monopoly

The McDonald's Monopoly has been one of the most successful things ever for the chain. it happens every year. It brings in old customers, new customers and people more frequently than ever. And when it does happen, employees are not allowed to get involved.
This is because one store started printing out their own tickets to win, for the employees of the chain. It was back in 2000 and it was a well publicized incident. It was found out, however, and rules were put in place. And, since then no employee is allowed to open or mess with Monopoly at all. it is strictly for customers only.
(Image source/UNIlad)

28. They Sometimes Have Problems With The Signs

The Mcdonald's signs are well known everywhere, the famous golden arches. but it's not just the McDonalds that is up in big letters. It can be specials or new items for example. and sometimes they have issues. Because they are wither in LED lights or in real letters.
Sometimes the lights go out and make it appear a different way or sometimes certain letters fall off meaning a different word is spelled instead. One member of staff remembered how the letter 'g' fell out of the Angus burger and it caused quite a commotion at the time.
(Image source/Reddit)

20. 60 Minute Grilled Chicken Shelf Life

We've already seen how the grilled chicken is pretty bad. But it gets even worse. it is said to be the most neglected item on the menu. It's supposed to have a shelf life of 60 minutes under the cover which means it can remain under the heated lights for 60 minuites before it goes bad.
But, according to the workers, it goes bad well before 60 minutes and after not long at all it completely dries out. Then, it's kind of tasteless and rubbery and completely unappetising. Some people choose it for a more healthy option because it has less fat and calories. but in terms of taste and texture, it is not recommended.
(Image source/recipepes)

30. Sometimes Your Order Is Forgotten

The workers at McDonald's recommend you check your order to save disappointment in case anything has been done wrong or anything has been forgotten from the order. This is not because they are lazy or cannot be bothered to get your order right or they do not nother checking. Far from it.
The thing is, when thousands and thousands of customers a day are passing through and being fed, sometimes mistakes happen. The workers are human and they cannot always get everything right. But, they hate to disappoint their custimers by forgetting something so they urge you to check just incase.
(Image source/itv.com)

31. You May Be Refused Ice Cream If It's Busy

Okay, so we looked before at the reason sometimes the ice cream is out of order and it's because it genuinely is broken. But, there's more to it than that. You may find that if you are queuing in a long line of traffic the ice cream machine may be unfortunately 'out of service' today. And, yes it genuinely could be.
But, ex-staff members have revealed that they sometimes will not serve ice cream if it is too busy. This is because the ice cream cannot be pre-served and so they have to wait for the machine for every individual order which could result in the traffic and back log getting worse.
(Image Source/ yahoo.com)

32. The Ice Cream Machine is Sometimes Being Cleaned

Here's another reason you may be refused ice cream. Because, let's face it you have probably experienced this on at least one of more occasions if you are a fan of McDonald's. And, sometimes at the time when all you want is a McFlurry it can be so disappointing.
But, sometimes the ice cream machine is being cleaned during open hours. The thing is with McDonald's being open sometimes 24 hours, it has to be cleaned at some point. And, this may coincidentally have been when you were asking for ice cream. it's unfortunate but it has to happen I guess.
(Image Source/ blogspot.com)

33. Quarter Meat is Fresh

Okay, we've looked at what not to order if you want fresh food (the grilled chicken), but let's see what is defiitely fresh. It turns out that if you want fresh meat straight from the fridge - yes the fridge not the freezer- then quarter pounder meat may be the thing for you.
So McDonald's have fresh deliveries that are almost daily and so it goes straight to the fridge and then straight to your plate. It is not even frozen. This definitely sounds more appealing than something that has been hanging around for days on end doesn't it?
(Image Source/ londonontheinside.com)

34.The Ice Cream May Be Hot

One McDonald's employer has come out and said that 99.9% of the time, the ice cream machine is not broken. So, this is definitely contrary to what we have heard about the reliability of the machine. Yet, this former employee offers another explanation.
They said that for whatever reason it may be, the ice cream may be in 'heat mode'. This means that you're actually getting warm ice cream (the irony) if that's even a thing. Which, essentially I guess in heat mode and out of order are kind of synonymous anyway because either way, there's no McFlurries today...
(Image Source/ eater.com)

35. The Small Patties Are Often Undercooked

Well if you aren't a fan of rare or undercooked meat or blood...this one definitely isn't for you. A former McDonald's employer has revealed that the small patties are frequently undercooked. They will be taken off the grill still pink, still a little bit bloody.
Then, they'll be shoved onto a tray for hours where they then sit. If you like your beef on the slightly rarer side however, then maybe next time you should order the small patties. But, if not then maybe opt for a different choice now that you know this McDonald secret.
(Image Source/ Matador.com)

36. Mystery Shoppers Come At Certain Times

We've heard of mystery shoppers, we saw in a previous point how the experience would be better if an employee thinks you are a mystery shopper rating their experience. Each manager wants the bet reviews possible. There are certain times when the employees expect the mystery shopppers to come in store.
These times are usually around the hours of 12-2 and 5-7. Basically this is during rush hour. So, everyone is on peak performance at this point to ensure that when they do get a mystery shopper they have a good experience and give the store a good rating...
(Image Source/ Matador.com)

37. You Are More Likely To Get Fresh Food During Rush Hour

During rush hour, you are more likey to get fresh food. Because, there is never enough pre made stock to serve all of rush hour traffic. This then means that the speed of cooking and the turnover rate at these particular times is extremely high to serve everyone.
So if you turn up in peak time, the likelihood is that your food will be fresh out of the oven. Yes, they're may be more of a queue but let's face it - fresh McDonald's is SO much better than McDonald's which has been sat around going slightly stale under the heated lamps. So, it's a no brainer.
(Image Source/ Thepickiesteater.com)

38. Old Food Goes To A 'Warming Bin'

Once the McDonald's food has been sitting around for a while, it is then put into a warming bin. Which, yes the concept of a warming bin sounds a little bit gross. Each of these warming bins has a timer on it, once the time is up the food has to go into the actual bin.
This is because it has to be disposed because it's no longer supposed to be served. Yet, what's even more disgusting than the warming bin is that an ex-employer said they often ignore this timer. Instead, they keep switching the timer off and just serve the bin food whenever.
(Image Source/ TheIndependent.com)

39. They May Forget To Switch Gloves Between Food

Okay so this is a pretty horrifying thought when you think about switching from raw chicken to then handling cooked food that is about to be served. The bacteria that could transfer is the reason it is so important to switch gloves. Apparently though, some workers may forget to switch gloves.
When accidents happen, it is often caught and the food will be disposed of. But there are times it is not seen and slips under the radar. But, an employee did reassure people that these people are often fired when they are caught doing it. Which, is definitely a good thing.
(Image Source/ Today.com)

40. Drive Thru Is Always Quicker

If you want the quickest way to get your McDonald's food then the drive thru is definitely the best option for you. If you've ever debated whether walking inside or driving around will be quicker, it is pretty much without a doubt going to be the drive thru.
This is because the drive thru is the priority for a quick turn around. Plus, as we saw before the drive thru's are on a speed timer and so the quicker the service the better. Inside, you are slightly more likely to be forgotten or just to be less prioritised.
(Image Source/ Foodratingtoday.com)

41. There's A Secret Mc10:35.

There is no secret menu, we've established that much to the dismay of many. But, that's not to say that their aren't off the record items that can be served. For example, employees have named a new item that is not on the menu. They have named it the Mc10:35, because rightly so it is around this time when it can be served.
It is during the breakfast and lunch transition time. There are still eggs leftover from breakfast when the switch to the lunch menu happens. So it you are just outside of the breakfast menu, try ordering an egg on your McDouble. You can thank us later.
(Image Source/ burgersguy.com)

42. The Ice Cream Machines Aren't Very Clean

The ice cream machines are pretty big and they are a pain to clean. Well, a pain to clean if you are cleaning them properly and thoroughly. Which, may not happen as often as you would care to hope. Someone revealed that they knew an employee who's job was to clean the ice cream machines.
In their opinion (knowing what they did) it was best to avoid getting ice cream altogether. Let's just say they knew their friend was skipping a few corners (literally). Maybe this is something to think about the next time you crave a Maccies ice cream...
(Image Source/ Blogspot.com)

43. There's An Off The Record Sandwhich

An unoffical item menu - this is what we love to hear about. Especially since the disappointment of the non-existent secret menu. But, this is something you can request. And, the chances are you aren't the first to have asked for it so the McDonald's workers will know what you are talking about.
You can ask for a McChicken and a McDouble together, and they will basically smash them both together to make a mixture sandwhich. Or, you can order them both and do it yourself. As of yet there seems to be no name for this combo. And you definitely won't find it on the real menu.
(Image Source/ Instagram.com)

44. They May Be Gossipping On The Headsets

Of course, it's normal to gossip at work. Whatever line of work you are in i'm sure you've witnessed or partaken (if we're being honest) in a bit of gossip now and then. And yes, sometimes McDonald's workers use their headsets for this - it's only natural.
But, they won't be talking about you out of malice, unless you are very rude to the staff. But, if you have a cute dog at the drive thru then the rest of the workers will be alerted and you will suddenly become the favourite customer in McDonald's - be warned.
(Image Source/ CNN.com)

45. McFlurries Are Mainly Ice

If you've ever ordered a McFlurry, you may have thought you ate it really fast or just wondered by their seemed to be so little in that big cup. That's because it's true. They fill the outside of the cup with ice and leave a hole in the middle for the ice cream. Because, ice is cheaper than ice cream.
So next time you will not wonder why you seemed to eat it so fast or why you aren't as full as you thought you should be. Have a look insde and you might spot the tonne of ice that fills the space instead of just ice cream. We don't know if asking for less ice and more ice cream would work...but you could try?
(Image Source/ BuzzFeed.com)

46. Staff Are Usually Either Grill Or Service Not Both

Sometimes staff get complaints because they are stood their serving while their is a rush for food or they appear to not be doing anything. Customers then wonder why they aren't helping to prepare the food to make the queue go quicker. But, this is not how it works.
Staff are usually either trained to be on service or grill duty. But, rarely are they trained to do both. So this is the reason you will not see the McDonald's worlers changing duties very often because they will either be on the desk or serving or behind the scenes cooking the food.
(Image Source/ TheIndependent.com)

47. Happy Meals Are Most Annoying

Happy Meals are one of the most popular items on the McDonald's menu ever, and kind of the most fun. But, for a worker this is not the case. If they had to choose one of the most annoying items on the menu (aside from the artisan products) then it may well be the Happy Meals. This is because there is multiple things to do to prepare the pack.
It is not just food and go, it all has to be assembled into the box and there are more stages than most of the other items. Which, can be made and served straight away. Of course this does not mean that Happy Meals would ever be removed from the menu...there would be uproar.
(Image Source/ TheIndependent.com)

48. The App May Sometimes Give You Freebies

If you've ever wondered how to get discouts or even maybe the occasional Maccies freebie if you are very lucky - then download the app. You get loads of discounts on their and the occasional promotion which will get you something free. Plus, you can modify all the items.
You can change sauces, even change the type of bun on you burger and really specify what you want. So, it definitely has a number of benefits if you are a McDonald's regular. It's something that employees reccomend but not many people actually have it.
(Image Source/ foodiereviews.com)

49. Ask For Less Ice In Your Soda

The way to gey more soda is to ask for less ice. The employees fill the cup with ice because it is cheaper than soda. Then when the cup is full of ice they fill the rest with soda so you aren't actually getting that much. This is certainly not something that just happens in McDonald's but we all know that they have got to be one of the worst for it.
The cups rattle with ice they are so crammed full with cubes. If you want more of the actual soda then simply request no ice and your cup will be full to the brim with the drink of your choice. This is a very useful hack to keep in mind for next time.
(Image Source/ foodnewstoday.com)

50. The Onions Are Dehydrated

Those delicious onions on the top of your burger...so moreish. How do they get them to crisp up like that and to taste so good? I'm sure anyone whose tried them has wondered what the trick is and how to do them. But, they aren't just diced and fried onions.
They are actually dehydrated onions. they have to be made in a special pot that is stirred. So, if you are trying to recreate them at home then it's not just a simple case of frying them until they are golden and crispy. They are dehydrated onions in fact.
(Image Source/ Insurancejournal.com)

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