10 Things That Remind You Of Being A Little Kid!

By Josh King 1 year ago

1. Wicker basket.

My mum had a few of these in the kitchen full of soups and tins of things. Even though we hardly went on picnics, we always had these basket dotted around.Can you ever remember having one of these? Very 70s & 80s!

2. School board.

Blackboards were bloody awful, especially when the teacher used to smack the board wiper on the wall and the chalk would go everywhere in a big puff.
In the very olden days, my mum used to tell me the teacher threw them at kids when they were naughty so it always used to scare me.

3. Chocolate drops.

I loved these chocolate drops. The old lady in the corner shop always used to throw extras of these in my pick n mix bag! I loved them so much.
You can still get these now but for some reason they don't taste half as good as they used to!

4. Broth cups.

My mum had a load of these! We had so many dotted around the kitchen we loved them. Do you remember them?
Every household in the 80s had these. They really remind me of being a kid and winter time too! My gran made us soup in these.

5. Itsy Bitsy Spider Puppets.

Who remembers these two? I can remember watching them but can you name what they were off?
I can't remember! Let us know in the comment section below the article where you remember them from!

6. School tables.

Remember when we used to have our own tables in school. I used to sneak food into mine and munch on it while I was in class when the teacher wasn't looking.
They were always covered in dints and holes from the years before.

7. Pick n mix sweets.

Who used to out these in their 10p bag of pick n mix? I used to love biting the top if these ones first then chewing on the rest of it after.
Kids these days don't know what they're missing out on with thee sweets!

8. Biro pen.

Who used to try and get all of the colours down at the same time? Or was that just me? I used to faff around with this pen so much in class.
The teacher took mine of me once because I wouldn't stop clicking it.

9. Pop swatch.

These were HUGE when I was little. Everyone had one of these watches! My mum got me one once, she came home from work with it and I was so happy.
I just wanted to show it off to all of my friends. They were such cute little watches.

10. Home pride.

This reminds me of being little my mum had these dotted around the kitchen. I wonder if anyone still has any of theres?!

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