Unseen Images of Trump’s Children That He Doesn’t Want You To See

By Juliet Smith 2 years ago

Ivanka and Tiffany as Kids

Ivanka Trump Picture

Image Source: loveproperty.com

This photo of a young Ivanka and Tiffany Trump was taken in 1996 at Trump Tower. While you may think that Ivanka and Tiffany have a good relationship, Tiffany's face says it all in this. And we have to wonder why they thought it was okay for Tiffany to pose with a wound on her knee!

A Disgusting Trophy

Donald Trump Jr Elephant Tail

Image Source: Twitter @ZimToday

Finally, the last in our series of shocking pictures of Donald Trump's children - and this one's gory, folks. After killing an elephant in Zimbabwe, Donald Trump Jr. once again poses with his kill, this time going as far as to cut the tail off and hold it up. It's not the best image for a President's son.

Ivanka Baring All

Ivanka Trump Model

Image Source: zestvine.com

Not many people know that Ivanka Trump was actually a model before she was the First Daughter. She started modelling when she was a teenager, and some of her portraits are pretty revealing - not something you'd expect from a politician's family!

Getting in Touch with Nature

Donald Trump Jr Woods

Image Source: nytimes.com

This photo - which accompanied a New York Times profile of the businessman - is now more well known for becoming a veritable meme on the internet. For one thing, doesn't he look super awkward? What is he staring at? What's with the chequered shirt? So many questions, too few answers.

Ivanka Caught Off Guard

Ivanka Getting Ready

Image Source: townandcountrymag.com

Ivanka has had the press surrounding her since her birth, thanks to her father's businesses. This means we've got plenty of unstaged pictures of the teen, including this one. We're more inclined to think of Ivanka as a beautiful model, so seeing her in the middle of getting ready is a real change.

How Tall is Barron?

Barron Trump Height

Image Source: townandcountrymag.com

Barron Trump is the youngest of the Trump children, and not much is actually known about him. He's 15 years old now and doesn't particularly like being in the spotlight. That said, the times we have seen him, we can only think: how tall is Barron Trump?! He certainly towers over his father, which must make the patriarch a little uncomfortable.

Taller than Melania Even

Barron Trump Photos

Image Source: hola.com

In this photo, it's even more obvious that Barron is growing to be the tallest of the Trump clan. Melania is even wearing heels, which makes the height difference all the more staggering. In fact, Barron Trump is six-foot-seven - do you think the sixteen-year-old ever plans to try out for the NBA?

In the Middle of a Workout...

Ivanka Gym

Image Source: zestvine.com

As a former model, Ivanka Trump has spent her life taking care of her body. This includes intensive workouts - like the one she's engaged in here. It's definitely not the most glamorous we've ever seen her though - I'm sure she'd much rather that this photo wasn't out there for everyone to see.

...With Her Husband

Ivanka Trump Jog

Image Source: hola.com

Ivanka doesn't just work out alone though. Here, we can see her and her husband, businessman Jarred Kushner, out for a jog together near their home in Florida. The First Daughter even bears a little of her midriff between a classy sports bra and her jogging pants.

An Unhappy Eric

Donald Trump Kids

Image Source: townandcountrymag.com

Children can't be happy all the time - especially if they're being shown off at business gatherings and important dinners. This is evidently the case for Eric Trump, who doesn't look particularly happy to be forced into a suit and tie and to be attending a fancy dinner with his father.

Sexy Modelling Pics

Ivanka Trump Modelling Pictures

Image Source: zestvine.com

This photo is somehow even more revealing than the previous Ivanka modelling photo. For one, Ivanka is obviously dressed as a dominatrix (that crop isn't for horse riding, we're sure). Then there's the fact that she's showing a scandalous amount of chest!

Unhappy Barron

Barron Trump Photo

Image Source: townandcountrymag.com

According to inside sources, Barron Trump doesn't always get along with his famous father. While Donald might play this down, this photo seems to prove that point a little bit. As Donald greets reporters and paparazzi, Barron looks like he wants to entirely disappear from his father's side!

An Unkempt Ivanka

Ivanka Paparazzi Photo

Image Source: townandcountrymag.com

For many years, Ivanka worked as a vice president at her father's foundation. This presumably meant a lot of long hours - and we can imagine it wasn't a doddle to do while pregnant. Here, it looks like Ivanka has stepped out of the house without even drying her hair, proving that Trump's children are just like us sometimes.

Donald and Eric's Hunting Trophy

Trump Children Hunting

Image Source: Twitter @guardian

The Trumps aren't afraid to cause a scandal, which is good as this photo in particular certainly shocked people. While Donald might say that his children are proud members of the NRA, not everyone looks favourably on big-game hunting in Africa - especially when some of those animals are as magnificent as the spotted leopard.

Act Casual

Ivanka Trump Casual

Image Source: pagesix.com

We know by now that Ivanka isn't afraid to go out looking a little worse for wear. Here, it looks like she's thrown on her most comfortable and relaxing wear to head out for a walk with her daughter in Florida. We respect her for it, but then again she doesn't look pleased to have been caught by the paparazzi!

Bored at the Inauguration

Barron Trump Photo

Image Source: vanityfair.com

We know that Barron is a clever, independent kid, and that means not being totally ecstatic about his parent's achievements. Here he is at his own father's presidential inauguration looking... disappointed? Bored? Unhappy? There's a lot going on here, but we'd hazard a guess and say that he wasn't having the best time.

... Extremely Bored

Barron Trump Yawning

Image Source: express.co.uk

Barron had such a bad time at his father's inauguration that he was even caught yawning throughout the ceremony! His mother Melania was on hand with an umbrella to protect her and her son from the rain, but it's a shame she couldn't shield Barron completely from the paparazzi.

Trying New Sports

Ivanka Trump Surfing

Image Source: hola.com

The Trumps are evidently a sporty family - the men enjoy their golf (and hunting...), and Ivanka likes to work out. However, during one family vacation, she tried her hand at a new sport: surfing. Here, she actually looks lie she's getting the hang of it, though it's hardly a flattering portrait.

Getting Her (Controversial) Vaccine

Ivanka Vaccine

Image Source: Twitter @IvankaTrump

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Donald Trump questioned the point of the vaccine mandates, suggesting that people should turn to their own remedies to the virus. However, it seems that Ivanka herself embraced the vaccine campaign, sharing a picture of her getting her vaccine very proudly. She's even masked!

Going Braless at the UN

Ivanka Braless

Image Source: Twitter @Acyn

Being invited to speak at the United Nations is a huge honour, one that Ivanka was clearly excited about. So excited, it seems, that she completely forgot to wear a bra that day. Yep, these pictures don't lie - the First Daughter of the United States really did have her nipples out in front of global dignitaries.

A Party Teen

Tiffany Trump

Image Source: Instagram @tiffanytrump

Now aged 28, Tiffany Trump is more known for her foray into communications and PR during her father's time as President. But from the looks of her Instagram, Tiffany had some fun as a teen and young adult. We're not entirely sure what possessed her to pick up this huge red die, but it must have been a memorable night at least.

Kisses for Daddy

Ivanka and Donald

Image Source: cheatsheet.com

Ivanka is certainly close with her father, but some of her dad's comments about his daughter have caught people off guard. This picture, in particular, is a little bit weird, with a young Ivanka kissing her dad on the cheek as they pose in front of one of his sports cars.

Doing a Bit of Shopping

Ivanka in Target

Image Source: hola.com

You would expect someone with a net worth in the millions (to be precise, $800 million) to shop somewhere a little bit glamorous, even for their daily bits and bobs. But no - Ivanka was actually spotted with her family at the discount store Target. Not exactly the vibe that Donald would want to show!

More Hunting

Trump Jr Hunting

Image Source: Twitter @co_rapunzel4

Donald Trump Jr. makes no secret of his love for killing wild animals. However, each picture that emerges has created a huge backlash, both among animal rights groups and others who worry that taxpayer money is being spent on hunting in Africa. Whatever your opinion, it's certainly not a picture that Trump wants everyone to see!

Not Put Together

Tiffany Trump Swimsuit

Image Source: thesun.co.uk

Tiffany perhaps doesn't get as much publicity as her half-siblings - some say this is because she doesn't have as good a relationship with her father as the others. But this doesn't mean she doesn't get out with paparazzi pictures - in this one she's certainly not looking as put together as in her TV appearances for her dad's campaign.

What Are You Smoking?

Tiffany Trump Cigarette

Image Source: dailymail.co.uk

She may be one of the faces of her dad's campaign, but Tiffany knows how to let her down when she's not working. Last year, she was spotted on a balcony of the fancy Setai Hotel in Miami, holding what appears to be a neon green lighter and a hand-rolled smoke. What could it be?

All Denim

Ivanka Trump Braces

Image Source: yahoo.com

Ivanka's known for being one of the most stylish members of the Trump family, but that doesn't mean she always got it right. Take this extravagant denim outfit that Ivanka wore to a restaurant opening when she was just a young girl. We reckon she doesn't want to be reminded that she once had braces, either!

Eric's Hunting Trophy

Hunting and Trump

Image Source: Twitter @co_rapunzel4

Eric Trump is another Trump child that people often forget about - they are more likely to remember Donald Trump Jr or Ivanka. But he's also a bit of a controversial figure, especially because he enjoys wild game hunting in Africa just like his brother. This beautiful antelope was killed in Zimbabwe, and though the hunt was supposedly legal, we're not sure.

What's In the Box?

Eric Trump Hamster

Image Source: yahoo.com

We were all young once, but that's perhaps more embarrassing for the Trump children, who have been in the spotlight from a very very young age. Here, a young Eric Trump poses with a hamster he had been tasked with caring for at school - as with Ivanka, those braces are a look that we bet he wants to forget!

That Famous Speech

Donald Trump Jr Speech

Image Source: metro.com

As one of his father's senior advisors, Donald Trump Jr. was on TV a LOT during his father's campaign race. However, not all of those speeches went entirely well. In this one, Donald is better remembered for his strange glassy eyes and sweaty face - which some people have even suggested could have been the result of certain drugs...

A Very Uncomfortable Moment For All Watching

Image Source: cheatsheet.com

You may remember it. That time the two of them were on stage together and Donald put his hands around her waist whilst staring somewhere a little odd. It's made all the worse when we think of his statement: “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…”

A Very Animated Conversation

Image Source: DailyMail.com

This is not the best moment for Tiffany. Here she is partying in Miami whilst celebrating her 27th birthday surrounded by her friends and her boyfriend. She's having a very animated conversation whilst her friends laugh round her. But, it's not the most flattering of looks.

A Shoulder Rub

Image Source: cheatsheet.com

The body language between the two, the continuous inappropriate comments about his own daughter and his daughter's body AND even the fact he referred to her more than once as a piece of ass makes this kind of body language a little (okay a lot) weird.

Keeping His Distance From Tiffany

Image Source: businessinsider.com

The way Trump and Tiffany stand together and act is a long way from Trump and Ivanka. Even here, the two keep there distance proving that their relationship is not as close. In fact, it was stated that Trump tries to keep his distance from being photographed with Tiffany because he thinks she is overweight.

Donald Trump Jr. Looking Very Unflattering

Image Source: Mashable.com

This picture if Ivanka Trump and brother Donald Trump Jr was taken as they attended The Musuem of Natural History's Winter Dance Benefit 'Celebrating Heavenly Bodies of the Universe' at the Rose Center for Earth and Space. The look on the face of Donald Trump Jr. is as though he has never seen a woman before.

A Look Of Disgust

Image Source: news.com

Donald Trump and Barron do not have a bad relationship by any means...but that's not what this picture is saying. The look on Barron's face as he glances at the waving Donald Trump is a mixture of boredom...and something like disgust. It's safe to say he does not want to be there.

Eric In The Middle Of Yet Another Bad Speech

Image Source: fortune.com

Eric Trump has gained fame of course for being Trump's son...but what he is really known for is showing himself up publicly and making terrible speeches. Here is is again boasting about his position. It was not the best move considering it was found he was technically stealing money from a charity.

A Misjudgement Of Outfit

Image Source: thelist.com

This photo was taken during a trip to Colombia for women's empowerment. What a way to take the focus off women's empowerment and instead to her and her outfit by wearing an outfit that takes up so much attention it almost covers those standing beside her.

Young And Awkward Looking

Image Source: thelist.com

This photo was taken a ew years ago whilst they were attending an event with their father. Donald Jr and Eric most certainly were at their awkward looking phase, just as most people go through. But this is a particularly awkward shot, the two boys look like they have no idea why they are there at all...

Scarcely Clad American Celebrations

Image Source: thelist.com

It runs in the genes...the Trumps love to display there American pride with questionable outfit choices. Here Tiffany is celebrating the fourth of July holding an American flag and wearing...not much else. It's not quite what we picture for the daughter of the president at the time.

The Other Mom

Image Source: Instagram.com

As we know, Tiffany is not Melania's daughter but she is the daughter of Trump's first wife. It's not something that Trump likes to discuss, in fact he is not as close with Tiffany for this very reason. But, Tiffany as we can see here has a much closer bond than with her father who she finds it difficult to be close with.

Barron Snatching His Hand Away From His Mother

Image Source: DailyMail.com

It's no wonder the boy did not want to hold his mother's hand at the age of 14 during the very public ceremony with the whole world watching. We know already that the children and parents have strange relationships and that Ivanka still calls Trump daddy. Perhaps Barron is the same?

Pucker Up Eric

Image Source: DailyMail.com

Donald Trump coming toward you with pursed puckered lips ready for a kiss (on the cheek)...no wonder Eric looks less than impressed and slightly mortified. In front of the whole word too. It definitely does not seem to be reciprocated to say the least.

Brotherly Affection

Image Source: TheMirror.com
Eric never seems to be taken seriously, and it's not only the public but his own family still treat him as though he's still a baby. I'm not sure Eric appreciated this affectionate gesture that once again makes him look as though he is not a capable or sensible grown man, despite towering over his elder brother.

Back To The Child Modelling Days

Image Source: Twitter.com

Ivanka's beauty has always been something that have been openly celebrated by her parents Melania and Trump. Especially by her father who loves to talk about how beautiful she is at any given moment. And, she had a successful modelling career before she became the daughter of the president. Yet this look is not a good look there's no denying it.

Tiffany's Drunken Speech

Image Source: GayTimes.com

This was Tiffany giving a speech at a Pride celebration. It should have been a good moment for her, yet it became pretty obvious that she had had one or two (or a few) tipples before getting on stage. And, she talked way too much about how her father did really support the Pride movement and trying to justify his words.

Donald Jr's Social Media Speech From His Bed

Image Source: TheIndependent.com

Donald Trump Jr posted this strange video whilst lay down in his bed, complaining that his social media posts were not getting enough likes. He claimed that the social media platforms must have been hiding his posts to cover up the Biden crimes - his own conspiracy theory.

Boredom At His Father's Speech

Image Source: vox.com

Donald Trump and each member of his family are in he media a lot due to one of them doing something embarrassing - either a false statement or a inaccurate fact. And another reason is that during every event one of them seems to behave in a way that attracts negative press - for example here Eric looking totally bored by his father's speech. So much so that he's covering his face with his hand.

The Refused Hug

Image Source: vox.com

This photo shows Marco Rubio enthusiastically going in to hug Ivanka as they met at the Senate and...it being totally not reciprocated. Not even a half hearted return, but a completely straight armed refusal to hug him back. This moment was so awkward it was turned into a meme.

And Trump Kissing Ivanka...On The Lips

Image Source: Quartz.com

The relationship between these two as we have established is regarded as strange, mainly fuelled by Trump's casual comments about incest. But, this moment was particularly memorable when Trump went to kiss his daughter (a common occurrence) but the two met on the lips rather than the cheek which fuelled speculation even more.

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