Here’s What Happens When You Stop Eating Sugar For 30 Days

By Juliet Smith 2 years ago

1. You May Experience A Sharper Mind

Foods That Cause Brain Fog - Assisting Hands - In Home Care Healthcare, Elder Care, and Senior CaregiversImage Source/ Assisting Hands Home CareIf you've got a big project upcoming, or have an important exam, then you might want to consider cutting the sugar. It has been suggested in some studies that cutting sugar from your diet may actually make your mind more focused and keep it clear. When you eat a lot of sugar your mind is potentially sabotaged.

2. Some Studies Suggest That Your Risk of Diabetes Will Decrease

Schizophrenia may cause type 2 diabetes, new study findsImage Source/ The Conversation
Cutting sugar from your diet could possibly reduce your risk of diabetes according to some studies which have been carried out. While it may not be something noticeable within the first 30 days, it would definitely be a positive of giving up sugar. Too much sugar is linked to causing type 2 diabetes, which can be prevented by regulating your diet.

3. You Might Experience Weight Loss

The No-Sugar Diet Plan: Food List & More for Getting Results - Onnit AcademyImage Source/ Onnit
You might already be considering cutting sugar from your diet for all sorts of reasons, but a lot of people cut sugar due to their weight. Not only does consuming too much sugar mean empty calories, it is also suggested that it may complicate the hormones responsible for maintaining a healthy weight.

4. You May Become Happier

Summer Weight Loss: 4 Things to Avoid - Advanced Medical Weight Loss & Wellness Center, Inc.Image Source/ Advanced Medical Weight Loss
We all know that scoffing sugary goods can make us feel a temporary high, but that may be all it is: temporary. Long-term wise, you may notice that if you cut sugar from your diet you could start to become happier and brighter, as some research has implied that sugar can negatively affect our brain function.

5. Some Studies Suggest You Could Have Clearer Skin

This writer tried the 7-day no-sugar diet and here's what happened to her skin - Her World SingaporeImage Source/ Her World Singapore
According to some research, acne, pimples, rashes and blemishes have all been linked to high-sugar diets. Studies have suggested that you're more susceptible to these conditions if you consume a lot of sugar. Therefore, if you're looking to make your skin clear and glow, you could try cutting the sugar for 30 days.

6.  You May Not Get Sick As Often

6 Signs You Have a Weakened Immune System - Penn MedicineImage Source/ Penn Medicine
Some studies have been carried out which suggest that too much sugar could mess up your immune system. A lot of sugar may lead to chronic inflammation, which subsequently lowers your immune response, meaning you're more likely to catch a cold. If you're one to get ill regularly, maybe consider this as an option to see if it helps.

7. You Might Not Age As Quick

Wrinkles: How to reduce them with our top tips — Radiance Skincare and Laser ClinicImage Source/ Radiance Skincare and Laser Clinic
It is thought by some that a high-sugar diet may cause glycation, which is a process that happens when sugar undermines the collagen and elastin levels in your skin. This might then lead to your skin actually wrinkling faster. Try cutting sugar for 30 days and you may notice a difference in your wrinkles.

8. You Might Prevent Smelly Breath

How Do You Get Bad Breath…. and How Do You Get Rid of It? - Clear Smiles - Dallas and Houston Invisalign ProviderImage Source/ Clear Smiles
I bet you didn't know that some studies suggest that sugar can actually cause the bad bacteria in your mouth that makes your breath smell bad. So when you're eating your cakes, you may not realise that this could be one of the reasons you have bad breath. Try cutting sugar to see if it helps.

9. According To Research Your Teeth May Be Healthier

Tips for healthier teeth - Healthy Food GuideImage Source/ Healthy Food Guide
According to a study undertaken in 2013, it suggests that sugar could be directly linked to cavities and tooth decay. If you don't want to experience problems like root canals or tooth loss, you might want to swap the snickers bar for some dental floss. Sugar may just be the enemy to your teeth!

10. Your Sex Life Could Improve

How sugar is wrecking your sex lifeImage Source/ Men's Health
It's been implied that in women, sugar can disrupt the sexual hormone balance. Also, in men, sugar may lead to erectile dysfunction or a low libido. So if you're finding yourself struggling with your sex life just try cutting sugar to see if it's one of the factors.

11. Studies Show You May Get A Better Night Sleep

How Sleep Affects Sugar Intake | Andrew Weil, M.D.Image Source/ Dr. Weil
Sugar might effect the balance of your hormones, and these include the hormones responsible for healthy, restorative sleep. Therefore eating too much sugar throughout the day, or even just before bed, could give you a disrupted sleep and potentially even night terrors.

12. You Could Make Healthier Meals

Top 10 Kitchen Safety Rules to Follow | Taste of HomeImage Source/ Taste of Home
By cutting out sugar, it means that your snack intake has possibly decreased too. This then means that you may feel hungrier at your meal times and are probably more inclined to cook something healthier, given that you've spent the day without consuming any sugar.

13. You Might Get Headaches

Sugar Can Cause Headaches, and It's More Likely If You Have DiabetesImage Source/ Insider
For a lot of people, sugar may even be an addiction and those people probably don't even know. This means that by cutting sugar out of your diet you might experience the same as after a high, a comedown. This will mean that when you first quit you might go through a period of time with headaches and sweats.

14. You Could Crave Sugar

Resist the Craving: Cutting Out Sugar with 5 StepsImage Source/ Healthy Balance
As some studies have shown, with every addiction, the cravings could kick in. You may soon realise that once you've cut sugar out of your diet, you could start to crave it more and more as the days go on. However, it should subdue eventually when your body is used to not having it.

15. You May Immediately Feel Rubbish

Are 2 day hangovers real & what happens during them? | Pall MallImage Source/ Pall Mall Medical
According to some of those who have done the no-sugar 30-day diet, they claimed that at the beginning of their journey they could feel their energy levels deplete. One dieter even said that it felt like a hangover that wouldn't go away. This may just be a natural reaction as the body has come to a complete stop of sugar.

16. You May Break The Rules Without Knowing

5 Surprising Health Benefits Of Chewing Gum Regularly -5 Surprising Health Benefits Of Chewing Gum RegularlyImage Source/ HerZindagi
There's a lot more than just cakes and sweets that have lots of sugar in and you'll be surprised. People think that they can come into this diet and it'll be easy enough, but you could be wrong. One stick of gum and you may realise you've actually broken the rules!

17. You Could Potentially Save Money

How to Save Money Around Your Home: 27 Simple Tips - CNETImage Source/ CNET
Sweet things usually don't come cheap. Just nipping into Dunkin' Donuts will set you back $10 just for a caramel latte and a donut. But during your 30 days you might find that you don't spend as much money on pointless snacks like these and you'll see your savings stack!

18. You Might Realise That Some Foods Are Naturally Sweet

8 Super Sweet Fruits That Will Satisfy Your Holiday Sugar Cravings | Cooking LightImage Source/ Cooking Light
After you've given up the sugar, you might come to taste sweetness where you've never tasted it before. Just eating a bell pepper could then satisfy your sweet needs. Obviously, the other foods aren't actually full of sugar, but just maybe enough for you to finally taste.

19. You'll Realise Even Salads Might Have Sugar In

Caesar Salad Dressing Mix RecipeImage Source/ The Spruce Eats
You think of a salad and think healthy, right? Well, not always. Believe it or not, you might not be able to eat certain salads on your 30 day detox. It all comes down to the salad dressing which usually contains more added sugar than you would actually think!

20. You Could Get The Shakes

Why Do I Shake When I Drink Alcohol? | Banyan Treatment PompanoImage Source/ Banyan Treatment Centers
Given that our bodies may rely on sugar a lot, especially given that they might be so used to a sugar-induced pick-me-up most days, you might get the shakes at the beginning of your 30 days. Not to worry, studies suggest that this is a perfectly normal response for your body to have when you're going through a detox.

21. According To Some Research You Could Be Less Bloated

Why You May Start to Feel Less Bloated Very Soon | Women's HealthImage Source/ Women's Health
Bloating can be a normal bodily function when you're eating sugary foods, and that can then cause you to be very gassy. Well, good news in store. When you cut that sugar from your diet, you may realise that you're a lot less gassy than you were before and look less bloated.

22. You Might Feel More Full Throughout The Day

Ate Too Much? Here's How to Feel Better ASAP | Cooking LightImage Source/ Cooking Light
Given that when we turn to our treat cupboards for a sweet snack we may be doing so for emotional support rather than filling our hunger, when you cut that sugar out you could actually feel more full throughout the day. That might be because you've stopped reaching for those snacks!

23. You May Find That You Excel At Your Workouts

Home Workout and Fitness Tips: Exercising without the Gym - HelpGuide.orgImage Source/ HelpGuide
You'd think that sugar would give you a good amount of energy for your workouts, but you could actually be wrong. Some research has proposed that sugar only gives us so much energy and for a short period of time, until our bodies need it again. When you get rid of this middle man, your body may start to produce natural energy that keeps you sustained throughout your workout.

24. You Could Find Yourself Buying Less Processed Foods

Processed Foods - Tufts Health & Nutrition LetterImage Source/ Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter
Once you work out how much sugar is in everything that you buy, it will automatically cut out processed foods for you. More often than not these are packed full of sugar just to overpower their cheap or unsavoury taste. It makes sense that you won't see yourself picking these up anymore.

25. You Might Crave Random Foods

Here's why we crave food even when we're not hungryImage Source/ The Conversation
Without that need for sugar in your life anymore you may find yourself craving random foods that you never thought you would. It doesn't just go for a cream cake, but you might start craving your favourite tinned soup, bottle of mayonnaise or packet of chips!

26. You Might Realise How Much Sugary Foods People Eat

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Dessert — Eat This Not ThatImage Source/ Eat This, Not That
There's nothing worse than sitting around watching everybody around you eat the most delicious looking sweet foods ever. Not only this, but you'll also come to realise how often you're in this position. It's hard to believe that people would eat so much sugary foods.

27. You Could Be Creative With Your Meals

Meal Planning | ADAImage Source/ American Diabetes Association
Given that you won't be picking up processed foods anymore, you'll have to become a bit more creative with your meals. This could mean researching new recipes to cook from scratch, creating your own in-depth food diary or simply finding a healthy place to order from each night.

28. You Can Come To Terms With The Fact That The Foods You Were Eating Were Sickly

Recipe 70: Dessert Waffles. SUGAR OVERLOAD (for me, anyway) | by Sarah Charles | Cooking With Sarah | MediumImage Source/ Medium
When you reflect on the sweet things you were eating before your (maybe) life-changing sugar detox, you'll ask yourself the question, how on Earth did I manage to eat all that? What seemed like an easy move before suddenly now might feel like a man vs food challenge!

29. You Might Never Want To Reintroduce Sugar Again

Sugar and mental health: A toxic combination?Image Source/ Medical News Today
Once you've started your no-sugar detox journey and it's come to an end, you may pose the question, do I really want to go back? Part of you might, because you may miss those foods that you haven't had for 30 days. Part of you may just love the new way of life that the diet has given you, and you won't want to go back.

30. You Could Just Feel Generally Better

No Sugar, No Cancer? A Look at the Evidence | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterImage Source/ Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Other than everything else mentioned on this list, cutting out sugar from your diet might actually mean you will generally be better in yourself. Whether that's because of the improvements in your work life or home life, you may notice that the good results are making you feel positive.

31. Some Studies Indicate That You Could Tone Up

Image Source/ Hussle
It makes sense that cutting out sugar might make you drop the fat from those awkward places which sugar may make it cling to. But not just in terms of that, there's also the fact that cutting out sugar might increase the elasticity of our skin which again might help you tone.

32. You Might Find Waking Up Easier

Image Source/ IncMagazine
Once you have given up sugar and got over the first withdrawal symptoms, you might find that on those difficult mornings when waking up seems extra hard - it may possibly reduce that by a lot. It could give you that extra oomph when it comes to stepping out of bed, even when you're comfy.

33. You May Not Have Energy Spikes

Image Source/ Isha)
According to some research, when you eat sugar you may get that great burst of energy...that is until it dips and you could end up feeling even more tired than you would have been without it in the first place, which is because your body may have to deal with the unnatural sugar rush in your body.

34. Your Heart Could Be Healthier

Image Source/ University Of Bristol
Yes, this one is kind of obvious - but one of the most important reasons that you could possibly have when it comes to the decision of whether to give up sugar or not. After all, your heart health is essential for your overall health and it could be healthier without sugar.

35. Your Liver May Be Healthier

Image Source/ Wikipedia
Your liver may no longer have to deal with all the toxins created by sugar and cleansing your body of the extra, which could be necessary for your body to do when you eat an excess amount of sugar. So if you want to help your liver out, you could try giving up sugar and see if it helps.

36. You Might Not Get Hangry

Image Source/ SBS
Hanger, it's a real thing...and if you've experienced it you'll know it is not a pleasant feeling. What is worse is those around you while they deal with your bout of hanger. Reducing sugar could be a way to help get rid of your hangry episodes - it may be better for everyone.

37. You May Feel More Motivated

Image Source/ Daily Stoic
Reducing your sugar may not only come with a tonne of potential physical positives but it may also have major mental benefits according to some studies. One of these could be feeling more motivated. This is due to you perhaps not being as lethargic, so you might find you have way more get up and go.

38. Your Skin Could Seem Brighter

Image Source/ Mind Body Green
Not only have some studies shown that giving up sugar could be a factor in helping get rid of your spots, but you may also have a skin glow like never before. Your skin may seem so much brighter. So if you suffer from dull skin this is a great thing to try and you could potentially notice visible differences in your skin.

39. Your Fitness Might Improve

Image Source/ Vimeo
One suggested way to improve your fitness overall is to give up sugar. You might start to notice that once you have given up sugar, your workouts could start to feel easier. This is not an overnight thing, but gradually you may feel the results and your fitness could improve.

40. You Might Look Younger

Image Source/ Natural Skin Care
According to some skin experts, when you give up sugar fully it might be a great thing for your skin and you could do it to try and help make yourself look younger. So if you want to postpone the ageing process, then you could try giving up sugar. No, it is not easy but it could be worth it in the long run.

41. You May Have A Better Complexion

Image Source/ Institut MC
When you give up sugar from your diet you might start to notice that your complexion improves. You could just start to feel healthier overall but you may also start to look more healthy too. Your complexion might have a much healthier look than before - sugar has been linked to fading complexion and leaving it dull.

42. It Could Potentially Reduce Dark Circles

Image Source/ MedicalNewsToday
If you suffer with stubborn dark circles you may have tried opting for the expensive creams and another load of options that drain your pockets. And aside from more sleep- which sometimes has nothing to do with it - cutting sugar out may be the option you want.

43. Your Hair Might Get Thicker

Image Source/ All Things Hair
Thinning hair and more brittle hair may be a result of your diet. Possibly you might be consuming too much sugar. So, when you cut out sugar from your diet you may start to notice a change in your hair and it might even start to thicken and look more healthy.

44. Your Nails Might Strengthen

Image Source/ WebMD
It's just the same as with hair but for your nails...once you give up sugar you might start to notice that your nails are getting much more thick and strong. They may no longer break or snap or be as brittle which could be a good sign of your overall health increasing.

45. Initially You May Feel Moody

Image Source/ Pinterest
Don't expect giving up sugar to be an easy will have its difficulties in the beginning while your body and mind adjust. So first in the initial period, you may feel a little bit moody and you may find that you are more irritable with people around you.

46. In The Long Run Your Mood Could Be More Stable

Image Source/ Everyday Health
Persevere...this could end and then you may have a much more stable mood. You won't find yourself having such intense highs and lows. Instead you may find that you feel much more balanced and mentally stable when you give up sugar when it is fully out of your system.

47. When Giving Up Sugar You May Have Brain Fog

Image Source/ Health Matters
Again, there are some things to be aware of in the beginning of your sugar-free journey. You may find sometimes that you have a kind of brain fog. This is because according to some studies sugar may affect our brains in such huge ways that it is a major adjustment - but it could be a positive one.

48. You May No Longer Be Addicted To Sugar

Image Source/ Diabetes Sel Management

Sugar could be addictive, it's not just the taste but the possible effect it may have on your brain. Studies have shown just how powerful the effect of sugar could be on your brain. So, it can start to crave it. Be free from this and give up sugar and your body may no longer feel the need.

49. You May Be Less Likely To Have Dandruff

Image Source/ BuzzFeed
If you suffer from dandruff you may have tried a variety of solutions but one not many people know about is the possibility that giving up sugar may reduce dandruff. It may also reduce the likelihood of a red, dry, or, itchy scalp. This could be another bonus to quitting sugar.

50. You Might Not Turn Grey As Quick

Image Source/ Who what wear UK
Premature ageing sounds scary...but it seems that there may be a way to keep this at bay. And it doesn't require buying extortionate solutions. Giving up sugar might actually stop you turning grey as fast. In some cases sugar has been linked to speeding up the process and you may notice the grey hairs creeping in quicker.

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