1. Waxing Your Legs

Image source AllureIf you boil cup of sugar with a third of a cup of honey and add the juice of a small lemon, you will have the perfect, natural wax remover. Wait until the solution is cool and apply it to the area. Then press a cloth over it for 10 seconds and when you remove it, the hair will come off with it. Couldn't be easier!
2. Wart Remover

Image source Holland & Barrett
Common warts are not dangerous but they are embarrassing. They can appear anywhere on the body but usually on the fingers and can easily spread when touched. If you place a dot of natural honey on the wart and cover with a plaster, for 2 days running, the wart will disappear.
3. May Prevent Stomach Ulcers Forming

Image source Women's Health
You might not know you are on the verge of suffering from stomach ulcers but if you actually get one you will know about it as they are extremely painful and require medical intervention. The bacteria that causes these ulcers has been suggested to be killed off with a daily teaspoon of organic honey - whilst this is unproven and shouldn't be taken too seriously, some studies suggest that honey might actually help.
4. Might Help Controls Diarrhoea

Image source eMedicineHealth
If you experience a stomach upset this is likely to be accompanied by diarrhoea. There are various medications that can stop it but these often lead to the reverse, constipation. Some research suggests that a tablespoon of honey dissolved in a cup of boiled, cooled water, may help to control your symptoms until you are back to your usual self.
5. Hair Conditioner

Image source Healthline
Mixing a tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil is a cheap, easy and effective way of conditioning your hair. Apply to the ends of the hair, working your way up but stopping before reaching the scalp. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off to leave your lovely locks silk and shiny.
6. Treating Sunburn - possibly!

Image source Daily Mail
If you have dozed off in the sun or caught the rays whilst unaware, don't panic. Mix one part honey with two parts aloe vera and spread over the affected areas. The mixture has been suggested to soothe your skin and may help boost healing. Is it better than after-sun? Possibly not. But it's certainly cheaper!
7. Improves Quality Of Sleep?

Image source Hemp
This might sound strange but some people really do think it works. If you mix a teaspoon of honey with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and add warm water - you might find it helps to relax you before before. Drink just before bed for an apparently uninterrupted night's sleep.
8. Getting Rid Of Nail Fungus?

Image source NHS
Nail fungus is very stubborn and often refuses to work with creams from the pharmacy. Prescribed tablets are harsh on the tummy and have to be taken for at least 3 months so why not try this hack instead. Soak your feet in warm water for 15 minutes and then apply honey to the affected nails. Leave this on for another 15 minutes before rinsing off. Repeat daily and you might see a bit of improvement!
9. Lip Balm

Image source Dreamstime
By combining a few drops of almond oil with a tablespoon of honey you will have made your own lip balm. It's great for sensitive lips as well as cracked lips. Apply morning and evening for tip top results. Keep the balm covered in the fridge when not in use.
10. Drink It

Image source Dabur Honey
If you can feel a sore throat coming on then put a teaspoon of honey in your usual hot drink and it will sooth your throat. You can also use it instead of sugar or chemically enhanced sweeteners. Honey and a squeeze of lemon in boiled water is a great way to start the day.
11. Lose weight - maybe!

Image source Times Of India
Honey is officially a wonder food! Substituting it for sugar and not getting the lows after a sugar high, you can control your food intake and it might, in turn, help you lose weight. As long as you remember, all foods should be eaten in moderation, then this is a great tip for dropping a few pounds.
12. Body Moisturiser

Image source Pinterest
If you have some sweet smelling herbs lying around the house or in your garden, such as lavender, use a (chopped) tablespoon of them and mix with 8 ounces of honey. Heat in a saucepan for 3 or 4 minutes, wait until cooled and put in an airtight bottle or jar. After a week, pour a teaspoon of this solution into an 8 ounce bottle of unscented moisturiser. You will be amazing at how soft you skin feels compared to using the original moisturiser on its own.
13. Dressing For Fruit Salad

Image source Epicurious
Summer fruits such as strawberries, peaches and nectarines are all very healthy and tasty eaten whole. When chopped up to make a fruit salad, don't make up a pour-over juice from sugar and a little orange juice with additives. Instead, add a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. The citrus will release the natural moisture in the fruit and the honey will give it the sweet taste.
14. Face Pack

Image source Jasmine Hemsley
Honey is a natural humectant with antimicrobial properties which means your skin will be happy when you feed it with the sweet nectar. By mixing a dollop of honey with 2 tablespoons of warm water and massaging it into the skin, you will have created your own natural face pack. Rinse thoroughly and feel the difference!
15. Eat It With Goats Cheese

Image source Cookido.com
Once you've tasted this perfect combination you will be addicted to it. Put a round of goats cheese in a ramekin, sprinkle honey and chopped walnuts over the top and bake in the oven on a medium heat until the honey and cheese are both soft. Serve with a baguette and you'll be hooked!
16. Gym Energy Bar

Image source Dreamline
Ditch your usual energy bars and shots which have a list of ingredients as long as your arm. Mix some natural yogurt with a teaspoon of peanut butter and a tablespoon of honey. It's a much cheaper alternative, it's healthier and you might feel more energised to get those extra reps out in the gym!
17. Insect Repellent

Image source The Guardian
Shop bought insect repellents can be very abrasive on the skin, causing irritations and don't smell very good either. By mixing an equal quantity of honey and vinegar with double the amount of water, you will have created your own insect repellent that might keep the mosquitos at bay and stop that annoying itch.
18. Clears Up Dry Elbows?

Image source Style Craze
Looking cracked and unsightly, you don't want your embows to let you down! Many lotions soak through the skin but don't nourish it enough to solve the issue. Rubbing honey on the area every evening (after a shower) will give you the confidence to show them off once again!
19. Improves Menopausal Memory - Some Studies Say!

Image source Genesis Gold
A research study found that post-menopausal women who were given 'tualang' honey for 8 weeks saw as much improvement in their short term memory as women who were given hormone replacement therapy (oestrogen and progesterone). Because of risks involved in taking HRT, the tualang honey is the big winner here!
20. Cleans Cuts And Grazes

Image source Daily Mail
A UK study reported that honey can actually be used as an antiseptic instead of Germolene or other antiseptic cream because of its antimicrobial properties. It is also possibly effective on minor burns such as when you catch your arm on the iron or on the oven shelf.
21. Reduces Risk Of Diabetes - possibly!

Image source Daily Mail
Honey has a lower glycaemic index than sugar which means it won’t spike your blood sugar levels in the way sugar does. Honey also has a sweeter taste than sugar and you won't need to use as much sweetener on foods. Swapping sugar for honey might keep your blood sugar levels steady and greatly reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.
22. Thought To Improve Fertility

Image source The Guardian
Honey has been lauded for its potential to boost fertility in both women and men. Two separate studies in the States show that honey might increase sperm count. It is rich in minerals and amino acids that are beneficial to the reproductive system and might assist the functioning of ovaries.
23. Soothes Haemorrhoids?

Image source Healthline
The itching and pain in the anus are the two very annoying and painful symptoms of haemorrhoids. A pilot study is gaining acclaimed as a remedy: a mixture of honey, olive oil, and beeswax as a topical treatment found to reduce pain and itching.
24. Hangover Cure

Image source AfterDrink
Forget a day of popping ibuprofen and moaning that the whispers in the background are too loud! Spread some honey on a couple of slices of wholemeal toast and add some to your cuppa. Because honey is loaded with fructose, it'll probably help you feel better.
25. Herpes

Image source Medial News Today
A research programme conducted in Dubai showed that honey may be a good topical treatment for both oral and genital herpes. It might help lesions from herpes just as quickly as the ointments you will find at the pharmacy.
26. Psoriasis

Image source Medico.com
This common skin condition causes redness, blisters and awful itching, It is usually treated with topical creams that contain corticosteroids or vitamin D but honey may be more effective. A study reported that a mixture of honey and coconut oil might help to reduce symptoms.
27. Preserving Fruit

Image source Instructables
Preserve a healthy selection of seasonal berries, such as strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, in a honey sauce and they will last for ages in the fridge. Use one part honey to ten parts water. Make sure you store these vitamin packed fruits in an airtight container.
28. Relaxing Bath

Image source Men's Health
Add a few tablespoons of natural honey to your lightly scented bubble bath. Bubbles can sometimes have a drying effect on the skin but mixed with the honey, there's no chance of that happening and you will really notice the improved texture of your skin once you've dried yourself.
29. Possibly Positive Effect On Cancer Cells

Image source Technology Network
Honey is known for its antioxidant properties and it has caused many scientists to ask the question of whether it can be used to treat or prevent various cancers. A study in Iran looked at how honey affected renal cell carcinoma, a type of kidney cancer. The researchers found that honey is potentially a good ingredient to help in stopping cancer cells from multiplying and this now warrants further studies to come up with a conclusion.
30. Nappy Rash

Image source Water Wipes
A New Zealand study investigated using topical pharmaceutical-grade manuka honey in place of traditional barrier cream for the treatment of nappy rash. They found the symptoms improved much the same as a traditional barrier cream. Adding a little honey to regular nappy rash cream is kind and gentle for baby's bottom.
31. You May Be Able To Soothe Minor Burns

Honey has been known to be a great salve for burns and also to possibly help prevent infections due to its believed antiseptic properties. If you apply to a minor burn, such as catching yourself under the hot water tap, it may help to speed up the healing process.
32. Ease Up Those Hemorrhoids

Image Source / Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay
Hemorrhoids are never fun, which is why anything to speed up getting them gone - or at least alleviating the itching - will always help. It's possible that a honey home remedy might help with that. If you mix honey, olive oil and beeswax and apply to the area, it might help to reduce the painful itching.
33. Dress Your Wounds

Image Source / Wiktionary
If you have a wound which needs cleaning and dressing, it's always worth giving honey a try. There's research which suggests that honey could potentially tackle pain and odour with wounds, as well as possibly promote quicker healing. So it might be worth giving it a go if you have some!
34. Enjoy A Homemade Facial

Image Source / Twitter
When it comes to skincare, anything you can whip up yourself and save money on is always a plus. Due to honey's natural properties, it's a great match for the skin. So you can try making a face wash with honey by mixing with warm water, or you can let the honey and water mix sit on your skin for a while as a mask.
35. Could It Boost Athletic Performance?

For the workout fiends and gym lovers out there, you might always be on the lookout for anything to help with your athletic performance. It's possible that honey could help with that - a tablespoon of it before your next workout may work to improve your performance, but it's not guaranteed!
36. Tackle Those Parasites

Image Source / California Center for Functional Medicine
If you're planning a trip to somewhere outdoors you know will see you up against parasites, like a hiking or backpacking trip in a country known for them, you could help to deal with parasites by whipping up a mixture of honey, water and vinegar - either to take with you, or use if you find yourself with them.
37. Get An Energy Boost With Honey Instead Of Coffee

Image Source / Food.com
Feeling tired and reaching for the coffee cup again? Why not try a honey blend instead? If you mix a tablespoon of honey into a cup of tea instead of coffee, it might help to perk you up energy wise. Hot water, tea and honey has also been known to potentially help when feeling run down with a cold, so the logic checks out!
38. Help To Calm Your Acne Down

Image Source / Wikipedia
Raw honey is known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. This means it might possibly help to ease up your acne. You can dab a small amount of raw honey onto your skin using a cotton bud, so that you can better apply to your acne spots. See if it works!
39. Make Your Own Delicious Dark Chocolate

Image Source / Reddit
Did you ever think about mixing honey with chocolate? Dark chocolate is tasty and healthier for you, and you can make your own dark chocolate cups by mixing raw honey, coconut oil and cocoa powder. All you need to do is melt the oil and mix everything together before pouring into moulds.
40. Use To Protect Plant Roots In Your Garden

Image Source / Plants2Gardens
If you're a keen gardener, then you might have some fresh cuttings you'd like to plant and grow. Honey can help with that. You can mix one part honey with three parts hot water, let it cool and then dip your plant cuttings into the mixture before you plant them outside. The honey should work to encourage better root growth, as well as better preventing plant problems.
41. Stop That Itchy Dandruff

Image Source / BuzzFeed
Because honey is a soothing substance with anti-fungal properties, it could also work to help ease issues with dandruff. It might help to moisturize and treat the scalp. All you need to do is apply the honey to your scalp and leave on for around 15 minutes so it can soak in. Wash it off and see if it's made a difference!
42. Fancy A Sweet Cocktail?

Image Source / Cheezburger
Honey is a great addition to any drink, whether it's a hot tea or water and lemon. But did you know it can also make a pretty tasty cocktail? If you're looking to sweeten up your next alcoholic drink, simply add a little honey too it. Delicious!
43. Strengthen Your Locks

Image Source / Hype Hair
Because raw honey is a great moisturizer, as well as its other beneficial properties, it's a good all-rounder for your hair. We've already mentioned the dandruff treatment, as well as being a great conditioner, but you can also use it to wash your hair normally to help strengthen it. Mix 1 raw tablespoon of honey with 3 tablespoons of warm water to create a hair wash.
44. Moisturize Your Cuticles

Image Source / Hand & Wrist Institute
Your fingers, nails and cuticles are always in need of a little TLC if you haven't for a while. You can give your cuticle a little moisturization by mixing 1 teaspoon of raw honey with coconut oil and apple cider vinegar. This will then be the perfect mixture to rub into your cuticles and let it sit for around 10 minutes before washing off.
45. Combat Seasonal Allergies

Image Source / The Outdoor Guide
Some research suggests that you might be able to tackle seasonal pollen by using the pollen in local honey to build an immunity. You could try taking a few teaspoons of local honey over time and then see if it helps you to stop reacting so badly with hay fever. Local honey can be found in your local stores or markets.
46. Get Rid Of Hiccups

Image Source / health enews
If you're tired of listening to your kids hiccups, or if you've got them yourself, you might want to try a small spoonful of raw honey to soothe the bout of hiccups. Hopefully kids won't mind having a tiny spoonful of sweet honey - it tastes great, after all! But always check with your doctor first if you're not sure you can give your child honey.
47. Improve That Bad Breath!

Image Source / CNN
Honey smells great - bad breath doesn't. Due to honey's antibacterial properties, that means it might be a good contender to tackle bad breath. You can mix one teaspoon of honey with half a cup of warm water and 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon to create a mixture you can gargle with (don't swallow!) morning and evening, and see if your breath improves.
48. Use As A Sweetener For Your Desserts Instead Of Sugar

Image Source / The Daily Edge
The sweetening properties of honey can make it a great choice for desserts, and not just as an additional ingredient. It can be used instead of sugar if you're baking your own desserts from scratch. It tastes just as good (and sweet) as sugar but you'll also be able to reap the rewards of it having more health benefits than sugar.
49. Use As A Soothing Cough Syrup

Image Source / Healthline
Honey is often the go-to for treating a cold or a cough, usually mixed with other things like water and lemon. It's a great choice for a cough syrup if you've got a cough that just won't quit. You can mix two tablespoons of honey with warm water and one spoon of ginger extract to make a cough drink.
50. The Perfect Emergency Store

Image Source / UK Preppers Guide
Preparing for the zombie apocalypse? Or just want a great pantry item you know you can depend on for at least 12 months good storage? Well, you can depend on honey to be kept in your cupboard without it spoiling. It's a great emergency option if you don't have any other food available.