You're Happy To Go To The Cinema Alone
Image Source / The PokeNot only are you happy to go watch a film by yourself, but the extra appeal of going to a movie alone is that it'll be dark and a room full of people won't even talk to you or bother you once the film starts. That's your idea of heaven.When Someone Cancels Plans, It Makes You Happy
Image Source / Mashable
That isn't to say you wouldn't have enjoyed it if you'd ended up socialising, but the news that somebody needs to cancel is great news to you because it now means you have more time to yourself instead of spending that time with others.You Do Everything You Can Through The Internet Rather Than Conversations
Image Source / BuzzFeedIf you have the choice to email, message or book something online instead of talking to an actual person, you'll do it. You send messages to friends and family rather than phone calls, you order food online and you shop online instead of going in-store.A Night In Always Sounds More Appealing Than A Night Out
Image Source / Southend News NetworkThat isn't to say you don't enjoy going out every once in a while, but for you, snuggling down at home on your own is some of your best time spent, because you enjoy your own company and enjoy just relaxing in your own home space.And If You Do Go Out, You Need Time To Recharge
Image Source / TwitterYou definitely enjoy going out and socialising, but you need to be very choosy about when you do it, and with whom. And after a big night that's required a lot of social energy, you definitely need some time alone to recuperate and not speak to anybody!Your Pet Totally Counts As Alone Time
Image Source / Twitch BlogA lot of loners and people who like to stay in are also likely to have a furry best friend. This means that, even though you enjoy time alone, your pet counts as time spent alone because you feel like they 'get you' and you can be comfortable around them without spending energy in the same way you would socially.You're More Likely To Look For Love From The Comfort Of Home Rather Than A Bar
Group Projects? Please Can I Work Alone Instead!
Image Source / CheezburgerSome people thrive within a group setting bouncing off other people's ideas, whereas for you it may make you break out in a cold sweat. Just the words 'group project' can have you feeling on edge, and you'll take working alone and independently any day.You Need Alone Time In Relationships
People who are loners can have very fulfilling romantic relationships and want to spend time with their significant others, but also need time alone, too. This can make balancing relationships difficult, as you don't want to offend someone by explaining you need time away from them, too!You're Happy To Eat Out Alone
Image Source / Eating out alone just means that you can still enjoy going out every now and again and not cooking, but also means you can take your favourite book and not have to worry about spending energy engaging in conversation with someone while you're trying to eat.And You Can Happily Grab A Drink By Yourself
Image Source / 9GAGIn the same way you can comfortably sit at a restaurant table with a book, you can grab a drink alone, too - whether armed with the same book, or just happy to people watch while you enjoy your favourite drink. Grabbing a drink alone is no biggie to you.Your Phone Ringing Is Nightmare Fuel
Image Source / ForbesIf someone is ringing you instead of texting you, it's a no go. Simple as that. You have to wait for it to stop ringing while (of course) refusing to answer, then going into a state of panic about who it could be, when will the call stop and will they leave a voicemail.You Prefer To Keep Updated Through Social Media
Image Source / Search Engine JournalPreferring your own company and not being too social doesn't mean that you don't care about what's happening with others. It just means you prefer to see updates and converse through social media posts, through a screen and from the comfort of your home (alone, preferably!).You Love Sleeping Alone (And You Might Even Have A Single Bed Just To Make Sure)
After Work Drinks? No Thanks
Image Source / WikipediaYou've just had to spend the entire day with these people, so the idea of actually spending your free time after work having drinks with them when you could just go home is the actual worst. You don't have anymore energy to give for that, so after work drinks isn't a time to relax - it's a time to stress about even the thought of it!You Pick Your Clothes Very Carefully
Image Source / Pleated Jeans When you're picking out new clothes, you're thinking about what you like, sure, but you're also thinking about what would make you stand out the least in a crowd. The last thing you want is to draw attention to yourself through neon colours or eye-catching fashion.A Solo Vacation Is The Best Kind
Image Source / Intrepid Travel The idea of a solo vacation can be scary for many people, but for you, it's perfection. The idea that you can plan your whole vacation yourself, do whatever you want on your own schedule and just spend time with yourself? That's heaven.One Or Two Good Friends Is Enough For You
Image Source / RedditGroup Fitness Classes Are A Risk You're Not Willing To Take
You Need To Know About Plans Way In Advance
Image Source / BuzzFeedLast minute spontaneous plans just do not work for you. If you don't know when you're going to be doing something in advance, it doesn't give you time to prepare yourself or know whether you're gonna have some alone-time, and you hate that.Your Headphones Are A Key Prop
Your headphones are something which just have to be in/on your ears, no matter where you go. And you might not even switch them on to listen to music, you just pretend you are, if it means strangers won't come up to you and bother you. Walking down the street, shopping or working... your headphones are on.
Driving Alone Is An Enjoyable Experience For You
Image Source / Car ThrottleMeaningless Small Talk Is A Big Nope
Image Source / HubSpot BlogHaving to answer general chit chat questions like the weather and how your day has been just fills you with a sense of dread. You know it's the polite thing to do, but you'd much rather just not have to deal with it and stay quiet!
Working From Home Is Your Ideal Work Environment
Image Source / Donesafe It's not the work that bothers you, it's the environment. Your daily stress might be more likely to happen from co-workers trying to talk to you or talk about the office Christmas party. Instead, working from home might be your idea of peace, quiet and the ideal environment.When You Do Talk Or Spend Time With Someone You Care About, You Give A Lot
Image Source / Healthline Because you don't spend a lot of time throughout the day socialising or talking to people, you make up for that in your deep conversations with close friends or family members when you do set up time with them. You love talking loads when you actually want to!You're An Independent Self-Starter
Image Source / ThomasnetYou don't want or need to depend on other people to get things done. You're very independent and capable of making things happen, whether that's your own goals like a promotion or whether you want to do something to help others.Being The Center Of Attention? Ew
Image Source / 29SecretsYou Base Your Entire Routine Around Avoiding Peak Hours
Image Source / Business InsiderYou're A Brave Person
Image Source / Living Well Spending Less At the end of the day, it's a very brave thing to go out alone, solo travel, eat at a restaurant alone or not be worried about saying no to social norms and occasions. It takes courage to be a loner because there's a lot you have to depend on yourself for - even if it comes naturally to you, it's still brave!You Value Your Time
Image Source / ThoughtCoA lot of loners will spend the majority of their time alone because they value it. Their alone time is some of the most important, and they'll value every second of it. They will also try and make the most of the alone time they have, and they don't need to depend on other people to make that happen.And You're Very Selfish With Your Time
Image Source / FreepikBecause this alone time is so valued, loners can be very selfish with it - and not in a bad way. It's one of the reasons loners can be happy being single, because they know in relationships they would have to sacrifice that alone time to share with other people, so they recognise they're too selfish with their time to want to give some of it away!You Don't Put Up With Fake Behavior
Image Source / Cracker Jack CostumesFake behavior is very energy- and time-consuming. And, as mentioned, loners value their time too much - so any sort of fake behaviour that wastes their time is going to be a no-no. Loners make sure to remove themselves from time-wasting situations, and don't have the patience for being fake.And You Make Sure Not To Waste Anyone Else's Time, Too
Image Source / MashableAnd because you know how important time is and how much you value it, you make sure that you never waste anybody else's time, too. Even if they're not a loner, you set a lot of importance on time being spent wisely, for anyone involved - so you're usually polite enough to make sure time spent with other people is of mutual benefit!You're Very Self-Aware
Image Source / New Roads Behavioral HealthPeople who are more extroverted and don't do very well being alone are more likely to struggle with their own internal monologue. Being alone with your thoughts can be daunting for someone who isn't happy in their own company, so for loners, being self-aware is a huge trait because it means you happily embrace your own thoughts and feelings.You Know Yourself Better Than Anyone Else
Image Source / LifehackWith this self-awareness comes the ability to know yourself through and through. Some people might say that their loved ones, like partners or parents, know them better than anyone, but you know that you know yourself better than anyone else, which makes working through thoughts and emotions even easier.You're Your Own Best Friend
Image Source / HuffPost UKAnd because you know yourself better than anyone, you're perfectly happy hanging out with yourself, because you know the person you understand and love the most is yourself. This doesn't mean you're selfish or arrogant, it just means you show yourself kindness and love spending time in your own company.You Can Easily Work Through Negative Emotions
Image Source / Tech ExploristSome people who aren't loners find it very difficult to work through negative thoughts and feelings, which is why it can push them to surround themselves with people so they don't have to think about it, or go to other people for comfort straight away. But loners who know themselves inside out can better handle negative emotions and work through them on their own.You Have A Level Head
Image Source / Everyday HealthYou're very good at handling difficult situations with a level head. Your focus and willpower often comes from spending a lot of time independently and learning how to control your own emotions and understanding yourself better. A level head can come from a lot of alone time spent reflecting on things.You Take A Time Out To Deal With Stressful Situations
Image Source / OMAR ITANISome people in stressful situations can ignore problems or try to fill their life with distractions so they don't have to think about it. Loners can make a conscious effort to step back from a situation and go into hermit-mode in order to calm down, cope and think of solutions.You Have An Open Mind
Image Source / ForbesEnjoying spending time alone doesn't mean that you're closed off and stubborn to new people or ideas. In fact, loners can still be very much up for new experiences and activities. Being a loner doesn't mean always staying inside, it's just the comfort of being able to explore outside on your own, and on your own terms - with an open mind!You're A Loyal Person
Image Source / OnlymyhealthAnother misconception about loners is that they can be people without friends and aren't interested in the company of others. But loners can still have friends, who they're 100% loyal to. In fact, a loner is more likely to have a few friendships that mean the world to them, rather than being friends with a whole bunch of people they barely see.You Know Your Worth
Image Source / PositivePsychology.comAnd the reason a loner can be a loyal friend, and have special friendships, is because they know their worth and value they're time. They're not going to put that time into relationships that aren't worth their effort, so they'll spend time making very important relationships and know their worth in them.You Always Set Boundaries
Image Source / Sharp HealthCare
Because loners understand themselves completely, they know what they want, what they don't want and what time they're willing to give. This means setting strong and healthy boundaries so that they can always make sure their time is spent well, and nobody is overstepping in their relationship.You Know Your Own Strengths And Weaknesses
Image Source / Johnson Service GroupThis is the one interview question most people dread, isn't it! But this isn't so much about job-specific stuff, but just knowing yourself as a person. A loner - because they know themselves very well - will know best their own strengths and weaknesses. That doesn't mean they're stubborn in their ways, though, as they can work to improve them.You Have A Whole Load Of Empathy
Image Source / Inc. MagazineBeing a loner doesn't mean you feel nothing for others. In fact, you can feel everything, maybe a little too much. You might be an empath, or just show extreme empathy to both loved ones and strangers. You feel more deeply for others people you've spent time attuning to your own thoughts and feelings, too.You Can Often Find The Bright Side In Things
Image Source / Harvard HealthThis doesn't mean you're overly optimistic all the time to the point of annoying everyone around you, it just means you're the perfect person to comfort someone when they're upset: because you're so empathetic, but also because you're good at finding resolutions, problem-solving and helping to overcome sadness.You Know That Nobody Is Perfect - Least Of All Yourself
Image Source / Young Writers Project |You have confidence in yourself whilst knowing that you're not perfect - and that nobody is. You have an open mind to weaknesses and flaws as well as strengths, and your mindset is more 'how to improve' rather than thinking there's an idea of the perfect person to live up to.You Follow Your Intuition
Image Source / Float HouseIntuition is so important, and loners are more likely to be attuned to their own gut instinct, as well as being able to follow their own intuition more easily. This comes from time spent alone learning more about themselves and how to understand their own emotions. This can also help you when making tough decisions.You're Never Codependent
Image Source / The Nourished NestNot only do you never depend on anyone else for anything, but you also never feel as though you want to or have to. This also counts if you are in a relationship - you still don't feel the need to be codependent with your partner, or have that kind of relationship. You definitely don't need to depend on others for things like validation either.