1. Upside-Down Pie

Image Source / She KnowsNo, this isn't some weird recipe you've never heard of before, like the pineapple upside-down cake, it's just a pie that fell over and unfortunately landed rather messily in the oven! Imagine going to all that effort just to have it end up like this.
2. Mashed (And Smashed) Potatoes

Image Source / She Knows
Never work with kids, animals... and glass, apparently. This glass lid shattered whilst Thanksgiving potatoes were being cooked, which is actually a scary thought when you see all the tiny fragments on the hob top! Not to mention those potatoes might be a bit crunchy.
3. Green Bean Casserole - With Extra Crunch

Image Source / She Knows
Apparently glass shattering is now a Thanksgiving tradition (and we hope this isn't the same household). It's a shame because this casserole actually looks very tasty when you forget about all the tiny pieces of glass you didn't ask for.
4. The Turkey Nose Dive

Image Source / She Knows
This one is actually heartbreaking. Imagine slaving all day for your Thanksgiving dinner and you're excitedly taking the turkey out of the oven to take over to the table - when this happens. Turkey on the floor, and we don't think the ten second rule will count for this one.
5. Sweet Potatoes - From The Depths Of Hell

Image Source / She Knows
We think all the 'sweet' just might have been burned out of these potatoes completely if that deep black charcoal is anything to go by. This is the sort of dinner you'd expect to serve up to the devil themselves - and they'd probably still say no thanks.
6. Lemon Meringue... River?

Image Source / She Knows
This person obviously followed the recipe for a lemon meringue pie but then decided to put their own spin on things - by emptying an entire swimming pool's worth of water into the recipe and serving it up with an extra-large spoon.
7. Turducken? More Like Get Me The Ducken Out Of Here

Image Source / She Knows
Because who doesn't want nightmare fuel served up on a plate for Thanksgiving? This is a seafood version of the popular Turducken, but when we say seafood we really mean the actual Kraken with a side of HP Lovecraft.
8. This "Pie Crust"

Image Source / She Knows
Well they do say the best thing about a pie is its filling - which is a good job really, when the crust goes this wrong. Can you even call it a crust if it isn't, you know... crusty? Or attached? Or even edible, by the looks of it?
9. A Whole Load Of Turkey Jerky

Image Source / She Knows
This is what happens when you decide to make a year's worth of turkey jerky by burning your entire turkey at Thanksgiving and then trying to make the best of it. It even looks like it has eyes and a horrified expression!
10. Pumpkin Cry

Image Source / She Knows
Let's make pumpkin pie for dessert, they said! It'll be fun, they said! This pie looks like it's literally running off the plate just to get away because even the pie can't stand the sight of its own Thanksgiving failure.
11. Apple Crispy

Image Source / She Knows
Speaking of failure... This apple crisp dessert is definitely crispy, that's for sure. In fact, if you look at it closely, you might agree it's maybe a bit... too crispy? Maybe that's just me though. Maybe people like their apples very, very, very well done.
12. Build-Your-Own Caramel Apples

Image Source / She Knows
And here we have the opposite end of the apple scale - an apple dessert which is too runny! Here we have a very failed attempt at making delicious caramel apples - because they're more like 'there was some caramel on the apple at some point, I swear!'.
13. It's The Effort That Counts For These Turkey Treats

Image Source / She Knows
I think the treat would be making sure you eat it all just so you don't have to look at it any longer. The one on the right is what it was supposed to look like, and the one on the left is... well - definitely not what it's supposed to look like.
14. When You Actually Get The Pie Right Only For Someone Else To Ruin It

Image Source / She Knows
And by 'someone', we mean the family cat. Here we have an example of a perfect Thanksgiving pie done right, only then utterly ruined by one huge cat pawprint in the middle of it - and we hope the cat hadn't just come in from outside when they trailed their dirty paws through it...
15. Whatever The Heck This Is

Image Source / She Knows
A prime example of why, sometimes, some ideas should just stay in your head. Like the one about trying to pile together 10 different desserts into one huge mound for Thanksgiving - it sounds appetising in theory, but in reality? Well. Look at it.
16. On Your Knees For Mac And Cheese

Image Source / She Knows
At least when a whole turkey gets dropped on the floor, it's very easy to clean up after you've stopped crying - but mac and cheese is a whole different ball game. This amount of mac and this amount of cheese spread largely over a wide area? You'd be spending all day cleaning up, and still have nothing to eat!
17. Is This A Pizza?

Image Source / She Knows
We can forgive you for thinking that, and at first you might have even thought, 'Oh, it looks like quite a good pizza actually!' But no, it's not even close - it's supposed to be a fruit crisp dessert - emphasis on the 'supposed to be'.
18. Goth Potatoes

Image Source / She Knows
At first this might have looked like some sort of blueberry dessert gone very very wrong, but it's actually supposed to be another attempt (and another burnt result) at a sweet potato casserole! Yes, those black bits did used to be potatoes, once upon a time.
19. This Pie Failed Before It Could Even Begin

Image Source / She Knows
How exciting when you get all the ingredients out on the counter to make your very own Thanksgiving pie - only to fall at the first hurdle. You immediately smash the base into a million tiny pieces - and you forgot to buy a backup. Oops.
20. A Scene From A Horror Movie

Image Source / She Knows
Take a stab at what this is supposed to be. A prop left over from Halloween? Another burned, failed attempt at a sweet potato pie? Nope, it's just the traditional cranberry sauce that nobody wants anyway! Just gone very, very wrong.
21. Another Pie Fail

Image Source / She Knows
I think I'd actually rather the whole pie go wrong than have to witness the 90% perfect piece of pecan pie I managed to make then get absolutely ruined by the tiny section that's gone completely mad and run off the tray. What a shame.
22. When You Decide To Put Your Own Spin On Cornbread

Image Source / She Knows
What, you mean cornbread should be a perfect rectangle cut into even more perfect squares? Never! That's too boring! Let's make a massive slab of cornbread instead, shaped like an entire country that we can pick up in one go!
23. The Oven Didn't Like This One

Image Source / She Knows
I think the problem started way before this even went into the oven - because I'm pretty sure the consistency of a pie shouldn't even be that runny during the prep stage. But that's a lot of mess to clean up - and a lot of hungry bellies wanting pie!
24. Sweet Potat-Oh No

Image Source / She Knows
What is it with sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving just not wanting to cook properly? This casserole went completely wrong with the burnt-marshmallow-looking finish on top. But the solution for this was, of course, to scrape off the entire top portion of it and pretend it never happened.
25. When You Only Have Energy To Cook Half The Turkey

Image Source / She Knows
I mean, the visuals of this aren't really appetising, but if you close your eyes and ask someone to carve you a portion from the bottom half, then you can fool yourself into thinking this is just a normal, delicious Thanksgiving dinner.
26. Are Those... Cupcakes?

Image Source / She Knows
We know a rooster is also known as a cock, but a turkey most certainly isn't - unless you're the person who made these very questionable cupcakes. But you actually have to admire the talent, to be fair - there are worse looking things on this list!
27. The Return Of The Glass Shards

Image Source / She Knows
And it just happened to be the worst thing to clean up... mac and cheese! The glass shards are definitely going to do nothing for the flavour of this particular recipe - which was so good that it decided to explode.
28. I Think It Used To Be A Pumpkin Pie?

Image Source / She Knows
This dessert went into the oven with the potential to come out a delicious Thanksgiving pumpkin pie - but instead decided to make half of itself disappear by the looks of things, and then throw the rest of itself out of the tray onto the glass.
29. You Can Just Scrape Off The Top, Right?

Image Source / She Knows
It's not so bad when it's just one piece of bread you've burnt a little, like when you scrape the black off your toast in the morning. The problem starts when it's a full batch of over 20 bread rolls that were needed for Thanksgiving dinner - as though scraping could fix that!
30. Is This Turkey Having An Existential Crisis?

Image Source / She Knows
This turkey decided it didn't want to be on a table, and instead wanted to see the sights. We've heard of outside dining but this is something entirely new. Did the person who made it dump it on the floor because they messed up, or was this an accident? You decide.