1. Unexplained headaches
(Image/ Source: newyorkpost.com)Do you ever find yourself getting unexplained, random headaches throughout your day? Well, it turns out that a LOT of people who think they’ve experienced witchcraft have reported this over the years, and believe it’s down to a spell that’s been cast on them. Just remember that there could be a whole bunch of reasons for that headache, including stress and dehydration.
2. Nightmares
(Image/ Source: cnn.com)Some people out there believe nightmares are a sign of some unscrupulous black magic- especially those that are full of weird, spooky symbolism like black dogs, snakes and scorpions, which are all bad omens. However, we’ve probably all experienced nightmares at some point, so don’t panic if you’re having a lot of these right now.
3. Bad luck
(Image/ Source: scientificamerican.com)If you’re spiritually minded, you may be quite sensitive to the mysterious ways that luck can affect our lives. You might feel extra unlucky, or feel like things keep going wrong no matter what you do. Those who are experiencing witchcraft may find that they are “cursed”, and will only be able to resume their normal lives when the curse is broken.
4. You sense the presence of someone else's magic
(Image/ Source: independent.co.uk)It might sound really obvious to say, but sometimes, the best way you can tell if you’ve been hexed is whether you can feel it. People often talk about how they can sense something is “off” in their lives, either through intuition or their gut feeling. So trust your instinct when you feel like some unfamiliar energy is heading your way!
5. Tiredness
(Image/ Source: healthline.com)Some people think that if you’re feeling tired and lethargic all the time, it’s down to the fact that you’ve been cursed. Apparently witchcraft can make you feel sleepy- so sleepy that you could drop off at any moment. However, the more likely reasons for your sleepiness include poor sleep habits, diet, jet lag, medication or illness.
6. Body aches
(Image/ Source: medicalnewstoday.com)Did you know that body aches are a classic sign of black magic? According to those who are spiritually minded anyway! They say that medical professionals will claim they can’t find anything wrong with you, even if you’re experiencing pain. But this isn’t the safest of ideas, so make sure you keep getting your aches investigated by your doctor, as it could be a sign of a medical condition.
7. Different eating habits
(Image/ Source: mirror.co.uk)Another sign of alleged witchcraft is a dramatic change in eating habits. These habits may seem like they happen at random, even if you’re not stressed or anxious. Some people feel hungry all the time, while others feel their stomach is constantly digesting food. Exercise, diet, sleep and medication can all be common factors though.
8. Bad energy
(Image/ Source: helpguide.org)Some who have experienced black magic claimed they suddenly felt like their happiness was draining from them. Many have complained about “ bad energy”, and bad thoughts that have plagued them for days and weeks on end. You’ve got to be really careful with this one though, as you may be suffering from anxiety or depression. Be sure to speak to a medically trained person who can help you.
9. Your photos and personal items have gone missing
(Image/ Source: mightgadget.com)Have you found it hard to keep track of your possessions lately? Maybe photos have gone missing, or you can’t find items from your bedside table? This could be a sign that something strange is going on… Spell casters need things like photos, jewellery and personal items to make sure the spell hits the right target, and it’s apparently even more critical when it comes to curses!
10. You have thoughts and visions that aren't your own
(Image/ Source: burst.shopify.com)To make it really clear- if you’re hearing voices or having visions about hurting yourself or other people, you need to seek professional medical help straight away. If you’ve ruled out every other potential cause, it’s worth noting that some forms of magic do have strange effects on the mind, so tread carefully.
11. You have witches as friends
(Image/ Source: cnn.com)If you’re on good terms with friends that practice witchcraft, then you may find that you’re sensitive to their spells. They may have even cast a couple of spells on you now and again! If you suspect this is the case, ask them about it. Because let’s face it – who
wouldn’t want to know if they’re being used for magical purposes?
12. A sudden change in feelings towards someone
(Image/ Source: healthscopemag.com)In some spiritual cultures, if someone experiences sudden negative feelings towards a loved one without any clear reason why, they are thought to be a victim of black magic. On the flip side, if someone also quickly becomes devoted or obedient to someone, it's apparent proof that a curse has taken place.
13. You're interacting with someone that frequently practices witchcraft
(Image/ Source: cnn.com)There are some people out there who use magic every day- and they’re not afraid to cast a few spells to get what they want. Instead of using candles and oils, they use powerful energy, which is called enthrallment. Enthrallers will make you feel like you’re being manipulated, so make sure you stay away from them as much as you can.
14. Insomnia
(Image/ Source: wired.com)If someone is using witchcraft against you, you might find that you’re having serious trouble sleeping. Those who have experienced black magic often develop insomnia, but this doesn’t happen to everyone. And just as an FYI- if you do suffer from insomnia, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re under a spell either. Try and track how long you’ve suffered with it, and see if this gives you any clues.
15. Unexplained anger
(Image/ Source: shepherdexpress.com)Are you suffering from a lot of unexplained anger right now? This is generally considered to be a sign that someone has cast a spell on you. If you’re keen to find out, try and set some time aside to think carefully about any other potential reasons for your anger. If you can’t find any concrete answers, it might be good to speak to someone who is physically powerful.
16. You're acting out of character
(Image/ Source: knowyourmeme.com)If you’re finding yourself acting out of character for no apparent reason, it’s possible you’ve been cursed by a witch. While you might not be super angry, sad or anxious, your loved ones might notice that you’re acting out of character, which happens to people to who are being telepathically manipulated.
17. Chest pressure while sleeping
(Image/ Source: nbcnews.com)Chest pressure while sleeping is often a symptom of sleep paralysis. However, some ancient cultures from around the world believe that this is a sign that an evil spirit is with you. Make sure you consult a doctor before you do anything else, then see a witch or spiritual healer if you still have some concerns.
18. Low libido
(Image/ Source: theoverwhelmedbride.com)Some cultures believe that low libido, as well as conditions like erectile disfunction, are down to witchcraft. More specifically, a curse that is targeted at your sexual organs. It’s super important to make sure you’re getting checked out by health professionals though, as most doctors won’t believe that witchcraft is a medically sound cause…
19. Electrical issues
(Image/ Source: white-electric.com)If you suspect you’re a victim of witchcraft, keep an eye out for any electrical maladies coming your way. Little things like your cell phone battery draining quicker than usual, light bulbs exploding or going out, or your computer crashing are all signs that the energy surrounding you is becoming dense and violent.
20. Feeling like you're in the wrong place at the wrong time
(Image/ Source: storyblocks.com)The feeling of being in the wrong place at the wrong time is often a sign of witchcraft. Maybe you feel like time is slipping away from you, or that a situation would have played out better for you if you’d arrived somewhere a few minutes earlier. This is a tell-tale sign that you’re becoming out of rhythm with your life.
21. Constant failure in a key area of your life
(Image/ Source: washingtonpost.com)We sometimes feel that we have one particular area of our lives that we constantly fail in. Whether it be work, our health, or our dating life, things just don’t go right sometimes- and some cultures believe that this is because there’s magic at work. However, it might just be life testing us in different ways!
22. A feeling of being weighed down
(Image/ Source: fifarma.org)Despite getting the right nutrition (be sure to keep an eye on your B12 levels!) and having time to relax and destress, you might still feel like something is weighing you down. It’s really important to look into this, as you may have anxiety, depression, or be plagued by negative energy that someone is using against you.
23. You're attracted to spiritual guardians
(Image/ Source: rivendellshop.com)If you find yourself becoming drawn to items like protective crystals, crosses, evil eye jewelry and other protective talismans, it may be a sign that something eerie is going on. The more you find yourself needing to protect yourself from evil, the more likely it is that there’s already some magic at work.
24. You're being given signs through readings
(Image/ Source: theguardian.com)One of the more obvious signs is getting confirmation of a curse via fortune telling or tarot readings. It’s the quickest way to find out if something is going on, as your psychic will be able to give you more details about how and why this is happening. They’ll also help you protect yourself and banish negative energy.
25. You are thinking about the person that's hexed you
(Image/ Source: pexels.com)When someone is being used for witchcraft, they can often find themselves thinking about the person who’s performing the spells. You might be going about your day when they randomly pop into your head out of nowhere, which might be because they’re actually thinking about you- and using you in their magic!
26. Nausea
(Image/ Source: healthgrades.com)Nausea and stomach pain are common symptoms of magic. If these stomach issues are occurring at random with no clear explanation, it’s best to go to your doctor first so they can rule any health issues out for you. However, if you’re not making much progress, it might be worth consulting a psychic or healer too.
27. Strange encounters with animals
(Image/ Source: wfla.com)Are you currently having strange run-ins with animals? Perhaps it feels like a cat is following you, or you’ve found a dead animal on your doorstep? These are common signs of a curse in some cultures, as the spell caster uses these animals to ‘spy’ on you. Which means these animals have been subjected to some nasty curses too…
28. Broken glass
(Image/ Source: thekitchn.com)According to healers and psychics, broken glass is a sure fire sign of something witchy going on- in fact, it’s a sign that dates back centuries! In conjure and hoodoo cultures, bottles were traditionally filled with ‘cursing ingredients’, and are then thrown at an enemy’s doorstep or front door. When the glass breaks, the hex is ‘released’.
29. You're involved in a witch dispute
(Image/ Source: history.com)If you’re already a member of a witch community, it’s worth considering whether another witch in your group is up to no good. If you’ve currently experienced some shade being thrown your way, or you feel that someone’s energy is a little off right now, make sure you get those protective spells going ASAP.
30. Strange objects on your property
(Image/ Source: littledollyclothesshop.com)If you’re finding strange or sinister objects on your property that don’t belong to you, be on your guard. Someone might be throwing some negative energy your way. Dolls are often the biggest tell-tale sign, so get them off your property immediately. Burn them, or take them to the other side of town if you can.
31. An Uncontrollable Desire To Be Around A Certain Person

Image Source / Psychology Today
If you've had a particular piece of magic directed at you that's intended for you to feel differently about a person - like a love spell to make you fall in love with the person who cast it - you may suddenly find yourself wanting to be around someone in particular when you didn't really feel that way before.
32. Something Doesn't Feel Natural Anymore

Image Source / European Best Destinations
You know that feeling you have when you feel calm and content and everything just feels... normal? Well you might suddenly feel like things just don't feel natural anymore. Everything - or something specific - may feel 'off' about your life, and something just doesn't feel like it's happening naturally like it should.
33. You Feel Like Your Emotional And Spiritual Space Is Being Invaded

Image Source / Brahma Kumaris
In the same way when you know someone is up in your personal space, you can get the same kind of vibe when someone is intruding on your emotional or spiritual space. It may just be a gut feeling you're having where you feel a little bit tight and uncomfortable in your own headspace.
34. You Feel Like You've Lost Your Own Will

Image Source / Ties.com
You'll usually know when things are in your control and when you have your own willpower over decisions and over your daily routine. You might suddenly feel like you've lost your own sense of will, where you're being directed in certain directions, or to do certain things, without really having any input in it.
35. It Depends On The Kind Of Spell

Image Source / Historical Association
It's important to remember that signs you've been a victim of witchcraft depend entirely on the spell. Some magic is good - you may feel more positive or lighter - while some magic is love-focused, making you feel as though you're drawn to a particular person. Other magic can be made with negative intent.
36. You Fail Things, Like Tests Or Personal Endeavours

Image Source / wikiHow
A lot of people can have those days (or weeks, or months) where they feel like just nothing is going right. But you may have suddenly run into a huge bout of bad luck no matter what you do, and in situations where you've been confident in your own abilities - like you've failed an exam, failed an interview or failed a driving test.
37. You Really Can't Focus

Image Source / Clockwise
We all have those times of procrastination, and usually we can recognise when we're tired or just not feeling it. But you may be suddenly finding that focus is impossible for you, out of nowhere, when you were great at concentrating before. Even though nothing has changed about yourself, your environment or your routine, you may suddenly find focusing impossible.
38. More And More People You Don't Know Are Approaching You

Image Source / NCCPE
You're finding that more strangers are coming up to you and speaking to you; or, you may be finding you're having more random encounters with strangers, like bumping into more people, or finding places that used to be empty suddenly busy with new people.
39... And This Might Happen In Dreams, Too

Image Source / Real Dream Interpretation
This can happen in dreams, too. Most of the time we'll dream about people we know or who we've met briefly, but you might find you're suddenly having dreams where strangers approach you. They may try to talk to you in dreams but make no sense, or they may try and give you things in dreams.
40. You're Encountering Animals In Your Dreams

Image Source / Whats-Your-Sign.com
The same applies to animals approaching you in dreams - and especially if you never used to dream about animals. It can be more of a sign if you're having particularly negative encounters with animals in dreams, such as dangerous animals moving to attack you - and especially animals like black cats.
41. Animals Are Entering Your Home By Force

Image Source / iOnGreenville
Another sign through the behaviour of animals can be more and more animals actually getting into your home. You could find that stray pets or wild animals are forcing their way into your home through force - like through a window or door - or even just somehow finding their way inside when they never did before.
42. Your Mental Health Has Taken A Huge Hit

Image Source / Los Angeles Times
You may have noticed that your mental health has been on a sudden incline. While it's possible you can suddenly get depression or anxiety with no real reason, it could also be a sign of magic meddling if any anxiety or depression you have has suddenly gone haywire out of nowhere.
43. Everything Feels A Bit Heavy

Image Source / BOXROX
When people say they feel like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders through stress or life, it's obviously a metaphor - but witchcraft could actually manifest a physical feeling of heaviness on you. You might feel like you're pulling around a great ball and chain, making you tired and moving through your days with effort.
44. You're More Confused Than You Used To Be

Image Source / Pixabay
You go into rooms without knowing why, you forget where you put things, and you can't remember important dates like you used to. This could be a sudden thing, too, and not a gradual thing. You may be wondering why you're suddenly feeling so confused and forgetful all the time.
45. Very Extreme Things Happening Out Of Nowhere

Image Source / The Forest Scout
Extreme and surprising things can happen in life, like a friend suddenly deciding they want to ghost you. But signs of witchcraft could be if very extreme things are happening on a huge level, out of nowhere. For example, one friend ghosting you isn't too 'out there', but what if every single friend you have stops talking to you at once?
46. You See A Dark Presence

Image Source / Goldsmith, University of London
It's important to note that this is different to any hallucinations or things you might see while half asleep. This sort of dark presence - like a shape or a mist in your room that you just know is there and feels wrong - is something you know isn't a hallucination or a bad dream. It can be a manifestation of some sort of spell.
47. You Spend All Your Time Trying To Find A Particular Person

Image Source / Times Higher Education (THE)
It's one thing to have a sort of love spell cast on you to make you think differently about a person; it's another to suddenly become obsessed with the idea of physically finding someone. They may even live at the other side of the country and you're suddenly planning travel routes and how you could get to them as quickly as possible.
48. Bad Things Are Happening To Your Loved Ones

Image Source / Medical News Today
Signs of witchcraft in your life don't necessarily have to start and end with you. It could be that you're experiencing nothing out of the ordinary, but your friends and family are suddenly reporting weird things that are happening to them, or having a series of bad luck.
49. Feelings Of Being Watched

Image Source / BBC
While your home might have felt like a private sanctuary before, it now feels like there's just something... off about it. You can't go into a room without feeling like you're being watched, and you can never relax because you just feel eyes on you. Even in public places you might feel like someone's stalking you.
50. Remember: Witchcraft Can Only Affect You If You Let It

Image Source / Newsy
One thing to remember in light of all of this is witchcraft gets power from belief - and you can only be hurt or affected if you let it. People who are vulnerable with their walls down and scared of witchcraft will more easily be targeted. If you're not afraid of witchcraft and put up your own, spiritual protective bubble around yourself, it's likely it won't hurt you.