1. Finger Removal - The Yakuza

imagesource/thejapantimesAs well as cutting all family ties, the Japanese mafia require members to cut off a part of someone's finger, this traditional ritual is Yubitsume. Anytime a member commits an offence within the organisation, they must cut off the tip of their little finger, if they carry out more offences, more fingers get chopped.
2. Eating Children's Hearts - Knights Templar Cartel

Mexican authorities are constantly waging war against the country's ruthless cartels and their depravity. Alfredo Castilo, government envoy for the state of Michoacan in Mexico, told a local radio station:
“At an initiation ceremony they used the organs, in this case, the heart, and forced people going through this process to eat it.”3. Ritual Beating - MS-13

The Mara Salvatrucha 13 is a gang from El Salvador which has spread across Central and North America. If someone wants to join the gang, they must take a severe beating and kids as young as 11 join the gang. MS-13 also recruit women - they have to go through unimaginable rituals to join the gang.
4. Child Assassinations - Mac Baller Brims

The Mac Baller Brims gang of Bronx, New York have many ties with the Bloods of New York, but are far worse. Young members who wish to join must go through a beating from several gang members, then they have to assasinate someone to prove to the gang that they're worthy.
5. Bombarding Master Handan - Taitung Gangs

This rituals consists of participants throwing firecrackers at the God of Wealth Master Handan because he hated the cold, and by heating him up they were thought to increase their wealth. Gang leaders use people to replace "Mr Handan" and whoever survives multiple firecrackers thrown at them becomes new gang leader.
6. Burning Crosses - The Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan is one of the most infamous white supremacist gangs in the world, founded in the Southern states after the Civil War. Their recruits have to burn a crucifix, done to scare the black people living near the burning grounds, intimidating them and often murdering innocent African Americans.
7. Doubt Murder - The Aryan Brotherhood

Segregation was made illegal in American in the 60s, including prisons. Many of the white inmates hated the fact they had to serve time with black inmates, creating racially exclusive gangs like this one. Recruits have to prove themselves by murdering two people - including guards.
8. Drawing Blood - United Blood Nations

With 500m members, they're New York's largest and most dangerous prison gang and recruits wanting to join the gang must slash another inmate's face and draw blood, nut only until another gang member yells out 013 to prove their loyalty and willingness to carry out deeds for their superiors.
9. Drinking Blood - Chinese Triads

The Chinese Triads initiation process have consisted of a large number of elaborate rituals - some of which are pretty nasty. Some young members must drink a potion made up of blood of all the recruits, and whoever doesn't drink the whole thing, gets killed by other members.
10. Drive by Shootings - The Latin Kings

With the reputation as one of the most dangerous gangs in the US, the Latin Kings have worked with terrorist organisations and have punished disobedient members by killing them and eating their remains.
11. A Smelly 'Baptism' - Hell's Angels

The Hell's Angels are world famous after journalist Hunter S. Thompson spent a year with the California chapter of the gang. Their initiation is pretty simple but disgusting, where new members have to go and buy a new pair of jeans and denim jacket before the other members gather a large amount of fecal matter and urine and proceed to dump it on the new recruit.
12. Hazing & Alcohol Poisoning - University Fraternities

University fraternities are not actually gangs or organisations but their initiations processes can often be as disgusting and illegal as street gangs. Anyone wanting to join a fraternity or sorority has to pass a process with some recruits being punched in the head, forced to eat live animals and drinking so much alcohol that they end up in hospital.
13. Human Hallway - Junky Funky Kids

This gang prays on vulnerable teenagers, desperate to escape their troubled families. Young boys are "beat in" by several other members, other gang members arm themselves with weapons and form two lines opposite each other and the recruits have to run in between and make it through in one piece.
14. Suffer In Silence - The Number Gangs

Each branch of this gang has their own horrific initiation process, for example one branch have to stab a prison guard with knives that they've made themselves. This gang is known for having three separate branches - the 26s, 27s and 28s, each branch as violent as the other.
15. Witnessing Violence - Roto Gang

This South African gang is known for breaking into rich resident's homes and robbing them. Anyone wishing to join this gang much endure a beating, having bodily fluids poured on them or even do a test run of the gang's typical activities. If not, they must watch established members violently murder rivals, then mutilate their bodies before dumping them on the street.
16. Stabbing Someone or Eating A Dogs Face - London Gangs

There's a lot of racially aggravated stabbings in London, with murders on the rise each day unfortunately. In 2003, a 13 year old boy was charged with murder, after her broke into a elderly woman's home, robbed her and stabbed her to death - all of this way part of a gang initiation.
17. A Traditional Beat Down

The most common method of gang initiation involves gang members beating up wannabe gang members. Most gangs use "the line", candidates are kicked and punched repeatedly as they walk down two lines of gang members. However, some do not come out of the other end alive...
18. Jacked In - Crips Gang

The Crips is one of the most famous gangs in US history, with tens of thousands of members all across the country. In footage seen 8million times called
"Inside a Gang Initiation with the Silent Murder Crips", Nearly a dozen members were given beatings to see how they handle a kicking
19. Kidnapping - Vatos Locos Gang

To prove themselves to the Vatos Locos Gang, two men kidnapped a man and held him at gunpoint whilst robbing him before driving him to a secluded mobile home and beating him before setting him free. Mexican soldiers rescued 164 men, women and children who had been savagely kidnapped by Mexican cartel gangs.
20. Prostitution For Female Recruits - London

Isha Nembhard, a former female gang member from London said,
“A lot of girls are sort of prostituting themselves to have sexual relationships within a gang and get treated in a bad way,” she said. “For example, she might know about what happens to girls in the gang but still sleeps with all of them just for the status.”21. Gang Rape - South Side Mafia

Rape is an active a brutal method of initiation in some gangs. In New Mexico, a gang created a ruse of inviting female mall shoppers to 'parties' where they would be locked in a room and raped repeatedly by members of the gang. Given a choice between taking a beating, most gang members chose rape.
22. Cutting & Slashing - The Bloods Gang

In 1999, six members of the Bloods gang attacked a woman on a train, they stabbed her, cut her with razors and then went on to attack another woman, robbing her jewellery and slashing her face viciously.
23. Trial By Fire - The Berga Centre Gang

Teenagers in Sweden were charged with aggravated arson when they set a dumpster outside a shopping mall on fire before it rapidly spread through the mall, burning it to the ground. In Texas, two gang members were also charged with murder, after the chased Carlos Hernandez down and set him ablaze.
24. 'Blood In' (Murder)

Some gang initiations make absolutely no sense at all. In 2004, Bob Mars, a high school coach in Washington was shot and killed as part of a initiation rite. The same thing happened in California with a pizza delivery man, who was shot from behind and killed instantly.
25. Serial Killings By Skull Crushing - Mexican Cartels

Serial killings can be used as gang initiation or a way to settle unpaid drug debts and Mexican cartels rack death numbers up very quickly. Many victims have their skulls crushed after been run over by car tyres. 20 year old Juan Pablo was arrested after bieng linked to 79 murders, all of which he committed himself.
26. 18 Second Beating - 18th Street Gang

This gang has grown from a small group in LA to a criminal empire which stretches to Central America, Mexico and places in Europe. They specialise in street crimes like robbery, car theft, drug trafficking, assault and murder as well as human trafficking. New recruits have to take 18 seconds of beatings from around 5-6 men before they're welcomed in.
27. Killing A Rival Gang Member - Texas Syndicate

While the Texas Syndicate is mainly a prison based gang, they have members on the outside. Young people who are trying to get into the gang are instructed to kill a member of a rival gang by usually stabbing them to death, probably making the gangs goal the most practical of all these on the list in terms of actually advancing the gang's goal.
28. 'Sharing The Umbrella' - Inside Prison For The Numbers Gang

The Numbers Gang in prison initiation process involves members asking a new prisoner the question
"if it is raining, and you have an umbrella but I do not, what would you do?". If the new recruit says they would share their umbrella, they're deemed unworthy of membership and becomes a sex slave.
29. Bathing In Goat Blood and Urine - Mungiki

Mungiki is a religious sect in Kenya and some say Mungiki are actually victims in a struggle against the Kenyan government. But the way they operate, often mimics gang activities. The group voluntarily kidnaps and forces new recruits the join with new recruits being forced to bath in a mix of goat's blood, urine and tripe.
30. Killing Parents - Boko Haram

Now, this one is a little different, as it's a full blown terrorist group, but they're basically the same, they just operate on a larger scale. They were founded in Nigeria but operate in several African countries. Kids are kidnapped from their homes, taken to the leader & forced to go back and kill their parents - this method of psychologically breaking a kid is used in many war zones.
31. Multiple Gangs: Sexual Exploitation

Image Source / Hull Live
There are many, many gangs across the world that use sexual exploitation as part of their initiation process. For many women in particular, they can be exploited into performing sexual jobs, known as 'sexing-in' for females who want to become members of the gang. It could also be a fact that many women sworn in in this way don't report it - so there could be more cases than officially reported.
32. The Latin Kings: Gang-Rape Of Potential Female Gang Members

Image Source / Latino USA
One of the America's oldest gangs known as the Almighty Latin Kings as well as just the Latin Kings will actually have different initiation rules depending on the location - because their influence is so widespread. In some places, an initiation for wannabe female members is to be gang-raped by the existing members.
33. The Numbers Gangs: Draw Blood From An Officer Or Become A Sex Slave

Image Source / Corrections1
Found in South Africa's Western Cape prisons, The Numbers Gang will require you to draw blood from a correctional officer in the prison, or become a sex slave. This means you have to be 'willing' - whether that willingness makes a difference isn't certain - to become a sex slave for higher-ranking members of the gang.
34. New Bloods: A Cut So Bad It Needs 150 Stitches

Image Source / Medical News Today
Not only is the New Bloods gang's initiation requirement to cut someone's face, it has to be a very specific cut - so bad that it needs at least 150 stitches. The Bloods are one of the most well-organized gangs, and this particular initiation ritual is known for the New York section of this hang. The cut needs to be made by a box cutter.
35. Elite Boys: Forced To Eat Raw Meat Or Live Goldfish

Image Source / Wales Online
The Elite Boys aren't by any means like the dangerous criminal gangs on this list, but their initiation ritual to their 'elite' club is dangerous and borderline torture. The Elite Boys, as the name suggests, is an organised group of members from the world's most prestigious universities. To get into this group, the initiation sees members putting urine into the mouths of wannabe members, as well as making them eat live goldfish or raw meat.
36. The Triad: Animal Sacrifice

Image Source / Wikipedia
One of the world's gangs that has been around the longest is The Triad. Their initiation can begin with the sacrifice of an animal in order to gain its blood for the next part of the ritual. Or, the blood of the actual person wanting to join can be used instead. Then the blood - either from animal or man - is mixed with wine and needs to be drank by the person wanting to join the gang.
37. Freemasons: Hit With A Bag Of Hair

Image Source / Go Jules Go
The Freemasons are an extremely famous and secretive society, and while not a dangerous criminal gang, they do have some very strange rituals - including the initiation of new members. Apparently, in order to be brought into the society, the person must lie down and pretend to be dead while they're hit with bags filled with hair. Just what kind of hair it is is unclear...
38. The U.S. Navy: Shellback Ritual

Image Source / Reddit
The U.S. Navy is obviously not a dangerous criminal gang, but their initiation ritual for new sailors is worth mentioning for its craziness. For the initiation ceremony - called "shellback" - the new sailor will have to go through a number of embarrassing things, such as being hit by a fire hose, locked in stocks and having fruit thrown at them and having to wear clothes backwards...
39. Wicca: Bound And Whipped

Image Source / Encyclopedia Britannica
The initiation into the Wiccan religion of witchcraft is also worth mentioning for its violence. Obviously not a dangerous criminal gang, the initiation ceremony is still one you wouldn't look forward to. The initiates are tied up in order to be whipped. This ritual is supposed to be symbolic for the person being willing to suffer in order to gain further knowledge.
40. Bohemian Grove: The Cremation Of Care Ceremony

Image Source / Grim Reviews
The secret society of 'Bohemian Grove' is just steeped in crazy and disturbing rituals - if you even manage to get in to the location. Is a cult any better than a gang? Who knows. They're certainly not criminal, but the membership of powerful men and the Cremation of Care ritual in particular makes it all a bit creepy. The ritual includes people in hoods, altars and huge effigies.. you get the idea.
What Are The Most Common Gang Initiations Across The World?
41. The Traditional Beatdown

Image Source / New York Daily News
This is one of the most common methods of initiation into many different gangs, where the person wanting to join the gang will be jumped by existing members and beat up. The initiate will try to fight them as long as possible, for a set amount of time, where they must not only survive the beating, but fight back.
42. Being 'Jacked In'

Image Source / Oxygen
Being 'jacked in' is a street gang's term for when a new recruit will become a member through stealing a car. The stealing of the car isn't just a straightforward break in of an empty, parked vehicle either - it could mean robbing someone of their car at gunpoint. If the person does well, they'll be recruited by the existing members.
43. Kidnapping

Image Source / Funny or Die
Some dangerous gangs can require wannabe members to kidnap someone - or a group of people - as part of the initiation process. The kidnapping could often be through means of violence, such as robbery and kidnapping at gunpoint. The kidnapped person may also be held hostage and beaten, as well as being held for ransom.
44. Being 'Sexed In'

Image Source / Sky News
Gangs don't discriminate when it comes to the gender of their recruits, apparently - but that doesn't mean they make it easy for female recruits, especially where sexual abuse is concerned. Female members being recruited through being 'sexed in' is very common for many gangs, as mentioned on this list. She might have to have sex with multiple gang members.
45. Gang Rape

Image Source / The Mirror
Being 'sexed in' isn't the only sexual practice for a swearing-in ritual for gangs across the world. Some will commit gang rape on female members if she wants a chance at gaining a spot in the gang. It's also important to note that the people being gang raped may not be full adults, either - some underage girls have been gang raped in this way.
46. Cutting And Slashing

Image Source / Wikipedia
This is often done using razor blades that slash rather than being cut by knives, but stabbing is also a regular practice. Some people will willingly accept being cut or slashed, while others may be forcibly held down in order to be cut. Some initiates may rob or beat up their victims, too, before slashing them as part of the ritual.
47. Stabbing

Image Source / Security Hardware
Having to stab someone is a very common initiation rite for a lot of gangs, but it doesn't only have to be with a standard knife, either. Wannabe gang members can wield bigger and dangerous weapons like machetes when they go out looking for someone to stab in order to get into a gang. These stabs aren't non-fatal either - it can be straight up murder.
48. Arson

Image Source / Wikipedia
A wannabe gang member may be expected to go through a trial by fire - while sometimes this could be something that doesn't involve members of the public, like setting a garbage dumpster on fire, it can be dangerous if the fire spread out of control. In some cases it can spread to public buildings. In some more dangerous cases, gang initiates might set people on fire instead.
49. Murder

Image Source / BBC
There's no beating around the bush with this one - to be accepted into some gangs, they want you to kill someone. The targets for the murders, however, aren't rival gang members or anybody who has done the gang wrong - they can be innocent passers-by, or people caught up in drive-by shootings. They can be people the wannabe-gang members know, like teachers at their school.
50. Serial Murders

Image Source / Los Angeles Magazine
When one murder isn't enough, dangerous gangs may expect initiates to commit a series of murders. This can often be related to gang wars, if they want rival gang members killed off one by one. Serial killings can then be used as an initiation ritual or a way to settle debts - or both. And obviously the ways in which these serial murders are committed aren't pretty.