1. Emoji Plush Toys

Image Source / Delish If there was anything that needed to be included as a Happy Meal toy in recent years, it was something emoji-related seeing as that's how we all communicate these days! The fast food chain finally gave emojis a go, and it resulted in these cute little plush pillows - and gave you an excuse to collect them all, too!
2. The Peanuts Movie

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It's great when you get a Happy Meal toy based on a popular show or movie with tons of different characters - so much toy potential! These cool little guys weren't just ornaments, either - they did cool stuff, like Charlie speaking when you pushed the back of his shirt!
3. American Girl Isabelle

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American Girl Isabelle was 'Girl of the Year' back in 2014, so of course McDonald's wanted to take advantage of that. You could grab 8 different varieties of the blonde dancing girl, which included being able to dress her up and braid her hair.
4. Happy Meal Books

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This is actually a great move on McDonald's part to introduce something a little more educational and fun rather than just random toys. They brought in books which also came with funky little bookmarks you could write your name on!
5. SpongeBob Sport Toys

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No McDonald's Happy Meal would be complete without a SpongeBob toy at some point. The sports theme provided toys that had our loveable sponge taking part in a variety of Olympic events, such as karate and skateboarding. It even had Gary, Squidward and Patrick.
6. Young Justice

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Superheroes are also definitely toys you want to find in your Happy Meal at some point, and with these teenage superhero toys, you could find Superman and Batman, amongst other figures. They didn't do much, they just stood there looking cool.
7. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Fingerboards

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Was there anything more fun than these tiny little finger boards? Not even necessarily Star Wars themed, but of course that made them all the more cooler. They were the perfect prop for being bored in class and running out of space drawing on your pencil case!
8. Nerf Toys

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It's a given that Nerf toys had to appear in McDonald's at some point, and the beauty of this was that you could still bag yourself one even if your parents didn't let you buy a full Nerf gun. Just ask them to take you for a Happy Meal and away you go!
9. Digi Sportz

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Before the time of advanced games consoles, and consoles on the go like Switch and Wii, you had these tiny Happy Meal versions which let you take part in mini digital sports, like tennis or basketball, all with just your fingers. Perfect!
10. American Idol

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If there's one toy we all wanted as kids, it was something we could sing in to and live out our popstar dreams - and especially when that toy came free at McDonald's. This American Idol set up meant we could use the toy microphone to annoy our parents on a daily basis.
11. Cars

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Toy cars provided hours of fun just on the basis of them moving back and forward when we pushed them. Simpler times, right? But these were not only characters from the movie Cars, they even drove forward on their own when you pulled them back and watched them zoom!
12. The Cat and The Dog Artlist Collection

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If you're going to McDonald's for a cute animal plushie, then you're going to want an option of cats or dogs - and the fast food chain made sure to stock both! These tiny adorable animals were also keychains, so you could attach them wherever you wanted!
13. Lilo and Stitch

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Either of these would be cool toys on their own: Play-Doh for hours of squishing fun, and Lilo and Stitch characters just because they're awesome. But together? You could use the Play-Doh to push inside the toys and have Lilo grow a grass skirt and Stitch a pink tongue!
14. Finding Nemo

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If you were looking for Nemo, you could most definitely find him at McDonald's when they released this particular selection of toys! Not only could you play with your favourites Nemo and Dory, you could take them in the bath with you to get them to water!
15. 100 Years of Disney

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100 Years of Disney is most definitely worthy of celebration, and McDonald's took this opportunity to unveil a whopping 100 different Disney character figurines! With so many options it could actually have worked out disappointingly if you ended up with the 1 out of 100 characters you didn't actually like.
16. Spy Kids

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Ever the supportive fast food chain, McDonald's wanted to be sure to make kid's dreams of becoming spies come true by providing Sky Kids equipment like glasses and motion detectors. These ones came as part of the Mighty Kids Meals.
17. The Emperor's New Groove

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Because who wouldn't want their own little toy of Kuzco or Kronk for their home collection? And especially to sit on the sofa with them to watch the movie for, like, the millionth time. Even as adults, we'd still want one of these.
18. Mini Furbies

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The only thing better than a regular sized furby? Mini furbies! And the reason they were better is, let's be honest, because they were less chonky, less loud and less sort of creepy in hindsight. These mini options meant a travel-sized companion that wasn't so much a chatterbox.
19. Tamagotchi Keychains

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Were you even a kid if you didn't have a Tama-gotchi digital pet and then feel bad when it hadn't been fed for a while? But alas, it wasn't always possible to get your hands on one yet if you were waiting for Santa, so these Happy Meal versions filled the void.
20. Sky Dancers

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Everyone else can go home, because these were IT. They were the only toys you wanted as a kid, to pull back the string and watch your own fairy fly through the air and hit someone in the face. These mini toys provided hours of fun.
21. Space Jam Plush Toys

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There's no way McDonald's would miss out on promoting the best movie from our childhood of all time (and adulthood, let's be honest). But the reason these actually look next level cool and a bit too big for a standard Happy Meal toy is that you had to pay a bit extra money to get them - but totally worth it.
22. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

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Which Power Ranger was your favourite? And of course we chose based on favourite colour alone seeing as they didn't have much of individual personalities. But one things for certain - no matter which one you got, this was a pretty cool Happy Meal toy.
23. Happy Birthday Train

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When we'd spent so many years taking advantage of Happy Meals for our own entertainment, it was about time the meal itself got a bit of attention. So for its 15th birthday, the fast food chain released the birthday train, which had 15 toy cars to collect and put together!
24. Barbie

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When the Barbie Doll was a staple for most of our childhood anyway, you may have found the mini Happy Meal version a little bit disappointing compared to everything you could do with the full sized versions. But when they put in dolls with hair you could brush, it was a game changer.
25. Nickelodeon Game Gadgets

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One of the best things we can remember from Nickelodeon was the SLIME. So of course any Happy Meal toy based on the TV channel simply had to have slime. And these toys brought it, in the form of a hand clap gun and microphone, amongst others.
26. Tiny Toons Flip Cars

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These did exactly what they said on the tin: they flipped over. Which is cool enough when you have a little toy car that can do a backflip, but it got better - on the other side, they had an entirely different character and car! So two for the price of one!
27. Camp McDonaldland

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It's always best to be prepared for the wilderness with the right supplies, and McDonald's was kind enough to provide that with this selection of outdoor gears, including collapsible cup, canteen and mess kit!
28. Fry Kids

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If there's one thing you can depend on for Happy Meal toys, it's McDonald's turning 80s characters into ones you can collect! Another great toy was any of these Fry Kids from the collection, with the characters appearing in McDonald's commercials.
29. McNugget Buddies

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One of the most popular items on the McDonald's menu for kids and adults alike has always been the McNuggets, so of course a toy had to be made out of them. Sort of like a nuggie variation of Mr Potato Head, these guys came as part of a selection of 10 nugget-shaped little characters!
30. Changeables

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If you're looking at these thinking they look like some really cheap knock of Optimus Prime, you'd be absolutely correct - they couldn't market Transformers, so they called them Changeables, but they were still pretty darn cool.