1. Wash Your Hands As Often As Possible
Image Source / WikipediaWashing your hands isn't just reserved for when you've been to the toilet. So many germs can get onto your hands throughout the day, so try to wash with warm, soapy water whenever you get the opportunity. But remember to use some hand lotion, too, to avoid those dry hands!
2. Especially Before Eating
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One key time to wash your hands is before eating, and especially if you're eating finger food or something being touched directly like a whopping big burger. Get those germs off your hands before you eat so you don't risk spreading them to your food!
3. Carry Around A Hand Sanitizer With You
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No matter how hard you try, it's not always possible to wash your hands when you need to, especially when out and about, which is where a hand sanitizer in your pocket or bag can always come in handy. This will help to stop spread germs and infections and help you to avoid getting sick!
4. Try Not To Be Around Sick People
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Unfortunately in this day and age more and more people are pressured to still go to work even when they're very ill, which means you're at risk through no fault of your own if you're in an office, for example. But if you can ever choose not to be around a sick person - such as saying no to meeting up with a friend who has a raging cold - then it'll help to keep you protected.
5. Take Advantage Of Technology For Socialising
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If you want to limit human contact as much as possible to keep yourself healthy, especially during peak cold and flu season, technology is going to be your best friend. Video chats, group chats and phone calls are all great alternatives to meeting up in person while still making sure you can talk to friends and family.
6. Be More Hygienic If You Have A Sick Child
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It's easy to avoid friends and family when they're sick, but if you have a child who's sick, there's no way you can avoid interactions or cuddles with them. To protect yourself as much as possible, just remember to go the extra mile with hygiene, like always wash your hands after every interaction with them.
7. Stay Home If You Do Get Sick
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Obviously this is about protecting other people from catching your illness, but you're actually doing yourself a favour. If you still go into a busy office when you're ill, or meet up with family and friends, and end up passing on your illness to them, you're even risking catching it once again back from them in return!
8. Wash Your Hands After Coughing Or Sneezing
Image Source / Medical News Today
This goes without saying, but you should - firstly - cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze, but then wash your hands as soon as possible after - or use your handy sanitizer - to avoid spreading germs.
9. Eat A Healthy Diet
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What you put in your body has a direct impact on the condition your body is in to fight off sickness and infection. The healthier your body with the food you're choosing to eat, the more likely it is you won't get sick. You're more likely to get ill if your body is overweight and in a very unhealthy condition.
10. Eat Immune System-Boosting Foods In Particular
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And with a healthy diet comes getting as many immune system-boosting foods as possible! Your immune system is there to fight off sickness and stop you from getting ill, so the better shape your immune system is in, the more likely it'll be that you won't get sick! Some immune-boosting foods include citrus, spinach and garlic.
11. Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep
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Another thing which can directly impact your immune system is sleep. If you're not getting enough sleep on a daily basis, your immune system can be negatively impacted, as well as your overall health, and it's more likely you'll get ill through lack of sleep.
12. Drink Plenty Of Water
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Drinking water is one of the simplest and best things you can do for your overall health. Not only will drinking enough water and fluids help you to not fall ill in the first place, it'll also speed up your recovery if you do get sick (which is why it's always encouraged to drink more fluids with a cold or flu!).
13. Set Up A Good Daily Exercising Routine
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Exercise is key to not only helping your body to stay in shape, but help it be more capable of fighting off sickness. The more physical activity you do, the more it can help your immune system and also may reduce your chance of falling ill in the first place.
14. Try Not To Touch Your Face
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It's really hard not to touch your face, because you can do it even subconsciously, like leaning on your chin with your hand at your desk or rubbing your face if you're tired. But so many germs can be spread from your hands to your face and risk you falling ill - so the less you touch your face, the better!
15. Keep Your Home Clean
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Whether you live alone or with others - but especially the latter - the cleaner you keep your home, the less likely it will be for germs and illnesses to live there and spread. The cleaner and healthier your home, the cleaner and healthier you will be living in it on a daily basis!
16. Make Sure To Disinfect Regularly-Touched Surfaces
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When we're cleaning our homes, we can often forget about those little things like light switches or door handles that are touched the most often, but probably cleaned the least compared to everything else. So to avoid germs, just remember to give them a regular once over!
17. Make Sure To Prepare Your Food Safely
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Getting sick isn't just about the daily germs you come across - you can also get very ill from food which hasn't been prepared properly, and especially if you're a meat eater. So make sure you understand food safety so you never get ill from food.
18. Research The Places You Eat And Drink At
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Hygiene ratings and reviews for restaurants and bars exist for a reason, so you'll want to be sure you're always eating well-cooked food that's safe to eat at places that have been properly cleaned. So always do your research into new places to avoid going anywhere dodgy!
19. Don't Share Personal Items
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When you're close to someone, it might not seem a big deal to share personal things like lipstick, toothbrushes or even hairbrushes. But to avoid passing along any germs on items that you wouldn't think to disinfect - or can't be - keep your very personal items to yourself!
20. Know How To Store Food Safely In The Fridge
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To avoid illness and cross-contamination, always know how to stock up a fridge properly and which items go on which shelves - especially when it comes to raw meat. Never have raw meat dripping over other fresh items of food, for example.
21. Always Wash Food Items Before Cooking
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Make sure to wash any food item that needs it before cooking to get rid of dirt and potential germs, especially when it comes to fresh vegetables. Packaging will usually always tell you whether something needs to be washed before use, so make sure to!
22. Avoid Petting Wild Animals
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This isn't so much one that might happen on a daily basis for city dwellers, but if you're someone who lives in the country and goes on a walk everyday, make sure not to have too much contact with wild animals like touching them or stroking them - even if they're friendly - to avoid contracting anything!
23. Get Your Vaccines
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Okay, so not a daily habit, but a very important one in general. Vaccines can be important for preventing you falling ill, especially things like flu vaccines for older people in the winter months, so you might want to make sure you're all up to date with yours.
24. Get Your Vitamin D
Image Source / HealthShots
Vitamin D is an important vitamin in terms of a healthy body, and particularly immune system support. So making sure you get your daily dose of Vitamin D means you're more likely to have a body set up with defences against illness!
25. Take Time To De-Stress
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Anything you can do on a daily basis to de-stress will help your healthy function. Whatever daily relaxation means to you, like a hot bath or just a quiet 10 minutes to yourself, for example, might help you to relax. The more stressed you are, the more likely it is your body's defences will be vulnerable against falling ill.
26. Don't Drink Too Much Alcohol
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There's nothing wrong with a relaxing drink or a social drinking weekend, but if you're drinking a lot of alcohol on a daily basis, you could be compromising your immune system. So you may want to limit the drinking to just the weekend if you want to keep your body fighting fit!
27. Try A Cup Of Green Tea Every Day
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Most people have heard about the apparent health benefits of green tea, which is why it's a good idea to get at least one cup of green tea in every day as part of your routine. That's because green tea is full of antioxidants which will help your body stay healthy.
28. Have Sex
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This may not take much convincing, even though sex every single day might be hard for some people who are tired or who have other commitments, but still - it's worth having sex as much as possible through the week because studies suggest it could increase a protein in the immune system - as well as giving you a good workout, of course.
29. Take Healthy Snacks To Work With You
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By preparing a healthy meal and healthy snacks in advance every day to take to work with you, you're more likely to then have a healthy diet throughout the day rather than resorting to last-minute unhealthy snacks or vending machines because you're peckish.
30. Meditate Every Day
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Daily meditation can have a host of benefits for the mind and body, but most importantly, it's a great tool to de-stress - which of course can help boost your body's immune system and keep it fighting fit the less stressed you are. Try practising breathing techniques to help you stay calm on a daily basis.