1. The White Lady At Church
Image Source / India TimesWhen a man took this picture of his wife praying in church, what he probably didn't expect was to grab a photo of somebody else apparently praying. And that somebody else was a strange white figure sitting on the bench behind his wife. Later investigation revealed that there's said to be the ghost of a healer who haunts the church.
2. The Waverly Hills Ghost
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This photo would be creepy enough even without the figure of a woman in it. This is one of the most haunted sanatoriums in the USA. There was a nurse at the hospital who committed suicide, and the ghostly woman shown on the right of this photo is said to be the same nurse who killed herself in room 502.
3. The Ghost Of Newby Church
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This photo was taken back in 1963, in the Church of Christ the Consoler in North Yorkshire, United Kingdom. It's believed that the creepy figure you can see in the photo to the right is the ghost of a monk known as the 'Newby Monk', dating back to the 16th century.
4. The Vintage Tea Room Ghost
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It's always creepier when more modern day technology catches apparitions in places you wouldn't think would be haunted. This otherwise cute little vintage tea room in Scotland was experiencing some strange things before this strange ghostly figure was caught on CCTV in 2012.
5. The Romanian Priestess Ghost
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In the Decebal Hotel, Romania, it's said that there's a treasure hidden beneath the building, and that the ghost of a priestess roams the halls, guarding this treasure beneath the hotel. This photo was taken in 2008, and seems to depict a figure standing at the top of the stairs.
6. The Ghosts Of Children On The Railroad Crossing
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If there was going to be spirits anywhere, a railroad crossing that has seen tragic accidents would be a number one choice. On this railroad in San Antonio, Texas, the spirits of children can apparently be seen - and these are said to be the ghosts of children who died making the crossing.
7. The Queensland Ghost
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The child in this photo is so clear that you might be thinking they were there in the photo all along. But apparently this apparition of a child was only seen later on after the owner of the photo checked her camera. She had been visiting her daughter's grave when this photo was taken, but the identity of the child spirit in the photo is unknown.
8. The Ghost Of A Grandfather
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When a woman snapped an innocent photo of her grandmother, she probably didn't expect to also get a picture of a ghostly figure standing behind her. When checking the photo years later, the man - who hadn't originally been in the photo - looked very similar to the woman's grandfather, the husband of the woman in the photo, who had passed away previously.
9. This Apparition On The Street
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When these two young woman took a happy photo on a street in the Philippines, it was originally only the two of them in the photo. But upon checking later, they saw a very clear apparition standing beside them - and not only that, but you can clearly see the hand that's even gripping one of the girl's arms!
10. The Amityville Ghost
Image Source / India Times
The Amityville House and the horrors that occurred there need no introduction. But did you know that this photo is actually one of the most famous instances of apparent ghosts? It's alleged to have been taken inside the Amityville house, and you can clearly see the young boy standing with bright white eyes. It's alleged this is John Defeo, who was murdered in the house.
11. The Ghost Of Lord Combermere
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This photo was taken in 1891, in Combermere Abbey Library, England. In the picture, you can clearly see the ghostly figure of a man sat in the chair - this is said to be the late Lord Combermere himself. Even more creepy is the fact this photo was taken by Lord Combermere's sister-in-law, who set up the camera, at the exact time that Lord Combermere's funeral was taking place a few miles away.
12. The Ghost Of A Royal Air Force Mechanic
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This group portrait of Sir Victor Goddard's Royal Air Force squadron was taken in 1919. Nothing creepy about that, right? Apart from the ghostly face that appears behind one of the men which is alleged to be the face of a mechanic, Freddy Jackson, who actually died two days before the photo was taken.
13. The Ghost Of A Four-Legged Best Friend
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Not all ghosts have to be creepy spirits of humans - sometimes, our best furry friends may live on. These two dogs in the photos were the best of friends, and after the terrier passed away, the photo on the right reveals what looks like the terrier coming back to be with his best dog pal.
14. Could This Be The Ghost Of Abraham Lincoln?
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The ghosts of famous people - and especially those who died in violent circumstances - may come back, too. After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, this photo was snapped of his widow, Mary Lincoln, where you can clearly see the shape of a man standing behind her. You'd be lying if you said it didn't look a little bit like Lincoln himself, and it even looks like he has his hands resting on his wife's shoulders.
15. A Female Spirit Appears Around A Couple
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This photo was taken around 1920, by a man known for his work in spirit photography, William Hope. The picture shows a couple between which is clearly the apparition of a woman, who appears to have some sort of veil on with her body fading towards the bottom. The couple don't even seem aware of what is captured next to them!
16. The Spirit Of A Deceased Husband
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This photo is another which was taken by William Hope, who gained more attention from people who wanted to contact their loved ones. This photo shows Mrs Hortense Leverson, taken in 1931, and behind her you can clearly see the face of a man, alleged to be her dead husband.
17. The Norfolk Ghost
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The spirit on the staircase shown in this photo, taken in 1936, is said to be the ghost which haunts Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England. Also known as the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall, this ghost is allegedly Lady Dorothy Walpole, the sister of Robert Walpole, the first Prime Minister of Great Britain. Apparently, after news came out about her affair, she was locked up in the hall until she died in 1726.
18. The Spirit Of A Boer Commandant
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The man in this photo is spiritualist William Thomas Stead, but this photo taken revealed more than just the man himself. In the photo, you can also see the apparition of a figure on his right, and it's said to be a Boer commandant who was killed in the South African War, named Piet Botha.
19. Could This Be The Spirit Of William Barrett?
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In this photo is the alleged spirit of a man named William Barrett, but there also seems to be a few creepy things going on here. You can see the disembodied face hovering at the top of the photo, but the figure in the centre also seems to have a ghostly mist in front or behind of her face.
20. The Tulip Staircase Ghost
Image Source / Live About
This famous photograph was taken in 1966, originally intended only to be a nice photo of this spiral staircase known as the Tulip Staircase. Instead, what the photo captured (revealed after it had been developed) was the shape of a figure climbing the stairs and holding onto the railing with ghostly hands.
21. The Ghost In The Back Seat
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At first glance, you might think the back seat of this car is empty when you look to the left. But look at the face of the driver and you'll see the distinct ghostly features of a figure sitting behind him with bright white eyes. A woman took this photo of her husband sat in the car waiting for her, not expecting to get a photo of someone else in the car, too. It was later believed to be the figure of the woman's dead mother wearing glasses.
22. The Ghost of Boothill Cemetery
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This picture was taken by an actor who is a descendant of one of the gangs involved in the infamous OK Corral gunfight. The photo shows his friend, dressed in Old West period clothes, but it also shows something they didn't expect. When taking the film to be developed, the apparition of a man can be seen to the back right, standing amongst the gravestones.
23. The Ghost In A Burning Building
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When the Wem Town Hall in Shropshire, England, set on fire, one spectator decided to take photos. One of the photos revealed a ghostly looking girl standing in one of the doorways. Nobody at the time remembered seeing the girl actually there. It's believed that the ghost of a little girl did haunt the area at the time.
24. The Ghosts Of The SS Watertown
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Two crew members of the S.S. Watertown, Courtney and Meehan, sadly died after a tragic accident meant they were killed by gas fumes. They were then buried at sea off the coast of Mexico. The surviving crew members then later saw what looked like the two men's ghostly faces in the water off the side of the ship.
25. Madonna Of Bachelor's Grove
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Bachelor's Grove Cemetery near Chicago was the site of an investigation by the Ghost Research Society - and this photo shows why. The cemetery has had reports of over 100 experiences of strange happenings. When one of the photos taken was developed, the image of this ghostly woman sat alone appeared on the image.
26. The Ghost Of The Seven Gables
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The House of the Seven Gables is a historic site based in Salem, Massachusetts, and one photo taken of this house revealed the ghostly site of what appears to be a young boy peering over the fence. It was later found that the image of the ghostly boy looked very similar to the son of Nathaniel Hawthorne, who was born at the house.
27. The Choir Loft Apparition
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This photo was taken in 1982, intended to be just a picture of the inside of St. Botolph's Church in London, England. But also caught on camera, which you can see in the top right corner, was the spooky apparition of what appears to be a woman. The photographer claimed at the time there was nobody up on that loft.
28. Robert A Ferguson's Brother
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Robert A. Ferguson, the man seen in this photo, was giving a speech in California at a spiritualist convention when this picture was taken in 1968. Ferguson's brother, Walter, died in 1944 during the Second World War, and when this developed photo revealed a ghostly figure standing next to Robert, he identified the man as his dead brother, Walter.
29. Godfather's Pizza Ghost
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One place that sounds strange to have spooky activity is a pizza place, but apparently that's exactly what happened at the restaurant Godfather's Pizza in Utah from 1999 to 2000. There were several reports of paranormal activity, and this photo revealed a ghostly apparition that was also seen at the time by the investigators in the restaurant.
30. The Hand In The Bureau
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This Queen Anne style bureau would have been a popular writing desk for a previous owner - and could this ghostly hand be a memory of that fact? This spooky hand was caught on photo after the bureau was taken by a furniture dealer, so could it be that the bureau takes a spirit along with it?