A Day In The Life Of A Crime Scene Investigator

By Kirsty 2 years ago

1. No Two Days Are The Same

Image Source / WikipediaA day in the life of a CSI can follow a certain similar pattern, but there are definitely no two days that are the same. This is one of the reasons many people can find this an exciting - and challenging - job. And it's not only day to day where it can change - it can be so intense it can change hour by hour!

2. No Two Police Forces Are The Same, Either

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Each police force has their own way of doing things, which means no two police forces are going to have the same day to day routine, the same policies or the same procedures. One police force might attend one kind of job, while another while attend a completely different one, and deal with their own stuff in varying ways.

3. It's Shift Work (And The Shifts Might Not Be As Long As You Think)

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The day of a CSI starts whenever the shift officially starts  - because it's shift work. And you might be surprised to learn these shifts aren't as long or gruelling as police work would have you expect. Some shifts could be 8am until 4pm, or 4pm until midnight - so the same standard working hours most of us work (or maybe even less if you're doing overtime to make ends meet).

4. But A Lot Of That Can Be On-Call Work

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Although the shift hours can be regular, crime doesn't work on a schedule, which means being on-call is very common. CSIs could be called out any time of the night when a crime occurs, so workers may have to be ready to be on-call or have their sleep interrupted if something goes down.

5. And CSIs Can Be Called As An Alternative To The Police

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The main reason CSIs will be called out during the night is if a very serious crime happens, so it's a certain category of crime that can drag them from their bed. CSIs can also be called to a scene of a crime if that scene can't be secured overnight by the police themselves.

6. CSIs Can Value Their First Hot Drink Of The Day

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It's the simple things! We all need a hot cup of coffee or tea before the day begins, and CSIs are no different. In fact, they cherish their first cup even more because the hectic nature of the job means that they may not be able to have another one for the rest of their shift. Most will start early to make sure they have time to get that hot drink in!

7. Admin Work Is Up First

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When arriving for a shift start, CSIs will need to check logs to find out which jobs are going on, and if there is anything urgent that needs to be top priority. A handover is also important from colleagues who are just coming off their shift and going home. Emails need to be checked, and this can sometimes take a while if there are loads of enquiries.

8. Email Enquiries Can Be Lots Of Different Things

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The emails and enquiries which CSIs have to sift through at the start of their shift can include requests for case updates, written statements which are needed for court cases, questions about jobs which have been attended or even a court summons.

9. Attending Court Can Be Part Of The Job

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This might be one aspect of that job that many CSIs will dread: having a court summons and attending a trial to give evidence. If key evidence has arisen from a crime scene, then it may need to be presented in court by a CSI officer - but that type of thing isn't a daily thing and can only happen when needed for court cases.

10. Radio And Kit Checks Come Next

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At the start of a shift, CSIs need to turn on their police radio to get ready for their shift. When their radio is switched on, it tells police officers, other CSIs and the control room that they're now on duty. Kits need to be checked, which is a CSI's practical and photography kit - the stuff they need to do their job, which they have to stock up themselves.

11. CSIs Then Need To Prioritise Their Jobs For The Day

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CSIs must go through the job log and prioritise what needs doing first. They have to take a few different things into account when deciding the order of things. This includes: how serious the crime is, whether the victim of the crime has been waiting too lost, where the crime location is and whether it's indoors or outdoors.

12. There's The 'Customer Service' Aspect Of It, Too

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This one may surprise you, and it's not in the traditional sense, but there is still a duty of care from a CSI to the victim of crime. They want to be seen to be responding in an effective way and also to make sure people can see them providing a good service to those affected by crime. Which is why, on the job priority list, they don't want a victim of crime waiting too long for a response.

13. Communication Is Vital: A CSI Will Need To Allocate Jobs

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The log needs to be updated by CSIs to say who is taking care of what. CSIs need to communicate clearly with each other to make sure everyone understands what they're doing, and which jobs are being taken by which CSI. This can take a lot of time in a CSI's day before they're even out to a crime scene!

14. Every CSI Is Usually Given A Van To Use

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The work vehicle assigned to a CSI will usually be a van. So when leaving the office after sorting the admin side, CSIs will get their van keys and go to their vehicle. The same van can be alternated between different CSIs, usually if they're doing opposite shifts, so that they can share between them.

15. The CSIs Themselves Have To Maintain Their Own Van

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There isn't someone on site like a mechanic or cleaner to always take care of the van's maintenance! CSIs have to do that themselves. So before leaving for a crime scene, they have to check the van for things like mileage, tyre pressure, fuel and whether the van is stocked up with everything they need.

16. Vans Have To Be Super Clean Because Of Contamination

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CSIs have to make sure their vans are always kept spotlessly clean, because contamination is always a risk when dealing with crime scenes, so having a kit stored in a dirty van, or sitting and driving around in a van that's not completely clean, can all be a risk factor.

17. CSIs Spend A Lot Of Their Days Working Alone

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Surprisingly, CSIs can work alone a lot of the time - despite what the dramatized TV shows will tell you based on those huge CSI teams you always see operating together. So to do this job happily, you need to be able to work on your own. They can also spend a lot of their time driving.

18. CSIs Need To Constantly Keep An Eye On Logs/Provide Updates Throughout The Day

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Even though CSIs took care of the admin and logs before they left for the road, that doesn't mean all that side of things is done. They need to constantly check logs throughout the day and keep the office and control room updated with what's going on. There might have also been new jobs come in since the CSI originally checked the log.

19. Everything Can Change In A Second

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A CSI may steadily be working their way through the list of jobs they assigned at the start of their shift only to have a bunch of very serious crimes come through on the log. It's important that they keep an eye on the log to see new jobs that come through so that they can understand when the plan they had for the day now needs to be changed.

20. Jobs May Then Need To Be Completely Re-Prioritized

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They immediately have to put the original, less important jobs on the backburner (if they weren't serious crimes) and attend to the more urgent ones that have just come through. The original jobs may then have to be rolled over to the next shift.

21. It Can Be Very Stressful

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It's no surprise that this quick change in routine can be very stressful to deal with, not only because the crimes themselves are serious and stress-inducing, but because of the amount of balls that need juggling to shift everything about and take care of new jobs.

22. Crimes Are Put Into Different Categories Of Serious And Not-As-Serious

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In terms of prioritising what counts as a serious crime and is therefore more important than anything else, CSIs consider serious crimes as those that are more violent and fatal. This includes serious assault, robberies or suicide. Less serious crimes could be things like burglary or theft from vehicles.

23. A CSI May Find Themselves Going From Minor Theft To The Scene Of A Murder

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In terms of the mental and emotional toil on a CSI, they could begin their day rather peacefully, attending the scenes of minor crimes like theft from a store or a minor injury, to then have their whole day changed and being called out to the scene of a violent murder.

24. CSIs Have To Get As Much Info As Possible To Make A Decision Before Entering A Crime Scene

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CSIs then don't just jump in their van and drive to the scene of the crime. There is so much info they have to understand before even getting there. They have to get a full picture of what they're dealing with, and especially when making a decision of what is priority. Sometimes this can be difficult if there aren't many details of what happened. Victims of crimes could then later die from injuries switching a robbery to a murder. CSIs need to attend a scene with a completely open mind, and no assumptions.

25. But Murders And Serious Robberies Are Not A Daily Occurrence

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While CSIs definitely deal with these on a regular basis, very serious crimes like murders and violent robberies thankfully do not happen every single day. The most common crimes for a CSI to deal with on a daily basis can be theft from motor vehicles, burglaries of homes and businesses and damage to properties.

26. But Some Days Can Actually Be Quiet And Boring

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You might never have thought with a job like this they could actually have a boring day! But this is normally on those days where not a lot of crime is happening. This is a tough one for CSIs because obviously a day without crime is a good day, but it also means their job is a little pointless!

27. It's Nothing Like It's Shown On The TV

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Crime shows are very popular on TV, as we know, and shows like CSI Miami obviously glamorize this job and lifestyle - but apparently it's nothing like it's shown on the TV (shock). It's definitely not glam, the vans are plain and boring, and CSIs definitely don't stay clean all day with perfect makeup!

28. CSIs Can Be Covered In A Variety Of Filth

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Obviously CSIs get their set uniforms and their protective kit, which includes those full white suits with the hoods and gloves, but that doesn't stop them from getting absolutely filthy. They could find themselves covered in mud, soot or even the tools they use for their trade, like powder for fingerprint dusting!

29. CSIs Have To Record In Detail Every Scene They Attend

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CSIs need to make a note and create a log of absolutely everything going on at crime scene, play-by-play as it happens. This means lots of notes as they're on the scene, as well as lots of photographs. Once all records are taken and jobs attended, they then return to the office at the end of the job day.

30. The Last Thing They Need To Do Is Process The Day's Jobs

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Once back at the office, CSIs will need to enter all their carefully-taken notes and photos into the system. They're need to store it in the right places and complete any necessary paperwork. Things may need to be sent off for analysis, and then they'll need to prepare notes and job lists for the next shift.

31. There's A Lot Of Paperwork

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So as we've already established being a CSI is not like in the movies and there are definitely less exciting aspects of the job, just as there are with anything or any job. One of these is the fact that there is a lot of paperwork that has to be done to make sure everything is time, recorded and ordered correctly.

32. Each Process Has To Be Done Meticulous

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There really is no room for being a little bit clumsy or haphazard in this job. Every single little things has to be done meticulously. You can't make mistakes, otherwise you could destroy potential evidence or mix up a piece of very crucial evidence.

33. The Job Can Take A Mental Toll

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The job really does take a mental toll due to the fact that you are working in a high intensity, pressured job and environment day after day. It's important to look after yourself as well as have some time for yourself and friends and family and hobbies.

34. They Handle A Lot Of Disturbing Things

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The job of a CSI is disturbing, there's no two ways about it because you could be on a very gruesome crime scene where a murder has taken place for example. There are no limits to the kinds of crimes you may have to deal with and seeing the crime scene after something has happened is gruesome.

35. CSIs Can Have A Very Disturbed Routine

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The life of a CSI is a little hard to keep to a routine. Especially when you may be on call. But, often this is something that can work both ways as some days you may end up on a short call and you may have more time whilst others you may be working long hours.

36. And Maintaining Family Life Can Be Hard

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Family life can be difficult. Especially if you are a parent who needs to plan ahead and save dates for certain things. This can be very difficult with the unknown role of a CSI. But, as a CSI there are definitely advantages and disadvantages just like with any job.

37. A CSI Will Use Powerful And Very Cool Technology

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As a CSI you have to handle some very powerful, expensive and lets face it very cool technology. It's a part of your job and you need it to gather and collect different parts of evidence. Then, more technology is used to be able to test all of the evidence.

38. Being Mentally Strong Is A Must In This Job

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Having mental strength is a requirement if you want to be a CSI. Because of the things you have to face and the evidence you have to handle as well as the scenes you have to witness you really have to be strong. The job is definitely not for everybody!

39. To Be A CSI There Is A Long Probation Period

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When you first set out as a CSI you have a lengthy probation period of around 2 to 3 years. This is because the probation period will last for an amount of time which can really test your abilities for the job. And because the job takes a long time to gain experience.

40. They Are Responsible For Preserving And Capturing Evidence

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You'll be responsible for preserving and capturing evidence. This is the crux of your job. This evidence has to go through several different processes from the moment you arrive at the crime scene and collect it to the moment it us tested in a lab and then presented in court for example.

41. All Of The Evidence Is Used For Wider Investigation

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All of the evidence that you gather will later be used in some capacity. The evidence may incriminate or redeem a person or it may even seem conflicting. But, your job is to gather the evidence. After that it is out of your hands how the evidence is presented in court.

42. Observation and Problem Solving Skills Are A Constant Necessity

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Observation and problem solving skills are two of the most important skills you'll need as a a Crime Scene Investigator. Your observation as a CSI will be like none other, you'll have very heightened senses so that you know exactly what to look out for including the most tiny of details.

43. There Can Be No Such Thing As A 'Bad Work' Day

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When you are a CSI you can't have a bad work day. In many other kinds of jobs you could turn up to the office a little sleepy, not really focusing and you may be able to power through somehow. But as a CSI you have to bring your A game every day, day after day.

44. The Work Will Help Towards Catching Dangerous People

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The biggest reward for a CSI has to be finding the evidence that helps solves a crime which can then end up putting a dangerous criminal behind bars stopping them from ever doing it again. CSI are involved in the worst kinds of crimes so they are always helping to catch dangerous people.

45. CSI's Are Constantly Learning

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As a CSI you are constantly learning. Think about a crime scene 20 years ago, or even just a couple of years ago. Things change so quickly in today's world that methods, systems and practices are constantly evolving too. It is your job to keep up to date and keep learning.

46. A CSI Supports The Criminal Justice System

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As A CSI your job first and foremost is supporting the Criminal Justice System because all of the evidence that you find and gather will be used to the CJS to help in the case against a certain person or people. So all of your evidence has to be submitted to the CJS.

47. They Have To Identify Scenes Which Need Specialist Treatment

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A part of the job is identifying which crime scenes and which pieces of evidence need specialist treatment. This can be for a vast range of things or reasons. For example, you may be first on the scene and you may come across a harmful substance which needs specialist training to handle.

48. It's A LOT Of Responsibility

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If you're a CSI then it really is a huge amount of responsibility on your shoulders. Of course, you are not the only person working on a case. But your role could make a massive difference for example, if you overlook a piece of evidence or you mess up one of your samples.

49. Training Is Continuous

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As a CSI the training methods and what is included in training is always changing because modern technology and things used for crimes are always evolving. This means that your training never really ends you are always being kept up to date with the latest criminal practices and technologies.

50. Evidence That Has To Be Investigated Can Be Miniscule

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The evidence you have to collect and investigate can be miniscule. Often, it is not even visible to the naked eye such as DNA or fingerprints. Other times, you may be collecting details as small as paint chips. But these can be the difference between evidence for a conviction and solving the case and not.

51. Lots Of Tests Have To Be Run

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A lot of the job of a CSI is to extract evidence which requires testing. Because things such as bodily tissue or DNA cannot be determined by the visible eye. Sometimes, parts of firearms and bullets have to be sent off to the lab to be tested further to help the investigations.

52. It's Hard To 'Switch Off'

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'Switching off' is hard in any job. But when you're a CSI it's a whole new level because a lot of the time you are on call, you never know what to expect, and you can see and deal with some very dark things. So it is important to come up with ways to make sure you have downtime.

53. And The Job Can Take A Mental Toll

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When you're in a job with such high stakes and responsibility - for example, having to catch a mass murderer, it can be a lot of pressure. You may also see very disturbing things. So both of these aspects to the job mean that it really can take a toll on your mental state.

54. It's More Than Just A Job

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Now the thing about being a CSI is that it's not just a job you end up doing. It's more than a job, it's a life changing career. And in many aspects a life consuming career in the way that it is always with you in one way or another. CSIs usually have a real passion for what they do.

55. Work Conditions Vary All Of The Time

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Being a Crime Scene Investigator really just is not like rocking up to the same office again, sitting at the same desk and speaking to the same people - but of course there is some elements of that. The work conditions vary day to day. One day you could be working in a field or a forest, the next in a hotel room or on a boat.

56. There Are A Lot Of Different Aspects To The Job

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There is never one set thing to do, or just one aspect of the job that you repeat over and over like any many other jobs. There are always multiple different aspects, and always changing parts of the job. Multi tasking has to be your strong point when you're a CSI.

57. And Lots Of Different Areas A CSI Can Specialise

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When you're a CSI there are multiple different routes and avenues you can go down. You may want to be a forensic photographer or you may want to be a crime scene finger print tester. It really opens many interesting doors when you delve into this field of work.

58. Patience Is A Daily Requirement

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In your job patience is a prerequisite. You cannot rush, you cannot speed up rigorous or lengthy processes, it has to happen in a routine way. But of course this really does take time and care and so if you're not a patient person then this job really isn't for you!

59. People Are Always Interested In What You Do

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You will always have a thousand questions to answer whenever you meet up with family or meet new people because what you do really is very cool. And, there's no other job quite like it so of course everyone wants to know the inside and outs of exactly what you do.

60. At The End Of The Day It's Important To Get A Good Rest

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The life of a Crime Scene Investigator isn't easy. And even if you're not physically tired you're bound to be mentally tired by the end of the day. It's very important to get a good rest because tomorrow it starts again and it's very important to have as much focus as possible.

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