1. What Is A Panic Attack?

Image Source / First Aid For LifePanic attacks are when you have a sudden and overwhelming surge of fear or anxiety, which then manifests in physical symptoms - such as shaking or uncontrollable breathing - as well as an emotional response. They can extremely scary for people who haven't had them before, because you might think you're having a heart attack or some other emergency problem. For people who have them often, they're still just as worrying and uncomfortable.
2. What Causes A Panic Attack?

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There are many reasons for panic attacks, and there also can be no reason at all. There are things which can cause a panic attack to be more likely, such as having extreme anxiety, using substances, having certain medications, too much caffeine or being in an extremely frightening or stressful situation that causes you to panic.
3. What Are Some Common Triggers?

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Panic attacks do usually happen when you're exposed to an environmental trigger which can cause an emotional and physical response in you. The most common of these can be social events for people with social anxiety, situations of extreme conflict or confrontation, public speaking or being triggered by something that reminds you of a past event. But in some cases, there may be no trigger at all.
4. What Are The Main Signs Of A Panic Attack?

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If you've never had one before, you may be wondering how to spot one. Some of the most common signs of a panic attack can be a rapid or pounding heart rate, heart palpitations, sweating, shaking, difficulty in breathing, feeling dizzy or as though you're going to faint, and numbness. On a more emotional and mental level, you can even feel detached from yourself or feel like you're losing your mind.
5. Can You Make It Less Likely To Have A Panic Attack?

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There are some healthy lifestyle choices that you can make to encourage less chance of a panic attack, which includes getting regular exercise, avoiding substances like caffeine, tobacco and alcohol which could make anxiety worse, and practicing breathing exercises. You can also seek professional support from your doctor (which you should if you're having regular panic attacks).
6. Steps To Stop A Panic Attack: Close Your Eyes

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When a panic attack first strikes, it can be very helpful to close your eyes, for a few reasons. Closing your eyes means you can better focus on your breathing, like you would for meditation. If you're feeling dizzy or nauseous, it can help to close your eyes instead of looking around you. It can also help you to concentrate on trying to relax, and also means you won't be able to see your surroundings if something there has triggered you.
7. Touch Something Physical

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During a panic attack, if you're feeling extremely detached, thinking about your state of existence or thinking that you're going crazy, it can be very helpful to touch something physical that's close to you to remind yourself of the space you're in, to feel something physical in your body and to ground yourself. It can also help as a comfort mechanism.
8. Focus On Your Breathing

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Even if you're overwhelmed with different sensations, like feeling sick, dizzy or even in pain in your chest or stomach, focus your attention on your breathing alone, because this is what is going to help you to ease your breath and hopefully calm yourself down. So try to close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
9. Breathe In Slowly Through Your Nose

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If you've ever done meditation, yoga or breathing exercises before, you'll know the trick of breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth - and that's because it works. Even if your breathing is coming out quickly, try to slow it down and inhale slowly through your nose.
10. Breathe Out Slowly Through Your Mouth

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You should then try to exhale just as slowly through your mouth, focusing on controlling the breath in a steady exhale and paying attention to your chest deflating as you breathe. Even if you can't go for a very long breath, just try to do it as slowly as you can with letting the breaths get short and quick.
11. If It Helps, Count While You Inhale And Exhale

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If it helps you to focus, or helps you understand how long a 'long' inhale/exhale should be, you might want to count as you breathe. Counting up to 5 is a good length for a steady breath, so you'll want to count to 5 as you breathe in through your nose, and then count to 5 as you breathe out through your mouth.
12. Do This For A Few Minutes

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You should practice this steady breathing control for at least a few minutes, and until you start to feel more calm. It's important not to start panicking even more if you don't feel better after a few breaths, because this will only increase your worry and anxiety if you think your breathing exercises aren't working. Give them a few minutes.
13. Don't Be Alarmed If You Feel Tired

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When you start to feel calm, you may start to feel tired - in the same way you can feel exhausted after a huge burst of adrenaline. You shouldn't worry if you do feel tired after you've steadied your breathing and come out of your attack, because it's a natural response to the state of anxiety you've just been through! So give yourself chance to rest.
14. Sit Down

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If you're having a panic attack whilst stood up, it might help you to sit down while you work through it - either on the floor or on a chair. This can be more difficult if you're out in public, but if you can get to a place you can sit down - even if it's the public bathroom and you sit on the toilet lid - it can help you to relax and not have to worry about feeling dizzy whilst on your feet.
15. Accept It

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It's important never to try and fight against a panic attack - getting it under control is different to just trying to aggressively stop it from happening, getting angry or reacting in a negative way. The only way you can work through it to calm your breathing and recover is to accept that a panic attack is happening and then take the right steps to respond to it.
16. Speak Supportively To Yourself

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With this in mind, you may want to try talking to yourself (in your head or out loud) about what's happening, and why it's okay. When a panic attack kicks in, you may want to say, "Okay, it feels like I'm having a panic attack. I'm going to be okay, it's just anxiety and it can't physically hurt me. It'll be over in a few minutes".
17. Try Different Breathing Methods

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There's no correct way to slow down your breathing during an attack because it could work differently for different people. If you have had a panic attack before and found that the above method doesn't work (inhaling to the count of 5, exhaling to the count of 5) you may want to try a different method, like the 2-4-7 method. This is a helpful one for panic attacks, where you breathe in to the count of 2, hold your breath for a count of 4, and then breathe out to the count of 7.
18. Get Back To Reality

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If panic attacks leave you feeling dissociated from yourself, it's important to do what you can to get back to reality. A lot of this is reminding yourself about the reality of the situation, such as concentrating on the fact that a panic attack won't kill you and that you're safe. That you're still yourself, and the feelings will pass. Keeping a journal about your experiences can help you to focus on the reality of the situation and work through it.
19. Focus On Your Surroundings With Your Senses

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Another way of trying to calm yourself down and get back to reality is to think about all of your senses. While you're focusing on your breathing, also think about what's around you. Is there anything you can smell? What can you feel right now, under your feet, against you, or whatever you're touching? Can you hear anything? Taste anything? Focus on all your senses individually as a way of mindfulness.
20. Choose Focus Objects And Describe Them Out Loud

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During a panic attack, you may also want to choose one focus object, or more than one object you can see around you. It then may help to speak out loud about what you can see. For example, if you're having a panic attack in your living room, you may want to start describing your furniture: "That sofa is black leather. It has wooden feet. The TV is 40 inches. The remote is on the table. The table is wood". If too many objects are overwhelming, just choose one and describe it out loud.
21. Once Out Of Your Attack, Review What Happened

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While you might feel tired and overwhelmed after having a panic attack, it's important to think about what might have triggered it, so you can better understand the situation. Once you've managed to calm and relax, think about what happened and what might have caused it. Were you out in public in a busy crowd? Were you drinking your tenth cup of coffee? Did someone say something specifically to you? There might not have been any clear trigger at all, but that's also useful information to have!
22. Long Term Solutions: Seek Counseling

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Knowing how to deal with a panic attack when it happens can be only half the battle if you're looking to stop them altogether, or better understand the anxiety you have. Counseling is a great way to explore what might be triggering your anxiety attacks, and how to get them under control, or work to stop them completely.
23. Therapy Can Be Helpful If You Don't Know Your Triggers

If you know that you drink far too much caffeine or alcohol and that's triggered every panic attack you've had, therapy might not be the number one priority for you, but if it's a case of having severe anxiety and you don't know what triggers your panic attacks, therapy can help to explore your feelings and your past experiences to better understand what's causing them.
24. Talk To Your Doctor About Prescribed Medications

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Another option can be medication for your anxiety and panic attacks. Some people prefer therapy to medication, while some people try both. A good starting point is to speak to your doctor. There are certain medications specifically designed for the symptoms of panic when they arise.
25. But Medication May Not Be A Long-Term Solution

Medications can be great in the moment to alleviate those symptoms of panic for the actual attack, but they might not be great for long-term use. Especially if you have an underlying anxiety disorder caused by something, medication for the attack itself isn't going to help your anxiety in the long run, which is where therapy can come in.
26. Practice Breathing And Meditation In Your Spare Time

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Breathing exercises are always going to be beneficial even when you're not having a panic attack. You may find it easier to get your breathing under control during an actual attack if you practice slow breathing in general. Meditation can be ideal for this, as it allows you to close your eyes and focus on slow breathing.
27. Meditation May Also Help With General Anxiety

If you have a general anxiety disorder which is causing the panic attacks, meditation in general may also help you to feel more relaxed and less anxious, which in turn might make panic attacks less of a risk. Meditation is perfect for breathing and mindfulness, which has been known to help those with depression or anxiety when practised regularly.
28. Focus On Mindfulness

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You don't need to meditate to practice mindfulness, as this can be done in any situation throughout the day. Mindfulness is about focusing on the here and now, and what you can see and feel around you, which is why it's good for anxiety and overthinkers. You can practice mindful eating, where you concentrate on slow chewing and every bite without the distraction of a TV, or you can do mindfulness simply by concentrating on things like the texture of your clothes or the feel of the ground beneath your feet.
29. Practice Muscle Relaxation Techniques

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During a panic attack, you may find that your body tenses up and you might even be in physical pain with your stomach in knots, your shoulders tight and hunched and everything feeling a little constricted. Practising muscle relaxation techniques in general could help you to better control your body's physical response to an attack.
30. Choose A Happy Place That You Can Go To During Attacks

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Prepare a happy place in advance so you immediately know where to take your mind when a panic attack strikes. This happy place should be very relaxing and calm, so it could be an empty beach with the gentle waves, or a private cabin in the mountains. It could be anything that helps you to feel at ease. You can then go there in your mind during feelings of anxiety.
31. Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack
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A lot of people think panic attacks and anxiety attacks are the same, but there is a difference - and you want to make sure which it is you're prone to! The main difference is that panic attacks can come out of nowhere, while anxiety attacks might be a slow-building response to stress.
32. What is an anxiety attack?
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If you already suffer with anxiety, then you may also be at risk of anxiety attacks. Anxiety attacks are often a result of having anxiety about a situation or experience, whether in the moment or something that's approaching. When you're suffering from severe anxiety, these can then gradually get worse an induce an anxiety attack.
33. You can experience both
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We know it definitely doesn't sound much fun, but you can actually experience a panic attack and an anxiety attack both at the same time. The symptoms of both and the way of dealing when them are very similar, but it always helps when you know which you're dealing with!
34. What can cause an anxiety attack?
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The main symptom of an anxiety attack isn't necessarily a symptom, but a warning. There will usually be something big happening causing you a lot of anxiety - like a party if you're socially anxiety, a presentation at work if you have anxiety about public speaking or anything impending that you're worried about.
35. What are the symptoms of an anxiety attack?
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When you have an event or a situation that's giving you severe anxiety, the symptom is usually going to be when this anxiety reaches its peak (usually when the dreaded event arrives) and can then manifest in the same symptoms as a panic attack - in fact, a panic attack itself may then come on when the event arrives.
36. Understanding levels of distress
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One of the main differences is the amount of instant impact - a panic attack is going to be hugely disruptive out of nowhere, and it's going to stop you in your tracks until it subsides. Anxiety on the other hand can just be looming in the background while you go about your daily routine.
37. Stressors can be one of the biggest differences
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One of the biggest things to look out for in terms of anxiety versus panic are stressors. With panic attacks, a lot of the time there isn't any cue at all and they can happen out of the blue, meaning there might not be any stressors you can identify. With anxiety, you can usually very much tell what the stressors are (certain situations or people).
38. Some stressors for anxiety attacks you should be aware of
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Sometimes people with anxiety don't always know what makes them anxious, which is why it's important to learn what triggers you. Common stressors include: a high-stress job, social situations, phobias (eg claustrophobia), trauma, chronic illnesses and caffeine influence.
39. Risk factors for panic attacks and anxiety can be the same
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For most people, the risk factors will be the same for both, even if you don't experience both, which can include very stressful life events, having other mental health conditions, the burden of life/job worries and even the influence of others in your life who suffer from anxiety.
40. Having anxiety doesn't always mean you'll have a panic attack
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It's important to know (in order to not feel more anxious worrying about it!) that you might not ever have a panic attack even if you have anxiety. You can have both, and a person can also have panic attacks without having anxiety, as it's possible to have one without the other.
41. Should you see your doctor?
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Like a lot of mental health conditions, it's difficult for doctors to prescribe anything physically for your condition, but you should definitely see your doctor if anxiety has become overwhelming, or if you're worried about the amount of panic attacks you're having. They can then talk with you to understand what's happening.
42. Treatments for anxiety and panic
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Both can benefit from similar treatments which may then be advised by your doctor. The main treatment for both can be cognitive therapy, or cognitive behavioral therapy, which will help you to understand triggers and how to manage them. Exposure therapy and relaxation techniques will also be taught and discussed.
43. Some tips for dealing with anxiety

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Anxiety can benefit from prescribed medication if that is what your doctor prescribes, but there are also some lifestyle choices you can make to ease the symptoms (which you can either do instead of medication, or alongside medication). You might want to try lifestyle changes first to see if they help!
44. Avoiding situations that make you anxious
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Someone suffering from anxiety is very likely to avoid certain situations that cause them to feel anxious. The answer is all about balance: you shouldn't let anxiety stop you from something you really want to do, but if you're putting yourself in situations you don't want to be in (like forcing yourself to go to parties when you're not a party person) then you can decide to do this less in the future.
45. Accepting who you are
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If anxiety has becoming overwhelming and stopping you from doing anything, something has to change - but in some circumstances, if only small things make you anxious, it's okay to be happy with who you are and what you don't want to do. You never need to force yourself into situations that make you anxious if they're against your character.
46. Do you need a new job?
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One of the biggest sources of stress and anxiety in this day and age can be our employment - and unfortunately, that's where you spend the most time out of your day! So if you've realized the majority of your anxiety is coming from your job, it's definitely time to try and find a new one, or try to change your circumstance.
47. Re-evaluate your friends
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It's surprising, but who you hang around with might actually be causing you anxiety. True friends should never make you feel anxious, so if you've realized that you're dreading every social meet up or feeling anxious every time you talk to a certain person, it might be because they're toxic/no good for you, or deep down you know you don't want to be friends anymore.
48. Improve your day's healthy routine
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Anxiety is only going to get worse and worse if you're not getting enough sleep, drinking too much caffeine, eating junk food or spending the day thinking about how anxious you feel rather than something beneficial. We know it's easier said than done to snap out of it, but at the very least make sure you're trying to get a good night's sleep, as well as eating well and exercising.
49. Talk to someone you trust
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Trying to hide the fact that you're anxious is only going to make it worse. And if you're anxious about social situations, you're going to be even more so if you're going to try and keep it all inside when you're with other people. Be open and honest with the people around you, or talk to just one person. Tell them you're someone who suffers from anxiety, and sometimes you might have to do/not do things because of that.
50. Keep a journal
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Keeping a journal is beneficial in many ways. First, it can help you sort through your thoughts and feelings so they're out of your head! Secondly, it can help you to work through any triggers about why you might be anxious. And third, keeping a log of your anxiety can be helpful for any doctors or therapy appointments.