1 - Ford Fiestas
If you saw one of these on the street now, you wouldn't look twice at it. In the 80s, it was one of the coolest cars out and everyone was simply dying to get their hands on the wheel of it. If you were lucky enough to drive one of these in that time, you were the envy of all your mates. You were also the designated driver, which meant that you could only have a shandy and crisps at the pub.
2 - Old school computer games
Of course, they weren't quite that old school back then, but they were slow as hell. When you wanted to play one of these games, you had to plan it in advance. That was quite a task. Trying to play multiplayer on this thing was pretty damn impossible, but all tried anyway. Having your mate over to play was a fun thing to do... when it
actually worked.
3 - Moon Boots
If you remember the first time these bad boys were in fashion, you are a true 80s kid. After all, they were pretty damn big in our era. When it came down to it, we knew we looked awesome. At least, that's what we told ourselves when everyone was staring at us in the street and generally making us feel like fools. If you had these, you were a fashion God.
4 - Sony Walkmans
Way, way, way before we had iPhones or even iPods, there was only one way to enjoy some quality tunes. The Sony Walkman was the only personal music device we wanted and we all had to have one. Using one of these things meant that you were the leader of the gang. People would look at you and know that you took your music SERIOUSLY. And that, was
just the statement you wanted to send out.
5 - Choppers
These things might have come out back in the 70s, but they were still a big deal when we were kids. You begged, begged, begged your parents to get you one and when they finally did...you realised that they were just the same as any other bike out there. In fact, there was nothing different about these things. Still, you felt special riding around town on it.
6 - Danger Mouse
A cartoon mouse might not sound like the coolest thing in the world, but when we were kids, we sure thought it was. If you had the annual, you were a
real fan and loved it. If you still have this thing, it's probably worth a bit of money. Stick that book on eBay, and see what you can get for it. When you're desperate for some wonga - you know what to do!
7 - Mood Rings
Remember when EVERY girl used to have one of these? How did they even work? We are 100% certain that the colour of these had nothing to do with the person's mood.There is not much crazier than thinking that a mood ring will know how you're feeling. People were properly obsessed with this, and yet they looked so damn silly.
8 - Skates
Did you have a pair of skates when you were growing up? Well, if you did, you were one of the greatest people alive. Just kidding - but everyone was probably jealous of you. And, so they should have been - these things were awesome. Most of us couldn't afford to get them or had to deal with hand-me-down pairs. If you had new ones, good on ya!
9 - Pong
This was one of the greatest video games ever when it first came out. In fact, we believe that it still is the best game you can play. It's weird to think how long we spent playing this game, but we used to love it. Sometimes, it's the simple things in life that are the best. You can keep your fancy graphic - all we need is a simple line and dot to be happy. If you won a game of this, you'd never let your mate live it down.
10- The Hulk
We don't care what you say, there is nothing cooler than a muscular green man. If you watched this back in the 80s, you wanted to be just like the Hulk - only a little less angry. Looking at him now, we can see how younger people might think that this was a little odd, but we swear it was awesome. Every guy out there was properly obsessed with this!
11 - Street Hawk
"Street Hawk"
Rex Smith, Joe Regalbuto
© 1983 Mario CasilliThis TV series was right up our street in the 80s! After all, there is nothing better than a guy who fights crime. We used to stay up late to watch this and feel like we were such little rebels. I mean, just look at the picture here! There is NO WAY you can deny that this guy was a true legend of our time. We can all remember the intro to this show, can't we?