Day 1

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Day one of your menstrual cycle is the first day of your period. And you're probably having cramps that you may feel in your lower tummy, the tops of your thighs, and your lower back. It is also going to be one of your heavier flow days as well. So be easy on yourself.
Day 2

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The second day of your period is likely to still be quite heavy, and sometimes it's a woman's heaviest flow. If you are still suffering from cramps, painkillers like ibuprofen and applying warmth to your lower tummy using a heat pack can offer relief.
Day 3

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Your third day is likely your final 'heavy' day and you might be starting to feel more like yourself again. It's important to remember that when we say
heavy this can mean different things to every woman. So knowing your own body is essential so you can understand how it works.
Day 4

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On day 4, you'll find that your period will begin to lighten quite quickly. And this means that your flow might become lighter today and that the color will change from a deeper red to more of a pinkish or brownish color. It's important to remember that your flow will change shade throughout your period and is usually nothing to worry about.
Day 5

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By day 5, your period may lighten and eventually stop. However, on average periods have been found to last anywhere between two to seven days. And, interestingly, women tend to lose about one to five tablespoons of blood during the course of their period. For some, the volume might be more.
Day 6

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By now, you're likely to be period-free, or very much on your way to being period-free! This might be music to your ears at this point in your cycle because your flow is quickly coming to an end and the cramps you've been dealing with might be dying down a little.
Day 7

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So by now, your period is likely to have ended which means that your body is beginning to prepare for next month. Estrogen is rising all the time now and your follicles are starting to form. These follicles will eventually release an egg, or even two when the time comes.
Day 8

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The follicles are continuing to grow and they are getting ready to release an egg or two. And as the eggs develop, your body's estrogen levels are continuing to rise. Testosterone levels are still quite low and you'll find that progesterone is still absent.
Day 9

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All of that extra estrogen that is continuing to rise as the follicle grows helps the lining of your uterus to thicken. This lining is absolutely packed with nutrients and it's getting ready just in case a fertilized egg might implant itself into it.
Day 10

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Now your estrogen levels will be rising high and the lining of your womb, which is also known as your
endometrium, is continuing to prepare itself for a potential pregnancy. It's got to be ready and in prime condition, if it is going to house and grow a fertilized egg.
Day 11

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By day 11, you're nearing ovulation. This is when the egg, or eggs, are released. So if you are trying to conceive, it's a good time to start trying. Many women don't notice any symptoms when they're ovulating, or about to ovulate, but there are tell-tale signs.
Day 12

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In the days leading up to ovulation, your chances of conceiving are very high. You can take ovulation tests to check whether you're ovulating but you might actually feel some symptoms. These include a higher body temperature, cramps, breast tenderness, and changes to your cervical mucus and saliva.
Day 13

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Around day 13 of your cycle, you are still in your
fertile window and your body is super busy readying itself for releasing the egg, or the eggs, from the ovarian follicles. And at the same time, your body's estrogen levels are peaking and are at their highest
Day 14

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When you get to around day 14, ovulation begins and the egg is released. You might experience cramps and a little spotting but this is the best day in your
fertile window to conceive. It is said that your fertile window can begin five days before the egg is released and up to one day after.
Day 15

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The egg is now making its way down the fallopian tube in hopes of meeting a sperm. If the egg is fertilized by the sperm, it will attach itself to the lining of your uterus. If it isn't fertilized, the egg will continue to produce progesterone for two weeks and eventually die.
Day 16

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The egg is still hanging out waiting and waiting to be fertilized by a sperm and whilst it's there, it is continually releasing progesterone. And as progesterone rises in your body, a change in hormones can have certain impacts on your body and on your mood too.
Day 17

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As progesterone rises, estrogen falls, and changes in these particular hormones can give you symptoms of PMS, including mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, bloating, breast tenderness, changes in your appetite, breakouts on your skin, and headaches, to name a few.
Day 18

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Estrogen levels have been falling since the egg, or eggs, we released during ovulation. But they're not gone forever, because, around day 18, they start to rise again. But this doesn't mean progesterone levels start to fall. In fact, progesterone levels do actually stay high too
Day 19

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If you haven't experienced any symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) yet, you are more than likely to start experiencing it by now. But if you're eager to know whether you're pregnant, or worried you might be, don't do a pregnancy test just yet as it is still a little too early.
Day 20

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As the end of your cycle nears, you might not be feeling like yourself. And this could be because you have symptoms of PMS that are affecting your mind and body. So it's important to go easy on yourself, try not to put too much pressure on yourself, and, instead, do something that'll make you feel good.
Day 21

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When you're getting towards the end of your cycle, your period is looming. So it might be a good idea to check your tampons and sanitary towel stash. If you use a menstrual cup or disk, be sure to make sure it's clean and sterile, and, if you use cloth sanitary products, like period pants or cloth towels, put them at the top of your drawer!
Day 22

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One symptom we might be all too familiar with at this stage of our cycle is the dreaded mood swings. You can go from feeling happy and content into feeling super anxious or irritable. So it's really important to remind yourself that, when you're feeling low, that mood will pass, and these mood swings will pass too!
Day 23

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During the luteal phase, you might be feeling a little puffy, particularly in your hands and feet, and you'll probably be feeling a little, or very, bloated. But don't worry if your clothes aren't fitting as well as last week. It is temporary water retention and is really common towards the end of your cycle.
Day 24

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Another unwelcome PMS symptom is breast tenderness. Your breasts can feel more than a little sore when you approach menstruation. And this is caused by the rise in the hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Breast tenderness is also an early symptom of pregnancy so it might be an idea to get your progesterone levels checked.
Day 25

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By day 25, on top of other PMS symptoms, you might be getting a few headaches. And it's important to understand that these symptoms can affect how motivated we feel so much that they might even impact how well you perform at work. But don't be too hard on yourself, it will pass.
Day 26

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You might be someone who struggles to sleep when their period is approaching. In fact, your sleep patterns might be so affected that you feel really fatigued throughout the day. But listen to your body, you're nearing the end of your cycle, so rest when you can.
Day 27

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You'll be pleased to know that by around day 27, if you're someone who suffers from PMS, your symptoms will likely be easing up. You'll probably be starting to feel much more like yourself again and feel like you've got a lot more energy in you to go about your days.
Day 28

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On average, women's cycles tend to be around 28 days. But it is completely normal to go beyond this or even be slightly shorter. Studies have found that the normal range of a menstrual cycle is 23 to 35 days. Outside of this range is considered irregular.
Day 29

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If your cycle is slightly longer than 28 days, and you are not pregnant, the lining of your uterus will be very thick. In fact, it will be at its thickest and will be ready to break down and shed. When it does break down, your period starts and you'll experience bleeding.
Day 30

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Your cycle runs from the first day of your period to the day before your next period. And, depending on the length of your cycle, your body might be finishing this cycle and then gearing up for your next cycle. You're now at the end of your luteal phase and entering menstruation in the next few days if you haven't already.