1. Face

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Acne is quite an unpleasant condition that happens when pores and hair follicles are clogged. They might be clogged by oil or dead skin cells and cause different types of spots, including blackheads, whiteheads, and red pimples. These can even sometimes get infected and inflamed and can be quite painful.
2. Upper face

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In Chinese medicine, there is a belief that face mapping improves your skin's health. And the idea is that different parts of your face correspond to different parts of your body. So if you have acne on your upper face this could mean that you're having issues with your gut health, sleeping patterns, stress, or hair and scalp conditions that need attention.
3. Lower face

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If you're having problems with acne on your lower face, like on your chin or jawline, you might have a hormone imbalance or it could indicate that your diet could be the cause. And if your acne appears on your cheeks, you might need to wash your pillowcase more often!
4. Hairline

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Acne in the hairline could easily be caused by oils in your hair. But be careful because washing your hair more often could also cause acne, particularly if your skin is sensitive to certain haircare and hair styling products. The type of acne caused by these is called
pomade acne.5. Scalp

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If you find that you have acne on your scalp, like the acne in your hairline, common causes could include the oils in your hair or haircare and styling products. But it's also common for acne on your scalp to be caused by dead skin cells, particularly if you have dandruff.
6. Eyes

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Acne around your eyes can be quite uncomfortable. But face mapping suggests that it can be caused by haircare and makeup products, ingrown hairs from your brows or lashes, your food and water intake or it could indicate that you're having gallbladder issues.
7. Jawline

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Women are more likely to get acne around their jawline than men are and it's common for them to be caused by hormonal imbalances or hormonal shifts. Many women find that they tend to have breakouts on their jawline around the time of menstruation when hormone levels shift. And it has been found that a rise in testosterone in women causes jawline acne.
8. Forehead

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Forehead acne is very common and there are so many possible causes that it's just a case of trial and error when it comes to treating it. But face mapping suggests stress, issues with digestion, and irregular sleep patterns. Hair products and natural oils can also contribute to an increase in forehead acne.
9. Nose

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The pores on the nose have been found to be much bigger than on the rest of your face. And because acne is caused by the pores becoming blocked by dead skin cells, bacteria, and dirt, nose acne is extremely common. Like forehead acne, it could also be an indicator of stress and digestive issues.
10. Nostrils

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Sometimes, acne appears in the creases or inside the nostrils. Now, pimples that appear inside the nostrils could mean blocked pores but they could also mean that you have an ingrown nostril hair. If this happens, the advice is to use a warm compress to reduce soreness and swelling and to ease out the hair. Tea tree oil is also helpful with this!
11. Cheeks

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Acne that appears and develops on the cheeks is, more often than not, caused by dirt and bacteria. It might be that your pillowcase needs washing more often, you need to clean your makeup brushes or your cellphone is full of bacteria and needs a wipe!
12. Around the mouth

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Hormones and genetics are said to sometimes play a role when it comes to acne around the mouth. But, quite often, acne appears around the mouths of people who use them to play a musical instrument. And things that we use day to day, like toothpaste and shaving cream, can also be the cause.
13. Ears

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Just as acne can appear inside the nostrils, it can also appear inside and around the ears. Again, bacteria build up and cosmetics could cause this, especially if you're allergic to certain products, but it could also indicate that you're under stress or have a hormonal imbalance.
14. Neck

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You'll find that acne on the neck has similar causes to the acne on your face. They are pretty close after all... And pimples on the neck are commonly caused by simply not washing the skin regularly with soap and water. But it's important to remember that other factors like stress, hormones, and puberty can be the cause too.
15. The front of your shoulders

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If you have pimples on the fronts of your shoulders, you're likely to have a common condition called
Acne Mechanica. This condition is caused by friction on your skin, typically from your clothes, particularly during exercise, and any type of bag you may carry on your shoulder.
16. Armpits

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Armpits sweat rather a lot for most people. This means that they are full of sweat glands and hair follicles that can get clogged quite easily. Ingrown hairs are quite common too and things like shaving, friction from clothing and applying deodorant can cause acne under your arms.
17. Inner elbows

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People get pimples on their inner elbows all the time and it could be that they're one of the sweatier parts of the body. And many pimples caused by acne will usually go away within a few days without any attention but there are other conditions that would require medication to manage.
18. Elbows

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Like your inner elbow, acne on your elbow usually comes and goes on its own. But the elbow is a common place on the body where different skin conditions appear. These conditions include eczema and psoriasis which usually require a diagnosis and medical treatment.
19. Chest

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According to Chinese medicine, acne on your chest indicates an allergic reaction, problems with your liver, or problems inside your gut. These might include digestive issues, food allergies, sensitivities, or even a bad diet that's causing issues like acne.
20. Upper Back

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The pores on your back are much bigger than the ones on your face so it's no wonder that back acne (or bacne, as it's commonly referred to!) is pretty common. So it's important, especially if you have an active lifestyle and sweat a lot, that you shower as soon as you can after sweating to avoid any clogged pores!
21. Shoulder blades

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Shoulder acne on your shoulders and shoulder blades is, again, fairly common and is most likely caused by hormone fluctuations. Clogged pores can also cause pimples so be sure to shower regularly and try adding an exfoliator twice a week to your washing routine.
22. Belly

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If you've got sensitive skin, you might find there are many areas of your body that breaks out due to friction from your clothing. And the belly is no different. If you are having problems with acne on your stomach, try wearing loose-fitting clothes once in a while. It could also be an ingrown hair so a warm compress might help!
23. Lower back

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Pimples on your lower back are almost always caused by sweating, especially if you're particularly active and sweat a lot. So shower often and exfoliate regularly to avoid regular breakouts on your lower back. But also be conscious of what you wear whilst exercising as this could be
Acne Mechanica!24. Bikini line

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Acne in the bikini line is almost always caused by ingrown hairs. Public hair is thick so they do tend to be quite inflamed. If you get pimples down there, it could also be due to hygiene or even a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection so if you're concerned, see a medical professional.
25. Buttocks

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Experts believe that almost every case of butt acne is caused by blocked hair follicles and advise that you avoid sitting for long periods throughout the day. Some believe that acne on your buttocks could also be a sign of poor digestion so it's worth paying attention to what you eat.
26. Thighs

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A condition called
Folliculitis is the inflammation of the hair follicles and could be the cause of acne on the thighs. But if you've got particularly sensitive skin, you might be prone to getting pimples here quite regularly. Try wearing loose-fitting trousers to help relieve this.
27. Shins

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Shin acne could be caused by blocked hair follicles or sensitivity to shaving them. More often than not, like the thighs, acne on your calves indicates that you have particularly sensitive skin. Try using a gentle exfoliating cleanser or mitt to see if it improves your skin.
28. Knees

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Wearing tight clothing can irritate the skin, no matter how sensitive it is, and cause pimples on the knee. But you might also want to change your skincare routine and the products that you use because you might find that certain moisturizers do more harm than good and clog your pores!
29. Feet

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Palmoplantar Pustulosis types of acne are conditions that appear on the palms of the hand and also the soles of the feet. But there are no pores on these areas of the body so the typical acne that appears everywhere else isn't usually a problem here. But other skin conditions like eczema, impetigo, and chickenpox can cause issues in these places.
30. The body and face

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If you suffer from acne anywhere on your body or face, you're not alone. In fact, studies have found that half of the women in their 20s, a third of women in their thirties, and a quarter of women in their 40s suffer from acne. It's understandable that people tend to want to be rid of their acne because they want to feel like they look their best but, the truth is, there's no shame in pimples - so many people have them for different reasons and different treatments will help! But if you're suffering pain, inflammation, or infection, seek medical help!