11 Things From The 80s That Will Take You Back To School

By Ange Arnal 1 year ago

Ink cartridges

Having a fountain pen in the 80s was pretty damn cool (seriously)! Who used to chew on these things and end up with ink all over their mouth?That happened to me too many times. If you carried these in your bag, you had to be super careful. It could be a disaster. And I can assure you, it was!

These pencils

Everyone used to have these in school in the 80s, especially the girls. But losing one of these was a nightmare, you wouldn't be able to use it at all! GAME OVER if you ever lost one. Bloody nightmare.

Wallpaper book covers

Why on earth did the teachers make us do this? It was a waste of time and we didn't have to do proper work, so I wasn't complaining but it was awfully annoying at times. Covering our books in wallpaper was the most
thing we ever had to do.


If you were lucky enough to learn to play an instrument, we bet we can guess what it was. Hot cross buns come to mind when I think about the recorder. The recorder was the bane of our existences when we were in school once it started getting harder than playing hot cross buns, it was no fun.


The only thing calculators were good for was making funny words. That allowed us to waste more time in school. Anything was better than listening to the teacher! No one used them to do

Bunsen Burner

The best day in science was when they let us play with actual FIRE! There was always that one pillock in glass who used to mess around and get kicked out of class by their teacher. What were they thinking? Or were you the class idiot?!


We haven't seen a pot of this stuff for years and years. Why did people use to love smelling this stuff?! It was vile and it gave us a headache! It seems like another well-known brand took over.

Metal compass

These things were mini weapons that we were ALLOWED to have in our bags. I remember sitting next to this boy and he kept scraping the wall with the compass, he did it for so long there was a hole in the wall and the one day the teacher saw it he wasn't in, so I got the blame for it! We can't think of anything better than giving sharp objects to kids. They were dangerous, if you were clumsy like me you would end up prodding yourself numerous times in the hand. OUCH.

Parka jacket

EVERYONE had one of these jackets at one point. My mum got my brother one of these! They were so warm and cosy and I got my kids some parkas for school too! It reminds me of my school days looking at this picture. If you had one in school, you were the coolest in class.

Bread and butter pudding

When you saw this on the school dinner counter, it was amazing! My mum absolutely loved this too so she made it all the time. Sure, it might sound like a nasty idea for dessert, but we all know it's tasty.

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