1. Extra-earring backs

Image source/ Reddit
The earrings or the hoops make the outfit, there's no denying it! So when you're dancing away or running for the bus and one slips right out your ear it can totally ruin the look. And what are the chances of finding that tiny little earring back again...slim. We've all had those undignified moments crawling around on the floor looking for it, wishing we had a spare in our bag!
2. Band-aids

Image source/ Reddit
New trainers, high heels...there are lots of situations in which we're out and about and we feel a huge throbbing blister forming on the back of our heel. Or, even worse, you end up with some blood running down the back of your heel. Nice. This is exactly why you should always carry a band-aid!
3. Safety pins

Image source/ Reddit
It's a night with the girls and you're out on the town - your dress rips. Bummer. Not to worry, just grab one of your safety pins and you can fix pretty much anything so that you don't have to end your day/night prematurely. Even in the rip in a really inconvenient place - it happens to the best of us!
4. Blotting paper

Image source/ Reddit
Nobody wants a SULA. And there's a difference between 'glowy' and full on sweaty. Sometimes you can literally feel the moisture on your face. And when you have some blotting paper in your bag it's no biggie. Just dab away and you look like you're freshly made up again.
5. Card holder

Image source/ Reddit
Now this speaks for itself, why would you not need a card holder in your bag? If you're one of those people who shoves everything in their hand bag and it's all rattling around in the bottom and you've no idea what's in there or what's not - then this one's for you!
6. A compact mirror

Image source/ Reddit
So this one's for those times when you've been out and you get back home and look in the mirror and...
'AGH, why did nobody tell me that I've got lipstick on my teeth'? Or that your lip liner is 2 centimetres too high, or that you've got a little bit of dinner stuck on your cheek.
7. Snacks!

Image source/ Reddit
The snacks...we really shouldn't forget this one. Especially, if like us, you are prone to extreme cases of hanger. That's not good for you or anybody in the vicinity. Pack a health bar, some dried fruits or come on, a little bit of chocolate please!
8. Stain eraser pen

Image source/ Reddit
Sometimes we just don't think it through do we? We'll wear a lovely white, pristine top. Then we order spaghetti Bolognese. You know where this is going. It's inevitable. There's something about a nice outfit that is a magnet for passata sauce or other tough stains. A stain eraser can really save you walking around displaying what you had for dinner on your front.
9. Lip balm

Image source/ Reddit
Crusty, cracked lips? Hell no. That feeling when you're lips are dry is not pleasant. Nor is putting on your lipstick straight onto crusty lips - you know what we mean. Lip balm is the saver here, and there are SO many times we need lip balm. This really is a must have.
10. Deodorant

Image source/ Reddit
It's perfectly normal to start smelling a little funky after a day. We're busy women after all. And after a few hours sometimes all you need is just a little spray of deodorant to freshen up again. Nobody wants to smell of B.O. or have to do the sneaky under the arm sniffs to check if that smell really is us.
11. Hand sanitizer

Image source/ Reddit
It's super important to stay safe and hygienic and one of the ways to do it when you're out and about is hand sanitizer. And, after touching everything in a public space or even going to a public bathroom without soap, you'll be very happy that you have your hand sanitizer.
12. Spare tampons/ pads

Image source/ Reddit
Sometimes, mother nature strikes when we're least expecting it. or we're out and about. And let's face it, we do NOT want to be caught out. And even if you never need it, it's guaranteed you can help a girl out in a public restroom from time to time.
13. Breath mints

Image source/ Reddit
Well, we've just eaten dinner and it was packed full of garlic and you practically feel it emanating from your breath. Then your crush walks into the restaurant - and while it may taste nice, it's not a nice breath scent - we don't want him to be attracted by your gorgeous looks only to be put off by the smell of your dinner now do we?
14. Tissues

Image source/ Reddit
A big sneeze is brewing,
'oh no, oh no, where's the tissue, this is going to be a big one?' Tissues are one of those things that always come in handy. Whether it's for mascara that's running down our face, or because your nose is running in the cold, or because we need loo paper and there isn't any in the public toilet.
15. Hair bands

Image source/ Reddit
One thing you can never have enough of is hair bands. Because, let's face it you could buy one hundred, and in around 2 days they've just disappeared off the face of the planet. Yes, one might appear in a very unexpected place from time to time, but the rest? Nowhere to be found. And for those times you want to shove your hair up in a bun when it's annoying you, it's better to come prepared!
16. Headphones

Image source/ Reddit
Who doesn't love having headphones in times of need? And by times of need we mean when you're taking transport and are bored, or when you're avoiding that person you've just spotted and don't want to talk to. So, you put your headphones in and put your head down and act like you never even saw them.
17. A pen

Image source/ Reddit
Look, there's always a time you need a pen. And when you have so many at home in the draw, it's super annoying to have to buy another one when you're out. So put one on your purse for those occasions. We've all forgotten someone's birthday card and had to write one just before seeing them!
18. Comb

Image source/ Reddit
Don't forget the trusty comb in your bag. The amount of times a windy day catches you out, or the moisture makes your hair 3 times the size it was, it's so much better when you can pull out your comb and fix yourself up a little bit. Even if it's just to scrape back those fly aways.
19. Hand moisturiser

Image source/ Reddit
Dry and scaly hands are really uncomfortable. And even if you moisturised before you went out, the cold air can soon suck all of the moisture out again leaving them feeling dry. We don't mean carry around a huge bottle, just a tiny little one that won't weight you down.
20. Cash

Image source/ Reddit
Sure, everything's contactless now so why do we need cash? It's always super important to have an emergency cash stash, we're talking around $20. For those times when your phone dies, you've forgotten your card because you were using contactless son your phone. Now the only option is catch a ride with some spare dollars!
21. Water bottle

Image source/ Reddit
We all love to stay hydrated, and why buy a plastic throwaway bottle when you can carry around your cute water bottle? And sometimes there's not a shop nearby! Plus, in a world where plastic is a continuing problem it's good to use your own where you can.
22. Concealer

Image source/ Reddit
Concealer is a girl's best friend. It can hide a multitude of things. That big spot brewing throughout the day? It's got it covered. The big makeup free ring around your mouth after lunch? Sorted. What can't you hide under concealer? That's the real question.
23. Perfume

Image source/ Reddit
A little spritz of perfume and it's like we've just had a complete re-touch up. It really is miraculous what a couple of sprays of perfume can do. If you smell good, you feel good. Add a little bottle or a sample bottle into your handbag and thank us later.
24. Portable charger

Image source/ Reddit
Nobody wants to be stuck without a phone, you feel totally lost without it and it also means that nobody can contact you. If you're trying to get home and you have no phone to call an uber or ask someone to pick you up you can end up in a tight spot.
25. Sunglasses

Image source/ Reddit
Nobody can really predict the weather. So when the sun starts shining (or even if not) it's always good to have the sunnies available. Plus, they can totally make an outfit! And anyway, they're also good for going undercover and avoiding eye contact with people we don't want to speak to!
26. Sunscreen

Image source/ Reddit
It's SUPER important to protect our skin from the sun. And sometimes you won't forget to do it before you run out of the house in the morning, so if you have it in your bag you can do it when you're out and about and it also means you can top it up when you need to!
27. A face mask

Image source/ Reddit
So you may be thinking, why would I need a face mask in my bag? But, think about it. You've ended up staying over at your friends house, you're on a plane, you have a long journey - what better way to spend the tome than making your face silky smooth and hydrated?
28. Wet wipes

Image source/ Reddit
Biodegradable wet wipes are so handy. Sometimes you end up with a bit of mascara down your face and it won't budge with a tissue. Or, you want to freshen up your body. Or, wipe down a super gross surface that you have to eat lunch on! Time to get the wet wipes out.
29. Phone

Image source/ Reddit
Duh. We couldn't not include your phone on the list. If there's one thing you most certainly need in your hand bag it's this. Although you probably wouldn't forget this since most of us are pretty much attached to them. Calling someone, making reservations, taking aesthetic pictures...we need out phones.
30. Pain relief

Image source/ Reddit
Okay another essential has to be some kind of pain relief medicine. This is such a staple for your handbag. Sometimes a headache can strike out of the blue, or we might have stomach cramps which are interfering with our day. Why should we feel bad all day? Keep a packet in your handbag, it takes up no space at all.
31. Your wallet

image source: reddit.com
This may seem obvious, but now think back to how many times you've pulled up to the gas station or grocery checkout counter and realized you've left your wallet on the side at home? Always make sure it's with you before you leave the house! A good habit is just to always leave it in your bag even inside the house.
32. A reliable keychain

image source: reddit.com
Keychains are such a great item to have, and no one has the excuse of not having one handy because they're the perfect souvenirs whenever you go traveling, let's be honest. But having a reliable one is important to keep in your bag because you want to depend that nothing will fall off!
33. And your keys, of course!

image source: reddit.com
And the purpose of your keychain is your keys, of course! Keeping them in your bag is a staple, just like your wallet, but it's amazing how easily keys get misplaced or lost. And without a keychain, you're risking it all by having loads of different sets of keys separate from each other!
34. NOT your spare car key!

image source: reddit.com
We're throwing this one in here, because on topic of how important carrying keys is, you might be tempted to keep all your car keys together on one chain, too. But a spare car key needs to be somewhere completely separate - in a drawer at home, for example - for the very purpose that it's a safe backup!
35. A Spare Tote Bag

image source: reddit.com
Or just any kind of shopper bag you can fold up and put inside your main bag. Why do you need two? Well, what happens if you stumble across a store you didn't think you'd be shopping at and end up with a ton of stuff you have no room for in your regular bag? Always helps to have a spare!
36. Birth Control!

image source: reddit.com
So if you're on birth control like the pill, then it's always better to keep it in your bag and take it with you wherever you go. Because what happens if you forget to take it before you leave the house and you're out all day? You don't want to risk missing one, so best to keep it on you!
37. A flashlight

image source: reddit.com
Okay, hear us out - we don't mean a massive, heavy, industrial strength torch - just something that's small enough to fit on your keychain and stay with your keys. Most people these days depend on their phone torch for light, but what would you do if your battery went dead?
38. Spare pair of shoes

image source: reddit.com
This obviously depends on where you're heading out, but for ladies it's not unheard of to carry a pair of comfy flats on a night (or long day) out if you're wearing heels! If your bad is big enough and you're going to be out for a long time, there's no harm in thinking whether your feet are going to start aching.
39. Your medical information card

image source: reddit.com
It's a good idea to keep a record of key medical information in your wallet or bag in case you get into an accident while you're out and about. If you're traveling alone and don't have anyone with you to tell the emergency responders any key information, make sure it's in your bag for them to find!
40. Any info on pets home alone!

image source: reddit.com
Speaking of traveling out alone - if you live alone, too, and you have a pet at home, have you thought about what would happen if you got into an accident and taken to a hospital overnight? It doesn't bear thinking about, of course, but always handy to have a card in your bag that says you have a pet home alone - and who to contact!
41. A watch

image source: reddit.com
Wait, why would you have a watch in your bag and not on your wrist? Well, you're more than welcome to wear it on your wrist, of course, but if you don't like wearing watches and you're always depending on your phone to check the time, having another sort of timepiece in your bag in case your battery dies will never hurt!
42. Antihistamines!

image source: reddit.com
You never know when those pesky allergies are going to kick in, especially during hayfever season. So having a trusty packet of antihistamines in your bag means you can pop one out whenever you feel a bit of a sniffle coming on, handy if you're heading into a work meeting!
43. Floss

image source: reddit.com
You've had a busy day and a very heavy lunch - so what are you supposed to do if you get a piece of spinach caught in your teeth, rushing off to your next meet? Or - worse - a date? That's where floss comes in! Just keep a small reel in your bag and you can use it anywhere!
44. Umbrella

image source: reddit.com
You never know when the weather is going to change, after all, and umbrellas come in such compact and portable designs these days that it would be rude not to slip one into your bag at all times! Just remember to take the outer fabric or something to put your wet umbrella in!
45. Or, At Least, A Pack-Away Waterproof!

image source: reddit.com
If you're not a fan of umbrellas - windy days, we get you - you could at least have a thin waterproof as a back up option in case the weather changes. These waterproofs come in tiny pack-away versions that would be as small as an umbrella would be to easily keep in your bag!
46. Your I.D
image source: reddit.com
Most people would keep this in their wallet anyway and take the wallet with them, but some people might have it separate! If for some reason you do, then make sure your I.D is always on the to-pack list, because you never know when you might need it (when you go out for booze, maybe?).
47. Spare Pair Of Glasses

image source: reddit.com
If you need to wear glasses then a spare pair is just good sense if you're going out all day and need to pack a bag. Hopefully nothing will happen to your first pair on your face, but you never know - you might trip, wind might blow them off or you might get a soccer ball to the face - just sayin'.
48. A Notebook

image source: reddit.com
If you're old-school and you're not a huge fan of the nifty notebook apps or tech gadgets to take notes, then having a small notebook in your bag is a great idea. You can right down a to-do list or something urgent you've thought of whilst out, or even add something to your grocery list that you've suddenly remembered.
49. A Whistle

image source: reddit.com
If only we didn't have to think about things to pack to stay safe, but alas we do! A whistle is easily kept in your bag, or even on your keychain, to use in emergency situations or when you feel threatened. Even more important to have one if you're walking round alone!
50. Pair Of Gloves

image source: reddit.com
Because you never know when it might turn a bit chilly, and there's nothing worse than getting a serious case of frostbite when you're just trying to go about your daily business! Sure it looked cold when you checked out the window this morning, but you didn't know it was going to be
this cold.