1. You Never Stop Talking About The Wedding - Ever

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It's your special day, so you're entitled to talk about it when you're excited - the problem is when that becomes the only thing you talk about, ever. Especially when other people are trying to update you on your lives, you just manage to turn it back around on you and your wedding.
2. You're On An Extreme Diet - And We Mean Extreme

image source: reddit.com
Many brides want to diet to feel their best on their big day, and there's nothing wrong with that - the problem is when dieting becomes extreme to the point that it's not actually healthy. If you're putting the way you look over your health and wellbeing, it can suggest an obsessive attitude!
3. You've Barely Seen Your Fiancé - Because You're Focused On The Wedding

image source: reddit.com
Bridezillas are usually focused on the perfect wedding ceremony - not on the fact they're marrying the love of their life. If your wedding plans have become more important to you than even seeing the other person whose big day it is, it's a sign you're too focused on the wedding itself.
4. You Expect Every Person To Drop Everything For You

image source: reddit.com
Your friends and family are there to help you with the wedding planning, and of course the bridal party will have responsibilities to fulfil. But if you expect your best friend to go pick something up for you in the middle of her work shift, or get out of bed at 2am to drive over to yours because you said so, it's an unrealistic selfish attitude.
5. Your Behavior Is Definitely In The Realm Of DIVA

image source: reddit.com
Diva behavior can be when you have a meltdown over the tiniest things regarding your wedding, or you act like a diva when your friends don't do something for you, or if they can't do it - through no fault of their own. Being a diva is definitely a trait of a bridezilla!
6. Budget? What Budget?

image source: reddit.com
Weddings are expensive - some people want to spend more, some people want to spend less. No matter your budget, it's going to be a whopping big hit on your finances. But bridezillas can make this worse - by either ignoring the budget you planned altogether, or by not even making one because you're so set on getting everything you want.
7. You're Fighting With Your Family

image source: reddit.com
Planning a wedding is very stressful, and family fallouts can happen to anyone. Especially if you have difficult in-laws. But bridezillas are 99.9% likely to fight with their family constantly through the planning process, and usually because they're being unreasonable when their family is trying to help.
8. Oh - And Your Friends, Of Course

image source: reddit.com
This applies to friends too, of course, and especially if all your friends are main parts of the wedding, like bridesmaids, maid of honor or groomsmen. You're likely to fall out with your friends if they're being difficult about what you want - or being what you would label as 'difficult' anyway.
9. You're Even Falling Out With Your Fiancé (When You Find Time To See Them)

image source: reddit.com
When you do find the time around being a bridezilla to see your fiancé, it's likely you're going to be arguing with them, too - which doesn't bode well for what's supposed to be your happy day together. You're likely arguing about arrangements for the wedding, or if your fiancé wants something different to what you want.
10. It's 'Me, Me, Me'

image source: reddit.com
Your wedding day is your special day, of course - but it's also your fiancé's special day, and a time for friends and family to come together. Getting married doesn't mean that you're the most important person in the room in any given situation, and that the world revolves around you - which is unfortunately what you think.
11. You Act Like You're Owed VIP Treatment From Vendors

image source: reddit.com
Vendors will work hard to make you feel like the only person getting married and make your day special - but let's face it, they have many more brides to help. But it's a sign of a bridezilla when the bride thinks they deserve preferential treatment, for no reason - they just expect something extra, without paying for it.
12. You've Booked A Date You KNOW Certain People Can't Do

image source: reddit.com
When you're planning your wedding, you're going to need to find a date that works for everyone, of course - especially the people you want to be there. But if you've chosen a date that you want, whilst knowing that one important person in your life can't do that date, it just shows you're only thinking about yourself - especially if they're going to be crushed that they can't attend.
13. You're Forcing Your Bridesmaids To Wear Dresses They Hate

image source: reddit.com
This one is always a tough one to balance, especially if you have loads of bridesmaids - it's not guaranteed you'll find a look every single one of them is comfortable with. But there's a difference between listening to their needs, and choosing something without asking them. And when every single one of them says they don't like it? You make them wear it anyway.
14. You Want What You Want - And Someone Else Is Going To Have To Pay For It

image source: reddit.com
Ignoring the fact that you have a budget altogether, you're not going to miss out on something you really, really want for your wedding - but neither are you going to stress yourself about paying for it. If something is going to cost extra, you automatically expect your parents, your parents-in-law or your best friend to pony up the dough.
15. You're Obsessed With Every Tiny Little Detail

image source: theknot.com
You want your wedding day to be special and perfect, down to the last detail. But this can easily turn into an obsession. If you're too focused on the tiniest detail, like the shape of the leaves on your flowers, it's more likely to make way for diva behavior when something isn't how you like it.
16. You Micromanage

image source: reddit.com
Wedding planning takes a lot of people helping out, and friends and family having certain jobs so that it's not all on you. But if you've given everyone a task and then decide to micromanage everything everyone else does to the point you won't stop badgering them, this could be a sign.
17. Or, You Just Take Charge Altogether!

image source: reddit.com
Some bridezillas may not even trust anyone else to do a single thing for their wedding. You might be hoarding every single task and refusing everyone's offers to help you, and then getting stressed when you realise you couldn't possibly do everything by yourself!
18. You Keep Changing Your Mind

image source: reddit.com
It's your wedding day, so it's your prerogative to change something you're not happy with. But it can be diva behavior if every two seconds you're changing your mind about something, and then expecting all your friends, family and vendors to make the changes at the snap of your fingers.
19. If Anything Goes Wrong, It's Someone Else's Fault

image source: astimegoesbuy.wordpress.com
While trying to either take control of everything or micromanage, things have inevitably gone wrong - but it's absolutely not your fault. How could it be your fault? You're the bride, you can't do a single thing wrong, right? That means it must be someone else's fault - so you're quick to blame everyone but yourself.
20. You're Focusing More On The Wedding Day Than The Life Commitment You're Making

image source: reddit.com
The wedding day is a special day, and one you're only going to have once in your whole lifetime (hopefully). But it's also not as important as the lifelong commitment you're making: your marriage. Thinking about that commitment to the person you love, as well as thinking about money and plans towards your life together rather than just the wedding day, is crucial. But for you, it's just about the wedding.
21. You Make People Feel Bad If They Can't Attend

image source: reddit.com
When you're having a big wedding with lots of guests - or even a small intimate one with a few crucial people - it's not always possible to find a day that everyone can attend. Or, it might be a loved one has suddenly got sick, been told to stay at home by their doctor, or maybe run into a personal emergency. And what's your reaction? To be angry and make them feel bad about it. How dare they not attend your special day?
22. You Don't Give A Second Thought To Questionable Seating Arrangements

image source: reddit.com
Seating arrangements are crucial for a happy affair, and making your guests feel at ease. You don't want your friend sat next to her ex at dinner, do you? Well, that's what a selfless bride would think anyway - but you might not have given a second thought to people's feelings when you've sat them next to someone they hate, or who's going to make them feel uncomfortable.
23. Vendors Are Totally Avoiding Your Calls

image source: reddit.com
If you're actually making very professional vendors ignore your calls, you must be doing something very, very wrong. They actually avoid your calls because they don't want to speak to you. You're a paying client, and they're willing to avoid your calls - what does that tell you?
24. You Fail To Turn Up To Appointments

image source: reddit.com
Wedding planning means a lot of appointments, whether official appointments with your DJ, florist or wedding planner - or even just brunch with your besties to talk about your task list. But while you're happy to make the appointments, you're flaky when it comes to actually attending them.
25. You Don't Trust Any Of Your Vendors - Not A Single One

image source: reddit.com
It doesn't matter if your chosen DJ has 20+ year in the business and glowing reviews - you're adamant that you're right, and they're wrong. Your wedding planner has planned a million weddings even bigger than yours, but you're sure they don't know what they're talking about. Right?
26. You're Expecting People To Pay A Fortune For The Bachelorette Party

image source: reddit.com
Bridezillas aren't just divas when it comes to the big day - it can happen way before then, and with the bachelorette party too. The worst brides will not take into account their bridal party's finances and personal commitments when they expect them to spend a fortune on the bachelorette party
they want.
27. And Even To Spend A Fortune For The Wedding

image source: vox.com
You've always dreamed of a wedding in a tropical location abroad, with a touch of (expensive) luxury. That's okay, but what about all the guests who you're expecting to pay a fortune on plane tickets just to get to your wedding? To use up two weeks of vacation pay just to get to the location?
28. You've Angrily Hung Up On More Than One Person

image source: reddit.com
Wedding planning is stressful, and heated discussions can happen, but it's a whole new level of immature and rude if you're just constantly hanging up on people who are trying to help you. How many times have you put the phone down on a vendor when they were in the middle of a sentence?
29. What You Want Is Just Not Possible. Simple As

image source: reddit.com
You can dream big, as long as you can afford it - but problems happen when your wedding dream simply isn't possible. Your head is in the clouds when it comes to what you want, and you refuse to take no for an answer. If you're expecting to ride in on a unicorn pulling a solid gold carriage, it might be time to rethink.
30. You've Lost Friends Along The Way

image source: reddit.com
You may have actually been so bad that it tested certain friendships to the max. Have you had loved ones not only tap out of the wedding, but tell you that they don't want to speak to you anymore? Maybe they've even blocked your number or rethought your friendship completely.