1. Your Baby Bump Is Low
image source: reddit.com
Baby bumps can be different for everyone, of course, and some come in rather large, surprisingly small, or everything in between. If this particular baby bump of yours is sitting quite low on your belly, it could be the first telltale sign that you're going to have a boy.
2. Your Bump Is Sticking Out Front
image source: fetcherx.com
As well as where your baby bump is hanging, it's important to also take note of the shape of it! If you have a perfectly round bump that's sticking far out to the front, this is also a sign that you're going to have a boy. So keep an eye on how that bump is progressing!
3. You Have That Pregnancy Glow - Everybody Says So!
image source: reddit.com
Is there anything greater to hear during your pregnancy? Especially when you know your 'glow' is mostly just sweat from your morning sickness, most likely. But if you're constantly receiving compliments about how glowing you look, your baby boy could be doing you some favors.
4. Your Baby's Heartbeat Is Less Than 140 Beats Per Minute
image source: reddit.com
Hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time is an experience like no other, and once you've got past that initial excitement, you might want to pay attention to how many beats per minute you can hear for your baby. If it's less than 140 per minute, it's a sign of a boy.
5. Your Left Boob Is Smaller Than The Right
image source: reddit.com
Most women have one boob that's a little bit bigger than the other one, but for this we mean specifically during your pregnancy when your boobs are getting a little bigger along with your belly. Have you noticed that your left boob is smaller than your right? It could be a sign of a boy!
6. Your Pupils Dilate As Normal In The Mirror
image source: reddit.com
You might be wondering why this is even worth mentioning, seeing as it's completely normal for your pupils to dilate when you go up close and personal with the mirror and stare into it for a bit. But it's because dilation of the pupils is a sign of a boy, whereas if your pupils don't dilate it's a sign of a girl!
7. You Didn't Have Morning Sickness In The First Trimester
image source: reddit.com
If you didn't have morning sickness during the first trimester of your pregnancy, you have your baby boy to thank for that! It's very likely you're going to have a boy if you don't suffer the dreaded morning sickness, because the opposite is true of a baby girl. Great news!
8. Your Cravings Include Salty Food And Protein
image source: reddit.com
Pregnancy cravings are something you can always expect, but you'd hope they'd be something straightforward and tasty and nothing weird. The gender of your baby might influence your cravings, though, because if you're craving more salty and savory foods, packed with protein, it could be the work of a boy!
9. Your Feet Are Always Cold
image source: deviantart.com
How are your feet doing? You might want to pull your socks off and quickly check! If you have cold feet (literally, and not figuratively if you're due to be married) when you always had very warm feet before your pregnancy, it could be the work of a baby boy making your feet colder!
10. Your Wedding Ring On A String Over Your Belly Moves In Circles
image source: reddit.com
A lot of people try this to determine the sex of their baby, which can be done depending on which way the ring swings! If you put your wedding ring on to a piece of string, or a chain, and dangle it over your pregnant belly, if it moves in a circle it could be a sign of a boy!
11. Or, A Crystal Does The Same!
image source: reddit.com
Of course, you might not have a wedding ring to use, or any sort of ring, and another popular choice for this method is a crystal. If you have a crystal on a chain or tied around a piece of string, you can try this method too, and see if it starts to swing in a circle over your belly.
12. Your Hair Is Full And Thick
image source: reddit.com
Have you noticed that your hair is feeling very thick during your pregnancy? Thicker than you've ever known it before? If you're battling with a very full feeling with your hair and constantly tying it back because it's too much to handle, it could be the work of a baby boy.
13. And It's The Shiniest You've Ever Seen It!
image source: reddit.com
Of course, the effect pregnancy is having on your hair doesn't have to be a bad thing - especially if it's making it super shiny! You might have noticed your hair is much thicker, full-bodied and a lot shinier than usual, which can actually be a sign you're going to have a boy.
14. Your Leg Hair Grows Like Nobody's Business
image source: reddit.com
We all know the chore of shaving our legs and then having them grow back 0.001 seconds later, but your leg hair is really something else during your pregnancy! You've probably fully embraced it because it's just too much to try and control. You can thank your baby boy for that!
15. Your Pee Is Luminous Yellow
image source: reddit.com
Your pee color can also be a help in deducting the sex of your baby during pregnancy - have you noticed it's a bright yellow color most of the time, no matter what you're drinking or eating, or how much water you're having? Brighter pee can be a sign of a boy.
16. You Have Very Dry Skin (Boo)
image source: reddit.com
This is one skin condition that most skincare-loving people will never want, because it feels annoying and is very difficult to control. Which is why it sucks if you're suddenly having dry skin during pregnancy! This can happen even if you have the pregnancy glow.
17. You're Getting A Lot Of Headaches
image source: reddit.com
Whether you got headaches before your pregnancy or not, have you noticed that you seem to be getting a heck of a lot more since becoming pregnant? If you constantly have an aching head (as well as an aching everything else thanks to that heavy baby bump) it could be a sign.
18. You Sleep On Your Left Side
image source: reddit.com
Sleeping on your left side can be the best position to sleep in anyway in terms of your internal organs and avoiding indigestion or stomach issues! But if you find you're naturally drawn to sleeping on your left side during pregnancy - especially if you always slept on your right side before - this can be a sign.
19. And, Your Pillow Faces North!
image source: reddit.com
Which way do you have your pillow facing when you go to sleep? Do you find yourself moving it a certain way, despite which way your bed is facing? If you're angling your pillow to the north (it might be time to get your phone's compass app out to check) it could be a sign you're having a boy!
20. You Show Your Hands Palm-Down
image source: reddit.com
If someone asks you to show your hands, pay attention to how you offer them out! Are you putting your hands out with the palms facing down instead of up? While palm-reading is of course a thing, it can also have meaning if you don't show your palms face up.
21. You're The One Who Initiated Sex When Your Baby Was Conceived
image source: reddit.com
You'll likely remember the night your baby was conceived, whether because it was a happy accident or because you'd been planning it for a while. So when you think back to the night of conception, do you remember taking the lead and initiating it? Because if so, it's likely it's a boy!
22. You Have Garlic Dripping From Your Pores If You Eat It!
image source: reddit.com
This is normality for most people who eat garlic - whether a little or a lot - because garlic can be one of the most pesky things to get rid of in terms of smell on your hands, breath or coming out of your skin! If you find that you stink of garlic after eating it during pregnancy, it can be a sign it's a boy!
23. Add Your Age At Time Of Conception, To The Month Number: Is It Even?
image source: reddit.com
So when you think back to the day of conception of your baby, how old were you? And which month was it that you conceived? Take the month number (so 1 for January, 2 for February and so on) and add it to the age you were at conception. Is the resulting number even?
24. The Ultrasound Shows A Baby With A Sloping Forehead And A Squared Jaw
image source: reddit.com
The 'skull theory' is a very popular way for people to determine whether their child is a boy or a girl. Based on this theory, if your child is showing a more sloping forehead during the ultrasound, matched with a squared lower jaw, this could be a sign it's a boy rather than a girl.
25. Your Other Child's First Word Was 'Dada'
image source: reddit.com
Is this pregnancy not your first pregnancy? If you already have another child that's speaking by now, you'll obviously remember their very first word - it's a momentous day, after all! Was there first word 'dada' instead of 'mama'? This could be a sign you're new baby will be a boy!
26. You're Craving Meat. A LOT
image source: reddit.com
If you're already a meat-eater, great! If you're a vegan or vegetarian, this is more of a problem - and you might be wondering why you're suddenly craving meat when you never wanted it before. Well, you might have your baby boy to thank for that, if meat is what you're after!
27. You're Hungry All The Time - Seriously, 24/7
image source: reddit.com
Of course, if you're pregnant and eating for two, it's no surprise you're going to have a massive increase in appetite - but there's a difference in being more hungry, and never, ever being full. If you're hungry all of the time, this can be a sign that you're having a boy.
28. Your Hair Seems To Be Growing Faster
image source: reddit.com
We already mentioned those thick and shiny locks being the work of a new baby boy, but how about the rate in which your hair is growing? Have you noticed that the hair on your head seems to be growing at a faster rate than it always did before you were pregnant?
29. Your Pregnancy Line Runs All The Way To Your Ribs
image source: reddit.com
Your pregnancy line, also known as the linea nigra, is the dark line that you can expect to run over your baby bump, from bottom to top, during pregnancy. So how long is your pregnancy line? If it's running right over your belly up to your ribcage, it could be a sign you're having a boy.
30. You've Dreamt Of A Baby Boy
image source: reddit.com
Your own gut instinct should never be discounted, and intuition can often come out in the form of dreams. So if you just 'have a feeling' that you're going to have a boy, and you've actually dreamt of having a baby boy instead of a girl, you should trust your own instincts!
31. Top Tips For Raising A Baby Boy: Let Him Play With Every Sort Of Toy
image source: reddit.com
It's always important for any growing baby and toddler to play with any toys that stimulate them - but it's also important for the parent to not get hung up on what toys are being played with! If your boy wants to play dress up with a doll, let him. If he wants to play with Action Man, let him!
32. Encourage His Interests!
image source: reddit.com
In the same vein, no matter what your growing boy takes an interest in, you should encourage what excites him and makes him focused. There are lots of more 'boy' things parents naturally lean towards when they're toddler is growing, like sports, but you should let them take the lead.
33. Get Outside As Much As Possible
image source: reddit.com
Growing boys will have a lot of energy they need to get out, and playing outside as much as possible is the best way to avoid them feeling cooped up (or making a mess of your house!). If you have a garden, great! Let them run around and play. If you don't, think of places you can go with outdoor activities that will let them be active.
34. Don't Stifle His Energy
image source: reddit.com
With all the energy that comes with having a boy, it's important to never try and stifle that - even if he's been playing all day and he's still going, let him wear himself out! This is also because it's believed that boys learn better in other aspects - like sitting down and reading, or doing their homework - if they're been able to release that physical energy!
35. Take The Time To Build A Strong Relationship
image source: huffpost.com
Parents are so important in how a boy develops into a man, and the kind of man he'll become - which, we hope, will be respectful and kind. This all begins with how close a relationship you have when they're still very young, so make sure to take the time to build that relationship.
36. Teach Him About Empathy
image source: reddit.com
Empathy is one of the most important things someone can learn when they're growing to understand other people, and especially young boys and men. It's a good idea to teach him this as early as possible, to understand how other people are feeling, so they can carry that into manhood!
37. Use Physical Touch/Cues
image source: reddit.com
It's believed that boys respond more to physical touch than verbal instruction or words. Physical touch when you're teaching your boy something, trying to direct him another way or even setting limits on what they can and can't do is very helpful when raising a boy. Steer his shoulder or touch his arm, for example.
38. Praise Him For Trying - Not Whether He Succeeds Or Fails
image source: reddit.com
It's important to teach boys the importance of trying, not succeeding. A lot of growing boys can get hung up on being the best of the best, and the sooner you teach them (and praise them) for trying their hardest no matter what, the better this will be for their mindset as they grow.
39. One-On-One Time Is Important!
image source: reddit.com
One-on-one time as one parent with their baby boy is important as they grow. This will help to not only build that close relationship and teach them things like empathy, but it will also let you have a closer understanding of who they are, what they like to do and who they're growing into!
40. Give Him Chores For Responsibility
image source: reddit.com
When your boy is old enough, setting chores around the house to teach them responsibility is key. This will help them to understand the importance of responsibility, but it'll also help them to build confidence and self-esteem when they do a chore, get it right and get the praise!
41. Be A Great Role Model
image source: reddit.com
We know that children learn from the behavior of those around them, as well as what they're told is right and wrong, so it's really important to be a great role model for your son - and to make sure others who spend time with him are doing the same. Behave how you'd want him to behave!
42. Let Him Speak His Feelings - And Listen
image source: reddit.com
If your son approaches you to talk about something, about how he feels or why he's upset, take the time to listen to him. Don't just brush off his feelings or tell him 'not now' if he's trying to talk to you when you're busy. It's good practice to meet him in the middle with how he's feeling so that he knows his feelings are valid - and that it's okay to talk about them!
43. Be Involved!
image source: reddit.com
What you do at home with your son is of course important, but you should also get involved in his life away from home when he gets older. Make sure to get involved with anything he's doing at school, any hobby classes or anything he wants to do socially. This helps for a closer relationship!
44. Set Those Limits
image source: reddit.com
It's important to encourage your boy to be the best he can be and thrive with what he wants to do - but that doesn't mean never setting any limits. Limits will help him to develop on his own terms in the best way, and to make sure he's on the right track. He needs those boundaries!
45. Make Sure Not To Label Him
image source: reddit.com
As your boy grows, and especially when he starts going to school, he needs to develop his own identity. Labels are really damaging to someone still figuring out who they are, especially if they come from classmates like 'nerd' or 'jock'. Make sure not to label him yourself and give him room to find out who he is!
46. Focus More On The Positive
image source: reddit.com
A lot of parents can focus more on the discipline than the positive reinforcement - which is understandable when you need to correct him on bad behaviors. Still discipline them when needed, but don't forget about positive reinforcement - don't only ever tell them when they're doing wrong, make sure to tell them when they're doing right, too!
47. Encourage Him To Open Up
image source: reddit.com
One thing boys and men can struggle with is opening up - society might make them think they shouldn't be talking about their emotions, feelings or focusing on anything getting them down. That's why it's important for their parents to not only show them that it's okay to open up, but encourage them to do so.
48. Let Him Make His Own Mistakes
image source: reddit.com
As a parent, a knee jerk reaction can be to wrap your child in a bubble to stop them from making mistakes that might hurt them or upset them - but mistakes are key lessons in life, and they need to learn in a supported way. Don't try to fix everything for him - let him figure it out on his own, but be there for him when he's ready.
49. Be Openly Affectionate!
image source: reddit.com
Show your boy open affection from a young age, as this will help him to understand that it's okay, as well as help him to feel loved. Give him hugs and pats, and use affectionate words like compliments and that you love him. This will help him to show affection in a better way himself when he's older!
50. Take Care Of Yourself
image source: reddit.com
At the end of the day, the only way you can continue to be an amazing parent for your boy is to take care of yourself, too. You need to find time to relax, get support from friends, family and other parents, and keep up with your own hobbies and self-care. That way you'll always be in the best frame of mind to help your son learn and grow!