Signs You Have A Weak Bladder

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. You can't stop going to the toilet

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So of course, the most common symptom and sign that you have a weak bladder is that you always seem to be going to the toilet. You go multiple times a day, over 8 times. Nobody else seems to need to go to the toilet as much as you, but you just can't stop!

2. You can't always hold it in...

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Look, sometimes when you need to pee there's really nothing you can do about it. You aren't able to get to a toilet...there's no bush to pee just can't stop it. Don't be embarrassed if you do have a little bit of an accident, it may just be that you have a weak bladder.

3. You wake up multiple times in the night

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A lot of us will have had nights where we need to wake up because we are bursting for the toilet. There's the debate...
'am I too comfy to go, or will it stop me sleeping if I don't'. 
But for you, this is not infrequent occasion. It happens every night - and not just once, and you absolutely HAVE to go!

4. You get a sudden urge to pee

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When you need to wee it doesn't slowly develop so that you know it's coming and can decide to go to the toilet. No. When you need to wee, you feel this sudden and strong urge come over you with no prior warming, so that you need to wee right there, right now.

5. It inhibits daily life

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In some more extreme cases, it may really inhibit daily life when you have a weak bladder. The thought of going somewhere could cause you anxiety and you would not know if you could manage if there was no toilet. Or, you may worry that you will have an accident, or it may stop you doing things you love because of how it affects you bladder.

6. Sometimes you leak a little bit of pee

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Leaking pee for you is not an irregular thing. For example, if it's happened once or twice in your life then it may not be a sign of a weak bladder. If this is a really regular occurrence then it could definitely be a sign that you have a weak bladder.

7. When you sneeze or laugh you pee a little

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Sneezing is your worst enemy when you're out in public because you just know that if you need to sneeze, a little bit of pee may just come out! And it's the same when you laugh, like that proper uncontrollable belly kind of laughter is great fun but when it comes to your's not good at all.

8. It hurts when you go!

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Now this symptom is definitely not always a sign of a weak bladder, and it could well mean that you actually have seem kind of infection if it hurts when you go, so it's important to get checked out. But it
in some cases also be a symptom of having a weak bladder too.

9. You struggle to start peeing

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It's a contradictory occurrence because you've rushed to the bathroom to pee because it's urgent, and then it takes a while to get started! Some people with weak bladders find that they cannot start to urinate immediately and it actually takes some time to get going.

10. When you do comes out weakly

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When you do actually go to the toilet to pee, you may have noticed that it comes out very weakly. There is not a strong jet of urine, instead you may find that it's more of a trickle. This can be a common symptom of a weak bladder. Because your bladder may not be full when you need to go.

11. Your lower stomach sometimes feels uncomfortable

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Having a weak bladder can be way more than just needing to go to the toilet frequently. It can also in some cases cause discomfort in the lower stomach. Again, this alone could signify many different issues. But, it is also something that has been reported in people with weak bladders.

12. You get lower back pain

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Similarly, pain or discomfort in the lower back can also in some instances be a symptom of having a weak bladder. Our lower back is very much linked with our bladder/ stomach/ lower internal organs and so discomfort in in this region can often be felt in the lower back.

13. You get very thirsty

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Because you need to urinate so frequently. it means that you are expelling liquid from our body at a quicker rate than other people. So you may find that you get very thirsty. You may have noticed that you seem to drink a lot more water than other people.

14. You have to push to get it out

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Sometimes the urge to pee and the actual need to pee don't seem to match up. Although you know you need to go, because you can feel it, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's actually always when you do. You may find that it takes a little push to actually be able to urinate.

15. You plan your day around it

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Having a weak bladder can be hard, because often people feel as though they have to prepare or even plan their day around their bladder. For example, you may plan a trip, but you would have to think about whether you could easily get to a toilet if you needed to.

16. You've had accidents throughout the day

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One thing is having an accident in the night when we have no control over our bladder. But if you have a weak bladder you may have also experienced it in the day time. Maybe even you are out in public. This can be a really difficult symptom of a weak bladder.

17. Your urine sometimes smells

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This is definitely not always the case with people who have a weak bladder. Smelly urine can also be a sign of infection etc. But, for some people who experience a weak bladder, they have claimed that their urine can sometimes smell different to the usual/ expected scent.

18. Your bladder sometimes feels like it's contracting

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Sometimes people with a weak bladder experience a kind of contracting sensation where it feels as though they can no longer hold their bladder because it is having these kind of uncontrollable feelings. This can sometimes happen when someone with a weak bladder will leak slightly.

19. You've wet your bed on multiple occasions

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Wetting the bed is something that is often something that we associate with childhood. But, for someone with a weak bladder this could be the reality on a more frequent occasion, no matter their age. And there's no shame or embarrassment, a weak bladder is a medical condition.

20. Sometimes you pee a little during intimacy

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During times where there are some kind of pressure on the bladder, this will be particularly hard for you to be able to hold it. An example of this is during intimacy. Because of the extra pressure on your bladder you may find that you sometimes experience a few drips or a little bit of pee.

21. You feel as though you can't fully empty your bladder

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It can be very difficult having a weak bladder because you may always feel some kind of sensation, whether it feels full and you have the urge to go, or even after peeing you may still feel like it's not empty. Sometimes, people cannot fully empty the bladder which can lead to a constant feeling of a full bladder.

22.  The sound of running water makes you need to go

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It's definitely not just a myth, the sound of running water can really get your bladder going. But if you don't have a weak bladder, this sound should only affect you unless you really need to urinate. If you have a weak bladder, this sound could make you need to go at any point.

23. You have to change your pants sometimes

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Throughout the day you may find that your pants have become wet. You might actually be having to change your pants throughout the day because of your bladder. You may not even realise that you are leaking until you feel the wet. This can be a sign of a weak bladder.

24. Exercising can cause issues

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Exercising can sadly be very problematic for people with a weak bladder. In some cases, it can stop people doing their exercises of choice, due to the fact that they cannot control their bladder doing certain motions, for example, in some cases running and jumping.

25. Sometimes you have to run to the bathroom

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There's a difference between having to run to the bathroom because you've been bursting to go for hours, and having to run because the urge has suddenly come upon you. The latter is definitely a sign that you may have a weak bladder as it suggests you cannot control it.

26. You have to wear pads

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You may have found that you have to wear pads to catch any urine which might escape you during your everyday life. You may have found that otherwise, you can see a wet patch on your pants. So, pads can help discreetly catch any moisture - without you having to be embarrassed.

27. Your bladder sometimes causes you anxiety

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Have you ever felt anxious about a situation because of your bladder? For example, you are afraid of peeing when you cannot control it, or you are afraid of the embarrassment if you did have an accident. This could well be a sign that you have a weak bladder. You could seek medical advice to help control it.

28. Your bladder often feels uncomfortable

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When you have a weak bladder, you may also find that it often feels uncomfortable. Your bladder may not be as strong or able to hold urine in, and so when you need to go it may start to feel uncomfortable, in a way other people may only experience after a few hours without urinating.

29. You've noticed some blood

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This sign is not common, but some people who have an extremely weak bladder have at times noticed a little bit of blood in their urine. BUT, this sign should always be checked out. Whenever you notice blood when you pee, you should consult a medical professional because it can be a sign of things more serious.

30. It's causes you embarrassment

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Nobody should feel embarrassment or shame because they are experiencing a weak bladder, a very real medical condition. If this is the case, that you are embarrassed because of you bladder, it could be that you have a weak bladder. But there are things you can do to help it.

31. Tips to help manage a weak bladder: start doing pelvic floor exercises

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The pelvic floor muscles are the muscles that are responsible for supporting the bladder in a strong way, so if your pelvic floor muscles are weak it could make your bladder leaks even more. It's worth practicing pelvic floor exercises, which are easily done at home, to strengthen everything!

32. Avoid heavy lifting

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If you're worried about bladder troubles, then lifting heavy objects is only going to make it worse. This is because heavy lifting puts strain on your back, knees and your pelvic floor. If your pelvic floor muscles are being strained, it might make it more likely for your bladder to leak.

33. Quit smoking

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It's actually the case that weak bladders are more common in people who do smoke, or have smoke, than in those who haven't. It might be the case that smoking leads to a loss of oxygen in the muscles of the bladder. It's always worth seeing if quitting smoking makes a difference - not least because of the other health benefits!

34. Adjust your diet for good bladder health!

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Eating a healthy diet is important, but there are ways to optimize it for your bladder health specifically. Urine has the liquid waste products from the food you eat, and certain foods can actually be an irritant for your bladder, or even cause muscle spasms. It's recommended to avoid anything acidic or citrusy.

35. Shed those extra pounds

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It's actually more likely you might have a weak bladder if you're severely overweight, or carrying extra pounds. It can make a huge difference on your bladder and urinary incontinence if you can get to a healthy weight - and hey, if you're eating healthy good-for-your-bladder foods anyway, win win!

36. And keep up with regular exercise

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This is a must-do for a healthy lifestyle and losing weight, but even if you're at a healthy weight, regular exercise is a must for your bladder situation. Getting into good routine or signing up for your local gym will make it more likely to keep the weight off and improve your bladder.

37. Do what you can to avoid constipation

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We know it's not easy to avoid constipation when it decides to hit, but what you eat and drink can make a difference for the risk of it. Constipation puts pressure on your colon, which can then negatively impact your bladder which could result in extra leakages!

38. Cut out the extra cup of coffee!

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Caffeine can play havoc with your bladder - it irritates the bladder muscles which can make them spasm and lead to you needing the toilet more often. Not only that, but caffeine increases the amount of water let out through urine, all of which can make it more likely for weak bladder accidents!

39. And cut down on your alcohol intake

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Alcohol can cause the same havoc on your bladder in terms of releasing more water through urine, and this is often why when you 'break the seal' after a night out drinking, you need the toilet
all the time
! If you reduce your alcohol intake, it may reduce the instances of a full bladder feeling!

40. DO keep drinking lots of water

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One thing you might do when you're worried about a weak bladder is cut down on your water intake, because you're thinking that will make you need the toilet more or increase the risk of accidents. But you always need to drink enough water, and it'll keep your bladder strong - as well as reduce the risk of constipation - if you stay hydrated.

41. Try yoga or pilates

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While it's important to exercise more, there are certain types of exercises that can actually make your bladder situation worse by putting pressure on it, like high-intensity workouts. Pilates or yoga is the best exercise you can try for strengthening your core and your pelvic floor, both of which will benefit your bladder!

42. Watch what you wear

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If you're feeling self conscious about your bladder issues, what your wear is going to make a huge difference to managing the situation. You might want to avoid anything you think will be more 'revealing' of any accidents, like dresses or skirts, and choose darker colored trousers!

43. Incontinence underwear might help

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A good way to deal with bladder leakages and the worry of a weak bladder is to know you have the security of underwear designed to handle all of that. It might not be nice to think you have to wear something like this, but hey - nobody is going to see, and you'll feel better about it!

44. Speak to a doctor

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Of course one of the best things you can do if your weak bladder is really causing an issue is to speak to a doctor about it - both to find out what might be causing it, and what they would recommend in terms of dealing with it on a daily basis! Sooner rather than later is always the way!

45. Scope out the bathrooms in any new places

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There's nothing worse than going to a new place with a weak bladder and then not being able to find a bathroom in time. To give you better peace of mind, it's a good idea to scout out the bathrooms first in a new place, or research online ahead of time if they have public restrooms!

46. Be open about it

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We know you might not want to use it as a conversation opener, but keeping it a secret won't help you to deal with it either. You can be honest with friends and family about it, because that way they'll better understand why you need to go to the toilet urgently, what you're dealing with and which foods/drinks to cut back on!

47. Learn to lift the right way

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We mentioned about heavy lifting, but we know there are certain situations you can't avoid it, like hefting a suitcase or wanting to pick up a young member of your family! The best way to still be able to lift things and worry less about your bladder is to tighten your pelvic floor muscles and squeeze them in before you lift!

48. Avoid spicy foods

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Spicy food can be one of the worst irritants on your bladder - you might have only thought they'd irritate your stomach and pesky bowel movements, but it's all connected, and your bladder could suffer for it too! To make sure your bladder doesn't get a bigger nudge than it needs, cut out the hot stuff!

49. Cut out any artificial sweeteners

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Certain artificial sweeteners have the power to irritate your bladder. These include sodium saccharine and aspartame, so you'll want to check packets for those names! Artificial sweeteners can also work in the same way that caffeine and alcohol do by making you need to urinate more!

50. Train your bladder for a new schedule

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When you're suffering with a weak bladder, you start to build a pattern - both physically and psychologically - about how fast you can get to the toilet and how often you need to go. Retraining your bladder can actually be a thing - and it's all about strengthening it. You set a certain amount of times to visit the bathroom every day, and try to hold it in between the scheduled visits. It might help!

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