1. A flawless finish!

Image Source: Reddit.com
Believe it or not, Brillo pads are fantastic at providing that perfect finish to newly sanded worktops. Before you varnish, simply scrub the surface with a Brillo pad to remove any left over debris from sanding. This will give your worktops a really smooth surface to varnish over.
2. Speed up the aging process of wood

Image Source: southernrevivals.com
If you want your wooden surfaces to look old and classy, Brillo pads are amazing at giving that
aged look quickly. And you don't even need to leave it outside for a few years to weather. Simply dip your Brillo pad into vinegar and you'll get this silvery-brown liquid that you can use to stain new wood and make it look like it's seen a few years!
3. A drain strainer

Image Source: Reddit.com
Clogged drains are such an inconvenience that seem to occur over and over again. But fear not! You can actually use a Brillo pad to prevent blockages. All you need to do is place the Brillo pad over the drain in your sink or shower and it'll catch anything that has the potential to clog them.
4. Sharpen your scissors

Image Source: Reddit.com
Are your scissors looking a little blunt? Well, you can even use Brillo pads to sharpen them! All you have to do is snip into a steel Brillo pad and the blades will sharpen! And in the process, you can make the Brillo pad go further. Simply put the smaller cut sections into a zippy bag and save them for when you need to use them.
5. Get rid of crayon marks from your wallpaper

Image Source: Reddit.com
If you have little children running around at home, it's likely that you're in desperate need of hacks that will help you easily refresh your home! And if you have a little Picasso at home, be sure to stock up on some Brillo pads to get those lovely crayon marks off your wallpaper without damaging it!
6. Clean your oven

Image Source: Reddit.com
Ovens are really tough to clean. But Brillo pads are tougher! It's true, they can really get rid of the most stubborn stains and you don't even need to scrub that much. Simply use a non-abrasive soap and warm water and the Brillo pads will do the rest.
7. Evict critters

Image Source: Reddit.com
You can even use Brillo pads to plug up holes that appear in the exterior walls of your home. However, it is important to remember that copper or steel wire is said to work better but Brillo pads offer up a temporary solution if you have a critter problem in your home.
8. Start a fire

Image Source: Reddit.com
You can even start a fire with the steel wire in Brillo pads. So if you're out of matches and happen to be carrying a battery and a Brillo pad, you can create a fire by touching the positive and negative terminals to the steel wire. But remember: safety first!
9. Stunning nail art

Image Source: Reddit.com
Brillo pads are also excellent for creative projects because of their interesting texture. You can even use them to create beautiful ombre nail art with a sponge effect. All you have to do is cut up your brillo pads into small squares, dip them into some nail polish, and stamp the color onto your nails. And be sure to apply a topcoat for a more professional finish!
10. Resurfacing jewelry with a brushed finish

Image Source: Reddit.com
Sometimes, your favorite jewelry will become tarnished, dirty, or scratched which will make it look a little dull. But Brillo pads can help. Simply soak your jewelry in a mixture of baking soda and water to remove the dirt, and then get a small square of your Brillo pad to brush over the surface to give it its original effect. But make sure you dry your jewelry thoroughly to avoid dark spots appearing overtime.
11. Removing stains from coffee cups and mugs

Image Source: Reddit.com
Coffee cups and mugs can look a little unsightly over time. And you might be pretty hesitant to offer a visitor to your home a hot drink in one of your stained mugs. But it is actually possible to get your cups sparkling again with the use of a Brillo pad.
12. Removing scuff marks from the floor

Image Source: Reddit.com
You can even give your dull and marked floors a new sparkle and shine with a Brillo pad. Scuff marks seem to appear all the time and it probably feels like you're spending lots of time scrubbing them. But if you use a Brillo pad lightly on your floor, it'll do the job in just a few short moments. Music to our ears!
13. Cleaning grills and outdoor cooking equipment

Image Source: Reddit.com
Your outdoor grills and BBQs probably don't always get the love they need. They're outside so they're more than likely forgotten about regularly, especially as BBQ'd on food is really difficult to remove. Not with a Brillo pad though as they are tough on cooked on food!
14. Removing paint from concrete surfaces

Image Source: Reddit.com
We've all been there: spilling or splatting paint on the concrete outside when we've tried or hand at some DIY. And it's probably still there, isn't it? Well, you can actually remove it by scrubbing it with a Brillo pad. But make sure the paint is completely dry before you try this, otherwise, you're risking just smearing it around and making it worse.
15. Cleaning bicycle chains

Image Source: Reddit.com
Bicycle chains can be a little awkward to clean because of their jagged shape and placement. And if you don't clean them after a bike ride, especially if it was a particularly wet or muddy one, they will become rusty and stiff. So make sure you use a Brillo pad to clean them on a regular basis.
16. Scrubbing algae and moss from outdoor furniture

Image Source: Reddit.com
As the weather heats up, long summer evenings spent sitting in the garden are certainly on the horizon. But there's one problem: your garden furniture. It's gotten absolutely covered in algae over the winter and nobody wants to sit on that. So get your Brillo pads out and some warm soapy water and you'll have them as good as new in no time!
17. Removing graffiti from painted surfaces

Image Source: YouTube
You might have been given the unfortunate task of removing graffiti from painted walls. And short of painting over it or hiring a specific graffiti remover, there isn't much else to do. But don't subject yourself to this just yet and try using a Brillo pad and some washing liquid detergent and see how that works - it might just be successful.
18. Removing sticker residue from surfaces

Image Source: Reddit.com
When you get a new electronic device, a common complaint is a residue left after peeling a sticker off. It can seem impossible to get the unsightly residue off and you obviously can't use water to soak it off! So try lightly scrubbing it with a Brillo pad, it might just surprise you.
19. Restoring antique lamps and light fittings

Image Source: Reddit.com
Antique lamps and light fittings can be absolutely stunning. But often, they remain quite dull because of their age and they seem to lose their shine forever. So if you have a light fitting that has encrusted dirt or a dark tarnish, you can use a Brillo pad to safely buff the raised surfaces. This way, you are still leaving an aged effect on the lamp but giving it a new lease of life!
20. Cleaning pots and pans

Image Source: Reddit.com
Even the toughest grease and grime, like the kind you have stuck to your stainless steel pans, can be tackled with a Brillo pad. And all you need to do is dampen your Brillo pad with some warm water and scrub! But make sure you're not cleaning any pans with a 'nonstick' surface as this will completely destroy that purpose!
21. Removing tar and grease from car parts

Image Source: Reddit.com
Removing tar and grease from car parts can be a huge challenge. But using a Brillo pad makes it much easier. Just make sure you don't use the Brillo pad on the outside of your vehicle because they will probably scratch the paintwork. And nobody wants that!
22. Scrubbing baked-on food off of baking sheets

Image Source: Reddit.com
Stainless steel baking sheets are commonly full of baked-on food that feels impossible to remove. You've also probably got a few of them in your cupboard that are looking a little rusted too. So be sure to scrub them with warm water, liquid detergent, and a Brillo pad to restore them to their former glory!
23. Removing water stains from stainless steel sinks

Image Source: Reddit.com
If you have a stainless steel sink in your house, you're probably well aware of the unsightly water stains they tend to get on them. But if you scrub at these with a Brillo pad and a little warm water, you can get your stainless steel sink sparkling again in no time!
24. Remove soap scum

Image Source: Reddit.com
Soap scum in the bathroom is really persistent. You probably find it often on clear shower screens or curtains and it can look quite dirty, even though it's soap! And no amount of wiping it away seems to work. Next time, though, try a Brillo pad and you'll probably have a lot more success in making your bathroom shine.
25. Clean grout

Image Source: Reddit.com
Grout between tiles often looks unsightly, especially if it's turning black with mold and dampness. You don't even really need any cleaning products to sort this out though because you can scrub at it with a damp Brillo pad and this should remove the black from between your tiles.
26. Make the toilet bowl sparkle and shine

Image Source: Reddit.com
You can even get your toilet bowl clean and fresh using a Brillo pad, especially if you have lots of stains in there. Using a mixture of baking soda, water, and vinegar is a natural and effective way to loosen the dirt and then you can scrub the bowl with your Brillo pad to get it sparkling. Another tip is to use some lemon juice for a fresh scent.
27. Scrub stubborn stains

Image Source: Reddit.com
Stains that appear on your stove tops can be really stubborn but using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar and then scrubbing it with a Brillo pad has been found to be a really effective way of removing those awkward stains that you would usually just leave.
28. Removing rust from metal surfaces

Image Source: Reddit.com
And stubborn stains aren't the only thing that Brillo pads will remove. You can even get rid of rust from stainless steel. So those surfaces that you thought were doomed to a life of rust can actually be shined up and restored to their former sparkle! Good news!
29. Shining up garden tools

Image Source: Reddit.com
Don't retire your garden tools just yet! They do get really rusted really easily, especially if you don't clean them after getting them wet and full of soil! But they're not doomed, you can restore them by scrubbing the rust away with a Brillo pad. You'll find that they become super shiny again too!
30. Recycle them!

Image Source: Reddit.com
It's true that you can recycle Brillo pads! You have to make sure that all of the detergents are out of them though because this can be toxic to wildlife and to the environment. You can even cut up the box they come in and put the pieces into your compost!