12+ Examples Of Pretty Privilege

By Joy Boyd 1 year ago

1. The rules don't always apply to you

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One person said they were pulled over for speeding on the same day as their much more attractive co-worker. The pretty co-worker was let off with a warning for going 16 mph over the limit while the other person was given a ticket for going 11 mph over. The injustice!

2. You likely have more friends

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It's said that if you are pretty, it's easier to make friends because people consider you more approachable. This also applies to getting more matches in online dating where everything is based on looks. Though, to be fair, these relationships and friendships may be more surface level and superficial.

3. You're considered quirky instead of weird

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One girl said she was not attractive in high school, so she was often considered to be weird and a loner. She said that most people viewed her personality negatively. After she had a glow up one summer, she still had the same personality but it was considered to be quirky and interesting.

4. People want to talk to you

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It's been said that people who were severely overweight and then lose it notice a difference in how people treat them. Often, it's reported that after the weight loss they find they get more friends, people notice them more and guys want to be around them.

5. It gets you out of sticky situations

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There are studies that show that if you are considered conventionally attractive, it can actually reduce your jail time and perhaps even get you out of a guilty verdict! There's a reason lawyers focus on their client's clothes and appearance in court to help convince a jury of a certain persona.

6. It can help you get a better job

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There have been reports of managers at restaurants that are considered upscale to want hostesses with a certain appearance. Hiring managers have said that they are often told to mark a resume of any girl who is overweight or unattractive so that they know not to hire them. Rude!

7. You probably make more money

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Going off of that, if you work a service or hospitality job, you're likely pulling in more money than your less attractive counterparts. Studies have shown that customers tip more generously at bars and restaurants if they consider the waitstaff attractive.

8. You can get into clubs and other perks easier

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Pretty people know that things just come easier to them. They might experience more frequent upgrades on flights, first entry into the best clubs, and even free meals. A reminder that beauty standards are subjective and you shouldn't let them define you even when society is doing the opposite!

9. Your opinion is considered more valuable

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There is a girl with a facial deformity who reported she had surgery to "fix" it and once she had the procedure, people immediately started taking her more seriously and listening to what she had to say because she was considered more attractive. This should not be the norm!

10. Your entire worldview seems brighter

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In one study, a woman reported that when she first moved to LA, people thought she was a model or actress and she was always treated well and found LA to be very fun and friendly. Then she got pregnant and started experiencing acne, and people started talking to her less and stopped paying attention to her.

11. On the flip side, people think you don't have problems

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People who are considered pretty, especially young women, have reported they are often not taken seriously around issues of mental health. How could someone be pretty and have mental health problems? Surely it's impossible to be depressed or anxious if you have a pretty face... right?!

12. You get a better education

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Someone who worked at multiple universities said that it's noticeable that the better the school, the more attractive the students are. This person observed that it was likely because attractive people get more attention and help from a young age. They're expected to succeed because of how they look!

13. You likely get to spend less money

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Women who have pretty privilege often get more gifts from men in particular. Things like meals, clothes, and even bills paid for because of how they look. It's putting so much emphasis and value on someone's appearance, thinking that pretty people deserve more than unattractive people.

14. You don't have to do the dirty work

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It's very very rare to see a beautiful woman doing a job such as housekeeping or being a road sweeper. Society seems to operate under the assumption that how your face looks correlates with how capable you are of doing a job. It's as if being beautiful and being wealthy are meant to go hand in hand.

15. You can depend on looks instead of talent

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We've all seen it in Hollywood. Someone with a great face that really pops on camera, but their acting/talent is.... lackluster. Yet they still seem to have a flourishing career in the industry. Of course, a lot of Hollywood is built on looks, but it carries over into the rest of society that just because you're pretty you're a person of note.

16. You might get stereotyped

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Pretty privileged people have said that it's often hard to feel valued just for yourself vs your looks. They said that it's common for people to assume that you've never faced hardships or that your life must be super easy. They've also said that some people immediately greet them with an attitude, because they assume they're stuck up because they're attractive.

17. Men may feel entitled to be inappropriate around you

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People with pretty privilege, particularly women, report that men often treat them very superficially, assuming that they will be an easy person to land, because they're pretty. It's interesting that on one hand, we as a society value pretty people more but on the other, treat them with less respect, because we assume they're less intelligent or worthy of being known beyond their looks.

18. Other women see you as a competition or threat

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As much as we're trying to change the conversation around beauty standards, it's not uncommon for women to see pretty girls as competition. They either want to be you or want to see you fail. This can often lead to pretty people feeling lonely or excluded.

19. You get a lot more compliments

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If you have pretty privilege, you likely know that the world finds you attractive. Beyond just compliments on your looks, studies have shown that pretty people receive more compliments in general, whether it's from friends, family or even teachers. They're often encouraged more regularly and seen through a positive lens.

20. You get faster and better service

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Pretty women have reported that they get better and faster bar service whenever they're out. In fact, they're often the designated "drink getter" amongst their friends, because they get discounts and quicker service when everyone else is getting ignored or having to wait forever to get a drink.

21. Men experience benefits too

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Good looking men have reported better treatment at work, including more promotions. Their less attractive counterparts may often be overlooked or passed on for certain work, when both are equally competent, which can only be chalked up to as class pretty privilege!

22. You get catcalled a lot

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Women with pretty privilege report an increase in sexual harassment. They've also said that they receive a lot of overly sexual messages almost immediately on dating apps. These same women have said the privilege is quick to go away if they're seen out with their children or significant others, and in fact, can almost go the other way of disgust or hostility or just poor attitudes.

23. People overlook your flaws

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We see it time and time again with social media influencers who capitalize on their pretty privilege. They may have shitty personalities (not all of them!) or be boring or mean or even do terrible things, but people are quick to overlook those flaws, because of how they look. We see the same with celebrity culture.

24. You have a lot of self-confidence

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Pretty people tend to invest more into their appearance, whether it be clothes, makeup, the latest hairstyles or sometimes even surgeries to achieve ultimate perfection. But even without these things, when you know you're pretty it can boost your self-confidence and ambition in all areas of life.

25. You're considered a 'regulation hottie'

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If you've seen movies like
Princess Diaries
Mean Girls
, then you know that pretty privilege exists. Our society places value on people based on how they look, and we see this play out in our entertainment. Whether it's Mia or Cady, we see both of these girls get treated differently after their makeovers.

26. You get placed in leadership positions without trying

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One person said that all you have to do to see pretty privilege is to go on LinkedIn and check out basically any big company's sales team/managers. It's almost a guarantee that they will be conventionally attractive, because it's a known fact that pretty people make more sales, not because of skill but because of our perception of them.

27. You can hit someone with your car and not get in trouble?!

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A person with pretty privilege reported that they accidentally hit someone with their car. The person was noticeably and rightfully upset, until they saw her face. She said as soon as he saw her, he immediately changed his tune, told her not to worry, and actually had a pleasant conversation about sports before going on his way.

28. You get a lot of new opportunities

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One guy who is 6'4" and good looking said he became a cop for all the right reasons. Within just a few months of working there, they made him the press guy, doing any of the media and on camera interviews that came up. Simply because he looked the part.

29. People give you compliments that aren't always true

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On the downside of receiving a lot of compliments, it can be hard to know what's true. One TikTok user said that because they're perceived as pretty, they receive a lot of positive comments no matter what, such as "You're so funny," or "You're such a good singer." The user reported that it's hard to know what's true and when people are just blowing smoke.

30. You don't have real friends

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While people may want to be around you more or consider you more approachable because you're pretty, it may be harder to find friends who truly value you. People who are friends with pretty people have reported feeling overlooked or excluded when with their attractive friends, which makes it hard to keep good friends around.

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