1. Aloe Vera

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Aloe vera is a succulent plant. When you break open the leaf it is full of a liquid gel-like substance. You can either water this down so that it's less harsh on your skin - or wipe the leaf directly onto the scar. The enzymes and antioxidants could help to reduce your scars over some time.
2. Vitamin E

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You can get vitamin E in oil form to easily apply it to your scar. Try this every day for a few weeks and some studies have shown that it could really help the appearance of your scar and make them less noticeable. You only need to dab on a small amount and rub it on the scar until it's soaked in the skin.
3. Honey

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Honey is a natural product that has SO many health benefits. Not only is it a natural disinfectant but it's healing properties could also contribute to diminishing your scars. Just dab a little bit on your scar over night. You can cover it with a plaster or some kind of covering so that it has time to sit on the skin without rubbing off.
4. Exercise

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An easy and natural way is simply to exercise! Exercise gets our blood flowing and pumping around out body and it can increase the collagen in our skin. So, try and see whether an increase in exercise has an effect on reducing your scars, without having to apply anything to the area.
5. Coconut oil

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Coconut is a great all round natural way to moisturise your skin. And moisturising is one great way to naturally help to get rid of your scars. Try applying coconut oil every morning or night to see whether you can notice a difference. It should take a few weeks.
6. Apple cider vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar is something that is becoming more and more popular due to more being discovered about it's many health benefits. And it turns out it can also help get rid of your scars. Mix a little bit with some water before dabbing it right into the scarred area of your skin.
7. Lavender oil

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Lavender is well known for how soothing it can be. Not only can it relax us and help us sleep, but rubbing lavender oil on our scars could help get rid of them over time. Again, repeat this process every day to be able to see results within a couple of months.
8. Vitamin C

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Vitamin C is a great vitamin for the overall health and appearance our skin, it can brighten it and it could also help get rid of scars. The best way to do this is not just applying it to the skin but consuming vitamin C in our diet so that it can take action from the inside out.
9. Olive oil

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Not only is olive oil good to eat, but it's also great straight onto the skin. It could help get rid of your scars if you rub some oil into the scarred area daily. Massage it in for a few minutes to avoid feeling super oily and greasy and it wiping off onto your clothes instead of soaking in.
10. Lemon

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This is a super easy, natural way to help get rid of scars. Just get a little slice of lemon and squeeze a few drops onto the scar. The antioxidants and vitamins in the lemon juice your help remove the appearance of the scar and it could help to lighten darker scars.
11. Potato

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This one may sound a little bit strange, but hear us out. Potato contains naturally occurring minerals which can have an effect on our skin and it can help with blemishes and scarring. Just slice up a potato and hold the raw potato flesh against the scar for around 20 minutes per day.
12. Rosehip oil

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Rosehip oil contains vitamin C and vitamin A which can both contribute to getting rid of the appearance of your scars. Apply a few drops of rosehip oil every night and rub it onto the scarred area. After a few weeks of repeating this every night you should see some improvement.
13. Frankincense oil

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Frankincense oil is packed full of minerals that can help the appearance of your skin in general, and specifically for scar improvement. To use the oil, first mix it with something else such as olive or coconut pile before applying it. Then, after around 20 minutes sitting on the skin you can wash it off.
14. Baking soda

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Now applying baking soda to your skin may sound odd - but it helps! Don't just sprinkle it on, first create a kind of paste by mixing a little bit with a few drops of water and then apply it directly to the scar tissue. Rub it in for a few minutes each time, and try and repeat this almost every day.
15. Turmeric

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Turmeric is not only great to eat in foods, but it's also great applies on top of the skin due to it's healing properties. Mix a little bit with some water or some kind of oil to help it stick to the skin and leave it for around half an hour before washing it off so that the turmeric does not stain your clothes.
16. Calendula

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Calendula can come in oils or creams so that it is easier to apply to your skin. It's a great natural way to get rid of your scars. Massage it over the area every day and in a couple of months time see whether you can already notice an improvement in how your scar looks.
17. Sandalwood powder

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Sandalwood powder can be used to help get rid of your scars. To make it easier to put into your scar, try mixing it with a substance such as honey to form a paste which you can easily apply. It contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, both of which can help get rid of scars.
18. Fenugreek

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Not many people realise that fenugreek seeds are packed full of antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties which make them perfect for helping get rid of scars. To be able to apply them, soak them in water the night before so that you can then mash them into a paste and apply it to the skin.
19. Onion extract

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Onion extract, or just a slice up onion if you cannot get extract, is an easy way to improve your scarring. Leave it on the skin for around 10 minutes each time and do this every day to be able to notice an improvement in reducing the appearance of the scarring,
20. Cucumber

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Cucumber is one of those things that not only works to soothe your skin, but you can also feel it soothing and cooling at the same time. Slice up some cucumber and leave it on top of the scar for around 20 minutes, or even longer if you can. Repeat this daily if possible.
21. Tea tree oil

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Tea tree oil is our skin's best friend. It works in SO many ways to help our skin, from soothing, to healing blemishes, and also to getting rid of scars. It's also super easy to find and to apply and a couple of drops massaged into the skin every day should do the trick.
22. Papaya

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Papaya is a fruit that's not always so easy to get hold of. But, it does amazing things for our skin. It contains something called papain, which is an enzyme which is thought to break down old scar tissue and help generate new skin cells, making it the perfect solution to get rid of scars.
23. Green tea

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Green tea is one of those drinks which seems to be amazing for everything, both inside and out. And it's no different with scars. Make your green tea and wait for it to be cool enough to apply to your scar and let it soak in to your skin for some time.
24. Chamomile

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And another form of tea which is not only supposed to be great for your internal health benefits, but can also help externally with scars is chamomile tea. The soothing and calming kind of tea. Again, wait for this to cook once brewed and then apply it over the skin.
25. Gotu Kola

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Gotu Kola is a natural growing plant that is renowned for helping the skin and for helping scars heal and disappear. It is thought to help the body repair tissue and wounds and it can also help stop scars from growing more. The only downside is it's harder to get hold of than other remedies.
26. Witch hazel

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Witch hazel is not only great for blemishes and acne, but it's also great to help get rid of scars due to the inflammatory properties it has. It usually comes in the form of a gel which can easily be applied and there is no need to rinse it off again, making it a very easy and simple scar solution.
27. Avocado

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Avocados are super popular for a reason. They're delicious, they're great for you, and now it turns out they could help get rid of scars. Mush a little bit up and wipe some over the scar and leave it there for around 15 minutes or as long as you like to allow it to work properly.
28. Shea butter

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Shea butter is a great way to moisturise our skin and also to help reduce the appearance of scars. And it smells delicious so it's a win-win. Juts rub it onto the scar - or all over your body, every night to help it work. Massage it into the scar area for a minute or two.
29. Fish oil

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Don't worry, we're not suggesting you lather yourself in fish oil to reduce scars. This ingredient is great when consumed as it works from the inside outwards. Try taking a fish oil supplement, it's a great way to help try and get rid of your scars as it has so many benefits for the health of the skin.
30. Jojoba oil
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Jojoba oil does not just improve the appearance of our skin but it can also help improve the texture, as well as minimising scar appearance! You only need a very small amount which you apply on to the scar and rub it in until it has soaked into the skin.