Using A Moisturizer vs Not Using One

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We don't blame you if you're feeling overwhelmed with all this skincare talk - just when you feel like you're doing the right thing, you read something about how you shouldn't be using this and that, and moisturizers are one of many. There are many important reasons to use moisturizers, but some people also think you shouldn't be using one
too much.
How Does A Moisturizer Even Work?

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As we know, water is really important for your body, and that doesn't just mean chugging a gallon every day. Moisture in your skin is important, too, and moisturizing will help to keep your skin topped up by refreshing the surface of the skin, and 'locking in' that moisture as well as key nutrients.
It'll Probably Feel Like A Chore At First

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So you're deciding to use moisturizer every day - there's no doubt it's going to feel like a chore at first, and especially when you don't see results within 15 minutes. There's no doubt moisturizing every day can feel like a slog, but you'll soon get into a good routine with it!
You'll Start To Have Less Of A Risk Of Skin Problems

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Using a moisturizer (and any kind of skincare product really) is all about keeping the balance of your skin. And when your skin is healthy and balanced, there's much less a risk of skin problems, like red patches, acne or irritation. So you might see any issues going down when you use moisturizer over time.
But Getting The Right Moisturizer For Your Skin Type Makes All The Difference

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Of course, seeing a decrease in any skin problems all depends on the kind of skin you have, and the moisturizer you're using! If you have oily skin, you don't want to be using a moisturizer for dry skin. So always make sure to check the skin type before you buy a new product.
Your Blemishes Will Start To Be Less Obvious

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If you have blemished skin, moisturizer can help that to be less obvious. This is because it'll give your skin surface a consistent sheen, which can help to blend in any blemishes, as well as the fact that some moisturizers come with other features like tan or tinting, which can then make your skin look less blemished!
Your Skin Will Start To Fight Signs Of Aging

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Most of us take our skincare seriously because we want our skin to look as young as possible, for as long as possible - and the good news is, moisturizer will help with that! When you think of young-looking skin, you think of hydrated and glowing, which is what you'll get compared to dry and loose.
You'll Be Helping Your Skin In The Fight To Repair Itself

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Your skin is constantly working to repair itself, which is exhausting, and this happens the most on really sensitive areas, like the face and neck. When your skin loses skin cells and replaces them, day in and day out, it can leave your skin vulnerable and dry - and that's where moisturizer will help to keep it in check.
Your Skin Will Feel More Plump (And Less Wrinkly)

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When you think of wrinkles - or when you feel them on your face - it's often dry and cracked that you associate them with. Just notice the difference to the feeling of your skin when you moisturize - it's more likely to feel smooth and plump because of the hydration!
You'll Replace The Moisture Lost After A Hot Shower

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Hot showers are the best for keeping clean and relaxing, but it's also a sad truth they strip your skin of essential moisture. So what do you need to do? Replace it, of course! Moisturizing every day after a shower will keep your skin healthy because you're making sure to replace the moisture lost from showering.
Let's Face It: It'll Feel Great!

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On the simplest level, when you moisturize every day, your skin just
feels good. You'll notice a difference to the way you feel, which should be less dryness and tightness and more healthy feeling when you move your face! Regardless of whether you wear makeup or not, it'll feel better.
But Make Sure To Let Your Moisturizer Soak In Before Makeup!

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We understand the morning rush all too well, which means most people jump out of the shower, put moisturizer on and then apply their makeup quickly over it. But you should give your moisturizer time to soak in so that you can get all the benefits - around 2 minutes - before applying makeup.
The Same Goes For Body Moisturizer

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When you're applying a body moisturizer after a hot morning shower, too, give your skin about 2 minutes to let it soak in before getting dressed. This will not only give the moisturizer chance to work, but it'll also mean you're not feeling sticky in your clothes!
You'll Be Better Protected From Sun Damage

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Go for a moisturizer that also has built-in SPF protection, and this way you'll be protecting your skin from sun damage. This is ideal for people who always forget to put sunscreen on for the day - making sure you're moisturizing with a 2-in-1 SPF product means you'll already have done it!
Nutrients Will Be Locked-In Better, Day After Day

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Because moisturizer acts as a barrier to lock in the good stuff in your skin, it means that your skin will be able to benefit from nutrients better, day after day, when you apply moisturizer. This can make sure your skin stays in its best shape and looks better for longer.
If You've Got Dry Skin, You'll See An Improvement

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The whole battle with dry skin is that your skin doesn't have enough natural moisture like it should, so it could feel tight, flaky and less-than-smooth to the touch. When you moisturize every day, you're ensuring your skin gets the moisture it needs, so it's a must for dry skin!
You Could Have Less Environmental Damage To Your Skin, Too

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Your skin is affected by everything around it, like dirt in the air, general bacteria and the change in weather. Simple things like going from a heated house to the cold winter outside can affect your skin's balance. Moisturizer works to protect your skin from environmental things like that.
Moisturizers Come In A Range Of Thickness - And It Makes A Difference

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We know there are a million different products on the shelves - which is why it can be stressful to choose one - but selecting a moisturizer isn't just about choosing a brand. Moisturizers come in light, mid-range and heavy thickness. If you have oily skin, it's better to have a lighter moisturizer, as thicker ones could clog. Thicker ones are ideal for dry skin.
If You're Acne-Prone, You Should See Less Spots

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Everyone's skin is different, so moisturizer is definitely not the complete solution for tackling acne, but moisturizer can definitely help. It can help to balance out the moisture levels of oily skin so that your skin won't produce too much of its own moisture and clog your pores - leading to spots.
And Oily Skin Will Feel Healthier

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If you've been avoiding using moisturizer because your skin already feels like it's dripping anyway, we understand - but moisturizer is just as important for oily skin as it is for dry skin. If you don't use moisturizer, your skin will produce more oil because it thinks it's too dry!
You'll Need To Adjust Your Moisturizing For The Seasons

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To reap the benefits of a moisturizer, you'll also need to change your routine throughout the year depending on the weather, and what you're doing. You'll need to tackle hot weather where you're sweating a lot, or cold weather with your face iced over, by the right moisturizing routine.
Can Moisturizing Actually Be BAD For Your Skin?

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Ah yes - with skincare, there's always the cons as well as the pros! Some skin experts say moisturizer can be bad for your skin, while others swear by it. So what are you supposed to do? Well, it all depends on your skin type, routine, the moisturizer you're using and your know-how! Let's see how moisturizer might badly affect your skin.
Using TOO MUCH Moisturizer Can Have The Opposite Effect

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It's important for you to give your skin a chance to absorb the right amount of moisturizer, and not slather it on so that it just sits on your skin. If you put too much on, it could make it difficult for your skin to process the benefits or for the moisturizer to 'lock things in' properly.
You Could Be Stopping Your Skin From 'Shedding' Dead Skin Cells

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As mentioned, your skin is working hard to shed dead skin cells and replace them with shiny news ones. But apparently, if you're putting a barrier of moisturizer on your skin, it might be stopping those skin cells from shedding off naturally and actually locking the dead skin back in place.
Your Complexion Might Even Look Dull

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Because of this, this can result in your complexion looking more dull than more glowing. If the dead skin cells are still stuck to your skin because of the moisturizer, you might see more of the dull looking skin than any fresh new skin, if the moisturizer is preventing the cycle.
But This Could Be Countered By Exfoliating Once A Week

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This issue could actually be tackled by making sure you're exfoliating, though. Exfoliating is a great step in your skincare routine to get rid of dead skin cells - so if you're worried about gluing them to your face with moisturizer, you can exfoliate once a week to buff away the dead skin cells instead.
Your Skin Might Become Too Dependant On It

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Too much of a good thing could unfortunately make it so that your skin becomes dependant on all the good things about using a moisturizer, and some skin experts believe that your skin may then be less able to naturally do what it's supposed to do, because moisturizer is doing the work for it.
And Upset The Natural Balance!

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This means, over time, it could actually have the opposite effect on your skin and make your skin less able to renew itself in a healthy way, or produce its own moisture naturally, if it becomes conditioned to work with a moisturizer. This could mean your skin could be working less effectively if you ever stopped using moisturizer.
It Could Even Make Your Skin MORE Sensitive

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If your skin type is sensitive, then it could actually become more sensitive the longer you use moisturizer. This is because, if a skin's natural ability to repair itself is disrupted by moisturizer, it could result in your skin being weaker when it depends on moisturizer - and with weaker skin comes more sensitivity!
So Should You Use A Moisturizer?

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So you might be thinking, what are you even supposed to do for the best after all this? To moisturize or not moisturize? Well, the answer is definitely to moisturize - but to do it right. Use the right moisturizer for your skin type, don't put too much on, and only use moisturizer as part of a supportive skin routine overall, like pairing with sunscreen and products that promote healthy cell turnover.