They Try To Replace Parts Too Early

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We all know our cars parts will need replaced from time to time, they can be a financial burden that sometimes cause us more hassle than anything. However, sometimes a mechanic will try to use the age of the car as a way to get you to replace parts that really aren't a problem. I'm sure you understand that Oil needs to be changed after 5000 or so miles, but what a lot of people don't understand is that parts to a car follow a similar concept. Keep your eye out!
Doing Extra Work Without Your Permission

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A rogue mechanic can be particularly sneaky, especially when they know they can squeeze money out of you! If a mechanic is going to complete any work on your car they must inform you, sometimes you'll find out a dodgy mechanic has carried out unexpected work that creates what is known as a phantom repair, which will lead to more jobs and ultimately more money out of your pocket.
Strangely Cheap Service Prices

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There's probably hundreds of mechanics within your local area, so they are all competing for your service; it is there business after all. So in order to keep customers coming in, they may start to offer deals to encourage the new customers and keep the old. Always be careful, if the annual service price seems too good to be true, it probably is! Once you've fallen for it they'll probably add cheeky additional expenses to your bill.
Overpricing the Remanufactured Parts

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Naturally, with the state of the economy, we can't always afford brand new pars for our cars; there's nothing wrong with purchasing remanufactured parts for that quick fix. However, a sneaky mechanic might try to up the price of these remanufactured parts so they're closer to the price of the new ones! Always price check!
Using Scare Tactics To Persuade You

Image Source: Auto Service World
This has likely happened to you before! Have you ever been to get your car fixed and the mechanic has said something along the lines of 'I don't think I'd let my kids get in that car' or 'Driving the car in this state could be dangerous'? They could have been using persuasive tactics in order to scare you into spending more money at their practice. Try and have some prior knowledge as to what's wrong with your care before you go!
Failing To Give You A Real Explanation

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Of course, without education in the subject, us normal people don't fully understand all of the technical terms a mechanic might use. However, a trusty mechanic will always show you what the problem is and try to break it down as best they can. The cowboy mechanics are the opposite, and they might try and skirt around the problem, not offering you a proper description, or they'll attempt to blind you with science.
The Old Dirty Filters Trick

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Car filters get dirty. That's natural. But this isn't a task that needs to be completed by a mechanic, and you can actually do this fairly easily yourself; there are plenty tutorials out there. Unfortunately though, a dodgy mechanic may use this old trick in order to gain an extra buck (or hundred). Some even try to get you to pay for an entirely new filter!
Straight Faced Lying To You

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Sometimes, you'll come across that kind of rogue mechanic who has no morals, and they'll do anything to get your money out of your pocket and into theirs. This could be in the form of telling you parts need replaced that don't, or maybe telling you fake stories that they've personally been through so you think it's essential.
Exaggerating How Bad Something Is

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If you're coming to the mechanic for your service, make sure you have some understanding of what might need to be fixed. If you don't a dodgy trader might sense this and start to tell you things are more broken than they actually are. This is similar to scare tactics, but it's more focused on making you worry about a certain part affecting the health of your car in the long run.
Taking Too Long To Give You Your Car Back

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We all hate having to leave our cars with the mechanic, it's such a hassle having to make adaptations to your daily life; especially when your car is your main source of transport. Sometimes, in order to leak that little bit of labor in to your final bill, the rogue trader will hold your car for a longer period of time, when in fact your vehicle has been ready for hours.
Trying To Stop You Going Independent

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Most franchise companies are trustworthy, but they can also be more expensive than independent garages on occasion. Franchises aren't rogue, but they're still a business that want your money. You might assume that if you go independent then your warranty is no longer valid, but as long as they follow the maker's service schedule and don't use irrelevant parts then it will remain valid.
Replacing Your Parts Multiple Times

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Let's be honest, we can all make mistakes, but if your mechanic suggests a part will fix your car and it doesn't then you shouldn't be forking out for their mistakes. Sometimes however, you might not realise that they're telling you this part might not fix your car, making you liable for the payment. It's always about the money for these rogue traders.
Adding Extra Labor Charges

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Certain parts within your car, like a water pump for example, require a mechanic to remove other parts so they can get to it. If these parts are also worn, or need repair then it makes sense for the mechanic to complete this too (with your permission of course)! However, some dodgy mechanics will choose to add labor for this job when it was part of the initial work!
Charging You For Parts That Weren't Even Replaced

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If you request, a mechanic can show you the replaced parts following the procedure; they often lay them out in the boot so you have a visual understanding. It's good to ask as sometimes a cowboy trader might charge you for a part that they haven't even touched. Even when you do ask, they may even use old parts from other cars that they're passing off as your own!
Unusually Low Quotes

Image Source: Innova
They really can be sneaky these rogue mechanics! Like mentioned earlier with service prices, a mechanic might give you a low verbal quote that you're content with. However, once the work is completed they set you up with a huge bill way out of your price range. Sometimes they use the excuse that the part had to come from a main dealer which cost them more so they have to push that on to you!
Not Being Fully Qualified

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Obviously, there may be apprentices working at your garage, but that isn't what I mean here. If your local mechanic is a little dodgy he might hire someone based off their friendship and not a proper car mechanics education. This could be risky when it comes to the health of your car and you'd be unlikely to get the service you were expecting. Make sure your mechanic is fully licensed before touching your car!
Being A One Trick Pony

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In a similar way to not being fully qualified, a mechanic might advertise that they can do a specific job and ONLY that job! This is definitely not a risk worth taking as if they can only complete one or a handful of tasks then it's unlikely that they are actually a professionally educated mechanic.
Trying To Persuade You To Buy More Expensive Tyres

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Tyres are expensive! But fortunately there's a number of companies who provide tyres which suit the financial capabilities of the community. For sure, if you can afford it then get the high-priced tyres, but there's usually nothing wrong with buying the smaller companies tyres (as long as they're reputable). However in order to line their pockets they might suggest you go for the big ones!
Finding 'Extra' Faults During A Service

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You go for your service thinking it's gonna be a quick one, there's not much wrong with your car is there? But the mechanic comes back with a whole list of problems that just seem irrational. They might be needed, but surely you'd know if your car was that badly damaged!
Bombarding You With Technical Speak

Image Source: The Mercury News
Like before, there's no shame in not understanding the inner workings of a vehicle. If they catch on that you're not fully clued up they might end up over-explaining stuff to you, and I wouldn't blame you if this caused you to believe that a load of extra work was needed on your car. Make sure you ask them to simplify.
Bringing Forward Scheduled Replacements

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We are all aware that certain parts of a car will need replaced or cleaned at some point during their life; this is usually based on distance. However, some places, particularly roadside mechanics will try to persuade you to replace stuff earlier than necessary. Battery lives are usually 3-4 years but they might try and change it after 2.
Suggesting New Brake Lights

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This is very specific, but brake lights are something that a cowboy mechanic might know they'll be able to get away with suggesting you replace. They might suggest that they're dull or fading, and you might fall for this knowing that if the cops see you with a dodgy brake light they can pull you over and fine you!
Knowing You're Unlikely To Get A Second Opinion

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If you rush in to the mechanics and they sense that you're not going to barter on price or the work that is needed for your car then the mechanics could abuse the fact that they're the people in control of this situation. They might suggest extra work, upsell, or push for additional extras like a car clean etc!
Automatically Changing Flat Tyres

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Flat tyres can obviously be dangerous. Often a dodgy mechanic who is looking for your money might just replace the tyre. However, if the puncture is just in the tread of the tyre it's actually fairly easy (and cheap!) to fix, something you could definitely do yourself.
Using Remanufactured Parts Without Your Knowledge

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You might think you're getting brand new parts, obviously if you're being charged for them! However, a cowboy mechanic might think they'll be able to get away with using an old replacement part to boost their funds. This may happen, especially in parts of the car you won't be seeing unless you go looking.
Damaging Your Car

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This is rare, but sometimes a garage might scratch or bump your car, likely by accident during their work. Still, this is unnecessary damage that you are going to have to sort out yourself or even pay them for! How do you prove it was them though? It's unlikely they'd take the blame right?
Purposely Missing Work So You'll Come Back

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Sometimes a dodgy mechanic might purposely miss a piece of work so that you'll return to them in the future. Although this shows a lack of respect for your safety, they're gaining labor hours and therefore more money. Especially if they do a good job on the things they do fix, you might be lulled into believing this is a new issue!
Trying To Buy Your Car For A Tiny Amount

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Some garages also offer to buy and sell second-hand vehicles. Obviously, as with all these reasons they're trying to make money, sot they're probably going to attempt to purchase your car for a substantially lower value than the car is actually worth. Get your car valued professionally before selling to anyone!
Offering Work For Cash Only Payments

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If a mechanic is only taking cash payments, my advice is to steer clear and head straight back out the door. This eliminates the paper trail and if something was to go wrong you wouldn't have a leg to stand on! It won't be hard to find a new mechanic and it will only serve you well in the long run!
Suggesting Additional Motor Oil

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Motor Oil is important within your car, but unless your car is physically leaking oil then it's very unlikely that there is much of a problem with your car. This is just another way for them to boost the money that goes into their pockets. Dirty oil is a problem, no leaking oil equals no problem!