1. Weight loss

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Compared to lighter beverages, soda is rather high in calories, possibly sugar and other artificial sweeteners. So if you drink it all the time, you're probably more likely to start to gain weight. But if you stop drinking it for 30 days, you might begin to notice your weight decrease.
2. Better hydration

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Soda is also occasionally quite high in caffeine. And this, combined with the high sugar content can actually dehydrate you. But if you put an end to slurping your favorite carbonated beverage for 30 days or more, you'll probably feel much better hydrated than before!
3. Improved digestion

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If you cut out soda, you might experience an overall improvement in your digestive system. You see, soda can really irritate your stomach and cause acid reflux, which is not pleasant for anyone. It can also bloat you quite a lot and cause other digestive problems. So if you cut it out, you might start feeling a whole lot better than before.
4. Better dental health

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Soda can be really acidic, and with its high sugar content, it can really cause some damage to your teeth. It could erode your enamel which, as we all know, usually leads to painful tooth decay and cavities. By not drinking soda, you'll probably see a huge improvement in your dental health.
5. Reduced risk of chronic diseases

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Drinking too much soda each day has been linked with a variety of chronic illnesses and diseases. These chronic diseases include type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even obesity. But if you cut out your carbonated drink of choice, you might be able to reduce your risk of developing any of these.
6. Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes

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Overconsumption of soda has also been linked to type 2 diabetes. A study conducted by Harvard University found that if you drink one to two sugary drinks per day, you are 26% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who do not consume these kinds of drinks.
7. Your risk of heart disease might decrease

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New evidence has found that people who drink too many sugary drinks, like soda, are putting themselves at an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and other related chronic illnesses. If you lower your intake of carbonated beverages or completely stop drinking them for 30 days, you will significantly lower your risk of early death from cardiovascular disease.
8. Your blood pressure will be lower

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Drinking too many sodas has also been linked to a person developing high blood pressure. But the good news is, if you stop drinking sugary carbonated beverages, you will be able to reverse this and lower your blood pressure. There is also an increased risk of hypertension that you will be able to reduce if you quit the soda for 30 days.
9. Your liver will be healthier

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A study has found that drinking carbonated beverages, whether they are high in sugar or not, is linked to a person developing fatty liver. This means that even if you think you're being
good by drinking the diet alternatives, you're still at risk of putting your liver's health at risk. Therefore reducing or completely halting your intake will reduce this risk.
10. Your skin might be clearer

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Soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks have been found to lead to inflammatory issues with the skin. These issues have the potential to cause more wrinkles prematurely, a rougher texture, and even more oil. But if you stop drinking soda for 30 days, you'll probably notice that your skin is a lot less problematic.
11. Your risk of kidney stones might decrease

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Kidney stones from drinking too much soda are pretty common. Even if you only drink one soda a day, a study found that you're 23 times more likely to develop kidney stones than people that don't drink any soda at all. So your body will certainly thank you for having that 30-day pause to break your habit.
12. Your immune system might improve

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Your white blood cells are negatively affected by sugary soda. And this is particularly bad for you because your white blood cells are the ones that fight infection. So if you stop gulping down the soda for 30 days, you'll probably feel a whole lot better and you'll find that you're getting sick less often.
13. Stronger bones

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There have been mixed results from studies exploring the effect soda has on your bones, including reducing your body's ability to absorb calcium. So there might be a chance that quitting soda for 30 days could have a positive impact on the strength of your bones.
14. Improved sleep

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Soda is typically full of sugar and caffeine. So if you drink lots of it during the day, including just before bed, you'll probably find that you have a lot of trouble falling and staying asleep. So by putting a halt on your intake, you'll probably find that you are finding it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
15. Improved energy levels

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And because of the sugar and caffeine content in soda, you're inevitably going to get a bit of a temporary boost when you drink it. But what goes up must come down, and you'll likely be experiencing sugar and caffeine crashes where you feel unbearably tired and low on energy. The good news is, you'll actually improve your energy levels if you quit soda.
16. You'll get fewer sugar cravings

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Regularly drinking sugary, caffeine-filled, carbonated drinks has been found to cause you to develop more sugar and caffeine cravings over time. But if you go cold turkey and suddenly stop drinking them, these cravings might be initially quite intense. However, once your body adjusts, you'll find that you're craving sugar and caffeine less and less.
17. Better mood

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Back in 2014, a study that tracked 250,000 adults over ten years found that those people that drank at least 2 cans of soda each day were significantly more likely to have issues with their mental health, including developing depression. So we can assume that if you drink less than this, or drink none at all, your mental health could be better.
18. You may experience fewer headaches

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When you first cut out sugary beverages, you're likely to experience some headaches. This is because you have been drinking sugary drinks on a regular basis and are more likely to experience sugar withdrawal which often includes headaches. But the good news is that this will not last long and you'll experience these much less.
19. Your risk of developing certain cancers may decrease

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Sugary drinks have often been linked with obesity. And it is common knowledge that obesity has the ability to cause up to thirteen types of cancer. Changing your lifestyle and habits, like drinking lots of soda, can certainly decrease your risk of developing certain cancers.
20. You may have fewer mood swings

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If your soda of choice is a diet soda, a direct link between the artificial sweetener used in many diet carbonated drinks, aspartame, and depression has been found. So, despite choosing the sugar-free version, you are probably putting yourself more at risk of developing depression, and cutting the drinks out may reduce your mood swings.
21. Your risk of developing Alzheimer's may decrease

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A few studies that were conducted in 2017 found that excessive consumption of soda was linked with the onset of Alzheimer's disease and also poor brain health. So it probably goes without saying that drinking less or no soda would decrease your chances of developing the disease.
22. Your risk of developing Parkinson's may decrease

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A study from 2019 found that drinking just one glass of soda a day was strongly linked to increased chances of developing Parkinson's and dying from the disease. So it probably goes without saying that cutting out sugary and diet versions of carbonated drinks is better for your overall health.
23. Your blood sugar levels may become more stable

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Not drinking extra sugary beverages will certainly bring your blood sugar levels to a stable level. This is because, when you drink these kinds of drinks regularly, your body digests the sugar really quickly, causing insulin resistance and dramatic spikes in your blood sugar levels.
24. Your risk of developing gout may decrease

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Sugary drinks, including soda and certain fruit juices, have been associated with the development of gout, or gout attacks. Interestingly, it seems to be the sugar that causes gout because a study found that diet and other sugar-free sodas and juices don't seem to have a link with the health issue.
25. Your risk of developing osteoporosis might decrease

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Medical studies have found that drinking carbonated drinks may reduce your bone density, making you more prone to developing osteoporosis. And this is said to be related to how much of the fizzy stuff you drink because the more you drink, the lower your bone density is said to be. So if you cut soda out, you're likely to decrease your chances in developing osteoporosis.
26. Your brain function may improve

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As we found out earlier, the overconsumption of carbonated drinks is said to be related to poor brain health. It has also been found in a study that conducted performance tests with a cohort of adults that drinking a higher volume of soda leads to a lower total brain volume and poorer results in the tests. So not drinking soda can improve brain function.
27. Your metabolism might improve

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It's clear that drinking lots of soda everyday, especially if it's full of sugar, can cause you to gain weight. And it can also really slow down your metabolism. But cutting it out for 30 days and breaking your habitual gulping of the carbonated beverages can actually speed up your metabolism and help you to lose the extra pounds you may have gained.
28. Fresher breath

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The acid in carbonated drinks gives it that fizzy sensation. But that acid that causes those bubbles is also a huge cause of bad breath. And this combined with your potential poor dental health can play a huge role in your stale breath issues. However, in breaking the habit, you will probably notice that those problems fade away and you end up with much fresher breath!
29. Your overall health may improve

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Overall, if you completely cut out soda for 30 days, your overall health is bound to improve, especially if you are a regular gulper of these fizzy beverages. Cutting down the sugar, the caffeine, the aspartame, and other harmful ingredients is going to be better for you health over time.
30. You'll probably feel better overall

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And because your health is improving after you cut out carbonated beverages and other sugary drinks, you'll find that you probably feel physically and mentally better overall. You might feel healthier, less bloated, brighter, more energetic and overall happier than you felt before!