1. Improved digestion

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Drinking seltzer water regularly has been found to boost digestion, as it improves your ability to swallow. One study found that carbonated water stimulates the nerves required for eating, while another study has found that regular seltzer water consumption can actually help with indigestion and stomach pain.
2. It keeps you hydrated

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
So this is a pretty obvious one, but don’t underestimate the power of hydration. If you’re experiencing dehydration, you may have a dry mouth, fatigue, headache, and trouble thinking clearly, as well as digestive issues. Seltzer water keeps all of this in check – and it keeps your skin looking dewy and fresh too.
3. It can help you lose weight

(Image/ Source: dailyexpress.co.uk)
Staying hydrated plays a key part in weight loss. Seltzer water will keep you full and satisfied for longer, which means you’ll consume less calories throughout your day. Scientific research also suggests that carbonate water forces food to stay in your stomach for longer, which will also help with that feeling of being full.
4. It's healthier than soda

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
One major pro of drinking seltzer water is the fact that it’s a MUCH healthier option than soda. Unsweetened seltzer water can serve as a refreshing replacement for soda and other sugary drinks that add empty calories to your diet, which then raise the risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes and obesity.
5. It can help with constipation

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you’re currently dealing with constipation, make sure you buy yourself some seltzer water. It’s been found to soothe the symptoms of constipation, as well as irritable bowel movements; a study has shown that participants suffering from constipation who drank carbonated water experienced improved digestive and constipation relief.
6. It clears your throat

(Image/ Source: consultant360.com)
Yep, this is actually true. Tons of studies have been carried out to investigate the benefits of seltzer water for sore throats, and they have found that participants who felt the need to clear their throats a lot found the most relief when drinking carbonated water. So if you start to feel a tickle at the back of your throat, you know what to do!
7. No phosphorus

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Phosphorus found in sodas and carbonated drinks can damage your bone health, so it’s wise to switch to a beverage that is free from phosphorus – like seltzer water! Some believe that carbonated water can actually improve bone health, as studies have found that this leads to better water retention than drinking water with minerals.
8. It has the potential to improve heart health

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
One major benefit of drinking seltzer water is that it has the potential to boost your heart health. While research is still ongoing, early results are promising; for example, studies that are measuring the effects of carbonated water on cholesterol levels are finding that it increases the “good” cholesterol we need, and decreases the “bad” cholesterol that causes heart problems.
9. It can help ease the transition from sugary drinks

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you’re trying to kick that pesky soda habit, seltzer water might help, as it will still provide that carbonated hit without the calories. You can also spice up your water with things like herbs, fruit or cucumber to enhance the flavor of your seltzer water- just buy a water bottle that also has an infuser built in.
10. And is MUCH better for you than beer

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Similarly, if you’re wanting to find a healthier carbonated drink than beer, seltzer water is a great solution. Seltzers are WAY lower in calories and carbs than your favorite beers (even if you’re going for light beer) and won’t dehydrate you. So next time you head to the bar, don’t be afraid to switch things up!
11. Boosts your physical performance

(Image/ Source: yahoo.com)
If you’re not staying hydrated with seltzer water, your physical performance can suffer. This is especially important during exercise and high heat, when you lose a percentage of your water intake through sweating. Drinking seltzer water will replace the water you lose during exercise, helping you perform at your best.
12. May help treat and prevent headaches

(Image/ Source: Reddit.com)
Studies have shown that drinking seltzer water (or normal water in fact) can actually help relieve headaches in people who experience them on a regular basis. One particular study in 102 people found that drinking an additional 50.7 ounces (1.5 liters) of water each day resulted in significant improvements, with 47% reporting an ease in symptoms.
13. May help treat kidney stones

(Image/ Source: uclahealth.org)
Kidney stones can be super painful. They are clumps of mineral crystals that clog up the kidneys, and can sometimes be flushed out with high volumes of seltzer water. This increases the amount of urine passing through the kidneys, which helps dilute the build up of minerals. Research is still ongoing though.
14. Helps prevent hangovers

(Image/ Source: smithsonianmag.com)
Most of us will have probably experienced them at some point, and they are NOT pleasant. So do yourself a favor and reach for the seltzer water. A good way to reduce the strength of a hangover is to drink a glass of water between drinks, or have at least one big glass of water before going to bed. Results aren’t guaranteed, but it certainly won’t do you any harm!
15. Lubricates the joints

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Eager to keep your joints healthy and supple? Be sure to stay on top of your seltzer water intake. Cartilage, found in joints and the disks of the spine, contains around 80 percent water, so you’ll want to stay hydrated to make sure they’re at their best. If not, your joints may lose their shock-absorbing ability, which contributes to joint pain.
16. It can help you consume MORE water

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
One of the most obvious ways that seltzer water can benefit your health is that it promotes water consumption. If you struggle to drink plain, boring tap water throughout the day, try drinking carbonated water instead to ensure you reach your daily target. You should ideally be aiming for 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day if you’re a man, and About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids per day if you’re a woman.
17. It helps form saliva and mucus

(Image/ Source: nbcnews.com)
Keeping up with your seltzer water intake helps you produce saliva and mucus. This might sound a bit icky, but your body needs it! Saliva helps us digest our food and keeps our mouth, nose, and eyes moist and health, which prevents friction and damage. Meanwhile, drinking water keeps our mouths fresh and clean.
18. It give oxygen to the body

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Did you know that our blood is made of over 90% water? Our blood carries oxygen to different parts of our bodies, helping us breathe and stay healthy. Upping your seltzer water intake helps improve your blood’s oxygen saturation level, and also helps your lungs stay hydrated. This boosts their ability to oxygenate and expel carbon dioxide.
19. Keeps your skin healthy

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
One major benefit to drinking seltzer water is its effect on the skin. It keeps your skin refreshed and hydrated, and helps retain your skin’s natural elasticity. People who drink large amounts of seltzer water on a regular basis are less likely to suffer from scars, wrinkles, and soft lines, and their skin will have a soft, dewy glow.
20. It regulates your body temperature

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
We’ve touched on how important seltzer water is for hydration during exercise, but did you know it helps regulate your temperature too? Having a lot of seltzer water in the body has been thought to reduce physical strain if heat stress occurs during exercise. That being said, more research still needs to be done.
21. It can improve your mood

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Regularly drinking seltzer water (or normal water for that matter) can actually boost your mood. Yes, really! Drinking adequate amounts each day will give you what your body needs to keep it functioning. If you get dehydrated, it can make your brain slow down, and cause a lack of energy. Bad moods are often the result.
22. It kicks tiredness to the curb

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you’re feeling sleepy these days, it might not be down to lack of sleep. Doctors are increasingly finding that tons of patients who come to them complaining of fatigue and tiredness aren’t actually hydrating themselves properly throughout the day. So be sure to keep a few bottles of carbonated water handy!
23. Protects against diseases

(Image/ Source: shape.com)
According to research, poor hydration could be a contributing factor in potentially life-threatening health problems with your heart, kidneys, lungs and bladder. Seltzer water can flushes out toxins with the help of your kidneys, and protect you against things like heat stroke and heat exhaustion.
24. Boosts concentration

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If you’re struggling to concentrate, be sure to up your seltzer water intake. Studies have suggested that dehydration can actually make your brain cells to shrink slightly, leaving it less effective than it would normally be. This translates to difficulty concentrating, and taking a longer to solve problems that you could normally do pretty easily.
25. Increases energy

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Without getting too technical, drinking seltzer water is essential for all metabolic and biochemical pathways. They are responsible for boosting the compounds in our body that give us high levels of energy. So if you want to have a productive day or play some sport, drinking seltzer water is a great place to start.
26. Boosts electrolytes

(Image/ Source: Reddit.com)
Electrolytes regulate the fluid levels in your body and blood plasma, with the most common including sodium, potassium and chloride. They enable muscle contractions, including the beating of your heart, so they’re pretty essential! Seltzer water contains the minerals and electrolytes that fuel this process, so it’s a major health benefit.
27. Protects organ tissue

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Keeping your body hydrated with seltzer water helps it maintain optimum levels of moisture in those sensitive organ areas, as well as in the blood, bones, and the brain, and keeps them running as they should. Water also helps protect the spinal cord, maintaining its shape and preventing injury when cells are put under stress.
28. Nutrition absorption

(Image/ Source: Reddit.com)
Seltzer water is essential for optimal nutrient absorption. It dissolves minerals and nutrients, and makes them free for the body to use. If you’re dehydrated, it will make much less water available to help dissolve minerals and nutrients the body needs to function. Adequate water consumption also helps keeps the body absorbing the nutrients it needs for effective function.
29. Boosts your immune system

(Image/ Source: Reddit.com)
Did you know that drinking seltzer water regularly can help boost your immune system? It plays a vital role in keeping your body functioning and carrying oxygen around the body, and can actually help you ward off colds, flu and viruses. So be sure to keep a few bottles of it handy, as it’s a super easy way of looking after yourself.
30. Flushes out toxins

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Seltzer water is pretty amazing at flushing out toxins in the body. It keeps your body in tip-top shape by getting rid of harmful toxins like sweat and urine, which helps keep the kidneys and urinary tract healthy. Just remember to replace the fluids you’ve lost, especially in hot temperatures and during exercise.
31. And now: the health benefits of drinking lemon water - but what is it?
image source: reddit.com
Citrus fruits are known for their very refreshing flavors, and if there's one citrus fruit in particular mixed often with drinks, it's lemon. For lemon water, you have only the juice of the lemon then combined with water - but you can actually drink it hot, warm or cold.
32. It's a great source of hydration
image source: reddit.com
First up - lemon water is obviously a great source of hydration, because you're drinking more water after all! And as we know, this is key for good health. The good thing about lemon water is it can add a bit of flavor for people who get bored with plain water - so lemon water might make you more likely to drink it!
33. It's a healthy dose of vitamin C
image source: reddit.com
There's a very rare condition called scurvy you may have heard of (and associate with pirates!) and this developed due to a lack of vitamin C. Lemon was actually known to be a great treatment for scurvy - and that's because lemons are a great top up for your vitamin C levels.
34. Your skin health will likely be supported, too
image source: reddit.com
So alongside the vitamin C in lemons - which can greatly support skin health - you also have flavonoids which come from citrus fruits like lemons. This is a protective compound, and together, the vitamin C and flavonoids can help with collagen production and maybe even skin aging.
35. It could improve your digestion
image source: reddit.com
Some people swear by drinking a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning to set up better digestion for the day. It could help balance out your gut, and it's also a very important thing to drink a glass of water when you've first woken up in the morning - so if lemon water lets you do that
36. You may even avoid kidney stones
image source: reddit.com
The citric acid which is found in lemon juice may actually help to prevent kidney stones, too, where the kidney stones form from a build up of calcium oxalate. Not only will the acid from the lemon juice help against this, but pairing with the water means extra hydration and more likely to flush out the stones.
37. It can help you combat skin dryness
image source: reddit.com
As well as the vitamin C being great news for your skin, lemon water can also help with people battling with dry skin issues. Lemon water is still water after all, so it can give your skin (and body) hydration a boost and have your skin looking softer. Especially if you struggle to drink water without flavor, this is one way to hydrate your skin!
38. It might help you lose weight
image source: reddit.com
Lemons contain something called polyphenols, which is a plant compound known to work as an anti-oxidant. These have been linked in certain studies to help promote weight loss. At the end of the day, if you're looking to lose weight, the more water you drink will always work in your favor - so why not!
39. It could help strengthen your immune system
image source: reddit.com
The high amount of vitamin C in lemons will also work wonders for strengthening your immune system. A solid immune system is key for fighting off illness and ailments, so the more lemon water you drink, the more chance you'll be having at a strengthened immune system.
40. It might help you better absorb iron
image source: reddit.com
Iron is a key mineral in a healthy diet, and a lot of vitamins and minerals work well with other things that can help them be better absorbed in the body. Lemon is actually one thing that can help for better absorption of iron, so it can be a great idea to sip some lemon water alongside your leafy green vegetables!
41. The scent of the lemon may actually improve your mood!
image source: reddit.com
There are many different scents that are used for a positive mood, in the same way lavender is associated with a relaxing night's sleep. Lemon is actually used in aromatherapy for an energizing and uplifting scent, so a glass of lemon water to start your day could work wonders!
42. It might help you to feel less fatigued, too
image source: reddit.com
The uplifting scent of lemon has actually be thought to alleviate fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety too. Because lemon is such a sharp and perky scent, inhaling it could give your energy a boost and make you feel more alert - especially if you drink lemon water in the morning.
43. You might enjoy the benefits of lowered cholesterol
image source: reddit.com
Now this one is actually dependent on adding something else to your lemon water - and it's a little bit strange, so you might need a strong stomach! Garlic added to lemon water has actually been used in studies to see the effect on cholesterol levels, where improvement was actually seen. If you can handle having garlic in water, it'll be worth it! Maybe hold your nose and think happy thoughts.
44. An easy breath freshener!
image source: reddit.com
If you're running low on breath mints and chewing gum, and you know plain ol' regular water isn't going to cut it in the fresh department, then lemon water might be a great, easy option! The scent of lemon is always a popular freshen up, and lemon juice also has antibacterial properties.
45. Tackle those declining stomach acids
image source: reddit.com
As you age, you actually see a decline in your stomach acid, which can affect the digestion process and the way your body (and stomach) breaks down food. By drinking lemon water, you're giving your digestion a boost by supplementing with the acid from the lemon juice.
46. Prevents damage from oxidation
image source: ebay.com
Oxidation is what you can expect to happen to metals when they 'rust', but it can actually happen to our bodies, too. Lemons contain particular nutrients which help to protect your body from cell damage which can come from oxidation, due to its antioxidant properties.
47. You'll get a potassium boost
image source: reddit.com
Potassium is crucial for your body to function, and one of the most obvious sources of potassium are bananas. But did you know you can also get a good dose of potassium from lemon water? A lot of fruit and vegetables are always safe bets for potassium, including lemons.
48. You can benefit from the leftover peel, too
image source: reddit.com
If you're using lemon juice to make your own lemon water, don't throw out the peel! You can still benefit from the nutrients in lemon peel by using them in your cooking. You can easily use them in baking projects or throwing in with certain recipes. That way, there'll be no food waste from your lemons!
49. How do you make lemon water?
image source: reddit.com
It's just as simple as it sounds to make lemon water - the key is to find the temperature of the water, and the routine, that works for you. You can try lemon juice in warm or hot water, but this will be more difficult to take around with you in a bottle, so cold water might be your best option for staying hydrated throughout the day! Simply add the lemon juice to the water.
50. Is lemon water safe for everyone?
image source: reddit.com
Lemon water is generally safe for everyone, but what you have to watch out for is teeth problems or heartburn issues. Lemon is acidic after all, so you're better drinking in moderation because there's a risk to tooth enamel. And if you already suffer with heartburn, the acidic lemon water could make this worse. Apart from that, you're good to go!