Rule number one: don't break the rules

Image Source/ My Edmonds News
The first and most obvious rule is following the rules of the roads, which includes all traffic regulations. If you're going to be driving in a different state or different town, you should familiarize yourself with the local traffic rules as to avoid any nasty accidents.
That goes for your seat belt too

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This should actually go without saying, but seat belts should always be worn every time you're in the car, that includes your passengers. There's no excuse. And if you get pulled over for not wearing your seat belt properly? I'm afraid to say, you kinda deserved it...
Get to know the speed limits in your area

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If you drive some routes regularly, it will never do you harm to actually remember what the speed limits are on each road. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't look for the signs though as speed limits can sometimes change, but remember the limits is always a good start.
Commercial streets are worse than freeways for speeding!

Image Source/ NBC News
Most motorists don't know that a busy commercial road is really more likely to have speed traps than a motorway. On city streets, police are more likely to issue tickets for speeds at 5 to 8 miles per hour above the limit due to the low threshold for infractions.
Speed limits only apply to
ideal conditions
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Driving the speed limit will obviously help you avoid getting any unwanted tickets. However, did you know that the speed limits only apply when the weather conditions are ideal. If it's raining heavily, you want to be at least 16km/h under the speed limit to avoid a ticket.
Try not to stand out from the rest...

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A big rule in trying to avoid getting a speeding ticket is to make sure that you fit in with the crowd. This can mean a lot of things, but mainly, keep your car clean and in good repair, no bright colors, large spoilers, over-sized wheels... or a banana shaped car for that matter!
Use the fast lane sparingly!

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While you might not be actually speeding in the fast lane, there's the effect of being in the fast lane that makes it more likely for police to think you are speeding. You can get a citation for cruising in the left lane because that's against the law in many places unless you're overtaking.
Going with the flow might work

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If you're going to speed, doing it with the crowd makes getting caught less likely. If in a 70 zone everyone else is going 80, you might get away with it, but if you take it as permission to go 85, you know who will get pulled over. Unfortunately, saying you were just "moving with the flow of traffic" won't help you avoid a ticket.
Practice your defensive driving

Image Source/ LAist
Driving aggressively or erratically will only annoy other cars on the road and won't do anyone any favors. Weaving in and out of lanes, as well as brake checks, can attract the attention of law enforcement even if you are not breaking any rules. If you struggle with this, take a defensive driving course.
Try to remember where all the speed cameras are

Image Source/ The Spokesman Review
Speed cameras are being implemented in an increasing number of states. This device takes pictures of speeding vehicles' licence plates and drivers automatically. They are either installed permanently at high-collision junctions or temporarily installed in a van parked by the side of the road.
Download a GPS system that helps you with speed cameras

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The Speed Cameras & Traffic app is the most downloaded traffic companion and while won't be 100% certain, it's a great resource. It has loads of great features, such as the ability to receive warnings about speed cameras, red light cameras, and speed traps, as well as updates to speed limits along your route.
Make sure you can see highway patrol clearly

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If your windshield is covered in smears, scratches, snow or grime, how will you expect to see any Highway Patrol cars creeping up on you? Actually, how would you expect to see anything at all! Always keep your windshields squeaky clean to stay safe and out of court.
Do you know what highway patrol cars look like?

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Highway Patrol cars look slightly different depending on what state you're in and it's always useful to know what they look like. usually, they are sedans with lights mounted on the top or sides, but they can come in smaller models too. Also, the lights might be inside the car!
What about their motorcycles?

Image Source/ IMDb
Just bear in mind that it's not always Highway Patrol cars that are going to catch you out, it just me be their motorcycles too. With them being smaller, they can be harder to see in your mirrors or windows. Look out for large motorcycles with a long rear radio antenna.
Listen out for the highway patrol aircraft

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If you're travelling along the highway rather than within the city, some states have been known to use Highway Patrol planes to monitor the speed of the cars along the roads. It might seem like a bit of a stretch, but listen out for the planes up above.
Beware of multiple police cruisers

Image Source/ AutoEvolution
Don't assume you're in the clear just because you observe a police car pull over another driver. Stick to the speed limited and maintain it for the next mile or so. It's common to set up speed traps with a large number of cops along a very narrow section of road.
A radar/laser detector
might help you...
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On city streets, a laser detector notifies the driver of police presence, and is more useful in cities than on highways. Rather than having the receiver stick out of your windscreen like a sore thumb, invest in a hard-wired system like the K40 that tucks it under the bumper or behind the grille, as some cops won't like it.
...but it won't on the freeways!

Image Source/ Automoblog
State patrols use Lidar or laser technologies that lock onto you without warning on highways and motorways. You won't realize you've been struck until it's too late to do anything about it. A passing car can potentially cause the laser warning to go off.
Slow down before blind spots

Image Source/ The Drive
It's smart to reduce your speed slightly before exit ramps, blind corners, and dense trees, and to be extra cautious in construction zones and areas where the speed limit drops. To avoid getting pulled over, always observe the posted speed limit and follow it!
Be aware of everyone else on the road

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After narrowly evading the cop with the laser gun, don't think the coast is clear. The worst thing to do is to speed past the next cop going on the same route. Keep an eye out for any and all vehicles in your area to see whether or not they could be an undercover cop!
What are the other drivers telling you?

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The presence of brake lights up ahead, especially on the vehicle that just sped past you, could indicate the presence of a speed trap or the use of a radar detector by the driver in the vehicle in front. It's especially important to keep an eye on truckers, as those in front of them can use their CB radios to provide warnings to those following them.
A guinea pig can help too...

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No, we don't mean a little, cute, furry guinea pig like this one, we mean one on the road. Look for someone who is doing roughly the same speed as you and see if they get any unwelcome stops or flashes from overhead speed cameras, that way, you can get away with it.
Take a sneak peek into the other cars

Image Source/ The New Daily
Have a quick look in the other cars that are around you to see if any are unmarked cop cars. You might be able to tell through a caged lining between the front and back of the car, or lights on the inside of the car rather than on the outside. It would be a pretty big giveaway if they are wearing uniform too.
Regularly check your rear-view mirror

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Make sure to glance at your rear-view mirror intermittently. In doing so, you'll have less of a risk of being surprised by a police or Highway Patrol car. A police officer is likely to pull you over if he or she approaches you at night without using their headlights.
Use the on-ramps properly!

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It might be difficult to control the need for speed when behind the wheel of a powerful vehicle. Certain highway on-ramps provide enough room to let loose for a few seconds and snap your head back. In order to merge with the least amount of interruption to oncoming traffic, you should slow down as you approach the merge and position yourself strategically.
If you're pulled over, try to be polite and cooperative

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If you get pulled over, it's no harm to be polite to the officer. Obviously, this can't always be done and officers can sometimes have a pretty bad attitude, but remaining civil and calm might just help you get away without a ticket written up. Think positive!
Should you admit guilt?

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When the officers asks why you were pulled over, what should you say? If you think your honesty and politeness will let you get away with a warning, then admit guilt. However, if you think you have a chance of fighting it in court, admit absolutely nothing!
Always contest the summons!

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If you can't avoid getting a ticket, challenging it in court may be an option. There are instances when simply showing up makes you a more responsible driver. Dress professionally and have as much evidence in favor of your position as you can muster ready to present.
If all else fails, get legal help!

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If all else fails and you have been challenged with a speeding ticket, you might need to seek legal help, but only if you know that you were in the right. Obviously, have driving misdemeanors like this on a record can impact your insurance premium for the following year!
If you have a need for speed, stick to consoles!

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Listen, if you've got an insatiable need for speed, keep it out the way of other people, you're only putting them at risk. Instead, get yourself behind the wheel of a video game and let loose there. That way, you have your fun, and everyone stays safe!