SoColossal Squid

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The colossal squid, or Antarctic squid, is the biggest known species of living invertebrate, with a maximum weight of 495kg. While there are limited records of the squids' behavior towards humans, they can be aggressive, with evidence found on huge sperm whales with scars left by the giant squid's suckers.
Orca Whale

Image Source/ Hakai Magazine
The largest of its species, this beast dominates the seas. These fearsome animals prey on a wide variety of marine life, including fish, seals, dolphins, and even other whales. In spite of urban legends, no human has ever been killed by an Orca whale in the wild, but over 20 attacks on humans by captive Orcas have been reported in the last five years.
Polar Bear

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Polar bears can actually drift as far as Greenland on icebergs, usually in warmer weather. During this time, they can be agitated and attack and bite. Polar bears love lagoons with an abundance of fish but will rarely murder a person, however, it's not actually impossible.
Grizzly bear

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Humans can be a huge target of this massive bear's assaults, but attacks aren't as common as you might think. Between 2000 and 2017, there were 10 fatal bear attacks in Alaska, seven of which were committed by brown bears like the grizzly. Always know your bear safety!
Arctic Fox

Image Source/ Twitter
Both Greenland and Iceland are home to the Arctic Fox. While cute and cuddly, they're not harmless and can be dangerous if provoked. They are known to carry the fatal rabies virus and can infect humans through a singular bite, so don't be enticed by their Instagrammable looks!
The Wolverine

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The wolverine is a large, strong mammal that resembles the mix between a bear and a weasel. It has a reputation for being aggressive and killing animals much larger than itself, although there have been no instances of it attacking humans. Although, you shouldn't let this fool you into thinking they're friendly.
South Polar Skua

Image Source/ NZ Birds Online
The South Polar Skua is notorious for its territorial, predatory, and even hostile behavior because to its hawked beak, piercing eyes, and huge claws. The skua preys on other birds, usually forcing them to vomit their food. They have been known to swoop down on unsuspecting individuals mid-digest and steal food out of their mouths!
Greenland Shark

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This particular dangerous shark can reach up to 5 meters in length and weigh up to one 1 tonne, with the females usually being the largest. These sharks live in chilly northern waters and have deadly, dried flesh. Their needle-sharp teeth cause severe bites, so avoid them at all costs.
Canada Lynx

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It comes as no surprise that this wild cat is considerably dangerous, considering the other wild cats roaming the planet. The Canada Lynx usually preys on snowshoe hares and while there's never been any attacks on humans, it can't be ruled out if it's threatened.
Arctic Tern

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This bird migrates between the Arctic and Antarctic each year. But you should be careful of these when visiting Greenland to avoid the injuries they can inflict. It's known that they can be extremely protective of their young ones and you should always keep an eye out for them.
Arctic Wolves

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Arctic wolves aren't typically dangerous to humans, but they can be lethal with their prey. These wolves spend their entire lives atop the food chain, where their biting force is four times that of a Pitbull. Muskox, caribou, and arctic hare make up the bulk of their diet. While many other predators will travel south in search of prey, the arctic wolf never travels very far from its northern home.
Antarctic Fur Seal

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These seals have endured years of being submissive prey, from both humans and other seals. The Fur Seal is one of the smallest seal species but humans should still keep their distance and not approach them unnecessarily. They can quickly become hostile and aggressive.
Elephant Seal

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The Elephant Seal is, unsurprisingly, one of the biggest kinds of seal in the world. It can be found in Antarctica and surrounding islands, they've even been known to attack and consume sharks occasionally. It isn't dangerous or aggressive by nature, but it is territorial and extremely protective of its young.
Leopard Seal

Image Source/ ABC
The leopard seal is a huge, solitary mammal native to the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. They are the only kind of seal that routinely targets mammals with a body temperature above freezing. Humans don't stand a chance with leopard seals due to their massive size and violent demeanor.

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The Pacific walrus lives in the coastal regions of Alaska and Russia. These Arctic giants have thick hides and powerful bodies, making them some of the toughest animals in the Arctic. The long, ivory tusks that both sexes develop are these animals' most striking and dangerous trait.

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Greenland contains about 7,000 reindeer which were introduced in the 18th century and have spread across the region. While they might appear cute and shy on Christmas cards, reindeer can cause the worst sort of injuries. When threatened, they attack with their horns and can inflict severe pain.
Musk Ox

Image Source/ CBC
Being one of Greenland's largest creatures, the Musk Ox has massive muscles, a short compact body with a large head and dark brown hair. The 1.6-meter-tall Musk Ox can weigh up to 500 kilos. Its hazardous horns curl downward and outward and when threatened, they will attack using them.
Arctic Hare

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This little, vegetarian mammal is not necessarily one of the most dangerous to humans, however, due to it's natural position as prey to a lot more dangerous animals, it can attract the attention of unwanted, treacherous mammals. This means that when you come across an Arctic Hare, another scary animal might not be far behind.

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The population of these creatures has exploded over the years in Greenland, and they are now pose a serious threat across the entire island. Minks reside in watery habitats like wetlands and riverbanks. They typically stay away from people and rarely attack when they do yet, when threatened, all creatures can have innate survival instincts.

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People often underestimate wasps when they can actually be lethal. Due to environmental changes, they've moved back to the arctic and can be just as deadly in cold weather. Wasp bites induce swelling, numbness, and anaphylactic shock, which will need immediate medical attention.
Now For The Deadliest Desert Animals... Saw Scaled Viper

Image Source/ The Guardian
We thought we might as well include some of the desert's deadliest animals too! First up, you can find the deadliest snakes in regions of Africa. They have a reputation for striking with blinding speed and delivering venom that is fatally toxic. Snakes can be scary at the best of times, but this is next level!
Wild Dogs

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In Australia, Dingoes are the top predators, preying on kangaroos, birds, wallabies and more. African Wild Dogs, similar to Dingoes, hunt in packs and travel in big groups. When desperate for food, both types of wild dogs will attack humans, so you won't want to tread alone.
Inland Taipan

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This snake, native to the Australian Outback, has the reputation of possessing the most potent venom of any snake in the world. The Inland Taipan can inject enough venom into a single bite to kill 100 humans, and it doesn't just strike once, it strikes many times.

Image Source/ Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
While you might think the Ostrich is cute and cuddly, you'd be very wrong, it's actually one of the deadliest in Africa's deserts. The Ostrich attacks with its powerful legs and may inflict significant wounds with its claws, which can reach a length of 21 inches. Watch out next time you see these guys at the zoo...
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

Image Source/ Reddit
The majority of deadly snake bites in the southwestern United States and Mexico are caused by the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. It happens to be the second largest venomous snake in North America, reaching a maximum length of seven feet and a weight of up to 15 pounds.
Killer Bees

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When their hive is endangered, Killer Bees will swarm and attack, even if they are far away. These bees can be the most lethal because they target the face and head. The southern United States is only one of several locations where you can find them, but they do appear all across America.

Image Source/ KESQ
The Cougar, or Mountain Lion, Panther, Puma, is a large, cat-like animal that lives in the mountains or valleys of deserts. These solitary creatures are formidable but only about 20 fatal assaults on people have been recorded since 1890, despite the fact that there are an estimated 30,000 cougars in the west.
Arizona Bark Scorpion

Image Source/ Encyclopedia Britannica
The Arizona Bark Scorpion can be found in the southwestern United States, the western Mexican state of Sonora, and on the Baja Peninsula. Despite their small size, the sting from even one of these scorpions can be lethal, so be careful before getting too close!
Desert Horned Viper

Image Source/ Reptile Fact
The venom of a Desert Horned Viper contains around 13 different types of poisons, making it unsurprisingly lethal to humans. Most commonly found in sand dunes, this snake is the most populated snake in the Sahara Desert. Watch your step for these in the dunes!
Gila Monster

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Another reptilian, dangerous, desert animal is the notorious Gila Monster. The Gila Monster is a venomous lizard that lives in the southwestern United States and northwest Mexico. The bite of the Gila monster is powerful and unpleasant, yet it seldom proves fatal.
The Desert Recluse Spider
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Although the world is full of pretty dangerous spiders, the Desert Recluse is the most dangerous you can find in desert environments. This is down to their venom, which can result in pretty nasty injuries or even death if you don't find help quick enough. To make it worse, they have pretty good camouflage, too...
Western/European Honey Bee
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This type of honey bee that can be found in the desert is a close relation of the regular honey bee - which means it also has the same toxin that you should be wary of. With just one bee, you'll suffer a nasty sting - but attacked by a bunch of them? This is when you need to watch out... especially because their stings could trigger a life-threatening allergic reaction!
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Pumas can usually be found in mountainous desert regions, and they have done dangerously well at adapting to these environments. This animal is the second largest feline in the Americas, and it's an exceptionally skilled hunter - as well as not being picky about its prey...
Fire Ants

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Fire ants have a group that have adapted to a desert environment, but they can be found in different types of terrain. Their name comes from the fact that their horrible stings can cause the sensation of burning on their victim - and their toxins could also cause an allergic reaction that could result in death.
Red Kangaroo
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We all know kangaroos are cute and it's not what you'd think of when you think of dangerous animal. That's because kangaroos are generally safe when they're not threatened - but if you do anything to make them feel threatened, it's that powerful kick you have to watch out for!
The Sidewinder Snake
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The sidewinder gets its apt name from being able to slither sideways across the desert sand. There are a lot of dangerous snakes in the world, but this one is particularly dangerous for its toxin, which is capable of killing an animal up to 30 pounds, or causing illness and pain in anything bigger!
The Arizona Coral Snake
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Although this snake is less dangerous in the desert than a rattlesnake - and its bright color is enough to ward you off! - its venom is still dangerous to humans, and you wouldn't want to tangle with it. The snake has a smaller mouth, and therefore less venom, than the rattlesnake.
The Deathstalker Scorpion
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Not only is this a dangerous desert creature, it's actually one of the most dangerous scorpions in the world. That impressive tail is packed full of venom, and if you suffer a sting from one of these bad boys, you can expect
a lot of pain, as well as paralysis - and you want to be able to actually move if you encounter one of these things...
The Redback Spider
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The female redback is actually one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. Its one of the few spiders in the world that has actually been responsible for the death of a human being with a simple bite. Its venom is particularly cruel because it doesn't just hurt - it attacks the nervous system.
Western Desert Tarantula
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Although a bite from one of these tarantulas in the desert won't be a risk to your life, that doesn't mean its pleasant. All tarantulas come with some form of venom, but this one is doubly risky because not only do you have to watch for its bite, it also has the ability to throw its tiny hairs at you that can irritate your skin!
The Giant Redheaded Centipede
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There's a reason that you should never pick one of these centipedes up if you should happen to come across one (why would you want to though?) and that's because not only can they bite with the poison fangs on their head, they also carry venom in their walking legs!
The Banded Desert Centipede
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The Giant Redheaded isn't the only chonky centipede roaming around the desert that you have to watch out for. The Banded Desert centipede is another one carrying venom that you need to be careful of. Their stings can be painful - similar to a bee sting - and you can also experience redness and swelling.
The Tarantula Hawk Wasp
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I think this picture speaks for itself in why you don't want to mess with a Tarantula Hawk Wasp - that, and the fact that its name says it all. These humungous wasps actually hunt tarantulas as prey, and have venom they inject to paralyze the spider. They also have 'body armor' to help them stay protected. Yikes.
Black Widow Spider
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Another dangerous spider you need to know about is famous around the world, but it can be found in Arizona and desert regions: the Black Widow spider. These deadly spiders also venture out of the desert, too - and although their bites are rarely fatal, you still don't want to mess with one. They may look very similar to the Redback spider, but they're different (and both dangerous!).
Black Bears
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Black bears can be found in certain regions of Arizona desert state, and although they're a little smaller than grizzly bears, that doesn't mean they're safer to be around! Black bear attacks are extremely rare, but there have been cases where unfortunate people have come up against them - and lost.
The Sonoran Desert Toad
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This particular toad is a poisonous variety that dwells in the desert - and, as you can see, is particularly good at camouflage. Usually the toads you have to watch out for are the brightly colored ones, but this guy is an exception to the rule. It will give out toxins through its skin when it's touched... so don't!
Blister Beetles
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The clue's in the name for this fella - how kind of it to warn us! The blister beetle is a poisonous variety of beetle, which gives out a toxin that causes serious irritation and blisters on the skin. It's not going to be fatal, but it will sure be painful and uncomfortable!
Mojave Green Rattlesnake
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Another dangerous snake hailing from the desert, this rattlesnake is one of the most venomous in the desert, and it can grow to a whopping length of six feet! Though at least that makes it more likely you'll hopefully see it before you step on it... because their venom can kill a person within two hours.
Brown Recluse Spider
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The distant cousin of the Desert Recluse we mentioned, the brown version has very much the same characteristics that you don't want to mess with. Their bite is not only painful but a sight to behold - we're talking more than just a scratch here. The bites can also be deadly in some cases.
The Deadliest Animal In The World Might Surprise You: The Mosquito
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With all of these new fears unlocked, you might have been wondering which huge, brightly-colored, fanged and venomous beast was the most dangerous in the world - but the deadliest is actually the mosquito. This is because mosquitos are actually responsible for the most human deaths, which is estimated between 750,000 and a million
per year.