1. Chicken

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Chicken contains B vitamins which are great for promoting hair growth. B vitamins include biotin and niacin which both help to stimulate hair growth and keep your hair looking healthy and nourished. Grilled chicken is a great way to get these vitamins in, with around 8.9mg of vitamin B3 per three ounces.
2. Chia Seeds

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For tiny little seeds, chia seeds are very high in protein, healthy fats and zinc. They are a great addition to your diet if you want to keep you hair looking healthy or if you want it to grow. Sprinkle a few in your smoothie or on your overnight oats and that will be your daily boost.
3. Oysters

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Oysters are a great source of zinc, but are an acquired taste that not everyone may have access to. Just from one medium oyster, a woman could get 96% of her daily zin intake! If you lack zinc in your diet, it could lead to telogen effluvium, which is reversible cause of hair loss from lack of nutrients in your diet.
4. Collagen

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Collagen is the most recent hair hype. It is thought to be one of the very best things you can put into your diet for hair health and growth. Collagen gives hair is strength and skin its elasticity, and your natural collagen stores will decline with age, making it a great idea to take it in supplement for or even get it from bone broth.
5. Brussels Sprouts

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Brussels sprouts are rich in folate, which encourages cell division. This means it will promote stronger and healthier hair if your diet is rich in folate. Those will low folate levels might notice their hair is brittle and may even appear to be thinning.
6. Avocado

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We all know by now that avocado is a source of heathy fat, and a tasty one too. Healthy fats are key when it comes to hair growth but our bodies can't produce them on their own, so we need to rely on our diet. Avocados are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which will nourish your hair follicles and give your locks a healthy glow.
7. Kale

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Another food thats rich in antioxidants is Kale. Free radicals can damage your skins collagen supply and antioxidants are there to be prevent that from happening. Kale is known as a superfood and is also high in vitamin A, making it a great food to help keep your hair healthy.
8. Chickpeas

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One cup of chickpeas contains a very high amount of folate, which we know is needed in abundance to avoid our hair becoming brittle, breaking and even thinning. They are conveniently a very versatile ingredient and can also be a great source of protein for those following veggie or vegan diets.
9. Seaweed

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Seaweed contains iodine which is not something found in a lot of other foods. Iodine is necessary for a healthy thyroid, which in turn is important for hair health. It also helps fight against enzymes that cause hair loss, so it really does work wonders and something you should consider putting in your diet!
10. Sardines

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Possibly not the fish you wanted to see feature on this list as it's got quite the acquired taste, but sardines are incredibly nutritious. They are full of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D which both help hair health. Vitamin D supports the development of hair follicles and is important in supporting hair growth.
11. Peas

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Peas are readily available both fresh and dried and should be implemented into your diet now. These nutritious pulses are full of vitamins to promote healthy hair. They will help to maintain your protein sources, while keeping you folate levels high to encourage hair to grow.
12. Nuts

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Nuts, in particular almonds and walnuts, are great for your hair and its health. A handful of almonds as your afternoon snack will go a long way in promoting hair growth, as they contain biotin which certainly prevents hair loss and is shown to stimulate hair growth too.
13. Salmon

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Salmon contains those all important fatty acids like omega-3. It also has protein and B vitamins! So an all rounder when it comes to hair health. They will encourage hair growth and maintain its healthy glow, all while ensuring you have a nutritious and tasty meal to keep you full.
14. Lentils

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Legumes like lentils are a great source of protein, especially if you follow a plant based diet which is much more common these days. Our hair follicles are made up of protein so naturally we need to keep these resources replenished. Pulses like lentils are full of protein, folate and B vitamins so a great concoction for your hair.
15. Broccoli

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Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that contains a large variety of vitamins. It has vitamins A and C, which will help to moisturise your hair and scalp by encouraging the production of sebum. It also contains calcium which will help to strengthen hair follicles.
16. Pumpkin Seeds

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Zinc is found in abundance in pumpkin seeds and is very important in preventing hair loss, as it works to maintain your hair health. Pumpkin seeds also contain those all important fatty acids so try and work these into your meal times or snacks on the go.
17. Citrus

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Vitamin C! The one we get from oranges and lemons and other citrus fruits. Vitamin C promotes many health benefits and hair is just one of them. It works by protecting and maintaining collagen stores, which we know is key for hair growth. It also works as an antioxidants, so it will fight off damaging free radicals.
18. Spinach

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Vitamin A can be found in spinach and we know it is an antioxidants that can regulate cell turnover and oil production, meaning it keeps hair growing in a healthy way and also keeping that hair moisturised. Spinach is a great source of vitamin A, but be careful not to over do it, as too much vitamin A can start to have the opposite effect and promote hair loss!
19. Greek Yoghurt

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Greek Yoghurt is high in protein, so it will fill you up, but it's also high in vitamins and minerals like zinc. Zinc is great for maintaining healthy hair and is readily available in many types of food, so easy to get into your diet. You can even combine your yoghurt with berries and chia seeds for a hair health cocktail!
20. Eggs

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Our hair is made up of protein, and this protein needs to be maintained. Biotin is great for doing this, and since eggs are a huge source of both protein and biotin then they make a perfect hair food! Enjoy them any way you fancy, as long as you're getting your eggs in!
21. Papaya

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Similar to citrus fruits, papaya is filled with vitamin C which helps to protect our dwindling collagen stores. Just a small cup of the fruit gives us a very high amount of vitamin C! Also high in fibre and carotenoids, these contribute to keeping our scalp healthy too.
22. Bell Pepper

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Another food that's high in vitamin C is the bell pepper! With yellow bell peppers containing more than double the amount of vitamin C than a red pepper and nearly four times the amount as a green pepper! Something you can slip into every meal or have as a snack, they will benefit your hair tremendously!
23. Sweet Potatoes

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Sweet Potatoes contain beta carotene which is a forerunner to vitamin A. It does a similar job of promoting a healthy scalp and promoting hair growth. You also get many other benefits from sweet potatoes as they are great for gut health and a good source of fibre.
24. Buckwheat

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Buckwheat is a 100% whole grain and is jam packed with nutrients. It has zinc, iron and B vitamins, all of which we know helps keep our hair nice and healthy. It also contains 'silica' which you may not have heard of, but it's known as the 'beauty mineral' as it helps to prevent hair thinning and it works to strengthen hair. It can only be found in 100% whole grains.
25. Berries

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Berries have many, many benefits. For your hair, the antioxidants they contain can help fight off harmful free radicals. They also contain vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties. Just one small cup of strawberries can give you all of your daily vitamin C needs!
26. Beans

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Beans are full of minerals such as zinc, iron and biotin. Biotin's role is to strengthen keratin, which makes up your hair, skin and nails. Therefore, it will make your hair stronger and less breakable which will automatically keep your hair looking better!
27. Mackerel

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Mackerel is another type of fish that is rich in those all important fatty acids. You can get all the omega-3 you need from your diet if you eat the right stuff, negating the need to take expensive supplements each day. It's also a great source of protein, vitamin D3 and B vitamins.
28. Flaxseeds

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You only need a small amount of flaxseeds in your daily diet to get a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Two tablespoons will give you more omega-3 than half a fillet of salmon. Sprinkle these on your porridge or pop them in your smoothies to give your hair a boost.
29. Soybeans

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Soybeans contain spermidine, which is a compound shown to encourage hair growth. You can even take this as a nutritional supplement if you don't want the beans. It works by keeping the hair follicle in its active growth stage for longer than normal.
30. Red Meat

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We all know we need protein to feel full and have a balanced diet. We also need protein for our hair. Red meat in particular contains a lot of protein and is also rich in iron that can be easily absorbed. Iron will help the red blood cells deliver oxygen to your hair follicles to keep it looking healthy.
31. How To Take Better Care Of Your Hair: Everybody's Is Different!
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It's always handy to look up hair care tips like the ones coming up next - but you should always remember everybody's hair is different! Advice for naturally curly and brittle hair will be different to naturally straight and greasy hair. Make sure to get to know your hair first!
32. Wash Your Hair Only Twice A Week If You Have Dry Hair
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If you suffer from very dry hair, you might have been thinking that washing every day with a moisturizing conditioner and shampoo would help the situation - but actually, this could dry your hair out even more. Limit your hair wash to twice a week for very dry hair.
33. Every Other Day Is Good For Oily Hair
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For oily hair, it's the opposite - it's important to wash regularly to clear out all that oil build up that could affect your scalp, dandruff and hair condition. Washing every day is a little bit too much - because natural oil is essential for good hair health - so every other day is the way to go!
34. Check For Chemical-Free Shampoos
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If you want to better care for your hair, you should always avoid harsh chemicals that are going to negatively affect your luscious locks - this goes for any hair treatment, including shampoos, conditioners or hair dye. So do your research into chemical-free products suited for your hair!
35. Only Put Conditioner On The Ends Of Your Hair

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You've been rubbing it all over your head this entire time, haven't you? Don't worry, we have too! Conditioner is there to protect your hair against heat styling, the environment and to help it fall flat - all of that is needed on the mid to end part of your hair, not the scalp.
36. Letting Your Hair Dry Naturally Is Better Than Blow Drying
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Blow drying is just another heat product, after all, but this one is tough to avoid if you've places to be and you wash your hair before you go out. But whenever possible - even if it's only one or two days a week - let your hair dry naturally. Microfibre towels and leave-in styling products can help it to dry without creating frizz!
37. Don't Sleep With Wet Hair
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When you're short on time in the morning, you might think going to bed with wet hair is the way to wash and let it dry naturally - but this is a big no no. Wet hair on your pillow can risk damage if you're tossing and turning on it, but also, wet hair while you sleep can risk infections on your scalp!
38. And Don't Comb Wet Hair Either!
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You should never run a comb or brush through your wet hair after coming out of the shower, because your hair is so vulnerable when it's wet so it's only going to risk breakages and being too rough on those delicate strands! If you need to comb the ends, go for a detangling comb.
39. Don't Towel-Dry By Rubbing It Vigorously
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So all this advice about not combing your wet hair too much or not blow drying it might have led you to try and dry it as much as possible with a towel - by rubbing the heck out of it. But this can also damage your hair. To towel dry, you should be gently patting and squeezing, not harshly rubbing.
40. Massage Hair Oil Into Your Scalp
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You should definitely be making time for a hair oil from time to time to apply before you wash it. Massaging the oil into your scalp will help to improve circulation in your scalp, as well as better nourish and care for your hair right at the root. You can also use oil on the ends of your hair to treat split ends.
41. Wide-Tooth Combs Are Always Best
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When you're trying to brush your hair with a comb when it's wet, those tight, fine-tooth combs will only risk breaking or damaging your fragile hair. A wide-tooth comb is made to better protect your hair when you need to de-tangle the ends, so make sure you make the switch!
42. Use A Towel To Curl Your Hair Naturally
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Most heat products are used on the hair to try to curl it or make it wavy, and if you're doing this every day, it can risk damage over time. You can actually curl your hair naturally with a towel by twisting and wrapping up the towel around your hair and allowing it to dry naturally. Give it a go!
43. Or Make Sure You're Using Heat Protection Products
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If you absolutely must use curlers or straighteners - or maybe you just want to - at least make sure you're using a heat protection serum on your hair all the time to better protect it from the damage and keep it looking healthier for longer. Always keep some in stock!
44. Keep On Top Of Those Regular Trims!
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If you're trying to grow your hair, you might have been thinking that avoiding a hair cut makes sense. Maybe you haven't had one for years! But, funnily enough, trimming the ends of your hair can actually help it to grow in a more naturally-healthy way, and you'll be getting rid of split ends, too.
45. Keep Your Hair Hydrated, Too, By Drinking More Water
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You might have been buying lots of hair hydration products, but good hydration comes from within, too! Drinking plenty of water not only makes sure your body stays hydrated, but it also makes sure your hair stays that way, too! Drinking water is all about caring for every aspect of your body.
46. Protect Your Hair From The Sun

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Putting sunscreen and shades on is a good habit to have, but did you think about the sun damage on your hair and scalp? While you can't rub a bit of sunscreen all over your head, what you can do is wear a hat or a headscarf to best protect your hair from harsh sun that can strip it of moisture.
47. Wear A Swimming Cap
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If you're a keen swimmer, or just hitting the pool on vacation, be sure to protect your hair against chlorine damage by wearing a swimming cap. Sure, it's not the most attractive look, but neither is having damaged hair ruined by chlorine! Especially if your hair is dyed.
48. Use Fabric Hair Ties
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If you regularly have your hair up, then make sure to use fabric hair ties that are gentler on your hair. If you're using plastic ones or tight elastic ones, this can run the risk of damage. Also be sure not to have your hair tied up too tight, even with a fabric hair tie.
49. Turn Down The Heat In The Shower
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Hot showers are great - but for your hair? Not so great. If you're having extremely hot water pummelling down on your head, it's going to strip your hair of moisture and natural oils that it needs to look its best! Warm water is always best, or - if you can stand it - cold water is even better.
50. Going Too Long Without Washing Can Risk Ingrown Hairs
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Did you know you can actually get ingrown hairs
on your head? The longer you leave your hair without washing, the most dust and dirt buildup is happening on your scalp and hair. This can risk ingrown hairs. It's okay to wash your hair infrequently, but don't leave it too long - a few times a week is best.