1. You can't stop sneezing

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That feeling when the tingling comes and you know it's coming and then you cannot stop sneezing uncontrollably is really not pleasant. And this is a huge sign that you are suffering with hay fever or seasonal allergies. Especially if you have sneezed more than three times in a row.
2. Your eyes are watering

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If you feel like your eyes are welling up constantly and it looks like you're emotional when actually you just can't seem to stop them watering, this is most likely season allergies. There are certain eye drops or medication which are designed specifically for these allergies.
3. You feel itchy

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That insatiable itchiness can feel unbearable because no matter how much you scratch or try to resist to scratch - it just doesn't seem to go. This most likely means that you have allergies, you can get medical advise which can help you control the itchiness of your skin.
4. Your nose is running

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A running nose can really inhibit your day - as well as irritating you! When it's constant and it can't stop running. You can't have a conversation without a dripping at the end of the nose and you can't look down without the snot just pouring out of you.
5. Your chest feels wheezy

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Another sign to look out for this summer is if you feel a little bit wheezy in your chest. You may feel as though you have some weight on your chest and when you breathe it could sound a little bit rattly. This could be the allergies affecting you and irritating your chest and breathing.
6. Your ears feel blocked

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You may even feel that your ears are blocked, it could inhibit your hearing making things feel a little bit mumbled. Having a blocked ear creates a very strange sensation where you feel slightly discombobulated. It could even knock you off balance slightly!
7. You have diarrhea

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Allergies don't just affect our eyes and nose. It can affect us much more than we think. It can also disrupt our stomach and upset our bowels. You may even experience diarrhea and extremely loose bowels which could be a symptom of your allergies in summertime.
8. Your face is puffy

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One very common symptom of an allergy is swelling. You may find that your body inflames slightly. With summer allergies this could be most evident in our face, which can get really puffy when we experience hay fever or seasonal allergies. Your eyes may be particularly puffy!
9. Your throat feels itchy

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Along with the itchy eyes, we cannot forget the itchy throat which is a big sign of summer allergies. What can be super irritating about this is that we cannot find a proper way to scratch it and satisfy that itch. Yet scratching of course is never a good thing anyway and only aggravated matters.
10. You have a mild headache

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When we are super congested, it can make our head ache slightly. This is also something that you may find when we get to the summer period if you are effected by allergies. The increased pressure in your head and the irritation can result in a mild headache.
11. You feel short of breath

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Another thing to be aware of this summer is a shortness of breath - which can be a sign of other health problems but it can also be a symptom of summer allergies. You may feel that you are out of puff when you move and exercise, much more than usual.
12. You're coughing

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It's not a super common symptom of summer allergies, but in some cases they can definitely cause some coughing. Your cough may depend on how seriously you are effected by your allergies but this is definitely a symptom to watch out for this summer.
13. You have a rash

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Rashes are a super common sign of seasonal allergies. You may find a red and itchy skin rash which feels very irritable. It could appear on any part of your body, maybe your face or even your arms! If this is the case, try not to aggravate it, but instead try creams to soothe it.
14. Your eyes are SO itchy

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Itchy eyes is a very difficult thing to deal with because our eyes are very sensitive and itching them can name them feel even more irritable and tender. Yet, to not itch your eyes can feel completely impossible. Watch out for this and seek medical advice to find a remedy that works for you.
15. You have to carry a tissue around at all times

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Tissues crammed into pockets, damp tissues stuffed up your sleeves, pieces of tissue disintegrating literally everywhere... But, you can't seem to go a second without being able to need a tissue. Your allergies are making fluids stream from every part of your face.
16. You feel slightly fatigued

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Is it any wonder that you feel fatigued with all of these symptoms you're dealing with? If you feel like you've got no energy as the summer months hit then it could well be because you're struggling with your allergies which are taking more energy from your body to deal with.
17. You feel a little bit dizzy

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You may well find that in the summer if you suffer with allergies you may get a little bit dizzy. This can be for a number of reason including the fact that your sinuses may be blocked. Your ears may be affected and our ears are responsible for our balance.
18. You feel irritable

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It's completely understandable that when you've got your allergies in the summer months to deal with, you may feel a little bit irritable. When your head is aching, nose is streaming, and you can't stop sneezing, it's very hard to stay super positive at all times.
19. You're nauseous

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Some people may even find that they feel nauseous. It's not super common for people with allergies in the summertime to feel nauseous, but many people have claimed that they have experienced this. You may feel slightly sickly when your allergies are at their worst.
20. You've got dark circles under your eyes

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Dark circles are usually associated with tiredness, and this could well be the case because your allergies can stop you getting quality sleep. But, your allergies may also be causing the dark circles, for example, if you are sneezing and coughing the pressure in your head can create a dark ring around your eyes.
21. You have a little bit of brain fog

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With all of these allergies manifesting in physical symptoms, it can start to make you feel a little bit confused and disorientated. The allergies can really affect your head and give you what feels like brain fog, making it harder to concentrate and focus properly.
22. You can't sleep

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We've all had that experience of trying to sleep with a blocked nose. You try and breathe out of your mouth and then your mouth gets really dry. It's very, VERY difficult to sleep. And, your head may feel fuzzy and it can be hard to get the quality sleep that you need.
23. Your sense of taste and smell has changed

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Like with a virus or cold of some kind, it can really affect our seems of smell and taste. Because, it can totally block up our sinuses which can block our senses and our ability to smell and taste clearly. This can be signs of more serious things, but it can also indicate allergies!
24. You feel a bit anxious

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It's totally normal to feel a bit more anxious when we aren't physically feeling our best. It can contribute to our mental health feeling slightly more fragile. One thing to look out for as we go into summer is that your allergies may make your anxieties feel worse.
25. You feel totally blocked

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Your head might feel like it's completely blocked from every orifice. Your ears, your nose and pretty much everything else that could be blocked, is blocked. This is something to be aware of heading into the summer months. There are remedies for decongestion.
26. You have mood swings

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You may feel a little bit up and down. Often, when we physically don't feel on top form or we feel a little bit under the weather it can really affect our mood. You may feel slightly more up and down and a little bit more emotionally fragile due to your allergies this summer.
27. Your muscles are sore

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Your body may feel fatigued all over and you may especially feel it in your muscles. Particularly, when you do some physical exercise or exertion, your muscles may feel sore and tired. This as well could all be linked to the allergies you may experience in the summer.
28. Your glands are swollen

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Swollen glands may be a sign that you are fighting affection. They often swell when our body is being attacked by a virus or it is weak from an illness of some kind. This can be a sign of many health problems, it may also be a symptom of seasonal allergies.
29. Your eczema is worse

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If you suffer with eczema, look out to see whether it is affected with the allergies of the summer. People with eczema have found that their rashes and skin problems can sometimes be aggravated and flare up because of certain allergies such as hay fever and pollen.
30. You are bloated
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Lots of things can make us bloat, including summer allergies! Bloating isn't fun. Not only does it make you feel like you've expanded like a balloon but it's also really uncomfortable. And, alongside all the other things we have to contend with that make us bloat, we also have seasonal allergies!