1. Diabetes

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If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, awaiting a diagnosis, or are even as of yet, undiagnosed, you're probably always feeling super thirsty. And if you have high blood sugar levels, your body might need to flush out any excess sugar, which can cause excessive thirst.
2. Dehydration

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Dehydration is definitely the most common cause of thirst and can give you symptoms of a dry mouth, dry skin, and even very unpleasant headaches to name a few. If you don't drink enough water, your body will certainly let you know and you won't feel great until you start drinking what you need.
3. Heat exhaustion

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When you have heat exhaustion, from exercising, being in the sun, and high temperatures, your body starts to sweat. And if it's really hot, you begin to sweat rather heavily. This means that you are going to be losing a lot of fluids from your body and if you don't replace them, you are going to start to feel really thirsty!
4. Medications

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If you take any medications, you might want to have a look at their potential side effects. This is because some medications can cause you to develop a dry mouth which, of course, can make you feel really thirsty. So if this is you, be sure to check the label or speak to a medical professional.
5. Mouth breathing

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Mouth breathing is when a person breathes with their mouth open so air can pass freely in and out. Lots of people do this while they sleep and can wake up feeling really thirsty but they can also do this during their waking hours too. This can certainly lead to your mouth drying out and increasing thirst.
6. Salt intake

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If you are constantly thirsty and struggling to find the cause, you might want to check your diet. This is because if there are excessive amounts of salt in your diet, this can cause your body to actually retain water. And when your body retains water, this can make you feel really thirsty.
7. Alcohol consumption

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If you drink alcohol, you might have experienced having to take trips to the bathroom more than usual when you're having a drink. This is because alcohol is what is called a
diuretic. This means that it makes you urinate way more frequently and this means that you're losing water from your body. This is definitely going to make you feel thirsty!
8. Caffeine consumption

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Caffeine can also act as a diuretic. So if you find yourself drinking lots of coffee or other caffeinated drinks in an attempt to quench your thirst, you are doing more harm than good. There are also many fizzy drinks that people choose instead of water but these are also going to have the opposite effect on quenching your thirst. Water's best!
9. Anxiety

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If you are feeling particularly anxious, you might have noticed that your thirst increases. This is the same, and probably more common for people who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. This is because when you are feeling anxious, your body produces adrenalin which makes you very thirsty.
10. Pregnancy

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When women are pregnant, even in the very early stages, they might notice increased thirst and experience some symptoms of mild dehydration. This is often due to huge changes going on in their bodies, including changes in their hormones and their increased blood volume.
11. Menopause

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Hormonal changes also cause increased thirst in women who are beginning or well into their Menopause. So if you are or suspect you are going through Menopause, the changes that are occurring in your body are huge. There are many symptoms but a few of these include a dry mouth and increased thirst.
12. Kidney problems

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You will probably have other symptoms if you have kidney problems so it is important for you to do your research or speak to a medical professional. But if you have diagnosed or suspected kidney problems and they are not working as they should, it is really common for you to feel extremely thirsty.
13. Liver problems

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Again, increased thirst isn't the only symptom, or indeed the telltale symptom of liver problems so it is important to do your research or speak to a doctor if you suspect your liver isn't working properly. But if you've been diagnosed, you might experience increased thirst and this is because of a build-up of toxins in your body.
14. Hypercalcemia

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Hypercalcemia is a condition where there is too much calcium in your blood. And with calcium levels above normal, you'll experience many symptoms including kidney stones, heart and brain problems, and weaker bones. But another surprising symptom is also increased thirst.
15. Hyperthyroidism

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Hyperthyroidism is also known as having an overactive thyroid. And people that are diagnosed with this condition may experience common symptoms including anxiety, hyperactivity, difficulty sleeping, fatigue as well as other symptoms. They will also have an increased metabolism which has been found to increase thirst.
16. Cancer

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There are many different types of cancer and each of these will have its own common symptoms that people experience. And it is important to see a medical professional straight away if you experience any for a better chance of catching it early. But some types of cancer, like leukemia and lymphoma, can actually cause excessive thirst among many other symptoms.
17. Sjogren's syndrome

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Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disorder where the body's immune system attacks the glands that secrete fluid, including the tear and saliva glands. The effects of this disorder vary considerably from person to person but a common effect is a dry mouth, as well as excessive thirst.
18. Diabetes insipidus

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Diabetes insipidus is a rare condition that affects how the kidneys handle fluids. The two main symptoms of this condition are really frequent urination and extreme thirst. The amount of urine a person with the condition passes can be up to 3 liters a day in milder cases and up to a shocking 20 liters a day in severe cases.
19. Chronic kidney disease

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As we have mentioned earlier in a previous point, when your kidneys don't work properly, you experience increased thirst. But, unfortunately, kidney problems can be chronic, and chronic kidney disease is when your kidneys don't work like they should long-term.
20. Anemia

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Anemia is a condition where your body does not have enough healthy red blood cells and there are different types of anemia. These include anemia caused by a B12 deficiency, iron deficiency, and folic acid deficiency. And because you are deficient in something that your body needs, it might produce more fluids to compensate, making you more thirsty.
21. Chronic fatigue syndrome

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Chronic fatigue syndrome is a serious long-term condition that affects multiple bodily systems. It can really stop a person from doing their usual day-to-day activities and may even confine them to their beds. This condition can also cause people to become thirsty due to dehydration and hormonal imbalances.
22. Depression

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Depression can have many physical and mental health symptoms and everyone with depression experiences it differently. Depression can cause changes in appetite, sleep, behaviors, and hydration levels. And these symptoms inevitably lead to increased thirst.
23. Parkinson's disease

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Parkinson's disease is a brain disorder that causes unintended movements like shaking, and stiffness, and affects balance and coordination. It also could cause changes in the part of the brain that actually controls thirst and fluid balance so it causes those diagnosed to feel potentially more thirsty.
24. Rheumatoid arthritis

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Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease. People who are diagnosed with this disease, also known as RA, may experience symptoms including tender, swollen, and stiff joints and fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite. Many of the medications for RA cause dry mouth and can make you increasingly thirsty.
25. Multiple sclerosis

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Multiple sclerosis is a condition that can affect the brain and the spinal cord and has many symptoms. The condition can affect any part of the body and each person who is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, also known as MS, can affect the nerves that control thirst and can therefore cause excessive thirst.
26. Stomach problems

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If you are unfortunate enough to catch a stomach bug, you will probably experience cramps, sickness, and diarrhea. And sometimes, a stomach illness can be bad enough to not even allow you to take fluids. So because you are losing fluids and only being able to take a small amount back, you might experience increased thirst for some time after you have recovered.
27. Mouth and throat sores

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If you have any mouth sores, such as ulcers, or even an inflamed throat or tonsillitis, it can make it really painful to swallow. And if this is the case, you might not drink as much as you usually do in order to avoid the pain. So drinking less will cause you to become increasingly thirsty.
28. Infections

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Certain infections can cause symptoms that may make you more thirsty. For example, if you develop tonsillitis which is an infection in your throat, you might avoid swallowing and therefore drink less. And antibiotics used to treat infections can also potentially cause increased thirst.
29. Adrenal gland disorders

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Adrenal glands are located just above your kidneys and their job is to release hormones that help to control your metabolism. But if these are not working properly, and you have been diagnosed with an adrenal gland disorder, you might find that you are much thirstier. This is because a disorder in these glands can affect fluid balance.
30. Heart failure

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Heart failure has many common symptoms that need to be investigated by a medical professional. But one symptom that you might not expect to have if you have heart failure is increased thirst. And this can happen if your heart isn't pumping blood effectively.