1. Leafy greens

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Leafy greens are amazing in many ways and come in so many different forms: spinach, kale, and rocket. They are packed FULL of vitamins as well as antioxidants which may be super beneficial for our heart health and could help to maintain its health and function.
2. Berries

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Berries of all kinds (such as blueberries, raspberries and strawberries) may also be amazing for our hearts because they contain a lot of vitamins and a lot of antioxidants in them. They may help to lower our blood pressure which could help in the future, lowering the risk of heart disease.
3. Fatty fish

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It's a well known fact that fatty fish is good for all kinds of thing - and it may especially be good for your heart. Fish such as salmon, tuna and other kinds of naturally fatty fish are full of Omega-3 which has been associated with improving heart health.
4. Nuts

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All kinds of nuts such as walnuts, almonds and cashews are very high in things such as good fats and protein. Studies have shown that nuts might have a positive effect on our heart. They may even reduce the risk of developing illnesses such as heart disease.
5. Avocados

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Avocados have become the trendy thing to eat, and for good reason. Avocados are full of good fats - monounsaturated fats which again are thought to be really good for your heart. Studies have suggested that they may help reduce both blood pressure and cholesterol.
6. Seeds

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Seeds are one of those things that we have to consciously incorporate into our diet. But it's well worth doing so as they may be a fantastic food in terms of your heart health, again because of all the healthy fats they might contain which benefit your heart health.
7. Legumes
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Legumes are things such as lentils, chickpeas and beans. They are a great way to provide nutrition in your diet as they are packed with protein, nutrients and fibre. It may be a great way to help keep your cholesterol under control which is super beneficial for your heart.
8. Whole grains

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Whole grains are thought to be the best and most healthy kind of grain. You can easily incorporate whole grains into your diet by eating things such as brown rice, oats, or quinoa. Eating whole grains is thought to help lower the likelihood of developing heart disease.
9. Tomatoes

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Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene which has been suggested by a variety of studies to help protect our hearts by reducing risks of heart related illnesses. Tomatoes are super easy to incorporate into our diet for example in tomato sauce.
10. Garlic

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Garlic may be small but it is a powerful vegetable. Not only does it make everything 10 times more tasty but it's also great for our health. And, even better, it's supposed to be great for the health of our heart, and also maintaining a healthy heart.
11. Onions

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Onions are just the staple of any meal, right? You can shop up an onion and cook it and it already smells like a gourmet recipe. But onions are often overlooked, despite being SO good for you. It's thought that they can help to contribute to keeping a healthy heart!
12. Dark chocolate

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Oh yes, some kinds of chocolate may actually be good for us. But, only chocolate at around 70% coco or more. You've probably heard this one before, but it is indeed not a myth. It may even be goof for our heart health due to the antioxidants it contains.
13. Green tea

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Green tea, love it or hate it, is a very healthy drink of choice because it is full of nutrients, antioxidants and goodness. The properties in green tea are thought to help combat high cholesterol and lower it, reducing the risk of developing heart disease.
14. Red wine

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Okay wine lovers, we have some good news. It turns out that red wine in moderation may actually be beneficial; not only for our overall health, but specifically the health of our heart. Now this doesn't mean it's healthy to drink a lot of it. But a little here and there might be good for you.
15. Olive oil

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Olive oil is extremely high in antioxidants as well as monounsaturated fats, meaning that they may be really good for our heart. You could try adding some olive oil to your salad or applying it to some whole grain bread instead of a different kind of spread.
16. Yogurt

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Not only is yogurt a good source of calcium, but it may also be good for the heart. Yogurt is thought to be naturally high in probiotics. Gut health and probiotics have also been linked with heart health and so it is thought that yoghurt can be very beneficial for our heart.
17. Apples

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Who's going to say it...'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. Okay, we've all heard this too many times but it's got some truth to it. An apple contains fibre, antioxidants and lots of vitamins and nutrients which have been associated with keeping a healthy heart.
18. Oranges and lemons

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Oranges, lemons, limes...any kind of citrus fruits are thought to be good for heart health. Not only are they super high in vitamin C, but they also contain properties which studies have shown might help to reduce the chance of heart related diseases and help with the overall health of the heart.
19. Sweet potatoes

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Don't we all just love sweet potato? I mean, a sweet potato deep fried in the form of sweet potato fries probably don't count. But cooked healthy you can still enjoy all of their healthy goodness and the nutritious benefits they have on helping us keep a healthy heart.
20. Pomegranates

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Pomegranates are definitely an underrated fruit. And you might not realise but they might be extremely good for our hearts due to the fact that they are so packed full of nutrients! It is thought that pomegranates may improve our circulation which might help the flow to the heart.
21. Bell peppers

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Bell peppers are actually one of the best sources of vitamin C - it may even contain more than an orange. Vitamin C and vitamin K which bell peppers also contain, have many health benefits and they may also help keep our hearts healthy and help protect it against risks.
22. Broccoli

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Broccoli is one of those vegetables which we know form a very young age is very good for us, yet a lot of us find it less appealing for some reason. But you cannot underestimate this veggie when it comes to nutrition and health and how good it may be for our heart.
23. Asparagus

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Asparagus is a very tasty and healthy vegetable. It's packed full of fibre and folate and it also contains vitamins such as C and A. All of these things combined have led health experts to believe that asparagus is a great choice of heart-healthy food.
24. Mushrooms

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Mushrooms are a completely divisive veggie. For those who hate them, it seems to be to do with the slippery and slimy texture. For those who love them, it's hard to imagine not thinking that they were super tasty. Either way, they may be a great way to maintain our heart health.
25. Turmeric

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Turmeric is a kind of spice that is a great addition to food and cooking because it contains something called curcumin which is a kind of powerful antioxidant. It is thought to be able to help our hearts by reducing inflammation in our body and organs.
26. Ginger

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Ginger comes from a root, and it is definitely an acquired taste and not one that many people seem to enjoy due to it's string and unique flavor. But it is actually very good in terms of giving you health benefits and keeping your heart well and healthy.
27. Beets

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Beets also have a very distinctive, earthy taste which some people love and some people do not like. But beets are so full of nutrients (such as nitrates) and antioxidants that it may be a great way to contribute to our overall health and the health of our hearts.
28. Watermelon

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Can you beat watermelon on a summer's day when you're hot and you bite into a juicy, refreshing and cold piece of watermelon? Nope, we don't think so. Not only is it delicious but it may also be a fruit that is very good for maintaining a healthy heart.
29. Grapes

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Grapes are such a tasty fruit and a good snack. Yet they do not get the attention they deserve when it comes to their massive health benefits. They are often overlooked as health fads come and go, yet grapes may be good for our bodies as well as our brains.
30. Cranberries
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Cranberries come in many different forms, probably most commonly as a dried fruit. It's a great and healthy snack to nibble on dried cranberries (the ones not packed full of added sugars) and they are also supposed to help us keep our ticker nice and healthy!