1. This early aughts time traveler in 1941

Image Source: Yahoo News
The internet was ablaze when this photo started circulating. This picture is from 1941, and that guy definitely looks like he traveled from modern times with those sunglasses and t-shirt. Naysayers think that there were comparable glasses then and the shirt he's wearing is probably a jersey with a sewn-on emblem.
2. Time traveler VANISHES

Image Source: Filmora
Okay, this is pretty wild, because it actually made headlines like this. This guy, Andrew Carlssin, was a self-proclaimed time traveler. He was under arrest for insider trading, and he said he was from the year 2256. The craziest part - one day he just up and vanished from his jail cell!
3. Would you answer this ad?

Image Source: Reddit
This newspaper clipping made its way around the internet. If you look at the advertisement, it's a request for someone to travel in time with the poster. While there aren't a lot of details of the how or why, it's interesting to think about. In fact, they made a movie based on this ad!
4. A guy with a cellphone at the World Cup in 1962

Image Source: Reddit
Many people have pointed to this image as proof of time travel. The winning team was celebrating their championship, and in the photo, a man can be seen capturing the moment on his cell phone. If you were traveling back in time, pre-cell phones, what would you hope to take a picture of?
5. A blueprint of a time machine

Image Source: Quora
A guy named John Titor designed this machine. He claimed that it is a time machine. John was one of the most famous time travelers of his time. His claim to fame was that he was able to make very specific predictions about various life events that can only be chalked up to time travel.
6. Charlotte Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain

Image Source: Ranker
These two visited Paris back in 1901, and published a book discussing their experience while there. They said at one point, instead of turning left, they went right and ended up 120 years in the past. They described what they saw there and hung out with Marie Antoinette. It was hailed at the time as being proof of time travel.
7. A time-traveling navy ship

Image Source: Wikipedia
The Philadelphia Experiment was based on a theory from Albert Einstein, that essentially if light can be bent, then so can the space time continuum. So of course, the US government began experimenting to see if it was possible. In 1943, the navy made a ship disappear by sending it 10 seconds into the past... allegedly.
8. Stranger things have happened...

Image Source: NY Post
The Montauk Project is the real life story that inspired the hit show
Stranger Things. The government was said to be doing experiments on various individuals for both time travel and mind control. Documents have since been released showing that they were giving people psychotropic drugs to experiment for mind control at Long Island Air Force Base.
9. Vladimir Putin might be immortal

Image Source: Yahoo News
Some people think Vladimir Putin is either a time traveler or an ageless vampire. There are photos circulating from 1920 and 1941 that claim to be Putin. Of course, it's hard to say if this is just a case of similar faces or if Putin has mastered time. What do you think?
10. A vanishing car from another time

Image Source: India Times
LC was driving down the freeway with his buddy when they suddenly approached a vehicle that looked like an antique car, but it was in mint condition. Then they noticed the plate said 1940 (so it shouldn't have been on the road). In the car was a woman and girl, both dressed in 1940s attire, who started begging them for help. And then... the car vanished.
11. Jimmy Fallon then and now

Image Source: Bored Panda
Do you think these celebrities with lookalikes from years gone by is proof of time travel or just history repeating itself? Some people would like to believe that these people are living a double life as celebrities and their historical figure counterparts. So Jimmy Fallon is living a double life as a late show host and revolutionary communist. Hilarious!
12. This time slip is pretty wild!

Image Source: Wikipedia
This pilot, Victor Goddard, flew into the future. He says in 1935 he was flying his plane, and ran into weather trouble. He said that he turned around to start again and reorient himself, and when he did so, the rain stopped, and it was sunny. He saw men in blue uniforms, and yellow planes. And then... a few years later, the air force changed their uniforms to blue and started painting their planes yellow!
13. Apparently, cell phones have been distracting us for a long time

Image Source: Pocket Lint
This painting is from 1860, and it's called "The Expected One." The woman in the painting is walking along the path, clutching what appears to be a cell phone, unaware of the adoring man trying to get her attention and holding out a flower. If you could travel to any decade, which one would it be?
14. Nicolas Cage - that's all

Image Source: Pinterest
This guy from 1870 went viral in 2011, because he looks like... well, Nicolas Cage. He also looks like an emperor from the 19th century. And now Nicolas Cage is playing a vampire in Renfield. People have long thought he was a vampire. So the question is, is he a vampire in real life or a time traveler?
15. Surf's up, dude

Image Source: Bored Panda
They call this guy the time surfer. This image is from over 100 years ago, and you can see everyone is dressed according to the times. However, the guy on the left is in a t-shirt and shorts with a more modern hairstyle. Some suggest that a few of the people in the photo even seem to be surprised by his appearance.
16. Apple products making an appearance in Ancient Greece

Image Source: Yahoo News
People have been freaking out over this Greek sculpture, thinking that it must be proof of time travel. The woman looks like she's holding a laptop with USB ports, doesn't she? The museum where this piece is displayed describes it as a shallow chest, but I choose to believe she's got a MacBook Pro.
17. This 1930s painting and this iPhone user

Image Source: YouTube
There seems to be a recurring theme of seeing cell phones in places they shouldn't be. For example, this 1930s painting depicts a man at the lower right holding what can only be described as an iPhone in a setting that doesn't quite make sense. Either time travelers have been back in time with modern tech, or artists from then have had some pretty strong premonitions of where society was headed.
18. This man runs into a time portal

Image Source: Ranker
If you watch the full clip, it's honestly pretty convincing that time travel exists. You can see this man running through a field, when there's a sudden flash of light, and he disappears. This video has been re-shared and posted countless times. And people believe this security camera footage is proof that time portals are out there.
19. Marilyn Monroe's selfie moment

Image Source: Reckon Talk
Okay, this film is from 1953, and it really looks like the woman behind her is attempting to take her photo with a pretty modern device. People have said that this is yet another piece of evidence proving that time travel is real! If she's not using a digital camera of some sort to take a photo, can someone explain to me what this is?
20. This astronaut appearing in the 1600s

Image Source: Reddit
We all know that space travel wasn't a reality until a few decades ago. But many people cannot stop talking about this sculpture that's on the wall of a church building. This sculpture and the building went up in the 1600s, and it pretty clearly depicts an astronaut!
21. The disappearing man

Image Source: Reddit
This man arrived in Japan and claimed he was from a country called Taured. The only problem? The country didn't exist. He explained where he was from, what his home city was like, and could even point to it on a map and seemed genuinely confused that it was currently called by another name. He was taken into custody, and then when they went to check on him the next day, he had just simply disappeared!
22. These guys with matching tattoos

Image Source: Filmora
A guy from Sweden said that he traveled to the future. How? He found a portal under his sink. This self-proclaimed time traveler used this photo as proof saying the picture of the tattoo was on his future self while he was standing next to him in the future. Wish we could see their faces, then we'd know for sure!
23. John Travolta has been here before

Image Source: Reckon Talk
Another photo that went viral for proof of time travel is this image of John Travolta. The origin of the original photo is a bit unclear, but either John is able to break the time continuum, or his family has some really strong genes! If you could have a double life, what would your counterpart be doing right now?
24. Woman using a cellphone in 1928

Image Source: YouTube
This woman is seen talking on what appears to be a cellphone in this Charlie Chaplin film from 1928. If you watch the full clip, there are other moments where she's clearly speaking into the device she's holding up to her ear, and this clip went viral because of it. Is this proof of time travel?
25. Another iPhone showing up in 1948

Image Source: YouTube
People who believe in time travel are convinced that Henry Fonda is checking his iPhone in this film. I find this one a little harder to believe. If you watch the full clip, it looks like a leather bound notebook. If you could travel through time, would you tout foreign objects like this or try to blend in?
26. The Hadron Collider might destroy the world

Image Source: Reddit
Some people believe that one of these machines is going to be what destroys the world. It's also known as an "atom smasher." There's a lot of stuff about atoms and particles and such, but the bottom line is, it's a big machine that a lot of people don't understand and think that it could be used to break the time and space continuum.
27. This news story broke over a decade before it happened

Image Source: India Times
A journalist and photographer were sent to Hamburg, Germany to do a story on a shipyard. When they were leaving, they heard and then saw fighter planes approaching. All the sudden, buildings were exploding and war was raging all around them. Then the sky cleared and there was no chaos anywhere. No one believed them, but then 11 years later, during the World War the exact scene actually happened exactly as they described!
28. The internet might hold the key to everything

Image Source: Reddit
There are people out there running studies to help us discover time travelers. They've set up key searches on the internet to look for things that are mentioned before their time in history. For example, Pope Francis is the first one, so if anyone from before his time speaks of Pope Francis, they might be a time traveler.
29. Greta Thunberg in 1898

Image Source: Reddit
Most of us know Greta Thunberg as a young activist and environmental spokesperson. This photo is over 120 years old, and the girl in the picture looks just like her. People think that Greta is a time traveler who is trying to save humanity from a climate crisis.
30. A 400 year old Swiss watch ring

Image Source: Reddit
This tiny watch went viral in 2008. There was an expedition to uncover a 400 year old tomb in China, and this small gold watch ring was found frozen at 10:06 with the word Swiss engraved on it. There's debate on whether these photos are hoaxes, but it's way more fun to believe a time traveler left it for us to find!