1. It's a pajama party

Image Source: Daily Mail
Honestly, living for this vibe. Most people don't go out in public in their pajamas, because they want to feel at their best. But we love seeing people thriving in their comfy clothes in trailer parks. Maybe there's a better sense of community and comfort in being yourself!
2. Sometimes, ya gotta get creative

Image Source: Pinterest
This DIY swimming pool is truly genius. When it's a scorcher, and you're stuck in that humid summer weather, what better way to cool down than this trailer park original swimming pool. The best part is, it comes in different sizes and also doubles as a trash bag when you're done!
3. This wind chime belongs on Etsy

Image Source: Pinterest
We love a resourceful king. This wind chime made from beer cans is pretty freaking awesome! These would probably sell elsewhere in the United States, but it makes sense that it made its debut in a trailer park. The resourcefulness and the humor is top notch, and we love to see it!
4. Utilizing every inch of space

Image Source: Reddit
The craftsmanship is unmatched! This trailer park knows how to use every inch of land to maximize the number of occupants. One person said that this is actually a single family's mansion, which is even more amazing. Though, that top building looks a little precarious on a windy day.
5. Politics on display

Image Source: Terry Park
People in trailer parks still have their political alliances. It's not uncommon to see a Confederate flag being proudly raised next to an American one. While we don't judge anyone for where they live, it has to be said that there are some pretty opinionated folks with some big weapons that occupy these parks!
6. Indoor / outdoor living

Image Source:
ZombieThis is indoor-outdoor living at its finest. One of the biggest perks about living in a trailer park is the almost automatic outdoor space. It seems like a borderline requirement for your trailer to come with lawn chairs, and we think that's pretty cool. It also seems like a lot of people are happy to sit around and shoot the breeze with ya.
7. A much needed covered patio

Image Source: Reddit
Speaking of indoor-outdoor living, if you're in a wetter area but still want some fresh air, this might be the way to go. We love the theme of, once again, utilizing what you have. Using a truck bed cover as a roof and a chain link fence to protect your property is something we can get on board with!
8. You can make it look super cute

Image Source: Reddit
Some people are embarrassed by their living situation, and while the stigma is definitely negative towards trailer parks, that doesn't always have to be the case. It's possible to decorate it and make it your own and have it feel like a home. The biggest thing is location and making sure you're safe.
9. It's good to understand your demographic

Image Source: Reddit
Walking distance to a Walmart AND McDonald's is pretty much what dreams are made of. It's clearly a big deal for a lot of people in the area if they chose to print it on a sign to encourage people to move in there. Being able to do a one-stop Walmart shop followed by some McNuggets sounds perfect!
10. This futuristic trailer is pretty cool!

Image Source: Quora
Okay so this isn't in a trailer park, per se, but we had to include it on the list. This trailer is really cool looking, though we don't quite understand how the living space works. It looks like something out of
Stranger Things though, so we would definitely try it out.
11. Know your priorities

Image Source: Reddit
Sometimes you just really need the sports car, even if that means you have to downgrade your house in order to pay it off. Would you be willing to move into a trailer park if it meant you got to have your dream car? It would definitely turn some heads to see a car like that parked out front of your double wide!
12. Would you pick a camper or a dorm?

Image Source: Reddit
There's a university in Santa Cruz that has given their students the option of living in a camper at a trailer park or the traditional dorm room. A lot of students are opting for the camper as it gives them more personal space while still having a shared living feel. The only downside is having plumbing or electricity issues from time to time.
13. Business is thriving

Image Source: Inc. Magazine
There are people who are making a living while working out of their mobile home. In fact, some businesses seem to be doing quite well and have allowed residents to earn a pretty solid income and hopefully improve their living situations. Sales businesses seem to be the most popular.
14. It really comes down to the management

Image Source: VTDigger
From what we've seen, the quality and state of the trailer park really comes down to how much the property management team is invested in the space. If they don't care, it can quickly be overrun and start to look what people consider trashy. It can be frustrating, because no one wants to come home to this situation.
15. It's Christmas year round

Image Source: Daily Commercial
It's not uncommon for residents in trailer parks to leave their holiday decorations up year round. Perhaps it reminds them of happier times or perhaps Christmas is just their favorite holiday. Either way, I guess it doesn't hurt anyone to bring a little holiday cheer in the middle of summer!
16. Sometimes it gets a little dirty

Image Source: Daily Mail
This is definitely NOT true of every resident, but trailer parks have the reputation they do for a reason. It's known that many residents do not have the means or the capacity to keep the inside of their homes clean. This results in unsafe living conditions and even health hazards for many occupants.
17. It might look abandoned, but someone lives there!

Image Source: Reddit
Again, some mobile homes can be very nice and well kept, but it's not uncommon to see a place that looks so rundown you would be shocked to know that there are people who occupy it. It's unfortunate that some people have to live like this! Everyone's just doing their best.
18. Hipsters are trying to make them chic

Image Source: Quora
Of course, everything comes full circle. There is a new generation of people who are trying to change the way we think about mobile homes by turning these structures into shabby chic homes and giving them a much needed face lift. Would you want to renovate one?
19. Speaking of, this is what's happening in California

Image Source: Digs.net
Did you know there's actually a trailer park in California that is a very cool place to live. In fact, there are a few celebrities who occupy these homes. Near Malibu, beach living is incredibly expensive, so there are a few trailer parks in the area that have been renovated and turned into luxurious trailer homes.
20. Many residents collect things

Image Source: Renderosity
Whether it's lawn flamingos or a pile of tires, it's not uncommon to see one particular resident with a lawn FULL of a collector's item of sorts. Perhaps it starts out as a joke and then grows into something that's soothing or feels practical in some way. I personally would definitely go the lawn flamingos route.
21. Unfortunately, vandalism is very common

Image Source: WPDE
Because many of the residents are lower income, it goes without saying that it's a place that's ripe for crime. Vandalism is pretty frequent in places like this, as well as gang violence, and there's not really anyone who's trying to prevent it from happening. No one should feel unsafe in their own home!
22. There's not a lot of personal space

Image Source: New York Times
While your home is yours, because everyone is close together, there's always people up in your business, even when it comes to small things like everyone seeing your underwear hanging on the clothesline. You have to get okay with having your personal belongings on display.
23. Kids have free reign of the community

Image Source: BabyGaga
It might catch some people off guard, but if you wander through a trailer park, you'll likely see a lot of kids running around and playing in the street. While this isn't the safest thing to do, it does seem that people watch out for each other's kids to some extent. Of course, at the end of the day, it's every man for himself.
24. Decorate any way you'd like

Image Source: Reddit
Again, resourcefulness seems to be the name of the game, and what better way to re-use those red Solo cups from the community party you threw than to decorate your patio. It matches the vibe, and it's honestly a pretty great face lift if you ask us!
25. The people really stick together

Image Source: AZCentral
While trailer parks are not always the safest of places, there does seem to be a sense of "us" vs "them" when it comes to the residents. While they may fend for themselves most of the time, it seems they will band together when necessary for things like evictions and relocations.
26. Honestly, who could live like this

Image Source: KSAT
Things get out of hand, and it's easy to let stuff pile up when you don't mean to. But so many photos that come out of trailer parks look like this one where there are just piles of garbage everywhere. It'd be really hard to feel the motivation to pull yourself out of that circumstance when it seems no one cares about you!
27. Dr*g busts occur on the regular

Image Source: CTV News Vancouver
It's definitely not uncommon to have the police swarm into your community to do a dr*g bust. Unfortunately, dr*gs and violence have become a way of life in these low income housing areas. Because these areas are often untouched by the community, it's easy for dr*g dealers and other criminals to lay low.
28. You can take your home with you

Image Source: Earth Relocation
One great thing about trailer homes is that you can easily relocate. If you find yourself in an area that you absolutely don't like for safety reasons, weather conditions... whatever! you can pick up and go. That being said, it's not cheap to move your mobile home, so if you've run into money problems, you might be stuck for a while.
29. Sometimes mother nature comes for you

Image Source: HowStuffWorks
Any sort of natural disaster can be scary no matter where you live. But when your home is on wheels or cinder blocks, that's the case even more-so. As seen here, a tornado can wreak havoc on a trailer park in a matter of seconds. Typically these people don't have insurance, and the damages are overwhelming.
30. At the end of the day, it's someone's home

Image Source: Houma Today
Regardless of what you think or where you fall on the socio-economic scale, it has to be said that these are people's actual homes. And while they may be easy to joke about or gawk at, everyone deserves a roof over their head. Many of them are being displaced without a second thought.
31. Here are some creepy images from abandoned trailer parks, too! Pretty in pink
image source: alexandracharitan.com
It's interesting to see a trailer painted this bright - have you ever seen a decorated trailer like this before? It makes it all the more strange when you see something so bright and cheery just rotting away like this with the paint peeling away... makes you wonder who owned it and who painted it.
32. Turning to rust
image source: alexandracharitan.com
Not only do you see the trailers flaking their paint and turning to rust, you see those creepy dead branches growing around as nature reclaims the space! You can see some bright mint green and blue painted trailers in the back - the one on the far end almost looks new...
33. Like something from the apocalypse
image source: youtube.com
This could easily be a scene from The Walking Dead or any apocalypse movie - the heroes stumble across a creepy abandoned trailer park only to find it's not as abandoned as they might think... This must have been a communal street or road into this particular park.
34. Hiding in the woods
image source: alexandracharitan.com
This just goes to show that even within trailer parks, you can still have people putting their trailers hiding in the trees or dumping them away from everyone else. Here's a tiny trailer hidden among the trees, abandoned now and eerily hidden... the owner must have
really wanted their space.
35. Even abandoned trailer parks still see violence
image source: indystar.com
Here this abandoned trailer park has gained the interest of some nearby arsons or very bored people - while it's not too surprising, seeing as creepy abandoned places have gained a lot of attention through YouTube explorations. With so many flammable things left at the abandoned parks, it's no surprise, really.
36. The perfect place to sit
image source: pinterest.com
Either this chair was dragged out of the trailer after it was abandoned, or it was left there by the owner - we're willing to bet the latter. It's nothing new to have trailer park residents sit in armchairs on their lawns, after all. And is that a mini paddling pool, too?
37. So much junk
image source: fox4kc.com
This just puts into perspective how much is left behind and left to pollute the environment - you can even see an abandoned tyre, rusting metal roof and the framework of the trailer itself. This must be the perfect spot for people looting for things or rummaging around.
38. Almost hidden by overgrown trees
image source: pinterest.com
Nature really doesn't care that these trailers are in the way. With no one left to tend the trailer park, these branches are just growing wherever they want - and those metal trailers must provide some serious support! The positioning of these trailers seems off, too, almost like they were dragged or moved.
39. A trailer park office
image source: sanantonioreport.com
Of course, abandoned trailer parks aren't always residential ones. A lot of offices are based in trailers, and here you can see one that's been completely abandoned and trashed. Was this mess made before or after it was abandoned? Maybe they thought something valuable would be in the desk...
40. An aerial view
image source: pond5.com
A lot of trailer parks are huge, after all, and most trailers will be out in the open rather than parked out in the woods hiding in the trees. This abandoned trailer park is just as creepy from the top view, as you can see the decaying roofs with gaps in their tiles...
41. A peek inside the structure
image source: reddit.com
Did you ever know what a trailer structure might look like inside the outer casing? Well here you go - now you can rest easy. We don't know why this happened, whether it naturally came away or somebody took it off and stole it - maybe you can sell the parts for a bit of cash?
42. Some trailers get turned into art

image source: weburbanist.com
Abandoned trailers are really just blank canvases if you're an artist - and here one trailer is given a very impressive makeover. It makes a nice change than random graffiti, doesn't it? Just goes to show that trailers can be turned into something new, even after they've been abandoned.
43. Once a working kitchen
image source: thedaintysquid.com
It's strange to think that once the trailer owners must have been making meals in here - maybe happy family meals, or maybe meals for a couple - maybe even a trailer owner living alone making a TV dinner. Now completely trashed, drawers hanging out and even a rug still on the floor.
44. A place to sleep
image source: thedaintysquid.com
When you see these abandoned trailers from the outside, it's easy to forget that they were actually the homes of many people. A place to eat, watch TV and - most importantly - a place to sleep! These abandoned homes even left the bedframes and mattresses behind.
45. Somebody forgot to do the dishes
image source: thedaintysquid.com
It almost looks like an end of the world situation where these people had to straight up and leave without being able to pack any of their belongs. Or maybe they just really didn't want to do the dishes (we don't blame them). The kitchen has collapsed enough to have the window fall in.
46. A room with a view
image source: thedaintysquid.com
It's interesting to think that the owner would have stood here at the window and this is the view they would have had. These trailers are usually really close together, so there's really no escaping any nosy neighbors. Now, there's nothing left to see apart from trailers falling apart.
47. Completely collapsed
image source: thedaintysquid.com
This one looks a little different than the static trailers, more like a wood option, but either way it looks like it's long since been on its last legs. The wood is collapsing and nature around it is completely overgrown. Was it always empty, or was this once someone's home?
48. Nature breaking in through the windows
image source: thedaintysquid.com
Nature always finds a way, as they say, but usually you see branches breaking through the window only in horror movies. Here you can see just how easy it is for nature to take everything back when the structure of the trailer is falling apart! Right into this abandoned kitchen.
49. Once someone's favorite seat
image source: thedaintysquid.com
One thing we're used to seeing with trailer park living is people parking their armchairs outside - and this one looks like it could have been a favorite spot, either to watch the sunset or nose on the neighbors. Now the chair itself is completely rotted - barely there anymore.
50. Not everyone had comfy armchairs!
image source: thedaintysquid.com
Some of the trailers are filled with simple camping chairs rather than any comfortable looking furniture - but we guess the camping chairs here have proven they last longer than any fabric ones! Another destroyed kitchen overgrown with branches and debris.