1. First and foremost, something everyone needs

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One of the best benefits of meditating on the regular is that it has the ability to help reduce stress. Studies have shown this to be true, because it reduces inflammations caused by the stress hormone cortisol. When your cortisol levels spike, you might experience restlessness, anxiety and depression, but mindfulness reduces these symptoms.
2. You're more connected to the world around you

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Meditation is a great tool to connect to the mind and body. This means that we become more present both within ourselves and within the world around us. Meditation goes back thousands of years, and it's something people have been utilizing for a long time to see a positive impact on self, relationships, and even education.
3. People who meditate are kinder

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We need more of this in the world! Because mindfulness increases positive feelings, it can result in more positive actions towards others and yourself. There's a specific type of meditation called Metta which focuses on loving-kindness. This will increase your compassion in interpersonal relationships.
4. Your romantic partner will thank you

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Your romantic relationships will improve, because when you practice meditation, you will be more emotionally intelligent and more aware of bodily sensations. Studies have also shown that those who meditate are less reactive in their partnerships and feel a sense of safety and stability than those who don't.
5. Creativity will be more available to you

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When you're choosing to spend time each day in meditation, it clears out your mind. Meditation allows you to refocus and to give your attention to things. This actually allows you to tap more into creativity, because you are experiencing reduced signs of stress, anxiety or depression. When you have a more positive and focused outlook, the creative juices can really flow!
6. Your pain may be more manageable

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While pain is very real, it's also connected to the state of your emotional and mental well-being. Therefore, pain can be elevated in times of stress. Because meditation is reducing your stress, you could see changes in pain and see an improvement in your overall quality of life.
7. Immunity is heightened

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Similar to the pain management, meditation heightens your immunity as well. Because meditation is shown to improve the condition of your heart, mental, and emotional health, this even plays into your immune system. Because your body is functioning at a higher capacity, the ability to fight off infections or other things that may come your way is also improved.
8. Your emotional health will be more balanced

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One of the great parts of meditating daily is that it can contribute to an overall improved outlook on life and the way you view yourself. Researchers say that those who practice daily experience fewer negative thoughts and also a reduction in depression.
9. Mindfulness will happen throughout the day

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The best part about meditation is that you don't have to be in a specific space or use any sort of equipment. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, it's easy to take a few minutes to practice. Whether you choose focused-attention or open-awareness meditation, you'll likely find yourself starting to default to this practice thought the day.
10. It changes the volume of your brain in certain areas

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Meditation has been proven to alter your brain structure. When you practice regularly for at least eight weeks, you find that the area responsible for learning and memory will actually grow in your brain, as will the area for emotional regulation and self-awareness. Then, the crazy part is that the areas for fear and anxiety actually start to SHRINK!
11. You'll function at a higher level psychologically

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People who meditate regularly long-term often see improved adaptive functioning. This means that the skills we utilize to meet the needs of the world around us will come to us more easily. Because when you're meditating there's less fear and anxiety, you'll see a regulation in emotions and behavior which allow you to navigate life better.
12. It improves mental health after trauma

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This is huge! Studies have shown that if you have experienced any sort of trauma or if you are experiencing PTSD, meditation can actually help improve your mental health. Again, because meditation brings self-awareness and allows you to access parts of yourself, while at the same time focusing and centering yourself, it's likely that regular practice will improve your mental health in regards to trauma.
13. Reduces anxiety and even chronic pain

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As mentioned, practicing mindfulness daily reduces your stress levels, which consequently reduces your anxiety levels. A study showed that just 8 weeks of regular meditation reduces symptoms of anxiety and even chronic pain. Meditation exercises such as yoga are great to add into your routine to see these benefits.
14. It could keep you off of anti-depressants

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As we've discussed, meditation reduces anxiety and depression. When done regularly, meditation is truly a brain training practice. Meditation is active, not passive, and it literally re-programs your brain to approach life and form thoughts in a different way. While you may need to use multiple tools, it's possible that meditation may be able to keep you off of anti-depressants.
15. Productivity in all areas of life improves

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When you rewire your brain because of daily meditation, as we've discussed, it actually helps your ability to focus. This means that you are putting more attention on what you're doing, and you can multi-task projects with ease. Overall, you'll find yourself being able to get more done in a day.
16. You will enter "beast mode" in your workouts

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For men specifically, the hormones released during meditation can actually increase testosterone levels. This means you may see a lot more energy when you're working out! This also makes your workout feel more focused, because you're less stressed and feeling more rested.
17. Your sense of self-awareness and body presence will heighten

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When you're spending time in regular meditation, it's likely that you'll come to a better understanding of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. You'll feel things in your body that you haven't felt before and become more attuned with its needs. You'll also be able to relate to those around you better, because you have a better sense of self.
18. Your sexy time will improve

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Okay, this one is important for all involved! Did you know that meditation can actually help you have a more healthy libido? When you're practicing mindfulness, you will also find yourself more present and sensitive towards your partner, which will result in a greater intimacy between you.
19. Meditation actually makes you a better driver

Image Source: NBC News
Yes, you read that right. When you meditate, it rewires your brain to increase your capacity for multi-tasking and focus. This means that if you have trouble focusing on the road and tend to get into little accidents, meditation can actually help you be a safer driver, which is a benefit for everyone on the road!
20. Rest will be more fruitful for you

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Many people deal with insomnia on a regular basis, and almost everyone has trouble falling asleep at one point or another. When you choose to meditate regularly, it's been proven that you'll likely stay asleep longer and experience less trouble falling asleep. Meditation helps with those racing thoughts that lead to poor sleep.
21. You might be able to reduce your coffee intake

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Most of us love our morning coffee, but it's also a necessity to function. Studies have shown that when you meditate, the nervous system goes into a deep relaxation. This means your body gets energy endorphins that will help you feel more alive and ready to start your day.
22. It will be easier to pay attention

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Meditation actually improves your attention span, because when you are meditating, it's requiring you to focus your attention. Each day that you spend time in mindfulness, you are building the strength and endurance of your attention span. Pretty freaking cool! You'll likely notice less mind-wandering and less worrying as a result.
23. If you have high blood pressure, you should meditate

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Studies show that daily meditation improves your health by actually lessening the strain that is put on your heart. This means that it can actually help reduce blood pressure. When the heart is under less stress, it doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood, resulting in better heart function!
24. You'll be better at your job!

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As we've discussed, meditation brings greater focus and less stress. Because of this, meditation helps with social and work relationships. There is shown to be significantly less conflict and better organization. This ultimately also leads to more creativity.
25. Your brain will crave the practice

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Once you start implementing intentional moments of mindfulness, you'll be aware of your body and your mind craving these moments each day. Because this practice improves concentration and reduces negative thought patterns, your brain will become obsessed with the new thought paths you've created.
26. Meditation through yoga will lower you BMI

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Researchers have found those who practice yoga meditation on the regular have a lower BMI due to the exercise element, of course, but also due to the combination with the meditation which simultaneously lowers your stress levels and allows you to focus on and respect your body. In the shorter-term, yoga also improves insulin levels and blood pressure.
27. You'll be less likely to experience memory loss

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Okay, this is pretty crazy, but when you practice every day, the improvements in attention and clarity actually help keep your mind young! Studies show that the intentional focus also increases memory and mental recall. There are even studies that show that meditation can somewhat improve memory for dementia patients.
28. Meditation reduces the focus on your "me center"

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Every person's brain has an area of activity that is responsible for self-referential thoughts and mind-wandering. So when you're nothing thinking of anything specific, your mind just wanders. This can cause you to be less happy and to worry more. But meditation actually quiets this area of your brain down pretty significantly and forms new connections for your brain.
29. School will be easier for you

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Did you know that daily meditation helps with brain functions responsible for things like planning, focus, and even multi-tasking? This means that when you practice mindfulness, school and education will be easier for you because you will feel more alert, less anxious, and display a better understanding of problem-solving!
30. It helps you overcome your addictions

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Because meditation is helping you build mental discipline, studies have shown this can actually also help you break addictions because you have more self-control. Your self-awareness is also heightened, so it allows you to prevent and work through triggers that may be causing the addictions.