1. Morning mom vs Night mom
Image Source: BoredPanda
Unfortunately, some of our kids' drawings really open our eyes up to how our precious little ones see us. This particular child has chosen to draw their morning Mom and their nighttime Mom. Morning Mom is hilariously spiky and quite terrifying as opposed to the super glamorous
'going out' Mom!
2. A beautiful portrait
Image Source: SheKnows
This adorable tot has created an absolute masterpiece here! We mean, who wouldn't want to be gifted this by their darling child? Just look at all of those teeth, a beautiful yellow nose, and a head full of curly locks. And this portrait looks like it's even complete with a cigar...
3. Covid 19
Image Source: Huffpost
The Covid-19 pandemic had such a huge effect on everyone, not to mention children, and although it was something you could see and experience the effects of, it was a pretty abstract concept. So this child has drawn what they think the coronavirus looks like. The
'dad' one looks the most serious!
4. Is it Santa?
Image Source: PracticalParenting
This is an interesting depiction of Santa - at least we think it's Santa! He's definitely had a shave and it also looks like Rudolf has shrunk a little because he looks like a cat! In fact, a hilarious online discussion of this drawing centered around the fact that it looks like someone throwing a cat out of a dumpster! Ho ho ho!
5. A stunning smile
Image Source: Brightside
Now, we have never seen a more beautiful smile. This stunning portrait of this child's mother's floating head is definitely one for the refrigerator! The hair itself looks like a gorgeous snake or a stripey banana, and she even has three eyelashes on or floating above each eye.
6. Crazy Christmas
Image Source: Brightside
This child has really gotten into the Christmas spirit here. The depiction of their mother is particularly accurate, thinking about how busy she must have been on the run-up to Christmas! That smile is definitely the smile of a mom who has just done Christmas and we feel for her!
7. So THAT'S how it works...
Image Source: Brightside
This little one has obviously just become an older sibling. And they have clearly been told the truth about how babies enter the world because of the accuracy of the drawing. And there are even labels to help to tell the whole birth story. At least everyone's got a smile on their face!
8. A skunk breaking wind on some flowers
Image Source: BoredPanda
Now this kid has an imagination. This is apparently a drawing of a skunk, shall we say, breaking wind on some beautiful flowers... For some reason, though, this skunk has fashioned some interesting footwear out of what looks remarkably like wine bottles...
9. When the drawing reveals a little too much...
Image Source: BoredPanda
Sometimes, we probably dread thinking about what our children say about us to their teachers let alone what their drawings reveal about us. Because, clearly, they can reveal a little too much. This child's mom obviously enjoys a glass or two of wine and she's not going to get away with it!
10. The truth hurts...
Image Source: BoredPanda
And it's not just Moms that bare the brunt of their child's honesty, it seems that Dads get it too. This Dad is an employee who likes drinking... it doesn't say what, but we can all assume that it's probably something alcoholic. No one's safe from the innocent brutal honesty of their kids!
11. How rude!
Image Source: BoredPanda
There seems to be a theme in a lot of kids' drawings and they're really creative when it comes to depicting someone or something breaking wind. To be honest, these are usually saved for the Dads of the world but this child has chosen to draw their Mom passing many clouds of gas!
12. Mother watches Ellen all-day
Image Source: BoredPanda
We always wonder why teachers set these cruel tasks in school. To be honest, it's probably so they can have a chuckle back in the teacher's lounge! But this adorably honest kid has really outed their mom here who apparently watches Ellen all day long!
13. Sound advice
Image Source: BoredPanda
Now, this is pretty brutal, and another example of a child revealing way too much about what Mom does in her spare time! And this kid obviously thinks that their Mom should drink way less wine than she currently does... But at least this Mom drawing looks super happy with her wine and it's obviously done with love - look at those hearts!
14. The difference between mom and dad
Image Source: BoredPanda
Thes stick versions of Evan's Mommy and Daddy reveal quite a lot about what he thinks of his parents! His Mommy is clearly emitting a cloud of
love whilst his Daddy is releasing a cloud of
gas. No prizes for guessing what this cloud of gas represents here! At least they're both smiling!
15. Evil snake/Evil mom
Image Source: BoredPanda
This kid seems to have a lot of anger inside and it's come out in their furious-looking drawing. Here we seem to have an evil snake that has eaten an evil Mom who very obviously doesn't like people... It's probably a little harsh and likely that it's a response to their Mom trying desperately to get their kid to put socks on before school this morning!
16. Covid-19 clowning around
Image Source: HuffPost
What Covid-19 actually looks like is really difficult to imagine. But this child seems to have a really clear vision and colorful imagination! You can see from the spiky mouth and hair that there's some fear there as if it's a scary monster, but, to be honest, it does look very much like an angry clown (which is arguably also quite terrifying!)
17. This mom sees all
Image Source: SheKnows
There are so many eyes on this kid's portrait of their Mom and clearly, her superpower is being able to see absolutely everything ever! From this masterpiece, we can assume that this kid can never ever get away with ANYTHING at all. Their Mom definitely know if they try anything!
18. Who doesn't love a portrait?
Image Source: SheKnows
When our precious little ones give us a portrait, as much as we want to love it, sometimes we are just desperately trying to hide the cringe. This child clearly has a talent for creating interesting portraits of their Mom and definitely needs to practice their proportions.
19. Zombie mom
Image Source: SheKnows
Now, this Mom has either had a crazy night on the town and hasn't washed her lipstick off yet, or she is a horrifying flesh-eating zombie who is hungry for your brains! Either way, this kid has clearly tried their hardest to create the most flattering drawing of their Mom, especially with those (lack of) eyes!
20. Draw your own pool scene
Image Source: Brightside
We don't know what's going on at this kid's local pool and it looks terrifyingly like you wouldn't come out if you went in for what you thought would be a relaxing swim! It's more likely that you'll have to swim for your life from a huge Jaws-like shark!
21. Family portrait
Image Source: PracticalParenting
This is quite a big family and it looks like they have just welcomed a new baby sibling into the world! This little one has drawn their family portrait and everyone is complete with smiles and belly buttons. And what we assume is the Mom is clearly breastfeeding and you'll probably figure out why we assumed this!
22. This mom is exhausted
Image Source: PracticalParenting
Sometimes, being a parent is exhausting and we believe that this wonderful work of art depicts that feeling absolutely perfectly. It has everything: the half-closed eye, the haystack hairstyle, and the open mouth that is probably constantly yawning (or yelling!)
23. Precious prints
Image Source: PracticalParenting
When we have children, we want to get every momentum possible to capture different memories in time. Usually, we print our child's hands or feet to remember how tiny they were! But this kid has decided to gift their parents a precious print of not only their hands but their butt as well.
24. Thank you, dear...
Image Source: Pleated-Jeans
This poor green-haired Dad has had a touch of brutal honesty from their loving daughter. On this note, little Amanda has told her Dad that she loves her Mom more than him! Maybe that day, Dad was a
bad cop and tomorrow, she'll love him more than her Mom... And probably tell her too!
25. Check your kids' homework!
Image Source: BoredPanda
If this isn't a warning for you to always check your kids' homework, then we don't know what is! This child has clearly been honest about what they think is a gas (and they're right), but to label it with
Dad is just hilarious! Dads get it tough, don't they?!
26. Appreciation
Image Source: Pleated-Jeans
This kid clearly knows what their Mom does for him, and definitely appreciates her keeping him alive! It's such a simple, basic, and everyday task we do as parents to make food that we probably don't even think about it. But to be thanked for this ordinary task is just wonderful and really points out that anything else you do besides the basic everyday stuff is just extra!
27. Magical memories
Image Source: BoredPanda
Be careful what you do at the weekend, parents because there's no escaping the
'innocent' honesty of our precious little darlings. And if you go over to a friend's house with your children and decide to have a few drinks, everyone will hear about it! At least this teacher took pitty on the Mom here!
28. Cuboom!
Image Source: Pleated-Jeans
This adorable drawing and sweet sentence really do portray this kid's huge heart that is just absolutely bursting with love for their family. And they've really thought about what their exploding self would
sownd like too with their onomatopoeic
'CUBOOM'! If their parents didn't shed a happy tear for this, they're definitely made of stone.
29. Allergic to Facebook
Image Source: BoredPanda
Dad is allergic to Facebook but Mom loves it... Perhaps this kid thinks Mom spends a little too much time on Facebook, we might assume. And why not? She looks very happy in this cartoon strip next to her computer! Maybe it's Dad that moans about Mom using Facebook and it's rubbed off on their kid!
30. Who eats the most at a picnic?
Image Source: BoredPanda
This kid clearly misunderstood the question! And has answered it with a brutally savage response that their poor Dad probably won't appreciate! Perhaps this delightful child had all of their yummy picnic food eaten once and is still a little bit sore about it... Either way, it's rather harsh!