1. You're always tired
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Sometimes, when your body is overloaded with toxins it can make you feel completely exhausted and drained all of the time. You may feel like you just do not have much energy day-to-day because your body's energy is taken up by dealing with all of the toxins!
2. You have issues with your skin

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When you have a lot of toxins in your body these toxins have to come out some way, and sometimes this is through our skin. It can give us rashes or acne or bumpy texture. This may be due to a build up of toxins which your body is trying to get rid of to detox.
3. Your joints feel stiff
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Stiff joints can be due to many things, including serious health issues. But sometimes they may also be stiff or sore due to a build-up of toxins in your body. When you have an overload of toxins it can result in negative physical symptoms or even maybe physical pain.
4. You get a lot of headaches

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Headaches can be super painful and annoying and they can happen for many reasons and are related to a variety of different health aspects. But another reason may be that you have an overload of toxins in your body which is causing you to have frequent headaches.
5. You struggle to think clearly

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Toxins in your body can affect many, many things, including hoe you think! Toxins in your body may cause you to experience brain fog and they may make you feel disorientated. If you feel as though you can't concentrate it might well be be because you are overloaded with toxins.
6. You have digestive issues

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There are a lot of people in the world that suffer with digestive issues of some kind. And some people can never really identify the root cause of the issue. Some people may find that their digestive issues are triggered by an overload of toxins in their body.
7. You can't sleep well

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If you've been having trouble sleeping recently, it could be because your body is full of toxins and your body cannot switch off and rest as well as it would like to. You might find that you're up half the night or you just cannot get to sleep! Your body is trying to detoxify itself.
8. You're always getting sick

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One clear sign that you may have a toxin overload in your body is that you keep on getting sick. You can't seem to shake a stubborn virus or you seem to fight one off only to be plagued by another immediately after. This could be because the toxins in your body are not allowing you to fully get better.
9. You have a lot of allergies

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Allergies cannot be helped, yet perhaps the toxins in our body have something to do with it. When we are full of toxins we might be more susceptible to our allergies or to developing allergies because our body may already be weakened from the overload of toxins.
10. You feel really irritable

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It's understandable that when your body is full of toxins, you may feel quite irritable. It's not wonder considering your body is already dealing with the toxins, meaning that your physical health is not at its best and this may then take its toll on your mental health.
11. You have high blood pressure

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Some people believe that having an overload of toxins in your body can lead to high blood pressure. As we know, high blood pressure can lead to other more serious problems, such as heart disease or strokes. So detoxifying may be super important for your health.
12. You feel super anxious

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When we are not physically well (i.e. full of toxins!), there's no way we can feel mentally our best. There's lots of things that can trigger your anxiety, and one simple cause may be because of the toxins in your body. Toxins are essentially poisons and so it can affect us mentally and physically.
13. You always have bad breath

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Bad breath is super gross...there's no two ways about it. It's also really damaging to your confidence when your realize you have a bad breath problem and you are super conscious that people will notice and think you have funky smelling breath and that maybe you don't have good hygiene. But, it could just be a toxin overload which you can fix.
14. You feel very nauseous

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If you are feeling nauseous without reason, then it may be because you are suffering with too many toxins. Toxins are bad for our body and so it can result in us feeling unwell and sick. You may need to focus on trying to get rid of toxins before you can start feeling better.
15. You're always craving sweet, sugary snacks

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Sweet and sugary snacks are yummy. We wish they weren't. Why aren't healthy snacks SO good? If we always craved healthy snacks things would be so much easier. Yet toxins may be one of the reasons that you are always wanting to fill your body with sugars!
16. Your muscles feel completely weak

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You know that feeling when you feel like you've done a marathon because your muscles are weak and tires, when in actual fact you've not even done anything to cause them to feel like that. Even climbing the stairs makes them burn. This could be because of the toxins in your body.
17. Your mood is up and down

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One minute you feel happy and content and the next minute you feel totally down and blue. And while our moods naturally fluctuate, when they are totally unpredictable it's necessary to find the root cause. One possibility is that the toxins are affecting your emotions.
18. You have a low sex drive

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When our body is overloaded with toxins we may not feel in the mood for some saucy, steamy intimate time. The toxins can make you feel not like your usual self and you may feel completely out of synch with your partner and just simply not in the mood right now!
19. Your wounds don't heal properly

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Wound healing is actually very reflective of our physical health. When our wounds do not heal fast it suggests that our immune system is lowered. Usually our body can heal fairly quickly, but if it is full of toxins this could inhibit how fast it can heal your wounds.
20. You have an increased sensitivity to alcohol

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Some people simply do not agree with alcohol. I mean technically nobody does because it's a poison that our bodies do not like. Yet some people are super sensitive. If you are full of toxins you may find you're even more sensitive to alcohol because alcohol adds even more toxins to our body!
21. You have poor teeth

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No matter how much you brush your teeth, if your insides are not healthy then your oral hygiene will also reflect this. Toxins may lead to bad oral health and we may see this by the way our teeth look. Toxins may make your teeth decay at a faster rate.
22. You look a lot older than you are

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There seems to be a huge craze and importance placed on looking young which can really affect our self esteem when we can't always achieve these unrealistic expectations. Yet, if you're looking way older than you really are, it could be because you need to detox your body.
23. You have hormonal imbalances

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Hormonal imbalances can happen to us for many reason. One of these explanations may be that we have too many toxins which are interfering with our hormones and forming an imbalance. A hormonal imbalance can then lead to other physical problems as well as affecting our mood.
24. You have bad body odor

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No one wants to be the stinky one. Nobody wants terrible B.O, or to be that person in the office who is stinking out the whole room. Toxins can make our sweat smell, because often sweat alone doesn't smell. It may be the toxins that give it the funky smell we all want to avoid.
25. You're always bloated

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Bloating can not only be super uncomfortable but it can also really impact our self confidence. Perhaps our bloating can be aggravated when we have a build up of toxins which congregate in our gut and impact our ability to debloat and process foods properly.
26. You've got brittle nails and hair

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Brittle nails and hair might sometimes be a sign of alack of minerals and vitamins. And when you are overloaded with toxins in your body, your body may find it difficult to get the things it needs because it is flooded with toxins instead. This may lead to weak nails and hair that snap super easily.
27. You have a bad memory

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Some people seem to remember everything. Then there's those of us who can't even remember what they had last night for tea! This can be concerning, not to mention really inconvenient. It might be because you need to rid your body of the toxins which are impacting your memory's function.
28. You get lots of UTIs

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UTIs are super common and some people are extremely susceptible to them. But there can be explanations for this. One line of thought it that people with an overload of toxins in their body are more likely to develop a urinary tract infection because of the fact our body has not ridded itself of the bad.
29. You get blurred vision

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Blurred vision without medical reason or cause can be flummoxing. But, there are claims that blurred vison can be caused by too many toxins in our body which result in our eyes getting slightly cloudy or blurred when we look at things. This might clear once your body is properly detoxed.
30. You get muscle tremors
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Have you noticed that you suffer from muscle tremors or involuntary muscle spasms? While this could be due to a whole host of medical reasons, some believe it can also be caused by an overload of toxins in our body which can make the muscles spasm and shake.