1. Hydration gets a boost

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Drinking lemon and water every day can really give your hydration a boost. It really does encourage you to drink more because lemon has a delicious and fresh taste to it, so your water is more interesting, but you also have to prepare your drink, so it might even make you more mindful of keeping hydrated so you can maintain optimal bodily functions.
2. Your immunity improves

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Lemon is a citrus fruit and this means that it is very rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is absolutely essential for maintaining your immune system and helping it to function effectively. So if you drink lemon water each day, you'll probably find yourself getting ill less and less.
3. You'll have glowing skin

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The vitamin C in lemons is not only amazing for your immune system but it is also essential for maintaining healthy and glowing skin. It also helps the skin by promoting collagen production which is essential for stopping the skin from sagging and helps to give that desired pump and youthful look.
4. It is said to aid weight loss

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Lemon water has been said to aid weight loss if this is something that you are trying to do for your health. This is because it increases satiety, making you feel fuller for longer so you are not snacking on unhealthy foods between meals. It also helps to boost the metabolism.
5. Digestion improves

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It has been said that drinking lemon water before meals each day could help to benefit your digestive system. It has been found that the citric acid found in lemons can help your body secrete gastric acid which allows your body to digest food more easily.
6. You'll have reduced inflammation

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Lemons are packed with important antioxidants including vitamin C and flavonoids and these antioxidants have been found to possess significant anti-inflammatory properties and effects. Drinking lemon water each day, therefore, benefits your whole body and helps to protect your cells from damage.
7. You'll be more regular

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With an improvement to your digestion, drinking lemon water on a regular basis can really help you in the bathroom, making you much more regular, particularly if you have had problems with your bowel movements in the past. This will reduce bloating, and make you feel way more comfortable.
8. Energy levels will increase

Image Source: TheJennaWay.com
As well as vitamin C, lemons are also really rich in potassium. This mineral helps with brain and nerve function which can, in turn, increase your energy levels and how alert you feel. And it's not just the lemons that are hard at work here because the water itself will provide hydration to prevent you from feeling dehydrated and sluggish.
9. Your mental health will benefit

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According to some sources, scientists found that just the aroma of lemons can really boost your serotonin and massively reduce your stress levels. It has also been found that drinking lemon water each day can even promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.
10. You'll have a healthier heart

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Potassium that is found in lemons has been found in numerous studies to contribute to lowering a person's blood pressure and therefore increases a person's heart health significantly, including improving circulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and even stroke.
11. It's a cure for bad breath!

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If you have a problem with bad breath and cannot find anything that works to neutralize the problem, you might be on to a winner with this magical lemon water. This is because lemon water can help to freshen a person's breath by neutralizing unpleasant odors in the mouth.
12. Improved mood

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With all of these physical health benefits, it's no wonder you're feeling pretty amazing in regard to your mental health. Because when we feel physically healthy, it really can have a knock on effect our mood. The potassium itself is enough to make you feel boosted because it helps you to stay alert.
13. You're mouth might be healthier

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Lemon water can really help with the promotion of better oral health because lemons can be used to reduce harmful bacteria in your mouth that can cause infections, issues within the mouth, and even bad breath. So if you drink lemon water every day, you could be contributing to the improved health of your mouth!
14. But citrus can cause tooth decay

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Be careful though, because the citrus fruit is acidic and the acid can erode the enamel on your teeth. If your enamel is eroded, this can lead to all sorts of dental health problems including cavities, tooth decay, and gingivitis that could require professional medical attention.
15. There's a reduced risk of cancer

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There have been some studies into how certain citrus fruits, like lemons, impact the body and how their properties in them help to reduce the risk of certain diseases like cancer. And this research has found that at extremely high levels, limonoids present in sour citrus fruits are capable of slowing the growth of cancerous cells.
16. Your risk of diabetes will lessen

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Lemon water has not been found to significantly impact your blood sugar levels and bring them down but it has been found to help to manage type 2 diabetes. The reason for this, as sources suggest, is that lemon water can help to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels and also keeps you hydrated which is essential for managing diabetes.
17. You'll be able to think straight

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Drinking lemon water regularly as part of a balanced diet can really help to boost your brain function because you'll be more hydrated and have essential nutrients passed through your bloodstream to your brain. And the potassium will help you to stay alert and therefore be able to concentrate and think straight.
18. Joint pain might fade away

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Daily lemon water, as we have discovered, can really help to reduce inflammation in the body and when our joints are inflamed, it can cause them to be less mobile and way more painful than they should be. But with reduced inflammation, your joints might start to feel less painful so you can move your body a whole lot more!
19. It provides a boost to your metabolism

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When you consciously and mindfully drink lemon water each day you might also boost your metabolism through some of the wonerful benefits, including an increase in gastric acid in the stomach and a huge improvement in your hydration. These benefits alone can help you to boost your metabolism.
20. You'll probably get fewer urinary tract infections

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Lemon water can really help to remove toxins from your body. It is a well-known diuretic which means that it assists your kidneys in the elimination of water and some toxins from your body. This leads to more frequent urination and really help you if you're someone who suffers from urinary tract infections, or UTIs.
21. You should absorb more nutrients

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With an improved digestive system, thanks to your new daily habit of consuming lemon water, you're likely more able now to absorb more nutrients from your diet. This is because your new and improves digestive system secretes more digestive juices than before and allows your body to benefit from this.
22. Your allergy symptoms will be alleviated

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With a boost to the immune system and a huge reduction in inflammation, you'll probably find that your allergy symptoms start to alleviate somewhat. If you are allergic to pollen in the spring or dust all year round (to name a few), you'l probably find that your sinuses are much less swollen and itchy.
23. It can really help to detoxify your liver

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A study once found that the liver responds to fresh lemon juice better than any other food source and therefore boosts how efficient the liver is in secreting digestive juices like bile. The research found that the lemon juice also helped the liver in its enzyme production too. All of this aided digestion and also released toxins from the liver and the body.
24. And may reduce the risk of anemia

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When someone is anemic, they are usually deficient in either iron or vitamin B12 because their body has trouble absorbing these essential nutrients. But lemons are super high in antioxidents, including vitamin C which helps to improve the body's ability to absorb iron.
25. It might reduce constipation

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If you suffer with constipation, drinking lemon water each day might ease this issue for you. The fiber, acid and vitamin C present in the sour citrus fruit help to not only improve the digestive system but also soften your stools too so you're not spending all of your time stuck in the bathroom.
26. It decreases the risk of respiratory infections

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Lemon is believed to be an excellent and effective way to prevent colds and other respiratory infections. It not only boosts your immunity with it's high vitamin C content but warm lemon water can also treat respiratory infections by helping to loosen conjestion and shorten how long symptoms last.
27. You'll have a reduced risk of kidney stones

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Lemons contain citrate which is a salt in citric acid which is particulary useful in preventing kidney stone formation. This is because it binds to calcium and helps to reduce the risk of kidney stones developing. And studies have shown that drinking half a cup of lemon juice in water each day can really benefit you health and reduce the risk of forming kidney stones.
28. Improves athletic recovery

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When you exercise, you're going to need to hydrate because as you sweat, you lose water. And dehydrated muscles can give you a painful case of delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS. So after a workout, or even on your recovery days, drinking lemon water can really aid your recovery by providing you with hydration and added electrolytes!
29. And what about heartburn?

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Despite all of the health benefits of drinking lemon water each day, there are a few things you should be aware of. Obviously, lemons are acidic and this can be particularly problematic for those who are unfortunately prone to heartburn and acid reflux.
30. It helps to heal your acne

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Lemon water has been said the relieve and improve acne because the benefits of the hydration, along with the wonderful health benefits of the lemons not only help to reduce inflammation, soreness and redness but the vitamin C also helps to provide that universally desired glow.
31. Other amazing benefits of lemon: soothe your sunburn

image source: reddit.com
You might have thought because lemon is acidic it could make your sunburn sting even more than it already is! But you can use this amazingly handy citrus fruit to soothe that painful sunburn - all you have to do is cut open a lemon and rub directly onto your skin!
32. Address any skin issues
image source: reddit.com
Speaking of skin - if you're having any issues, like darkened age spots, other dark patches or redness, then lemon juice can help with that, too. You can use lemon as a brightening agent by dabbing the lemon juice directly onto the problem area over the course of a few days.
33. Brighten up your nails
image source: reddit.com
That isn't the only thing that lemons can brighten, either! The good news is that lemon juice is also rather handy at brightening up dull looking nails. You can use it for a little self-care nail treatment simply by mixing lemon juice with baking soda to make a paste, and then massage into nails.
34. Soften your elbows
image source: reddit.com
We know how annoying dry and itchy elbows can get, and if you want to show off your summer skin, they're unsightly to say the least! But lemon juice can help with that, too. Using the same baking soda and lemon juice mix that you made for your nail paste, do the same and rub on your elbows!
35. Combat your dandruff
image source: reddit.com
Instead of paying over the odds for store brand dandruff shampoos, why not try a little at-home lemon remedy? You can apply two tablespoons of lemon juice directly to your scalp, and then rinse off with water. Next, mix 1 teaspoon with 1 cup of water and use this for another rinse. You can repeat this daily until the dandruff is gone.
36. Disinfect your scrapes
image source: reddit.com
We've all been there when we get some lemon juice in a cut we didn't know we had - and boy does it hurt! So this one might confuse you a little. But lemon juice can definitely help with scrapes and cuts. Even though it stings, it's actually doing some good - you can apply and hold to disinfect and treat.
37. Soothe your sore feet
image source: reddit.com
If you're suffering from cracked, dry and painful feet, lemon juice can also help to alleviate that. You can mix equal parts lemon juice and water and then apply to your dry feet (and hands as well if you have dryness). Rinse and then massage with some olive oil to finish off, before patting dry with a clean cloth.
38. Freshen your breath
image source: reddit.com
Usually you have mint mouthwash or toothpaste, but lemon is a scent that can definitely help with bad breath! All you need to do is mix lemon juice and water (only a few drops of lemon) to make a homemade mouthwash, and then swill around in your mouth for a few seconds. Because it's only lemon and water - and we've told you all about the great benefits of that! - you can swallow too if you like.
39. Give new life to your white sneakers!
image source: reddit.com
White sneakers look great when they're white - but the minute you step out of the house in them, they're just not white anymore. Luckily, using lemon juice on your sneakers is as easy as it is effective! All you need to do is spray lemon juice on them and then leave them out to dry.
40. Remove your warts
image source: reddit.com
You can help any warts to dissolve by applying lemon juice directly over a period of time - especially if you have one on the bottom of your foot, you want that pesky thing gone fast! You just need to use a cotton swap to dab on with some lemon juice and repeat over several days.
41. Get rid of any food smells on your hands
image source: reddit.com
Adding onions and garlic to your homecooked meals is always delicious - but not so much for the hand smell afterwards! If you're tired of having stinky hands after you've been peeling an onion or two, you can wash your hands using normal soap mixed with lemon juice.
42. Brighten up your pots and pans
image source: reddit.com
Stainless steel pans are much needed in working kitchens, but we all know they go a little bit dull after we've been using them so much! Luckily that's another thing that lemon juice can easily fix. You can do this by cutting a lemon in half and then rubbing it over your pots and pans before buffing away with a dry cloth.
43. Soothe itchy bug bites
image source: reddit.com
Nobody wants those horrid itchy bug bites, and hot weather is the worst for it when you just want an enjoyable hike or to relax in your garden. Just like with itchy sunburn, you can rub the cut side of a lemon over wherever the bites are on your skin to soothe them.
44. Use as a face mask for acne
image source: reddit.com
If you feel like you've tried every product out there for acne, ask yourself if you've ever tried lemon juice! If you want to give it a go, you can chop a lemon in half and rub the cut side all over the skin of your face to get the juice on it. Then leave alone for about 20-30 minutes before washing off with cool water.
45. Freshen up your shower door
image source: reddit.com
We know how pesky those shower doors are to clean. No matter what we do it just seems like the grime won't go away. Well, it should with lemon juice! All you need to do to remove those water stains is soak half a lemon in baking soda and then rub away. Rinse it away and dry!
46. Remove those berry stains
image source: reddit.com
All you're trying to do is enjoy your summer fruit salad and you've dropped strawberry juice on your clean white top! We've all been there. Apply undiluted lemon juice to the stain and let it soak before rinsing and repeating, then put properly in the washing machine.
47. Clean out your humidifier
image source: reddit.com
You should always remember to clean your humidifier regularly to keep it working in tip top shape. You can clean it using lemon juice easily, by pouring the juice into the water of the humidifier and then turning it on to run. It'll clean through whilst also making your room smell fresh!
48. Make cat smells less stinky!
image source: reddit.com
Speaking of fresh - we know it's difficult when you have a smelly cat litter box in your home. Worth it for the adorable furry companion, but still something that could always do with a freshen up! Use lemon juice to make the air smell fresher by placing lemon slices in a bowl close to the litter box.
49. Stop your veggies from going brown
image source: reddit.com
Certain vegetables usually go a little brown when you're cooking or boiling them, like cauliflower. You can stop this from happening by squeezing a small amount of lemon juice into the water you're using in the pan to cook your veggies. You can also do this with potatoes.
50. Polish your floors
image source: reddit.com
And keep your hardwood floors squeaky lemon clean by using the juice around your home! You can create your own floor cleaner easily by combining lemon juice and vinegar and using with damp mop or cloth to apply to your floor. It'll keep it smelling clean and get rid of bacteria.