What Causes A Runny Nose?
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There are many different things that can cause runny noses, but that doesn't make them any less annoying! The most obvious is when you're suffering from the flu and a runny nose is all part of it, but it can also be caused by other things like allergies or sinus problems.
Instant Relief: Drink Plenty Of Fluids!
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When your nose is ridiculously runny, you're losing a lot of fluid from your body, so it's important to keep that topped up. Think how many times you blow your nose throughout the day - you need to replace that fluid as well as drink enough fluid daily on top of that! Drinking enough fluid will help to ease the symptoms.
But Make Sure To Avoid Those Dehydrating Drinks
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When you're trying to drink enough fluids to sate your runny nose, it's important not to drink any drinks that are going to be dehydrating! You might think they count as fluids but drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee is just going to dehydrate you when the purpose is to hydrate you!
Hot Beverages Can Be Better Than Cold Ones
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Another tip when looking to get enough fluids is that it's actually a good idea to get in some hot drinks rather than cold ones (as long as the hot drinks aren't coffee). This is because not only will you replenish your lost fluid, but the hot drinks and steam will help to alleviate your runny nose!
Certain Herbal Teas Are Also Very Helpful
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If you're looking for a hot drink to help your runny nose, then herbal tea is probably the best thing you can try. Certain herbs act as mild decongestants, and also have anti-inflammatory properties, which will all help your nose. These include chamomile and mint.
You Might Want To Set Up That Humidifier
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Some studies suggest that setting up a humidifier in your home or office could also help to loosen mucus build up when you're breathing in that good ol' humidified air. Because steam inhalation is also believed to be effect for the flu, this also means a humidifier is a good bet.
But Make Sure To Clean Your Humidifier Regularly
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Your humidifier will only function properly for your sinuses if you make sure it's cleaned regularly, though. If you leave it without cleaning it, then it can be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold which will only make your breathing problems worse if you're still using it.
Give Yourself A Facial Steam!
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A facial steam is a great and easy way to loosen mucus build up in your nose and to tackle a runny one. All you need is a bowl that you can comfortable sit over so that the steam can go directly in your face. Heat water (don't boil) enough to let off steam and then put your head over it to inhale and exhale, then blowing your nose.
You Can Also Add Some Essential Oils To The Water
image source: reddit.com
To make it an even more effective experience - and to make it smell better - you can also add a couple of essential oil drops to the water to inhale with the steam. To get the full effect, it might also help to prop a towel over your head to contain the steam to make sure it gets right up your nose!
If You Don't Have Oils, You Can Use Herbs
image source: reddit.com
If you don't have any essential oils to add to the water, you can actually use herbs instead! This is great if you already have them lying around in your kitchen. You can just add the dried herbs to the water. The best herbs include sage, thyme, pine and rosemary to add to your facial steam.
Go For A Hot Shower
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Speaking of steam - a good trick to try is go for a very hot and steamy shower! Usually it's not recommended to have a hot shower - as a warm one is better for avoiding drying out your skin and scalp - but in these desperate, runny nose circumstances, create as much steam as you can!
Or A Hot Bath If You Don't Have A Shower!
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If you don't have a shower and you only have a bath, then you can still create steam from the hot water of the bath - just make sure to close the bathroom door to give it the best chance to build up. Try not to spend too long in the bath though if you have a runny nose from flu, because this might make you feel too hot and sweaty!
You Can Also Go Treat Yourself To A Sauna
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With the same logic, a sauna is actually a great idea if you want to sweat out your runny nose and help your congestion problems! The heat from saunas are great at loosening any congestion and mucus so this might help you to breathe a little bit more clearly! And bonus: saunas are good for you anyway!
Try A Neti Pot

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A neti pot is a container which is used to clear out your nasal cavities by making fluid run through it - sort of like 'flushing out' the build up of mucus or whatever else is going on up there. You can pick up a neti pot from a pharmacy, or you can easily order online.
But Don't Use Tap Water!
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It's very important to follow the instructions for the proper use of your neti pot if this is your first time using it - and it's also important not to use tap water. Instead, use water that is sterile and has been distilled, so you're not putting anything questionable up your nose!
Try A Nasal Spray For Congestion
image source: reddit.com
There are certain nasal sprays that are specifically designed to treat runny noses, and while it might sound counterproductive sticking something up there to add to fluid levels, it's actually all tried and tested! You can get saline nasal sprays which are there to help ease congestion.
Or A Nasal Spray For Specific Allergies
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If your runny nose is caused by an allergy, then you can get nasal sprays built for allergy relief instead. If you use this kind of nasal spray, this can help to alleviate a lot of allergy symptoms, which also includes the runny nose. You can take a nasal spray every day, or as instructed.
Place A Warm Washcloth On Your Forehead And Nose

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If you're having a lot of sinus pressure as well as a runny nose - or sinus issues are making your runny nose worse - then using a warm compress can help to alleviate symptoms. You can use a face cloth and soak in warm water, and then apply to your forehead and nose as many times as you need throughout the day. It's best if you lie down and try to relax whilst doing so!
Eat The Spiciest Food You Can
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We all know that super spicy food makes your nose run like crazy, so you might be wondering why you should struggle through this when you already have a runny nose! But if you have nasal congestion on top of a runny nose, then really spicy food can help to clear out that congestion to make it hopefully stop running.
But Don't Go All In If You Usually Can't Handle Spice!
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But remember - don't try and find the hottest pepper or chili on the planet just to try and clear your nose out in the best possible way, because it's not just about your nose: it's about your gut and your sanity, too. So you don't want to make yourself sick, from either end!
Try Capsaicin

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Capsaican is the chemical used in chili peppers to give them that spice, but the focus is on the chemical here rather that it just being some sort of food ingredient! It's actually an effective treatment for nerve pain and psoriasis, but it could also help with a runny nose if you have congestion.
Take Some Antihistamines
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If your runny nose is caused by an allergy, then taking general antihistamines is also a good idea. These can help to relieve all symptoms of allergies, which include a runny nose. Other symptoms, like itchy eyes, can also make your runny nose worse if you're constantly itching them, so trying some tablets is a good idea!
Make Sure To Avoid The Thing You're Allergic To!

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This might seem really obvious, but it will really help to reduce allergy symptoms like runny nose if you avoid what you're allergic to as much as possible. This can include staying indoors with the windows closed if you're allergic to pollen, or avoiding your friend's dog if you're allergic to pet hair!
You Might Want To Try Corticosteroids
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Corticosteroids are a type of steroid which are usually used to treat allergies, and the symptoms of allergies - including runny nose! This also includes swelling and inflammation caused by allergies, and they're best used if you have a severe short-term condition or long-term management.
A Doctor's Visit Might Help If This Isn't The Flu
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If you have a very annoying runny nose that just won't quit, but you don't have the flu and you don't have any allergies that you're aware of, then it might be worth a doctor's visit to find out what's causing it. They may be able to prescribe things like nasal sprays or tablets if it's something easily managed.
Keep Tissues Handy Wherever You Go

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When you're struggling with a runny nose, the last thing you need is to have it running everywhere with a tissue. Making sure you're always loaded up with tissues will help you to relieve your congestion. Constant blowing is always a good idea to stop mucus build up that will make a runny nose worse.
Make Sure You Get Lots Of Rest
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Whether you're feeling unwell from allergies, or you're actually unwell with the flu, then getting plenty of rest is one of the best things you can do to get over these symptoms more quickly - especially the latter. If you want your runny nose to stop pronto, then get as much rest as you can to recover ASAP!
Wash Your Hands Regularly
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You don't need to be ill to worry about how much bacteria is actually on hands - because we all know it's a constant worry, day in and day out! And with good reason. If you're not washing your hands regularly when you're blowing your nose so much, you're only going to run the risk of prolonging the illness (and your runny nose!).
Sip Some Medicated Hot Drinks
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We've already mentioned all the super duper benefits of drinking hot, non-caffeinated drinks, so if you're going to drink a warm steamy drink, you might as well drink a medicated one that's aimed at relieving a runny nose and congestion. Just be sure to read the instructions and don't mix with other paracetamol products!
Keep Your Head Elevated
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One thing you can also do to help alleviate a very runny nose - especially when you're trying to sleep - is lie with your head elevated. This will help to stop a build up of further congestion that will happen if you lie with your head fully flat. You can buy bed pillows which are contoured to help with this!